Storage Wars: Most Valuable Rock n’ Roll Finds | A&E

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we're getting the band back together this  is for guitars bro these drums sound great   my curiosity's getting the best of me so i'm going  back and see that musician's unit one of my old   heroes the poster was the first clue the finger  picks are the second clue what's going on here well well well maybe those guitar picks are  starting to make some sense i knew i had a good feeling about this locker good stuff man son of a bean to gibson and it's  old and it looks to be electric and check that out this was a good day   [ __ ] like this it makes it completely worth it  i can't wait to get these looked at and uh i know   just the guy for the job so i'm at the  rainbow on sunset boulevard uh to get my   guitars appraised by a bunny mind brad whitford  from aerosmith i got a couple of cool buddies there you go a gibson they started making these  in 1951 made them through 59 and they made quite a   few of them lap steels originally became famous  in hawaii you know these are worth about 1500   bucks here's this first little one man i've never  seen one of these wow this is this is incredible   condition though no serial number still get the  patent pending on it i'm pretty sure this is the   first year of production which was  1927. really what do you think uh   things worth these are actually worth right around four thousand dollars   man that is really good oh but there's an old this  is all music equipment right out of the gate right   here what is that a benson ecorec 2. this thing  looks vintage right here this is for guitars bro   is it it says fall for guitars this is worthy  of getting checked out i know the who's in the   house of music equipment but these are beyond my  expertise luckily i know just the guy to take him   too we're taking them to a friend that knows a  thing or two about guitars kenny wayne shepherd kenny what's happening made it brought  our little gizmos for you to check out   cool just throw it on here real quick this is  an mxr limiter that limits the output of certain   notes and keeps it on an even plane it's not one  of the more rare items this on the other hand   is a graphic equalizer made by electro harmonix  and this is definitely one of their vintage   pedals basically you use these sliders  to dial in certain frequencies so   it's kind of like an eq on your stereo i  would say both of those you're probably   gonna get on a good day you'll get 100 to 150  a piece this big monstrous thing that you have   here is like the most interesting thing that  you have i've actually never seen one of these   this is a benson echo rec 2. it's like an echo  machine people like pink floyd jimi hendrix   have used and made very popular the kind of delay  that this thing can create i like that yeah what's   really going to make a big difference is if it  works or not and you turn it on and there you go   so it's not in mint condition by any means but  it's in working condition that works for me   yeah you know with this thing i  would say you're probably looking at   3 500 bucks what yeah are you serious yeah  you know yeah i love it you are bad my friend   thanks joe what is that a kick pedal drum baby  set of ludwig drums so i think i'm gonna buy this   cause i like the drum kit i couldn't wait to see  if the whole drum kit was there drum roll please   oh there you are what we hoped  for here comes the big one i know just the guy to take all this  gear to to find out what it's worth   hey looks like he could use a hand with that  thing yeah i could use one of your roadies   yeah i got a pal stewart he's a  drummer for a band called the police yeah those police very cool drum set very cool these  drums sound great actually i can't   wait to find out what stewart thinks  they're worth yeah this guy actually   played these drums for a living well what  do you think the whole kitten caboodle   if you were to sell to one guy walks in  buys the whole thing i would take from him i bet you i could get a thousand  dollars that's it because what i   have in mind is gonna crank up the value  tremendously what do you got in mind you signing him oh no seriously that's worth  five bucks a drum at least no but i think if you   did that we would have something here because i  don't have time to piece these out i'll sign them   yeah the bigger the better should we put a date  on him too there you go look at you they were   worth 1500. but now when stewart signed him  they got to be worth triple that for sure oh my god brandy uh-oh uh-oh guitar  case is it in there it's in there   oh base yes it's a base that's a nice one  i wish i knew more about guitars hold on   that was another one yeah poison hearts is that  their band maybe good name god we're getting the   band back together we're getting the band back  together yes getting the band back together   a les paul wow i know gibson les paul is a good  guitar but i don't know anything more than that i   definitely feel like we have to get this looked  at by somebody now all i got to do is find a   guy to tell me these are worth a ton of money  we're taking our guitars to rocker neal shelton   and based on that hair i'm pretty sure he knows  what he's talking about this is an ibanez that's   easy to tell because it says it right up  there on the top of the headstock this is   the more like a beginner's base okay beginner  is never a good word when it comes to value   this is the one that was interesting to  me yeah this isn't uh les paul people   love these guitars because of the thick body  you get a nice full tone out of them slash   guns and roses play it a lot small 59 les pauls  they're the ones who have like flame maple tops   quilted maple tops similar to this in the  three five thousand dollar range wow yeah   this one this one's an epiphone epiphone is more  of their budget line guitar wow that's a buzzkill   so i mean what do you think we're looking at  here we got a bass guitar we got a regular guitar   being that they are more of beginner  guitars all in all they're both worth about i would say 600 for both instruments  wow 600 bucks puts us in the green   there's something under the sofa whoa hold on  skippy you're about to drop that on your head   hey that's okay my head's tough this whatever it  is oh is it a nice ass case oh that looks good   ovation oh i know that's weird dude it's an  eight string and it's as clean as it gets   man it's like brand new dude look at the mother  of pearl adjusters that is definitely something   we're gonna have to have checked out yeah it's  it's pretty freaking nice we're taking this   instrument to mccabe's to see if it's value will  be music to our ears oh different okay this is a   mandolin an ovation and ovation actually invented  this shape it's a fiberglass body uh it has   onboard electronics equalizer pickup it was very  innovative for its time because they didn't have   electric acoustic instruments yet this was like  the mid-60s and so it's revolutionary you didn't   have to hold the guitar up to a microphone and  stand in one spot you could move around and   very cool and play it and so what do you think  we can get for this well this one's nice it's a   spruce top it's it's got these interesting sound  holes um in a retail environment you can get you   know to the tune of twenty one hundred dollars  wow that's very nice wow very nice it's a little   spruce springsteen that bought us some  johnny cash that that made our day yeah   hear me i may not have a lot of friends  but i got a lot of money king of the world
Channel: A&E
Views: 146,723
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, a+e, storage wars, storage wars clips, lockers, storage units, storage rooms, auction, auctioneer, compilation, comp, storage wars compilation, expensive, rich, highest, best, most, biggest, bid, bidding, win, winner, profit, profits, value, valuable, Most Valuable Rock, Roll Finds, member of The Police, a guitar, equipment, instruments, storage clips on a&e, a drum kit, The Police, member of Aerosmith., Aerosmith, equipment and instruments
Id: P9-7d0IO2Z4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 52sec (592 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 30 2020
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