Middle School Millionaire Retires His Whole Family - Episode #83 w/ Trey Brown

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we were working so much after you know she finished her job so my mom was doing a job and then plus like we were staying out to 2 3 a.m in the morning every day just doing deliveries just working on different things i said mom you know what i'm a retiree so everything oh so it was your idea to retire yeah all right welcome to another edition of the social proof podcast where we find people who have actually built some stuff and we got a youngster we got a young man let's go let's go they've built something bigger than most people ever will in their entire life do you realize that you've done more in your how did you know 14. 14 you've done more in your 14 year old life than most adults will never ever accomplish do you understand that yes this is motivation i just want to you know show people well we're going to show them on this podcast man so i want to introduce young trey ceo spurgo young spurgo billionaire man what's going on with you guys what's going on so go and explain go to us you know tell the people who you are what you do we'll jump into it hey uh what's going on everybody my name is trey brown i'm a fourteen-year-old entrepreneur and ceo of spurgo and spurgo represents power strength and courage i came up with spurgo january 2018 12 years old um and i started with my birthday money i had about 300 for my birthday i spent half of that on liabilities and for everybody that don't know what liabilities is really just like appreciating assets so thanks where you learn about liability where the first time you heard the word liability neo uh i know i believe like the program we had a bunch of like we had a bunch of words that we had to study so like asset liability entrepreneurship different things like that uh yeah but i started with 300 i had 300 for my birthday i spent half of that on like video games i was in the music at the time like pianos recording studio equipment different things like that and then i had the other half i had 178 dollars but this time i want to invest in something powerful i want to invest in something strong um and then i was just thinking like i was always in the clothing just because my mom she's a seamstress i go to church um i go to church every sunday so just growing up you know we can't come out the house you know looking at metro we like going to church we with suit ties shoes you know so just always clothing was just important in the household um so i came up with the logo i came up with the logo got my first 16 t-shirts printed with my birth with a half of my birthday money 178 sold out the first week kept reinvesting so after them 16 t-shirts i reinvest was able to get so it was 16 then it was like 28 t-shirts then it was like 35 t-shirts then we were able to build up then i was able to get my first hoodies and different things like that so like i started with my 16 t-shirts now i got a warehouse you know over 10 000 products just coming in and out of the warehouse and that's just still from 16 t-shirts for my birthday money so you took your birthday money yeah you had this idea to start this company called spurgo and what does sparkle represent what is it what not what does it represent but what does it mean what is aspergo uh so spurgo so it represents power strength and courage but i came up with the name combining the word sports and heroes and i added g.o at the end just because spurgo for the go-getters and then also like with the heroes i just wanted to um you know do heroes like my personal heroes people you know that inspired me so like people like um diddy jay-z people that inspire me like you know to even start a business to even be on the monster so that's heroes and then sports something that i like into and then i add a geo because you know spurgo for the go-getters no matter you know what your profession is as long as you're getting up you're working hard every day you know that's virgo i love it i love it so you have this idea and um did you do any businesses before you met neo uh so actually yes so this was like my first business i don't even really tell people this but my first business ever you remember like when the fidget spinner wave was like all right so basically this this what i did uh i was going to like the convenience store around my way in philadelphia that's where i'm from um and i think the and i think the fidget spinners was like three dollars i would go there get a fidget spinner for like three dollars spray paint it take it back to the house like spray paint and things like that and go back to the store um i mean go and go to school and sell it for like seven dollars so with the seven dollars i will buy two more fidget spinners which they were three dollars a piece and then you know um i was spray painted again and just kept selling it at school you know it probably was like a week because the fidget spinner on wave was like on and off but that was like my first business well i was all also like just getting into like a lot of stuff like that i remember one time i had like uh a backyard show my mom she was mad at me because i was like trying to sell everything i was trying to sell my book bags school like school books different things like that but i was always just like business-minded and you know i would just spend hours and hours a day just watching you know just diddy interviews jay-z interviews jay-z in a studio how they think inside bill gates brings stuff like that um you know because i was just interested i never knew what i knew what i would be i always just thought like yo one day i just want to be wealthy one day i just want to be you know rich i ain't know how i was gonna do it i used to do music i used to you know i used to be a recording artist but it's so funny you say used to be like you ain't got a whole lot of used to in you you 14 years old bro so i need to know where this entrepreneurial thing came did you see somebody that was an entrepreneur or was your parents an entrepreneur or where do you get this where do you get the idea to say yo i'm gonna get the little fidget spinners i'm gonna paint it sell it for seven where do you get it from uh i'm not really sure about the fidget spinners i just knew like everybody was posting them like everybody has at my school i had them and i'm like and there was a few people that didn't have them so supply and demand so basically i bought them to school um and started selling the fidget spinners but then also my mom um my mom she had a clothing business she was like a seamstress and she started off with t-shirts and different things like that you know so so i i believe that's where i get my entrepreneurial spare from my mom um she's just a hustler you know what i'm saying like uh my mom entrepreneur uh my mom my mom is an entrepreneur yes i retired my mom i retired my mom from her working job really at 13 years old yeah wow so he was 13 and retired your mom from her job at 13. yeah so basically um so basically the step one step one was um i was just like working every day um just in school no so i was in school um so i used to be in school and then after school i would have so much to do so i would have to ship out orders i would have to make deliveries and different things like that and then for a long time it took a long time for me for me to persuade my mom to get home school um once i persuaded my mom to get home school she let me try it out um i believe it's like february why'd you want to be homeschooled um i just wanted to be homeschooled because you know neo will hit me like trey we gotta go to la we gotta go to hawaii different things like that and i would always have to travel so i was missing days of school and then the days i was in school i would be in there for like eight nine hours and then um when i came out when i came out i would just have so much to do i would be tired i mean all my energy was going to school um and then you know i just i started seeing people like started doing homeschooling and different things like that and i hit up a few of my like you know my celebrity friends like yo how you like how you you know working on you know what you're doing and what celebrity friend where are you getting celebrity friends from it's just like kid friends people that had dead businesses or you know people like gary grace so like uh derek grace his kids you know they had businesses and different things like that hold on hold on hold on so there's more like you out here yeah it's a few so let me let me know let me ask you this how many people do you know because people that are watching this they're thinking that you are the unicorn you are the 14 year old your biggest your biggest uh month in business how much you're making your biggest month it's actually this month so november i think we had 130 000 for this month 130 000 a month so people look at you and say yo you are like the uh you're the unicorn like there's you're a kid that just happen to fall in the right situation or you know you find a love and you build something and for me i'm an author right and for some reason i just know other authors like all my friends wrote books so you know other kids that are entrepreneurs as well yes give me a few uh let me think let me think who we got who we got uh yeah we got true jones he's a stock investor um he trade options 78 grand 80 grand one day of just trading stocks and uh who else we got um is that derek grace kids yeah they're great kids they do they do entrepreneurship um it's just a couple and then others just like it's just there's a lot of kids out here doing amazing things i know a lot of kids that just do music and different things like that so just people and just influencers and different things like do you know that you're a part of a revolution that's being started right you got a responsibility on your like a lot of kids are looking up to you right and a lot of adults too i mean shoot i look up to you like you're you're doing some really really amazing things but because of like a lot of eyes are on you right do you feel any pressure to be to do it right to watch what you say to be respectful do you feel any pressure to really walk in excellence because there are a lot of kids you're going to be responsible for yeah um i just you know i just hang around the right people like my mentors and different things like that they show me you know the way to do it um just showing me how to be respectful um you know just showing me you know what to say on instagram what not to say just just the way to carry yourself like i feel like having mentors is really important because they really just give you the straight path to success so me hanging around neal me hanging around 500 you know they didn't did this for years and years now i'm able to like now now they showing me like yo trey don't make that mistake yo don't don't do this do it like this so now you know i'm just able to learn from them because they did everything that i want to do and they're you know they just doing great at day give me give me give me some of the lessons that you've learned from your mentors that you'll apply to your life now let me think some lessons uh some lessons that i learned some lessons that i learned uh from my mentors uh i mean you're around them all day long like especially because you're out here in atlanta you're from philly right and um you know we was at him 500 house got this huge house right got the beautiful cars you're around near my dave it's all just yeah i got one it's awesome so so i went to the jewelry store i went to the jewelry store about a month ago uh and then i told me i told mr neo and i told him 500 they said tray get your first investment property before you buy any jury trade get a few more um strings of income before you buy a piece of jewelry me when i went to the jewelry store i was ready to cash out right because you got the money right yeah but um but neo and uh mr marcus they told me like they told me like you need to have real estate properties you need to have stocks and things like that that's just automatically gonna you know pay for the jury you don't want to buy your first piece of jewelry before you have your you know your first piece of like real estate or your first um real estate investment but you know it's just a lot of gems that they give me for sure every day you know just everyday things like um when you walk into like when you walk into a building make sure you greet everybody you shake everybody's hands it don't matter like if this is a janitor you you know you introduce yourself because you never know who might know who um so so yeah so just greet yourself anytime you come into building you know so just everyday things they just tell me like look post at this time that's when people get off of work like they teach me a lot of different things so much so what did it feel like when you retired your mom where was she working at so my mom was a school teacher i believe it was third grade that she was um she was teaching for the philadelphia school district um mastery charter school she she was um a school teacher my mom was working you know i think it was like eight to like four eight to f nine to five something like that but um the reason why i wanted to get my mom retired is just because like um we were working so much after you know she finished her job so my mom was doing a job and then plus like we were staying out to two three a.m in the morning every day just doing deliveries just working on different things i said mom you know what i'm a retiree so so it was your idea to retire yeah definitely did you understand what retirement meant yes you're 13 years old she was scared in the beginning she was scared in the beginning i'm saying did you understand it like where like why did you want to retire your mom let me put it that way um i just i wanted to retire you know so like she could be present full of time like with so she could be present full-time with the family and then just also so she can help me work on spurgo more like takes virgo to hold another level and um after i retired there you know i retired in november six it was either november 5th or november 6 2019 january and january february we just started going off with spurgo you know um we i was able to go to miami and meet sean diddy cones um mr sean he he he reposted me on instagram 2018 but i was able to connect with him meet dj khaled we were able to open up the storefront this year just from my mom being retired we're able to you know be present to more opportunities and different things like that now my mom you know no she's able to run the store she's able to you know work on personal things now my mom could get a massage anytime she went now my mom she could go on vacations and you know do whatever she wanted to do amazing yeah amazing so being able to retire mom that's just that's absolutely huge yeah but what is your uh is your father real uh my stepfather is yeah father have you ever met your real dad uh i did before yes when uh i met him a few times met him a few times do you talk to him now uh occasionally occasionally is there anything like is there any like connection that you ever wanted with your dad or uh no not really just that's not really around but i don't really let it affect me i got mentors that really take the place and really step up yeah i i think that's like that that's awesome i think everybody needs to have some sort of man in life that's why when i see you with neil like all the time i i think you know kind of like the title of mother father you know we all have them but the people that are important in our lives are the ones that are in our lives however do you feel the importance to create a connection with your dad or maybe kind of get to understand them or does he ask you for stuff or anything like that no not really no not really um it no not really you just hit me occasionally and then um we chop it up nothing against them all right you don't have nothing against me it's just whenever i'm just always working so if i get the opportunity to talk to him you know i'll talk to him but i'm not like just looking to talk to him all day long i got other things like really to work on but i got nothing against them really so as trey not trey the entrepreneur not trey the ceo of spurgo yeah what is trey uh i like to play video games basketball um you know that's really it i like to play video games a lot playstation hang out with my friends um anytime that i can and then i also like me i just like to put people in position as well like i i hire my friends i hire my friends a lot of times i hire my cousins anytime we have an opportunity i remember last year um i had my first pop-up shop at cherry hill mall up in new jersey and i was able to hire all my friends all my cousins and just give them the experience to you know it was it was just like um it was just a spot-on experience so one they were just able to hang out with me but then so during the day i think to cheer him up we was there from 6 00 a.m to like to like 1 a.m in the morning so like 6 00 a.m all day to like 1 a.m so we was doing like we was doing hours we putting that work in yeah but but we had to the pop-up shop um we had to the pop-up shop and they were just like getting to know the business and they were like just able to see like how my days look and just like see how i'm working but then also at the end of the night we would go back to the hotel and really just like uh just just like really just have fun and things like that but um i like that i like to put people in position like i have my whole family working at my headquarters right now um you know i got a headquarters in philadelphia warehouse so in the headquarters this a warehouse at all way at the bottom in a basement um the second floor is you know the spurgo store a lot of people have been supporting ever since you know we opened up in july um and then on the top floor is the office so that's a lot of times where my mom is at you know just working on different um working on different documents and things like that you know we we work with a lot of companies and big companies so she always like handling that my family like my little brother my cousin my grandfather is just working the store and they you know that we get to spend more time with each other well i'm not currently there i haven't been in a store in two months but um but but they're able to like connect with each other um they're able to connect with each other and you know i'm just happy to give you know my family opportunities yeah and you said you haven't been to this store in two months because you're here in atlanta yeah they're still running without you yeah story running great they're still running great like my mom and my cousin they always facetime me like yo this person came from baltimore just to come to the spurgo store this person came over from new york just to come to the spurgo store and i facetime i'll be super excited to see them you know because just thinking back like two years ago january 2018 i was going into like barber shops like hustling like hey my name is trey brown i'm a 12 year old entrepreneur and i was shy but now we got a storefront where people are like coming to see us they're driving hours and hours you know just just to get the spurbo experience just to get the spurgo vibe you know what i'm saying so uh but but the spurgo headquarters is going great right now when you come in there's always music playing uh you interviews up once this interview come out you're gonna have you know the sleepers for suckers interview out um so you bout to put me in position yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that's love so you were you were like really door-to-door with like at barber shops selling your clothes yeah was this okay so was neo with you yeah so neil sonia was neo was my first mentor i had neo up before i before we even launched neo has sent me his course neo has sent me his course over the t-shirt brand course um yeah so uh he sent me over the t-shirt the t-shirt course um and because i had dmv and i said hey hey mr neo my name is sherry brown i'm a 12 year old entrepreneur oh well no i didn't even say all that because i was an entrepreneur but i'm a 12 years old i got you know my birthday money that you know i just i just want to i just want to invest things like that i want to start a clothing brand could you help me out anyway he sent me over his t-shirt brand course um and i spent all night just just learning about it what shirt should like you know what type of print should you use for the shirt um what type of shirt should you use how to market it what's the best colors for the logos different things like that so i spent all night just on mr neo course um and then we would just chop it up on instagram so the first 16 t-shirts that i got printed sold it to family and friends and then i had read up and got like the 28 t-shirts with the money you know that i had sold out with with the 16 t-shirts and i had them 28 t-shirts um and i'm just sitting there looking like you like how i'm gonna sell these i sold off to all my family and i sold out to friends like i don't know no no more people to like buy the t-shirt so i call missing neo i think just like 10 o'clock p.m at night um and i caught him i like hey mr neil i'm like hey mr neil i sold out at the barber shop no i sold out on family and friends now where should i be selling my product to how can i get my product out there how can i sell more t-shirts and he said you know you need to hit every business in philadelphia you need to hit um every barber shop you know so that saturday that's what we did and we went and i wouldn't come in i wouldn't come in the house until everything was sold out i wouldn't eat until everything was sold out and then also on what i feel like that it's really important i was investing 100 of my profit a lot of times with us having a business a lot of times with us having the business as soon as we make our first hundred dollars we want to get the new jordans we want to get the new xbox and me i was just reinvesting a hundred percent so that i could build a global brand yeah you got a different type of grind kid for sure really thank you i mean it's it's not even i at first i'm like okay well the kid's young and the brand is cool and he's he's going to be successful because people are going to support the brand right you experience that right like like people will they'll support because you're young but the more i get to know you i realize that you are successful because you will stop at nothing right and i see it not only in business but when we play in basketball like you're like i got next somebody's like i know you're like no not and to get what i want right and i'm seeing that you are much more than just a a cute kid that you know people aren't gonna support you come out with a quality product you come out with dope stuff so when you come with the designs what's that process like is it just you you're your mom or how's it uh it's really just like a whole team we got like a whole designing team that's really just backing us and then also you know another you know another good another good pro to having a team is that you get everybody decision a lot of times us as business we just want to go our way we want to do what we want to do but i got a team where nan was like i might i might have an idea and somebody from my team like hold up trey hold up trey it's wintertime we shouldn't be doing jean jackets right now trey or um this color is a little too bright let's do this color you know but we get everybody inside and then also me and my a lot of my friends helped like with the design process process as well yo trey um quarter zips quarter zips is the wave so i got on this spurgo quarter zip right now and uh big shout out to my little brother mary uh my brother he said trey like we need quarter zips everybody liking them right now and in the beginning i was a little shaky on my body because i just didn't know like um i didn't really see a lot of people wearing it and then i just i thought it was just like a like a cheap product because a lot of other quarter zips were just like they were a bad fabric um but then i i told my mom like let's get on it let's design a quarter zip um and it's just like uh i like it like i i've been rocking this for the last few weeks and they just come see how did you start designing your team or putting your team together um how did it would it just happen organically like when your friends pull up like yo what the hell like how'd it work um just just small like just opportunities that i had so building a team i was just you know i i didn't really hire nobody full time um until i started doing projects and stuff so i so first i started doing like projects and just had people here and there just to see how they work um and different things like that and you know how your manners is and different things like that before i hire anybody full time you know so a lot of my friends they always they always would tell me like yo trey like can i spend a day with you trey like trey can you know i spend a day with you and see like what you do um so i had the pop-up shop i had the pop-up shop um at cherry hill mall and i put all my i helped i like you know i hired my friends for the three days that we had the pop-up shop and they you know they loved it um and then my cousin as well who works at the headquarters right now um she she did the pop-up shot with us so now i was able to see everybody's um everybody's strength and weakness so now i know um you know somebody like my brother he's not really interactive he don't really like talking as much so i have him down in the warehouse instead of having him you know speak to customers because i was just able to learn everybody's strengths and weaknesses but my cousin who works at the store right now she worked at the pop-up shop you know um i hired her to work in the headquarters because i like the way that she worked you know at the pop-up shop her work ethic she was running back to the u-haul truck um like she just kept like her work at the was like mine so i hired her you know but building a team could be could be hard um but i just like to have professionals in my corner you know what i'm saying uh i like to have professionals um like somebody like somebody just did my website like i i did my website in the beginning i did my website in the beginning but i wanted to do i wanted to have a professional do it like i'd rather have professionals yeah yeah so would you prefer and i don't know motivation stuff right but would you prefer like what makes you happiest working on your business or like hanging out with your friends hanging out with your family yeah what makes you happier uh what makes me happy what makes me happy um is just like really doing everything in my business first um there's a saying that i always go by you do what you got to do so you could do what you want to do so hanging out with my friends and hanging out with my family that stuff like really comes last um it was a lot of times in the beginning with me starting sparkles a lot of times when my friends had birthday parties i couldn't make a lot of times um you know a lot of times my friends they were all hanging out everybody going to the movies but neo would hit me up like yo i got a networking event so i told my friends like sorry i can't make it and you know it's just things like this you know it's things like this um and you know times like this that you never know what may happen like um i remember one time i remember one time my mom got in a car accident my mom had got in a car accident in philadelphia um and neo had hit me up uh that day he said yo i got a networking event me and my mom we made it work we had got a rental car um just for the day to hit the networking event and at that networking event i was able to meet uh mr runway billionaire jordan johnson i was able to meet these people these guys that i talk to every single day um and if i want to and if i would have you know and if i would have been like dang we got in a car crash nah i just want to take a nap right now um and if i want to have went you know to that networking event i would have never met mr runway i would have never met you know mr jordan so you know just taking the opportunity of a lifetime but you know you do what you you do what you got to do so you could do what you want to do like hanging out with friends and family comes like lasting me i make sure all the business is done first everything that i got to do is done first and then you know playtime comes out i think that's cool too because just know in your journey there's gonna be um people that try to convince you [Music] that yo you just need to be a kid y'all go hang out with your friends but i i would i would advise and i'm sure you know all your other mentors advise do what makes you happy like right now if somebody says yo what makes you happy yo entrepreneurship going live doing interviews and be like yo no but like what makes you happy like when do you relax this is relaxing for me right you feel me like i don't like and what i always tell people people always tell people always ask me like yo trey i want to start a business yo try i want to do this i want to do that and the first step i always tell people is find your passion find something that you love to do um when i when i started spur going after a few months you know i just started love i just started loving it like um i would go out every saturday i was waking my mom up at 8 am like mom let's go time up for the barbershop they already knew the drill um so my mom would block all her saturdays but you got to find something that you love to do you know something that that that you would want to do even if you wasn't getting paid from it because in the beginning you know they say in your first five years in a business you won't really be getting paid in the beginning spur but i wasn't getting paid to this day i still don't really touch anything you know because i'm just constantly reinvesting but you just gotta find passion you gotta find your passion and find something that you love doing and you know that's gonna be your fun you know even to this day you don't really take a a salary like that no not really i i like i started working on other things like stocks um getting into like different real estate things uh just for me like i i really don't take take much really really yeah so like do you pay yourself like a specific salary or you just have you just you still in reinvestment mode i'm still in reinvest i'm still in reinvestment mode um retire your mom you gotta pay your salary so you pay your mom yes but you don't pay yourself yeah not really i like that i like to yeah especially when you're hanging out with neil you'll need your own money anyway yes neon richards we good i really wanna i need to retire just hang out with neil i'll be straight [Laughter] all right so so tell me about your friends man you got any friends that's like gonna be the the the do you have any of your friends that you can say y'all just gonna be the next boss that's gonna be like for my business yeah uh but the hardest thing is like even with your friends because they still know you for trade yeah and they may not recognize you as like this seven-figure business owner right but do you have any of your friends that you think yo this would be a good business partner and something else um i got one of my friends i got one of my friends his name kobe he he does real estate at 14. um what do you mean he does real estate yeah he do real estate 14. he really quiet with it like he he don't he don't really like post a lot about it i tell him he needs to start posting but he don't really post about it he got a 17 unit in cleveland ohio like he going hard but uh where are these children coming from yo i was not a child like this i mean i tried to make a couple dollars but i wasn't doing real estate at 14 years old like so we just always like we just surround ourselves around like mentors and great people and they and they really help us you know do different things like that yeah but my friend kobe um we got a few things that we've been working on like we were working on like a drop shipping business early earlier a few months ago i think we might go hard on that um we might go hard on that um soon but i had to stop it for a minute because i was getting ready for spurgo black friday we might hit it we might head to 2021 but then also you know just properties and different things like that we might we we might do yeah i saw yours you're doing like uh like building out a course right yeah so i got a program i actually just launched um i get 20 30 messages a day um with people just dming me yo track i'm gonna start a clothing brand yo trey can you help me they sending me the full number hey trey can you give me a call trey like like trey i need some help and i can't answer them because it's over it's like hundreds and hundreds of messages um so i got together i got together um i got together a program you know just set really um just showing people how to show people how to build a six and seven figure brand you know in like 12 weeks um and and it's just really it's just like really everything that i know all my connections so we got people all my mentors are in there so um mr neo was in there just showing you everything like neo was like the full package so he's showing you everything hun 500 mr marcus is you know showing you on financial literacy mr two weeks old mrs two weeks out just showing you um how to build your personal brand so not just um a clothing brand if you need help with your personal brand mister two weeks out and misses to two weeks i was killing it right now also we got runway billionaire just killing you like you know with credit and marketing like mr runway helped me a lot with you know marketing and just upping my image we got so many more people um the ceos of support black college um support black colleges they killing it right now um and they're just doing great they're doing amazing so we got them in there today they have an amazing clothing brand over a million this weekend and black friday sells so so that's crazy um so we got thumb in there we got some more people we got life insurance um with mississippi gold stocks we got a bunch of things in the program so i just want to you know give people all my connections uh mr jacoby the guy who um just did my website redone it is doing amazing right now um we we haven't come in there what should your website look like in 2021 um and you know having mr jacoby in there he might be able to do your website so i'm giving you all my connections um i'm showing you how to build a website what's the best website host to use um how to create a logo what's the best colors to use in a logo um a lot of times and you know in full logos we see red or we see yellow or just in a bunch of logos we see red you got netflix you got you know we got a bunch of things but i'm just i'm just hitting you with a lot in a program so it's built with trade.com and you know i'm just giving people you know straight paths to success so i'm really just you know giving a mentorship yeah i'm about to ask you some questions that are probably answered in the program yeah are you okay answering them right now okay good good all right so i want to start a clothing brand what is the first step you would advise me to do um the first step for you wanting to start a clothing brand like what type of cool the brand because you have so many different type of clothing brands like me i consider my my clothing brand as like a lifestyle as like a lifestyle brand you could build like a um you could build like uh you could build like a affordable brand like just like you got brands like goddess dope where it's just like um a motivational brand and they just like standing for something um support black colleges they stand up for something but then you also got brands like um like gucci and different things like that who who are just like strictly designer and they you know they really just showing like they just showing you quality so find out what type of brand like you want to create can come up with the name and logo um come up with the name and logo and get you know your first product started so if you want to start off with hats start off with hats you want to start off with t-shirts um do t-shirts but first just find out like what type of brand do you want to start is it motivational um purposes is it you know like what type of brand do you want to start and you say i i i love that you're so young and you're um optimistic because it and i think you me you know and you know all the people we hang out with right it's like yo we'll just put that joint together let's just start it and some people are so old like they're they've been through so much that in their head they're saying you say yo if you want to start with hats just start with hats you and i understand that language yeah you just start like okay let's find out where the headset and let's just print them right but why do people have that mental block of why you say yo just start with go to this place get them printed i mean go get the hats then you're gonna print it over here and then they have all these questions right so why do you think people are they're not free enough to go build like i'm not really sure but it's just always you know it's just always something when someone wants to start a business it's like yo i need a team i need this i need that i need i need this person i need this type of camera i need you know i remember my first 16 t-shirts um i remember my first 16 t-shirts with spurgo you know it wasn't the best quality and also i wanted to start off with hoodies i wanted to start off with hats and sweatshirts and different things like that but i couldn't because i only had 178 dollars i got them t-shirts printed in in the beginning yo i thought them shirts was like the best like you know i couldn't tell the quality was off because of the quality that we have now like the quality that we have now everything custom-made tags inside you know um but uh you know i just started like i got like 170 and you know i went off the different you know t-shirt companies and whatever i could afford with the 178 dollars i just got it started um the number one thing is just for you to start you find out the rest later like you start now find out the rest later gotcha i figure out what type of brand i want to do right and then what do i do create a logo find out the name and then you know start with hats start with t-shirts so if i'm gonna start with hats what should i do okay my idea i'm gonna start with hats what should i do uh find a logo find a local like embroidery company a lot of hats is embroidered you can get your hat printed too um but embroidery is uh yeah it looks better but whatever you want to do you can go to um a lot of us don't use google to the max like you could go on google and find out anything local local um vinyl printing local local embroidery local embroidery print that's all you gotta do is go on google local embroidery printer and a bunch on pop-up and a bot and a bunch of them pop up caught em hey um hey how much would it cost for 10 hats to get embroidered um ask them a few more questions do you guys provide the hats um and then you know and go up go up to them that's it's like really just like really easy it like you say it as it really is simple right and i think the way you just put it will empower people to say okay i just oh just embroidered blank cats embroidered hats yeah where do i get them okay let's say i got these t-shirts i found out the place to print them i found a wholesale place to get them i have 24 shirts in my living room the best brand in the world what do i do you had you had all the contacts and your phone hey and this and this this is if you have like if you have this shirt that's great but even before you have the shirts you hit you hit your contacts like look i'm coming out i'm coming out with this brand you know i'm coming out with this brand it's called uh just like for me an example hey i'm coming out with this brand it's called spurgo um it represents power strength and courage um and i make sure that i say they name and you just edit this throughout everybody in your contact hey grandma i want to know if you would be one of the first 25 people to support me uh the shirt would be available hold on hold on we can't speed you past the bars because you're giving heavy bars right now yeah i would like you to be one of the first 25 people to support my brand yeah that's powerful bro my cash app is my cash chat my cash chat throw the cash right in there yeah my cash app is dollar sign whatever um my cash app is dollar sign whatever the shirt will be ready next week boom you got you got 25 people to support you at 20 at you got 25 people to support you 20 that's about five six hundred dollars you use that money that everybody supported you with um you bought them you buy the shirts that everybody pre-ordered um and then boom that's that's just really how it go so you get people to support you before you even have the product so just having a mock-up really um all right so we sell 25 we sell 25 t-shirts for 20 what is that 25 500 right yeah what do i do with the money uh with that money you used to buy the t-shirts like you used to buy the t-shirt so this is like no i'm saying if i have if i have 500 what should i do with the 500 after i sold these 25 shirts um you got to get the shirts though oh you're talking about like free selling yeah you before this shirt are you saying get the 500 before but if you already but if you already have the church you get you know you use that 500 that you made from the 25 shirts and you get more shirts so okay i got so we send that text whether you got the shirts or not okay if you don't have a search you say it's gonna be ready in a week that's why you say it'll be ready in a week yeah cuz you take the money then you print out the shirts and fulfill the orders and and if you do have and if you do have their shirts ready and you know you already bought them you know you use that money that people bought the shirts with you give them their shirt and you use that money you know to invest and some more shirts and now you know you're able to get more customers and you just hit now you're hitting instagram now you're having facebook twitter you build you your website you go out to local businesses and you know you just start promoting your brand and start pumping it you just gave a master class bro yeah let's dig into social media okay yeah i'm giving them i'm giving them something from the course i asked you look neil did the same thing i pulled out his secret strategies okay all right so um social media okay how do we move through this social media space um what are some of your social strategies some of my social strategies are so number one i post a lot of videos pictures are great but videos catch people attention more like people just want to like learn more about you like how you talk and you know but video just um attract people more and then also um another another one of my social strategies i hit him with a nice caption or my cover is always right like because people attention span is like three to four seconds they or or you know one or two seconds once they see what you got going on if you posted this before they automatically swiping if if it ain't bold like if it ain't both like when they see me like with the baby or a little baby or one of the rappers then make them want to watch but if you're just goofing around on instagram with different things people are swiping so you know just giving them some attractive like boom like just hang them with more energy and different things like that so that's some of my social strategies but um just making them more attractive hitting them with different content i don't really like to hit them with you know the same content all the time you know sometimes sometimes you might just catch me in the store like i i might post a video whenever i touch back down and feel like yo what's up y'all i'm back in the store for like um i'm back in the store for a few hours come catch me here or i might be in the post office sometimes just shipping out orders you know because i ain't ship out orders in a minute uh because my team is handling it but i'm just hitting them with different content sometimes you might see me with neo my head hit him with a video with neo and then and then i might hit him with um a different type of video informational video you know so i hit him with funny content i hit him i just hit him with so many so much different content so people can stay engaged on your page fire yeah how do we connect so i've seen you with so many rappers so many celebrities influencers how you do that um i'm able to connect you know with so many different rappers basketball players big time ceos is really just because um they hit me they either hit me in the dm like a few of the rappers they hit me in the dm like yo i need i need i need to suit the baby hat on hey i need this suit or i might even hit them in the dm like yo yo like what's good what's good um what's good mister and i and i always make sure i put their real first name i'll never put in mr the baby i had him with his first name and um my name is trey brown i'm a fortunate entrepreneur i got the clothing brand spurgo um spurgo represents this sparkle represents power strength and courage um you know i just wanted to send you out the package just to pay homage you're like you like you you're just extraordinary i just want to send you a package you know because like you're killing a game and you're really just showing people like what our brand really represents like you're showing people power you're showing people if you're showing people that you know they could chase their dreams um so i had them so i hit them with that and then i also i sent pictures of like other celebrities wearing a brand um but another way that um i might just you know connect with different celebrities and things it's just always being around anytime there's an event you know this was before the pandemic it was like a lot of events going on so it was concerts um and things like that i'm at every event it don't matter what type of event it is if it's a concert no matter who concert it is you know now the managers is really getting close i'm getting people numbers so whenever they hit the city yo trade that's virgo pack land you got anything new i'm able to come i'm able to go to the hotel and different things like that i'm connecting with different people um and i'm just always around so any event i was always there made in america i was there um and a lot of these events i didn't even know how i was going to get in you know um i know i know uh i know jc gonna kill me when you hear this but uh made in america i remember one time uh i just seen a bunch of rappers was on the um headlines uh so i pull up i pull up i pull up i pull up to me i pull up to made in america i got a bag full of packs and i got specific rappers like i got the baby i got blue face um like these people i know i need to give the gear to um and i don't know how i'm gonna get in but my but my boy had hit me like my boy he had hit me like yo you need like to get backstage and he had you know he was able to help me get back there um but i was able to get my package over the blue face blue face word of gear he posted it um and then also uh the baby he posted it little techa he posted it um but i don't even know like what i'd be doing some of these times i just pull up to the event and just see what happens i don't be having no ticket uh i just yeah you know what that's you know what's crazy that's very special and unique because that's the skill set and i think you'll probably look back on this you know by the time you're 21 and 22 and realize the stuff that you didn't know you were doing is the secret sauce right so and this is just me being transparent i'll sometimes hesitate to go somewhere if i don't know that i'm supposed to be there right so i wouldn't pull up to made in america you feel me like even early on like that was that was a handicap in my own grind like i'm just not going to show up for the fear of being turned around or saying yo get out of here especially not trapping those shirts out because i don't want to look a certain way oh yeah i feel like oh yeah i'm pulling up man america powerhouse i'm pulling up yeah and i got and i got a lot of times at these different you know events you know i may look crazy but i got like two suitcases with me everybody package got a name on it so um this is this concert called powerhouse they have it every year in philadelphia they have it every year in philadelphia um and it's just like it's about like 10 artists the hottest newest artists like so i think last year was little baby dead baby migos different things like different people like that um so i came here two like big duffel bags with everybody name and each package i got this and i got this ready i mean i probably looked it crazy but i was i got all my packages to everybody and you know everybody shouted me out on instagram so you know i'm going to fans you might say i'm looking crazy but you know i'm getting more followers i'm connecting with more people um and i'm just there i just make sure like i pull up anytime there's an event you know i'm pulling up um but you always got to make sure your presentation is there so you might look a certain way but you you you look right your energy is crazy your energy is all boy like i'm i'm inspired right now i got i gotta ask you some some tough inappropriate questions but you ready yeah i'm ready okay all right cool so are you are you like dating at all right now no just focusing since i'm not concerned about that part right no not right now just focus good man wait there's a lot going on it's that's the thing yeah listen neo missing neil my mom they don't play that anyway yeah i'm focused though anytime any any time i got on my all time it's it's really i'm i'm on a video game i'm i'm at i'm playing basketball hanging out with the friends i'm just like focused right now not too much to work on good good good all right do you have an understanding of religion yeah what is your belief system christianity okay uh and that's really important for me every week every week every week i pay my tithes uh every week i pay my tithes and i learned that um in the early stages of business i mean god was just god just been able to help me you know i pray every morning um and different things like that i remember sometimes i only made 600 a week and i was making sure that i was i was paying more than even 10 you know and these were the weeks like these were the weeks that i was just able to connect like you know i remember one time i'm in church and you know i think i only made like five six hundred this week um and i and i think i get and i think i put in tiles like 140 when i made 600 that week um and then after i did that about like 15 20 minutes later the baby the baby has on the spurgo sweatsuit everybody just sending it to me so you know just things like that um but like my whole family is like really uh christian i go to church um but yeah but yeah that's that's my religion got it got it okay okay all right sure biggest l biggest l biggest l i'm talking about yeah and maybe not you know maybe not business it could be business but something that like really maybe made you cry like what biggest l um i think this was like 2019 summer i think we talking like june i mean like late july so my products get here dhl my products your hair dhl we got bathing suits and swim trunks i i tried on the swim trunks and you know this was on my part and i was able to learn something valuable from this um this this was on my part um i tried on the swim trunks the swim trunks came down all the way to below my knees um and then also on the bathing suit for the woman um you know it just it just wasn't right the sizes were off um you know and i had to ship it all the way back but one thing that i learned you know that even my mentors told me that you know that i should do and this was before um but one thing that i learned and the mistake you know that i learned from this and this is what i do every time now uh was getting a sample so anytime i'm working on a new product i get a sample now i remember back then you know i was just sending my manufacturer like look i wanted to look like this and then when it came hopefully it's right um but with the um swim trunks and bathing suits like where in late july summer is about to be over i had to ship it back um and they had to remake it it came back and it's still and it just still wasn't right you know but that was the biggest l i remember that day when i had got the products when i had got the when i got the products like you know i was just like crying i was like you know because these were the only products this is when i was just online you know this is when i was just online i didn't really have no products so and i was just really upset because i was like dang that was my fault i should have got a sample so from from i said from now on i'm getting a sample i don't care what it is i don't care if it sucks like i'm getting i'm getting samples because you know the cost will hit you on the end because this was in the beginning where it was like we were just getting products and we were just like selling them we didn't have products still like we didn't have products backup products the the to like live on white we had the we had like um these swim trunks like we like the swim trunks bathing suits coming out like this about to be there's about to be like the products that we about to tell this is what's going to help us get our revenue for the next month um so i learned that i wasn't that mistake and i'm not wearing like i'm never going to make that mistake ever again you know it's crazy because i asked somebody else that question and they're in the clothing space they're like yo they sent the wrong joints and all that and the size was different but i really feel like i'm talking to a grown man he took responsibility like yo that was my fault i should have got a sample they didn't do it wrong it's my fault and like taking responsibility is a major key to forget success with being a stand-up human being and that's taking responsibility is important definitely when you have a team man because uh because the whole team the whole team is relying on me the whole team is relying on me you okay with that pressure yeah i'm okay with it and you know that's why you know that's why i hang around positive people like i gotta like i and i'm just like i'm just like a positive person i'm just like a positive person um because i'm hanging around pop because i'm hanging around positive people but um the whole team is relying on me so i can't post negative things on instagram i can't be dumbing people down because the whole team is like relying on me i got you know i got a whole team to feed people like people are like literally paying their bills off of me my team overseas like they're you know they need me so um you got to just take responsibility that's why i always get a lot of help from the team like i have like whoever like whoever is like the professional at at that part of the team i let them handle that like like yo if you're you're good at emails you're you're only gonna handle emails you should if you're if you're good at emails you shouldn't be in a warehouse as well you just focus on emails we got somebody else you're good with moving you're good with working in a warehouse you work in a warehouse you're good with websites you focus on the website so it's like we you just got to take responsibility everybody played a role and everybody played a part i have a newfound respect for you trey yeah i really do appreciate you really i mean on the surface like a kid got a brand but like when i talk to you you got like a whole nother level of wisdom that a lot of adults don't have which i'm sure we're all learning from this today so i want to say thank you man sure for sure so i i know i i want to wrap this up but um i like to make predictions on the podcast okay and in my predictions i want to know where you see yourself in the next five to ten years so you'll be 19 or you know 24 years old what do you see yourself accomplishing because i want to watch this in five years or 10 years and say yo trey he was a little kid little teenager he said he was going to do this five ten years ago right so give me your prediction all right so mr dave before i even hit you with that you know what's crazy about two years ago you know i spoke on a call i spoke on a call for mr neo on a circular greatness call and mr neal asked me this this was two years ago he asked me or somebody in the car they asked me like yo trey where do you see yourself in two years and i told them exactly this i said um i could see myself having a spurwood headquarters i wanted to have spurgo be shipping nationally and internationally this was in the beginning and i was and now to this day i got a spurgo headquarters we shipping to you know we're shipping to africa daily we're shipping to australia daily we shipping to austria you know daily um and that's crazy can we pull that yeah can we pull that clip we got that clip the car he did yeah we got it we got to go yeah we gotta go deep yeah um and guys this is important this just for everybody that's watching the podcast just affirming you know them type of things like i said like i'm going to have a spurgo headquarters i'm going to be shipping nationally internationally i said like i'm going to retire my mom so now us just speaking about the next five to ten years um it's gonna be crazy like when it happens it's like we were just talking about it um but in the next five or ten years um i just wanna i wanna open like you know more businesses and you know i just want to have spurgo i just want to have spurgo um be a more national and international brand i'm going to have spurgo be that brand like yo whenever i want to rock some positive i'm going to throw on spurgo today like when i throw it on it gives like some type of energy um but yeah so i'm gonna open up some more some more different businesses i'm gonna hit like real estate harder um and then also i just wanna like i wanna own a company you know that controls the world daily so so like you got companies like amazon apple that we use every day i want to create a company like that like the next like netflix or who or different things like that so i don't know uh but the net but the next in the next five or ten years i definitely want to have my security company um up and running what's the security company what do you mean so so security just just as far as like basketball players and um you know and different celebrities and music you know because i fight security is really important and everyone needs security and then also it's a contract based business and like getting them in business type like that like um just get you like you get a contract annually so it's guaranteed like money and then also i want to open up a cleaning business so for like stadiums like the wells fargo center um and different things like that so you know like the nba stadiums and the baseball stadiums after the games and stuff like that and after the events they need cleaners because it'd just be a lot of people in there thousands and thousands of people there they just need cleaning so if i if my cleaning company could be good for them it would be amazing so i want to open up a cleaning company security company get big on a trucks um 18 wheeler trucks and then also um uh i don't know i i i want to affirm this stuff now so mommy said i like it because it's a contract contract-based bit where you learn about contract based businesses man where are you getting this stuff from youtube mentors really uh but yeah in the next five to ten years i just want to she spurgle like just being big she and sparkle be a billion dollar company spurgo is now just turning into a household name you know um people always posting it like on tick tock like brands like up and coming brands like they always include us like and different things like that brands in philly like we always like top three just coming up um but yeah uh next five to ten years i just i just want to see spurgo being big i want to have you know i'm going to have at least like 11 to 12 streams of income just hitting me i just want to put my little sister in position my little sister she's um eight years old but i just wanna you know i just want to build more like next five or ten years we got so much to work on yeah i love this kid man i love this yo i want to say thank you okay i'm gonna do i'm gonna do a quick little commercial okay i want and i'm gonna you're gonna tell people how to find you and i need you to close out with a word of wisdom all right so i'm gonna do a commercial real quick get you get get get your bars together all right you got some bars yes all right cool this uh episode is sponsored as always by the morning meetup the morning meetup the only the only we are the only organization that meets every single day for the empowerment of entrepreneurs all across the country 8 a.m eastern standard time to 9 a.m eastern standard time every single day monday through friday we are uh every month we have a different theme we're going on content creation or social media marketing or branding or real estate or or financial literacy so every single day monday through friday you can be a part of this uh this this community where you can start grow or scale your business and just connect with other entrepreneurs from around the country you can try today let me give you a special opportunity to try this this um this program out for seven days for one dollar it's just a dollar okay if you don't like us okay if you like on the call you're like yo david don't know what he's talking about i know he built some successful businesses but he still don't know he's talking about all you gotta do is cancel it's no contract month to month you do what you want but if you want to stay you want to grow i promise you we can help you in your success journey so go to themorningmeetup.com okay trey yeah thank you man that's good thank you thank you i'm inspired thank you you taught me some stuff today thank you so much for the opportunity to just to be on a podcast and mr dave i've been watching you for a long time um and then you know one thing i want to tell everybody also on the pockets like i've been watching you um a long time but me just being in a network in a circle like with people like mr neo mr hun 500 19 keys um you know and people like i were able i was able to meet you um and i just want to tell people like find yourself find yourself like a network and a group of people a group of like-minded people find yourself a mentor or find somebody you know that you could look up to someone that's doing what you're doing um and find you you know somebody that like i don't know if people could get circles bigger than us like ourselves because ourselves were crazy um but find yourself a circle with like-minded people people that's killing it and just you know start hanging out with them talk with them you know take them out to lunch and you know just build you a circle you know because a lot of us we all all do you know we all do different things and we all just putting each other in position and we all just you know giving each other opportunities you know and everybody you know just supporting each other and you know that's what i really love about you know this network so find yourself you know a mentor find yourself you know uh uh circle of people that you know that that you could run with and different things like that but yeah guys find yourself a mentor someone like me yeah the mentee has become the mentor okay tell me how to find you trey so guys you could um find me on instagram at ceo trey brown club police ceo trey brown uh facebook facebook trey brown but then everything for spurgo is uh spurgle.com spurgo billionaire on instagram official spurgo on twitter spurgo on facebook um and then guys also this is for every this is for everybody um i i just released a program uh last week and i released a program showing people how to build a six and seven figure brand guys i'm just giving you like all my connections i'm giving you like just access to all my mentors and they just you know giving you the game so a few people that we have you know in the program we have mr neo diviso we have home 500 mr mark is just showing you financial literacy we got mr runway showing you marketing we got mr two weeks out um and misses two weeks out um we have them just showing you personal brand we got 19 keys um we got myself in there and i'm just like giving you so much gems and you know how to build that six and seven figure brand everybody asks me every day like trey i want to start a brand um chad i want to start a brand and you know i officially released the program you could go to buildwithtrade.com and roll and we just you know can't wait to start with you like we can't we super excited you know just just to have people you know ready to move into entrepreneurship and people that just ready to build um a a brand that we could help and we could you know and we could just connect with so yeah guys it's bill with trade.com um ceo trey brown on instagram spurgo billionaire spurgo.com but guys make sure you get your spurgo drip you go to buildwithtrade.com and you know enroll we we're ready let's get it let's get you started you can't close it out no better than that make sure you follow this young man's journey um just a wealth wealth of knowledge and uh you are wise beyond your years and uh i want to say thank you for me because i learned so much alright so make sure y'all follow my man trey and go get you some social proof go build something man and teach other people how to build it all right we are out here
Channel: David Never Sleeps
Views: 288,771
Rating: 4.9611177 out of 5
Id: G_EDtcmlv30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 50sec (3890 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 07 2021
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