Storage Wars: Top 3 Worst Lockers | A&E

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This a 1920s little European sewing cabinet. It's got all the Italian in-lay and everything. It's a real cute little piece. $60 to $70 bucks right here. BRANDON SHEETS: Money? Oh my god. Woo hoo! $5 bills, dimes, quarters, $0.50 pieces, a dollar. Holy [bleep]. [inaudible] $300 worth of change. Wow. DARRELL SHEETS: A $75 bill. I picked $1,550 for this locker. So any little bit's going to help. Nice little tile saw. That'll be a good $75. Ah, perfect. A table saw-- an easy $60 bill. Yeah, once again, we're not seeing what's on the boxes. BRANDON SHEETS: V-H and S. DARRELL SHEETS: Halfway through this locker, all these boxes, I was sure I would of hit something by now. People have lots of garbage. Sweet. How about a good collection of old, old antique, bronze, turn of the century Boy Scout collectibles? Look at these pins-- Girl Scout, Brownies, Boy Scouts. I mean, I've seen these bring up $400, $500 apiece right here. This locker's all coming down to this Boy Scout stuff. I know just the guy to take it to. Hey, Lawrence! I'm taking these to an antique dealer in El Segundo, because I know he's real reputable about Boy Scout stuff. Woo! DARRELL SHEETS: Vintage Boy Scouts. It's [inaudible]. DARRELL SHEETS: It doesn't? LAWRENCE: No, it's more like 60s. Yeah. - Yeah, late 60s. Boy Scouts go back to early turn of the century, you know. Uh huh. LAWRENCE: It's uh-- it's patchable. And a certain amount of people like the stuff. And it's not a big seller. Um, $125. Eh. LAWRENCE: If it was older stuff, man, I would-- I would try and give you more. Buck and half, you got a deal. Otherwise I'm going out and buying me another storage locker. There's no jackpot here. But if I play my cards right, I can still make some profit on these medals. I'll tell you what I'll do, tough guy, and if you're really any kind of business man at all, you'll go with this. I'll flip you a coin. $300 and free. [laughing] Are you on or off? All right. Go. Heads. Hey! [bleep] [slow horn] DARRELL SHEETS: You know, today was a bust. It could have gone either way. But that's why the gambler keeps coming back. I spent $700 on this locker. All right. Let's see what this is. Oh, this is cute. This is a full sewing machine. So cute! Sister. Sell 'em for about $20 bucks. Wow. It's like a, um, for tortillas I think. Pretty cool. It's handmade. It's old. $10. Oh no, contraband. Oh. It's top grain steerhide. $5 bucks for that. Oh, here we go. Texas! $5 bucks maybe. Ooh, cool. Some old tools. Hand-crafted. $5 bucks a pop for these. I have no idea what these things are. In the shape, but it came with this as well. It's pretty old. It's pretty cool. Some old kitchen stuff, and no. Maybe this one's right. Dang it! Country junk. No one's going to buy this on my site. Come on, orange bin. Nothing that I can sell. OK. Yeah, it looks like more freaking trash. My last bin. This is cute, if I can find the lid. Oh, but, never mind, because it's already broken. Nothing, nothing, oh. What? What is this? I thought it was a gun, but it's not. It has a little dially. Does this open? Oh yeah, here we go. And I wonder if this has anything to do with it. It could be like, you know, bullets. Does it fit in there? I don't know this thing works. So I'm going to have to get this checked out, because this is way too cool. And it's like, Texas-style. Brings me back to my roots. Hopefully this gun is worth something. Because I really shot myself in the foot with this locker. Behind curtain number one is, an entertainment center. This stuff, I can't really do anything with, unfortunately. Cause nowadays no one has entertainment centers. Everyone has flat screens. Damn high technology. I'm marching off to the Newland House to see Darrell and Patrick, members of the Huntington Beach Civil War Days. OK, well-- DARRELL: So what did you bring? Well, this is what I brought. DARRELL: So the bad news is, you're in the wrong decade, because this isn't quite Civil War. This is a little bit older. This is how you test how powerful your gunpowder is. So it's not a gun? DARRELL: It's not a gun. It's not. It's an [inaudible]. You'd load a little bit of gunpowder in here. You'd fire it, and then the gunpowder propels this wheel to a certain number. If it went only to one, you'd have a really weak powder. So do we know if this thing works? Can we, like, test it? We can be pretty sure that it works, because it's in very good shape and all the mechanisms are there. These can be worth quite a bit of money, as much as $5,000. However, they are kind of hard to sell. These actually do come up to auction very often, and they don't get sold. Dang it. It looks like this locker was a misfire. JARROD SCHULTZ: We're back at the locker me and Brandi just paid $2,800 bucks for. We're betting this unit belonged to an old person, and hopefully there's some collectibles in there. The first thing I'm going to check is that Louis Vuitton purse. If this purse is real, it could be worth up to, like, $2,000 bucks. They don't cut off their letters. It's plastic on the inside. It's not a real Louis Vuitton. What'd you find? BRANDI PASSANTE: A stein from Knott's Berry Farm. JARROD SCHULTZ: Huh. Let me see that. Ha ha! Kingdom of the Dinosaur. Woo! I was gonna make that ride. More Knott's Berry Farm stuff. You know that old stuff from Disneyland is collectible. Old stuff from Knott's Berry Farm could be collectible too. I mean, I'm with you. We should take it down there. I mean, he obviously saved it for a reason. These old things from Knott's are pretty cool. It'd be fun to find out how much they're worth. Jarrod and I are bringing the memorabilia that we found to the museum at Knott's Berry Farm. Hey, guys. Welcome to the Knott's Western Trails Museum. Hi, Brandi. I'm Jeff. Jarrod. Nice to meet you. Well why don't we come on over here and take a look at what you got. BRANDI PASSANTE: OK, great. JEFF: So this is a really cool piece. I haven't seen one of these in a really long time. Really? JEFF: Yeah. It's to hold water. I thought it looked kind of old. JEFF: Yeah. This is a mug that was produced especially for Knott's Berry Farm. They were made overseas in Japan. This is an old advertising brochure that Knott's used to put out to advertise the park. And this is a really cool piece. This is a pennant. They used to produce lots of different styles with all the different attractions here at Knott's Berry Farm. Tell me, are we going to make our money back on this, or? Do we got a thousand bucks in there? Uh, unfortunately, guys. No. You're probably looking at about $100 to $150 total, for everything. [slow horn] Wah wah. $150 bucks.
Channel: A&E
Views: 139,209
Rating: 4.7098212 out of 5
Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, a+e, storage wars, storage wars clips, lockers, storage units, storage rooms, auction, auctioneer, compilation, worst, storage wars all episodes, storage wars ae, a&e storage wars, storage wars bonus, storage wars episodes, Storage Wars Watch, Top 3 Worst Lockers, Worst Lockers, Storage Wars history, cheap amusement park souvenirs, amusement park souvenirs, storage wars brandi, storage wars edwina, storage wars darrell
Id: 8eviWqNCBfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 56sec (476 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 05 2019
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