The Secret to Failure - Justin Owens

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what do you think one of the uh one of the crucial pieces of failure is like what is that thing that that you've seen you've seen thousands of people come and go right what do you think that like what are some of the common threads between people who just don't stick it out um it's a couple of things um one what people listen to you know i tell people you know whatever you tune into you turn into whatever entertains you trains you so like some people it'll happen at the beginning some people happen later i've seen it happen you know with six figures where a person will start listening to people and things they didn't used to listen to and i'm like why you started listening to that now like because as a leader either you rub off in your organization or they rub off on you give me an example of like give me an exam like a real life example of like you can have a person that's like winning making money and then like you have a new person to come to your business that you feel like has superstar potential and they're like oh i mean this is good man but what we really need to do is we need to do this and you know they're doing it like this you need to do like this and you'll start listening to somebody that hasn't done anything right and they're trying to tell you what needs to be corrected so what i'm going to do is i say look okay cool hey bro uh yeah try that out let's let's do that with your group mm-hmm and if it works well we'll do it with everybody else yeah what i used to do is i'll be listen because i think just because they're sharp yeah but they don't know how to build this right so i would i would let those kind of people come in i'd give them all this and i'm like nah we're not doing it okay you tried it over there with your little your little circle of people right but people start doing that even in the business um they start listening to people in their life they can throw them off track i think the other thing is um this time you know um i did a training with my group and i was i asked them you know how long does it take for an apple tree to grow and you're like uh a year yeah two years three years no i don't remember the exact number i think it's six or seven years we'll have to look it up after this yeah but here's what happens if i didn't know it took six or seven years for apple tree to grow if i plant a c and i look a year later it's not growing so i'm like yo it's broken the seed is broken the soil is messed up let me plant it over here so now i dig it up now when i dig it up what happened i start the whole process over so i put it i put over here now i start i you know what's going on but if i would have known that it takes six or seven years for it to grow anyway yeah i gotta let it i gotta let it sit i gotta take care of it i gotta you know do all that kind of stuff to let it give itself time to grow but so here's the question if people don't know how long it takes for apple tree to grow they also don't know how long it takes for them to be successful why they've never been successful so what they start doing is man i've been doing this for six months i should have already been successful right now why do you say that who told you you should be successful right nobody knows nobody knows their time so what happens is people start making these estimations of how long they've been doing it and what should have happened by now whatever should have already done so they start looking at time and they they become impatient so then they want to go do something else and i start and then that's where the inconsistency stops so what's everybody's like you got to just stay consistent and your time will come eventually but while you're while you're doing it make sure you know the skills yeah because do you know the skills of building a business do you know how to attract people do you know how to retain people like if you haven't really learned those skills how to how to promote events how to run events how to there's so many things you've really got to learn in my business i'm like yo if you don't know that how could you feel like you do deserve right to get it and the thing is this that even with the apple tree just because you don't see it coming out of the ground don't mean it's not some stuff happening down below yeah and so you you can mess up this entire process because you're looking at other things and you you know people like you heard the saying that you know grass is green on the other side but it's dirt there too yeah and so when people start you're like yo you you looking at all this stuff but you actually had something that was good and once the app would you really grow bro it'll take care of a family for generations it ain't just a one-season thing and that's where the development process comes in my opinion because once you really know how to do it like i feel good about this this process and my business because i actually know what i did yeah like you wouldn't know like hey justin here's 5 000 people just manage them like no no no i know the presentations i know what the work i had to do i know what environment i had to create and when you do that just like growing that tree now you're like okay well i know how to grow a tree so if we want to you know have an orchard i is i'm planting a lot of seeds i know how to take care of it but in six or seven years we'll have hundreds of trees that are not growing and i understand how to do it because i did it one time yeah so give give me um an example of like development maybe something that you really struggle with and what you did and what were the results you know i mean just being able to document development you feel me so like for instance i and i tell a story often that um i used to drink until i realized my pattern that the next day i feel terrible and i'm just not productive like and it's the thing maybe it's just my body because i could have two or three drinks and it's just it's not overdoing it's just that next day i'm just dragging and it was just one of those things that i had to really sit back and make a decision do i want to have those nights out with my friends and cost me a whole day of production because this at this point i'm trying to build a business i'm trying to do it and it i i just had to notice the pattern so i had to make a conscious reminder of of what am i going to do tomorrow that was my that was my whole thing i got to identify what i'm going to do tomorrow and if i have my dates planned out for tomorrow it truly dictates what i do the night before right so that was my thing of one just understanding the pattern but what are some things that you may have struggled with and what did you do and you know what was the result yeah i would say um and i'm gonna answer this but i must say something before i answer it please one of one of my skills i think that i have is which is really good is like i'm a really good mentee and i i did i actually just did a training about this a couple weeks ago but a lot of people seek to have a good mentor but they're not really a good mentee and so if you don't learn how to become a good mentee then you you miss a lot of lessons right and so um one of the things i had to unlearn because i was under a new mentor right with some of the things i learned from a previous situation but because i was a good mentee i'm like okay you know what there's there's a way to get to six figures a month and i got to learn how to do that and so one of them was like how to encourage people like my you know there was a previous leadership so i was like yo dave you're gonna get it or not bro like you want this or not because you know what if you ain't gonna do it i could do without you and that that actually moves some people depend on their personality type but then it throws most people off yeah they're like bro what are you talking to or people like i'm not even trying to compete with you brother i'm just trying to learn how to do this but if that's the only way i communicate and talk to people so i had to learn is like i have to learn how to be just be an example because my voice goes further if i'm just i'm just i'm not even i'm not even telling you i'm just like yo that's that's what i'm doing right and so i started to i learned that i learned that from my mentor over here and it's like yo if i just if i just do the things the right way consistently instead of trying to tell people yeah um i'll go much further so like i really had to bust my butt and i'm like i'm i'm pretty good at what i do and i was like y'all was working bro you know what i'm saying like it is it was it's the thing i was just talking about like working it and not seeing the progress like the year before i was at ten thousand a month the entire year then i come into you know last year and i'm like yeah i'm about to do the same stuff but i looked at my calendar i looked at some things that and that was one thing i learned like really having a calendar of activity um and i looked at all the soft spots in my calendar from the last show like yeah i really kind of took off in the summer last year i didn't realize it going through the year but when i looked at my account and i said i really didn't do none june july august i was kind of chilling so all the spots i had dead spots in the year before i said okay i'm gonna go heavy i went to the bob proctor event right i invested the money into going to that event and i took away that one lesson all right cool i'm gonna let it go i'm gonna spend a thousand dollars i'm gonna come here i'm gonna be here and then i then i went to work and then it was the same year but now the the the results ten times themselves yeah so that that for me was kind of one of the things i didn't really know how to do like yo how do i motivate people to do this stuff and it's like yo you don't you don't really have to motivate them you're just trying to find the right ones that are motivated and wrong with them and i stopped trying to force people i used to have this thing where because you're my friend and you sharp and you can speak well i want you to win right but they could be this person that's just really got the heart and they're really doing the stuff but i've been ignoring them because i've been focusing on you yeah and you know you know what i'm saying but it's like and that's what i used to do in the business oh man this person's a doctor they're about a kid oh i got this celebrity i'm like all right you know what i've been doing this for a long time i ain't seen a celebrity bust a grape yet right why am i happy about it motivational speakers come in they don't do nothing you know i'm saying like why am i all excited about you know what i need to get excited about people like me like people that's just like you know what i want it and when i started doing that i started putting my attention on the right people and really developing them working with them spending time with them and like yeah i'ma really show you everything that i know and you start doing that enough then they like yo okay it's working for me you got to prove what you're doing works yeah and and so that's why like you know people ask like what's to run to play and like because it's not even a team name it's just a mantra because people used to ask that bro what do you do what do you just random play it's a simple thing you just run this joint and you get the results right right right but you don't run it for 90 days you're running i'd run it all the time right right you never know what is this play what is the right because i see the fla i see the i see the jacket i see the chain what is run to play is there like a formula or steps like it's it's it's really it's really being teachable and coachable to what the play is at that moment you know so like you know this sometimes me like you know he said hey justin let's put on an event or let's do this and i tell people you got to run and play not question it so like in football it's not it's not just one play it's multiple plays like hey this time you blocking like i'm blocking yeah you gotta learn to play yeah yeah learn it right it's like okay i gotta block this time but i really want to go get this touchdown yeah but this ain't your time to get the touchdown like and inside of organization everybody has a role to play and if everybody plays their role then then the whole entire organization can win so it's that aspect of it like first you got to learn to play right and then and then you gotta you gotta learn how to run it effectively and get coaching throughout the process so whether that's doing presentation whether that's promoting events that was another thing i learned too because in my previous company i didn't really like it like events was almost like a money thing and i was like yeah i just kind of got burned out with events it was like you're charging people all this money because the goal is to make money like and that's not my heart like i love the training piece of it and i i know how to do that really well i got to do a whole weekend training like the back of my head but i was like man i already like doing that joint and so when i came over to this company in this environment i didn't really want to promote events because of my last exposure to events and it was like no no no that ain't it this is this is why we're doing this bro where i lose money yeah i'm like yo like i got an event in miami uh i got a nice house i rented then i got a yacht that holds like 300 people we're doing and i paid for the whole joint and i'm like back in the day i've been like okay uh 75 yeah not only can i make my money back can i can i uh make something can i make a couple dollars you know what i'm saying now i'm like yeah i'm i'll just come because i realize the point of the event ain't about making money i'll make money from the event from the event but not from the event so that's more serving on just on the house it's just holding up it's a whole different mindset yeah so it's learning how to move people and so like running a play it's like there's been times i've been like that i may be like oh i don't know about that but i'm gonna run it anyway and i know there's some people they're like i don't know about that and they don't run it yeah they do something else and and it's uh one actually one of my leaders brittany she said this best if you work for the if you run if you're if you're a player with the lakers or your players with miami it don't matter all of them have a playbook yeah but you can't come from miami and come to la and try to run miami playbook in la it's not that the miami one is different better or worse it's just every organization every team has a play to run and if you're going to be successful in that environment you have to be the best at executing that play yeah and if not then you got to go find a play that you think works for you so running play is really is like a mantra of like just being teachable and coachable have your mentor tells you do this go on it yeah because they're not gonna tell you to do something that's not for your benefit and what i did was i literally ran the play yeah he said justin do the presentation four to six times a week i did it i didn't say why or is there easy way to do it you know what if no i just i just did it yeah so what what have you learned because we had david on the show man and his belief is through the roof oh yeah on a whole nother level like he he's just one of those people that if if he has in his mind that he can fly like without a play like fly he's going to like his his belief i feel like his belief level is so he'll start elevating at point right now for sure and what what have you learned working so closely with uh someone i believe will be one of the greatest businessmen i believe of our time what have you learned from him just that belief like having a high level of belief and really how to create it you know like again run the play he said you know like you know you probably heard about him more audios hey how are you hey you got to check got the dollar here like rolled out so it's like all the stuff that's it yeah it's all right i got my next goal here so i'm on the airplane i got my goal so i put it up in my seat so it's like all the things i heard him say he didn't even have to say it directly to me but he said it bro it's funny it even got crazy like in my uh not in the last s-class but the class class before that i was going to the um the tire place and you know like you know you got the images in the car of your next car and the guy was like something happened and the sticky stuff fell off in the car and i just put the pictures in the trunk and i got the tires done and the guy like you you change your mind about your building i was like no why you say that he's like because the picture used to be up everywhere they're not up no more in the car it's like nah bro but i put them right back up there because like it got to a point where other people started like yo so you still serious about this thing you walk on my house i get images everywhere pictures everywhere wow and so but that's stuff that bro probably a hundred thousand people have heard it but do they do it yeah probably not right they've heard them say hey you got your car your gold card do you do it nah cause when i listened to it what i got from it when i first heard this audio because that's how i met david threw a cd um and i would just every time he came in town i buy him lunch and we built a good relationship like that was that was seven years ago now six years ago now just building that relationship and in the audio that i heard he was like yo i had a louis vuitton card with my goals wrote on it so you know what i said yo man where you get that little time card from he was like it's not about the louis vuitton car you just need a car bro yeah like yeah but about the louis vuitton because they just sound better right but now like that i realized that was the area of not being teachable and coaching but i won't run and play you know just get in there it ain't even about the car it's about you seeing it all the time it increases that belief and so that's some of the things we've learned to do inside of the environment where people believe better so like you go in my house right now pillows my pillows have my next goal on it before i had this watch i had an apple watch that had this watch on it so every time i looked at my apple watch i love it i saw the watch that i was getting so i started like learning how to do things things that he was doing my own way in and applying it to my life and then we started teaching people the same way to do it so the creating that belief and how to do it consistently um and not stopping like you know i see him doing it like you know first it was you know a million a month now it's a million a day and you know last week he just had a million dollar day trading bitcoin i'm like yup boom perfect it's working so it's just like a billion dollar day trading bitcoin yeah so like when you start seeing this stuff you're like oh why can't i do it like i don't have to write down a million dollars a day now but i'm like okay cool 100 000 a week that's what we're going for right now you know what i'm saying because i'm doing a month i do and i just keep i'll just keep growing it but now that i know how to do it i know how to i know how to do it consistently yeah and not get thrown off by time yeah and i get thrown off by the you know people coming or people leaving or people staying i don't know none of that matter yeah what matters is my belief level and my activity while i'm going to do it that's dope and that's a great lesson from someone really successful now i like to give i'd like you to give me something that you've learned from someone that isn't successful like one of the most powerful points you've ever learned from someone unsuccessful i'll tell you mine while you think about it yeah let me think about that i was um it was me i think my man kaz and um somebody else was there we were downtown on peter street i mean dante robinson so we were downtown on peter street and a homeless guy comes up and he says hey i don't mean to bother you gentlemen but you think you have any change to spare really well-spoken guy and i'm like sure i got a couple dollars um but he was so it was he was so well spoken almost like uh the first word i come to come to mind is like scholar like yo you could tell this guy's well educated and he said um you know you have any change of spirit i say sure but i don't want to be rude i want to be offensive but um how did you get to this position because i know like you've been educated somehow and um he said well no problem i'll tell you a story and long story short he said um you know i wound up lost losing everything behind you know an addiction and he said what happened was i had a really good job beautiful house beautiful family and the guys in the office they would go out on the weekends or after work and hang out and i'm like nah nah i'm good but uh one time he said okay i'm gonna come this time and he said he goes and he sees them doing all kind of crazy stuff all kind of drugs and it's happening going down and he offered to him and he's like no i'm good that ain't that ain't my speed um but he kept hanging out with the guys right and i keep getting offered he's like no i'm straight i'm going home after this i just came to kick it but one time they offered and he tried it and it wasn't that bad and you know you just go home go to work next day next time he goes out guess what happens he gets offered again and now you're a part of this right and he said what happened was maybe the addiction didn't hit me i mean maybe it didn't hit them the way it hit me because i really became addicted and like i'm you know just i'm getting high at work and all that kind of stuff and he said he wound up uh something happened he lost his job and you know losing his job it put a lot of stress on his family and his family left him because he's still got this addiction his family knows now so they leave and he said i wound up here wow one of the most important lessons i've ever learned in my life is your environment is so powerful that you're one step closer to becoming it like and i i mean for a while i stopped hanging out with some of my friends going to the club and don't get me wrong there's nothing wrong with hanging out with your friends but i made a declaration that i wasn't going to drink anymore but every time i'm with my friends they're drinking so it becomes harder and harder and i said one day i'm going to become it yeah one of the most powerful lessons i have you drift and then i read the book um you know what i mean uh um outwitting the devil oh yeah and one of the major points are the drifters they just go along so i'm like i don't care how how strong my mindset is being in that environment you eventually drift in that particular direction yeah yeah that happened to solomon in the bible too you know he was like oh you know he probably thought i'm wise you know he's wild they're not gonna throw me off and they say you know what man i did praying with him you know what i'm saying right yeah and you know one thing i would say with that is like that's why even now in business like people say stuff and they do stuff and you know operate different ways and i'm just like man life is already tough i don't need to add any more problems to it you know because like even like a simple smoke addiction like you can add another problem on your life and your life's already tough you know like there's no need to make it tougher you know what i'm saying so um that's a good question but i was thinking like because my philosophy is i really don't listen to people that don't really have the results you know that i want but you can learn lessons for sure i've learned lessons from people that thought that they had made it big and then you realized that they really had and what i would say is like i think one of them is like just how to be responsible with money um and it's just like like uh i i'll tell people now like sometimes you can have broke thoughts that still slip in you know what i'm saying and this is like like i have friends broke thoughts they're still slipping give me an example like i have friends that like you'll go out they get nice outfits but they keep the tags on because they got to take it back and i'm like why are you doing that because like you're you're really telling yourself like i don't i don't like this ain't really for me like i'm operating in in a negative way and there's a lot of people that in their life i've seen like yo that's why i see why you have challenges because you operate you're trying to you're still trying to cheat the process yeah like either you can get it or you can't either afford or you can't and i would be trying to like trying to figure out okay how can i get that but for 75 percent off the price then i go out my mentor and he'll be like yeah let me get three of those i'm like damn [Music] i used to be like online if i buy some discount code and i'm not saying that it's wrong to be conservative and use your money wisely but there's also a thought process of like yo sometimes you just you just pay the price it just is what it is like you know when i got to rolex it wasn't nothing like you go to the building dealership which is like this do you want this or not right you know i told the guy i was like i said well i saw some online another place a different place he's like well you may want to go there um okay you know what i've learned there's a certain place that you just can't negotiate your your situation yeah um as far as life feels i really had to think about that bro like who do i know that's like really feel this probably it'll probably hit me when i get in the car too but yeah i just learned not to really listen to people that don't have the results because i don't even want to plant the seed in my head for sure you know um i had a lady that came up to me at an event uh a couple it was probably like two years ago and it was it was not a business event which is like an outside event and she was like um do you remember me i was like i'm i'm trying to i see it was like i was i was at a presentation you did a couple um couple months ago i was like okay i slept did you get started she's like nah i was like oh girl i don't remember no no's you know what i'm saying like and i'm not trying to be the person that said no like why i'm not being rude but i've just trained myself i can't even pay attention to the no's i can't pay attention to the negativity because for me that can make me drift like there was a time bro in network marketing i knew every company every compensation plan every er i knew everything about every company and i still ain't getting results over here i know nothing about no company it's coming just popping like just you know about this no clue what's that no no idea and even now when i hear the name i don't go look them up but i don't even need to know right that's not it's not even none of my business i'm gonna just focus on what i'm doing and when i took that approach i just started having more success so now i don't even pay attention to nothing else until until it's time wow you you were uh really uh into sales your whole career like from a young man right what are some tips you can give us in terms of getting the sale done i have a product i have a service i'm trying to sell someone on something what are some like takeaways that i can uh first thing i think you got to sell yourself on it um there's a lot of people that they haven't really sold themselves on their product or the value of it um like i give an example in my business you know there's a cost and then there's a monthly fee right and so let's say deep down inside you're like man that monthly kind of high though bro so now when you're out doing presentations and somebody says you know hey i can get started but it's the monthly fee that's the higher part you like inside you're like i know exactly what you're talking about you know you don't say that right but you like it yeah like i don't know how they got me yeah right man i'm thinking about you know i was trying to get you so i had to pay you know what i'm saying like but if you believe that inside that's a challenge when i what i do now first thing i did was when i got started i said okay how much does it talk how much does it cost to learn how to trade forex and i saw it was thirty thousand dollars i saw it was fifty thousand dollars and twenty thousand dollars of people pay so now i'm like a couple hundred dollars yeah you gonna pay this bro right you know i was uh we were doing a training matter of fact donnie was there and uh uh a guy was delivering pizza and he was like yo y'all trading for us like yeah he was like i was like how much your course cost he was like fifteen thousand dollars but i'm delivering pizzas while i'm going through the courses eventually i'm not gonna have to do it no more i look at everybody he's like how much our course could cost i was like right you only want to know but i think from a sales standpoint first thing you got to do is you got to believe and have confidence in your product first because you know sometimes people discount stuff because they ain't got no confidence in life all right man all right you take 50 you know what i'm saying you start negotiating with them instead of them coming to you um the other thing is just um really communicating with people like like communicating for them instead of for yourself i used to do that all the time like point out all the stuff i liked stuff i wanted why you should want to do this and i just learned like yo you know it's almost like you know buying cars like you go to the car you don't try to pull somebody to a car right or what are they looking at all right cool what do you want and i even in my business i've learned it's it's really it's sales but you're selling people on them yeah because like what i've learned is once i sell you on you and you buy you you could do anything so non part of my business is like i just got to sell you and yourself don't buy into justin i'm not this great guy you are you are the same you're you're just in three years ago yeah all i gotta do is show you some of the things i learned you do it you can do it too um but with selling specifically um communication learning how to talk to people from their perspective not just your own um in my business some people think oh people are gonna sign up just because of money nah everybody's not motivated by money yeah not everybody's motivated by a yacht party or they don't want the fun not everybody's motivated like some people just care about people they don't anything for them not everybody hate their job right right so if your whole presentation is yo you need to leave your job because your job sucks well no it doesn't maybe i like my job i just want to find another avenue to help other people like find some culture yeah develop personally i find leadership i know people that just pay for network marketing just to be around the people yeah they're not even they're not even they're like yo this is like a social club for me and i don't mind paying because it's a write-off you know but there was a time i didn't get that and i'm like yo but you don't want to go make a hundred thousand a month no bro i want to come you know invite some people right um but i would definitely say like invest into learning communication uh personality types um those those two things when i really understood that i made a lot more money um and then confidence in myself um bob johnson had us matter of fact me and david were in la all-star weekend and we ran across them and uh we asked them like if there was one tip that you could give a person uh what would it be and he said first thing is you got to believe in yourself you got to get as many people around you to believe in you say it one more time you got to believe in yourself first yeah and then you got to get as many people around you to believe in you so same thing about your product you got to believe in it first then you got to get as many people around that product to believe in it and if you do that you'll always make money typically a person that's having a hard time selling they really don't believe that joint yeah and it goes back to belief for sure but you got to have confidence in it you got to have belief in it and if once you do that and you can start proving it it really becomes kind of simple yeah wow you
Channel: Social Proof
Views: 24,875
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: runtheplay, justinowens
Id: AkQTtBnv1lc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 43sec (1783 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 14 2021
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