Storage Wars: Top 4 Most Expensive Locker Finds | A&E

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STACY: $2,500. Whoo! Five grand. You could be getting 12,000-- $300,000? [slam] We're set. AUCTIONEER: All right. We're going to go ahead and sell this unit. [inaudible] Last one of the day. [auctioneer chant] WOMAN: Right here. AUCTIONEER: 25, 27 and a half-- [auctioneer chant] How about that? Still have to make money. AUCTIONEER: 27, 7, 8, 28, 28, 28-- now 9. 29-- [auctioneer chant] Jarrod never stops when I ask him to. AUCTIONEER: Now at 3, 3,000, 3,000, whoa, 31. 31-- [auctioneer chant] JARROD: [bleep] hey, listen. Stand behind me. AUCTIONEER: 33, 3-- [auctioneer chant] Your woman's making eyes at me. JARROD: [bleep] [inaudible]. AUCTIONEER: --going twice. 3,400 going twice. 33, 34, 35. You're out. [auctioneer chant] Yes. [auctioneer chant] 36, and 7? 37! [auctioneer chant] 37 going once, twice. 3,700 bucks now. Sold! For 3,600, Darrell. WOMAN: Whoo! AUCTIONEER: Give yourselves-- Tick tock tournament champ! It's time to look at my art locker. I'm hoping this one's the masterpiece. I want to see what this is-- see if there's any artwork in here. Jackpot, baby. Oh, yeah. Jackpot. Oh, my god. BRANDON: Look at that, dude. Oh, my god. That's so beautiful. Whoo! Frank Gutierrez. If this is a real Frank Gutierrez, this thing could be worth thousands. Look it. It's a heart at the top-- BRANDON: I know. DARRELL: --with a woman's arms holding two babies over bluebirds in a nest. In a ring of fire. DARRELL: In a-- Brandon, I'm looking in this locker right now, and I see, literally, another hundred paintings. I'm finding boxes and boxes of this guy's art. This is absolutely frappin' beautiful. Holy [bleep]. That's a real painting. We got to get these looked up. BRANDON: Chalk one up for team tank top. DARRELL: I was right. There's hundreds of Frank Gutierrez paintings. So I called an expert to come check them out. Well, it absolutely is Frank Gutierrez. He's a very important artist. DARRELL: I could kind of feel it, you know? I mean, it's cool. It really is. It just really resonates around me. So Kathleen, is this stuff worth anything? KATHY GALLEGOS: Considering the amount of work that I see all around this room, I would say that you have, maybe, about 300,000. Congratulations. Hold on just a minute. $300,000? Bam! Congratulations. This is my biggest hit ever. All right. Here we go-- [auctioneer chant] I've got 200 bucks, and 2 and 1/4. 225, going once. I've got 200 bucks, 2 and 1/4. 225. 225. AUCTIONEER: 225 there. [auctioneer chant] Going once. I've got 225-- 250. 250 going twice. I can tell that Jarrod's not bidding to win this one. At 250 itty bitty bucks, got to go just once. BRANDI: Jarrod's not even trying. I'm stepping in. AUCTIONEER: Going once. 250, right there. [auctioneer chant] 275. AUCTIONEER: 275, I got 3. Are you 3? I can't believe I'm going to miss out on this locker. This is all Jarrod's fault. AUCTIONEER: 3, 3, 300 bucks going once, twice. [auctioneer chant] Got it your way, Barry. You got it for $275, Barry. [woman laughing] You're the winner. BARRY: Well, the two lovebirds are over there. This time they were quarreling, which was good because they were kind of distracted. I got this locker for $275. And I can't wait to go through it and see if my hunch was right. Check it out. Wow. Huh. It looks like a toy piano. Oh. What-- it looks like we got a baby-- baby grand baby. And it's just way too detailed for this to be a child's toy. This is something I want to be real careful with. This is going to be a day. I'm going to take this piano to get it appraised. And this could be very valuable, or it could turn out to be just a dollhouse toy. Yesterday, I bought a locker on a hunch, and there was this little piano in it. We're going to take it to a friend of mine who's an expert on these things and find out what it's worth. You know, you were describing this thing to me on the phone. I'm very curious to see it. OK. BARRY: OK. You got it? Yeah, I got it. BARRY: Great. GLENN TREIBITZ: It's Marshall and Wendell. They bring them to stores like ours to try to sell us on buying, you know, this particular style of piano. I need for you to tell me what you actually think it's worth. I would guess that if you were to sell this piece you could be getting possibly $10-- $12,000 to the right collector. Really? I bought that locker because I just had a good gut feeling about it. And it turns out it had a $12,000 baby grand piano in it, so I think I'm going to trust this gut a little more often. All right. Here we go. Number 20. What are you going to pay? Say it. How much, how much, how much money where? Who'll give me five? Now five. [auctioneer chant] A thousand. AUCTIONEER: What? A thousand. AUCTIONEER: 1,000 there. 1,100 where? 11 there. Now 12-- 12 hundred, or 13-- I'll bid. I'll move one time. AUCTIONEER: I've got 13. BRANDI: He's in. AUCTIONEER: At 14 now. I got 14 hundred. JARROD: I'll go 2,000. BRANDI: Jarrod. [auctioneer chant] Yeeeeah. [vocalizing] [laughter] BRANDI: Where are you at, Rene? AUCTIONEER: Going to be 23. I've got 22. I don't want this [muted]. I don't need the pillows that bad. AUCTIONEER: 2,300. 23 where? Can't sell the couch without it. AUCTIONEER: Going once. 22, 23, thinking about 24, going once. 23, 24, now 25. 24, now 25. BRANDI: Jarrod's in. AUCTIONEER: 25. - Yeeeeah. AUCTIONEER: Give me 2,600, going once. 26 and 1/2, going twice. 2,650? AUCTIONEER: 27? [auctioneer chant] Yeah. DAVE: I don't even want this [bleep].. AUCTIONEER: --going once. 2,900 going twice. 2,900 [inaudible]. You got it for 2,850 big bucks, Jarrod. It looks like not having a plan might have been our best plan. What do you guys want to do? You want to get to it? Yeah, let's get it out. Go for it. Get started. I know some of Rene's stuff is in our locker, but I'm really hoping that none of our stuff is in his because he is the last person I want to deal with. JARROD: What do you got there? Oh, these are all screens. These are really good screens right here, too. They're, like, 80 bucks apiece. MAN: How many are in there? BRANDI: Six. JARROD: Equals? 480. Yeah. 4-- 480. BRANDI: Oh. JARROD: Yeah? BRANDI: Jarrod. What? There's 10 more of these screens. JARROD: 800 bucks. Oh, yeah. Look at that. What's that? That's the big commercial printer for printing those negatives. Look at that thing. That's the silk screening machine. You put the screen on here. You have the platform for the T-shirt, which goes right here. And then we have the dryer. BRANDI: What is that? JARROD: I'm going to show you right now. Come here. I don't know the exact name for it, but it burns the image into the screen. With all this stuff here, the only thing I know for sure is that we have every piece of a silk screening business. The part I don't know is, what's that worth to somebody? Yeah, we should have somebody come out and take a look at it. JARROD: This turned out great. We have all the pieces. And there's no Rene in sight. BRANDI: We're having Justin and Austin from Dead and Buried Screen Printing to check out what we found because we're not keeping it. Well, it looks like you got everything you need. How much is it worth? Well, with the press, the flash, and the exposure unit-- it's really not in bad shape at all. I'd say five grand. It's like easy money. Double our money and move on-- after we print some shirts. Bozack. All right. I got a big one now. It's a mystery [inaudible]. [auctioneer chant] A hundred bucks, 100? Yeah. AUCTIONEER: I got 100 right there [inaudible].. BRANDI: You dumb [bleep]. JARROD: Come on, Brandi. We've got to pay for that bumper somehow. [auctioneer chant] Three. Whoo, Ivy, man. AUCTIONEER: What about 325? Going once. No way, Jose. 325 going twice. Got to go against [inaudible]. You got it for 300 big bucks, Ivy. IVY: It might take me a month to get through this locker, but it don't mean I can't take a peek right now. Ha ha! Storage locker Jenga. Whoo! Well, these are a weird-looking pair of shoes. Hard front end there, tall there. Street bike. I think this part goes on your back, like that, so if you crash-- [squeeling] Now, this is the coat. Oh, look how thick that leather is. You can-- [grunting] Oh, the boob protectors, right here. Wow, this must have been one bad ass biker chick. Might be something I have to get looked at. Ivina. I'm getting my motorcycle gear checked out by a lady named Stacy. Hopefully this is the right place. [trilling] [cheering] Which one of you is Stacy? That's me. IVY: How are you doing? I'm Ivy. Nice to meet you. IVY: Nice to meet you. We're the Eastside Motivators. IVY: Eastside Motivators? What's up with the little circling thing right there? Oh, you know, we just like to have fun sometimes. Is that what it was? I like being surrounded by ladies. Well, we could do some other things, too, if you like. Oooh, other things? Well, you know, bicycle-related. IVY: Oh, OK. So I brought some stuff for you to look at. STACY: Awesome. IVY: I'm hoping you're familiar with this. STACY: So what you have here is a suit for racing. So, you know, I really think that this would fit Sasha, if you want to see how it all goes together. Yeah. We're here. We might as well do it. - Yeah? Cool. Hey, superhero Sasha. The rest of that locker? It all went to the dump. So I need this motorcycle gear to be worth a lot of money. Well, it looks pretty awesome to me. What do you think I could get for this? Well, this is a really great suit. It's a little bit worn, but it's still in really good condition. There aren't any tears. There aren't any scuffs. So it would probably be around $2,500. Whoo! $2,500? You saved the day. I knew women's clothing was expensive, but damn! Cha-ching! [trilling] [cheering]
Channel: A&E
Views: 1,501,326
Rating: 4.7285533 out of 5
Keywords: a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, a+e, storage wars, storage wars clips, lockers, storage units, storage rooms, auction, auctioneer, compilation, couple, fight, fights, relationship, married, marriage, husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, Storage wars full episodes, Storage wars all episodes, storage wars compilations, storage wars ae, Top 4 locker, Top 4 expensive locker, Expensive locker, Top 4 expensive locker finds, Storage wars top 4, top 4 episodes, locker finds
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 13 2019
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