Flippin' Ain't Easy, But It's Worth It - Episode #56 w/ Ramon Tookes

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all right welcome to another edition of the real social proof podcast we find industry experts people have real social proof you know what social proof is social proof is um the the descriptive uh i don't know if it's a noun not a noun but it's the descriptive capability of someone to go build something and they could teach somebody else how to do it because they actually did it and that's real social proof i can point to them and say yo i'm an airbnb expert because i have 10 airbnbs this is how i did it we can create uh generational not even generational wealth i think um community wealth because we can teach how to do it so we got a very special guest mr ramon in the building what's the word man hey what's the word good morning man good morning first off you own atlanta in terms of the real estate yeah i went to i it was so impressive i went to the uh the meetup that you have right it's called the what is it deal makers deal maker yes the deal makers meet up and it's like a circle uh first off the rules packed of real estate investors wholesalers whatever they're like yo i got this deal i got this deal and you'll ask a question like all right where is it and they'll say the street and you're like oh yeah that's what i saw around like i've never seen somebody know you're like a you like the map of atlanta bro hey i've been here long enough so with that said i guess introduce people to who you are what you do well um ramon took's born and raised in atlanta i'm a 24-year real estate investor i would say veteran and i have been doing everything from fixing and flipping to wholesaling buying and holding commercial single family we've done some industrial and then i jumped into the educational world about six years ago on the real estate investment side so how did you start in real estate um 19 years old you know what i go back further than that as a kid my the the young man that i called my grandfather was a roofer for one of the biggest roofing companies so i would see buildings in and i can remember like loving buildings like they put the roof on the top of the west and the p used to be called the peachtree plaza and we would go there on a regular basis and we would walk out and just look over the city and like i love it and then he would have us doing jobs but one of our neighbors who is still living now uh a guy by name mr johnny bought up owned a bunch of stuff in kirkwood and east lake so what people see now it wasn't what it what it was in the 80s but he was buying what they call dollar houses back then and so he as kids in the neighborhood he would be like if you pull the carpet out i'll give you all five dollars you know you take five dollars and go to the store buy by honeybun batman donkey kong you know what i mean and so i saw that and i just i loved it and so fast forward my father who also owned a bunch of real estate you know for his various business he always encouraged us and so by the time i got 17-18 he was like hey go get your real estate license i need to start buying some real estate and then i was at georgia state and at 19 he was like listen you got to go start doing something with real estate i started from a different angle than most people i started bird dogging which is equivalent kind of sort of what people are calling wholesaling now it wasn't as organized you know i meet dave dave say i need a house over on one two three you know in the main street area and i would go find it and then you give me a five hundred dollars to a thousand dollar referral fee a bird dog feed so bird dog is i'm you tell me like what you're looking for and you just go find it go find it and you don't know the owner anything you just give him the address or yeah so with bird dog i give you all the information right we were a little bit more aggressive which is why we had more success because i would go find the owner i'm going to knock on your door a lot of people wouldn't do it in those neighborhoods because we still stayed within that inside the 285 parameter you got to think in the 90s before the olympics right when olympics hit atlanta was still rough inside of 285 you know we still had all the housing projects we still had techwood in east lake we had you know we had all of them so still kirkwood was in kirkwood west end was definitely not the west end what you see now and so we would just go find it and you give me a referral for you once you close it you give me my money god you got you so how long did you do that until you realized yo so first know that first year um we probably did you know 15 16 deals mm-hmm you know which bird dogging bird dogging yeah so you go find the deal bring it back to somebody else they close on it give me my check yeah second year um we did 100 deals i knew i knew it was something right then so i made over 100 grand second year at you know i was still 19 20-ish um and then third year is when we started to buy our sales getting hard money loans when you say us was it a team so just you know me and my buddies so a couple of my boys and i we had some good guidance like my dad again he was around um you know i knew other folks that had been buying inside the city but it wasn't as organized as we see what we see now but they were telling us go ahead and buy so we were buying stuff and then renting it it wasn't fixing and flipping wasn't sexy nobody wanted to live you we thought about only tenants in in the city and this night is this 96 97 then the olympics got you know happening the olympics 96 96 gotcha but the aftermath people from the world saw it and so then you start getting calls from people like hey i heard you was a good bird i want something i want this building the tax people start coming in saying hey we want and so we our team just start growing fast forward from 97 to probably 99 2000 that's when the fix and flip stuff started really happening we had rental properties before then we started fixing and flipping buying multi units and it was easy because the hard money lenders at that time they were expensive but they didn't require us to bring money to the table most of them so explain what the hard money lender is so so hard money lender is a short-term higher interest lender they do it based on the asset most of the time um and they only give you a year maybe you know then it was a year to three years 35 months it was some kind of rule they had but they're giving you enough money to purchase and then re to fix up the property right right they're running six months some of them but most of most of them still twisted y'all know i took me a little last year oh my gosh he called me a couple times i called you late yeah i called you i called you after i lost the money and then i was like okay ramon i'll never do real estate without this but yeah so they they are um higher interest participants here's what what happened what happens when we first started the loans were 10 points and 18 to 20 interest and 10 points means a thousand dollars on each so or one percent of each dollar of each dollar so yeah a thousand per hundred right um we didn't know any better right and then the second thing is where else would we gonna get the money you said ten points 10 points up front they charge you 10 points so if i if i borrow 100 000 i got you 10 grand off that's off top off top and then the 18 to 20 interest but let me tell you this though one we didn't know any better two at 19 and 20 where else was i gonna get that money yeah right but three if you look at it this way you give me a hundred grand i have to give you 10 grand back but i go make 35. that mean i made 20 grand by not using any of my own money yeah what kind of return is that yeah right so even now i tell people about using hard money because people say i heard hard money was no it's how you use it it's how you look at it from the start so you know i'll go back to like 99 2000. we started fixing and flipping in kirkwood right and then we had a very very good run man i would say from 12 months until people forget about 9 11 caused a wrinkle yeah 9 11 was like what it is now we didn't know what was going to happen we didn't know how we was going to recover remember things stop wall street the long how long how long was that yeah it might have been six months dang oh so so so when you come in here you talking about the corona joint you're like i've been through i've been through when the money stopped it stopped it stopped but then what happened is like right when they started fixing things and congress started saying hey this is what's happening then everybody went crazy again like oh man so from 2000 did they stimulate the economy with a little bit yeah they did and then again that was something we didn't know a lot about so the people that understand that part of it like now with the stimulus money we need somebody to tell us this is what this means to us yeah right but from 2002 to 2007 i know people say 2008 but we started feeling it 07. for five years straight it was a run like it's been the past five years yeah it was an amazing run sold on past five years been like oh man man my god like oh thank you all right so take that so 2002 to 2007 it's just everybody's buying everybody's selling it's just happening they call that probably the most miraculous time until the past five years that we've ever seen in real estate now these past five years so i'm gonna move up to that but what happened in 2007-2008 2007 it started slowing down and we you know we was like damn like we're not selling this fast and then in 2008 you really felt it and i was uh ignorant enough to think i was a ramon tux and i was going to make it through right which means we had a ton of hard money loans ton of bank loans cause you're on the city back then a ton of development we had a ton of stuff man i remember my first 100 plus lot development was out at stonecrest and when the market crashed you know i was like man i'm gonna pay these payments and everybody was like don't pay the payments i'm like yeah i'm ramon took i'm gonna be okay and about seven months later because my payments were probably 70 to 80 000 a month like with all the different projects because they were larger projects a lot of them were largely we had some single-family multi-family but in 2006 i bought a facility and we were calling the georgian colonnade which was an event it was an old church 30 000 square feet so we had those kind of projects going we were not sophisticated enough to understand what it took to make it through a time like 2008 or not and what did it take man it took patience it took uh great communication it took you know having the right team understanding how to communicate with the banks because they didn't want to foreclose they didn't want to they wanted you to keep that stuff because a lot of people didn't make the payments and kept their properties through 2013. um so in 2009 um we started really feeling it because we were out of money and really no projects nobody buying oh so you was just paying from 2007 to 2009. we were selling we were still selling some stuff we had rental income so that helped me a little bit but in 2008 um personally i went through some stuff we me and my wife separated along with the economy kind of so it got a little rough personally but what saved us is we had a ton of bank relationships and because we had been buying directly from the banks fannie mae you know we had some really good the agents that we were dealing with you know they were coming and saying hey look we're gonna have all these foreclosures this is what we need and we flipped our businesses to what they call a uh property preservation business so all the agents if we had been dealing with 15 agents all the bank owned properties need to be secured clean trashed out you know the whole night and so we we started a business then to service those problems which gave us an advantage because that means we if we'll rekind them we see them first yeah uh if we're cleaning them we're getting you know 500 to 800 a house and you can make that in an hour yeah truly so we bought some vans so by 2010 we were rolling with that business oh wow um and then 2011 that business changed because of course some national company came in and said hey we need to make this uh uniform and so when they made it uniform it cut the little guys out so whereas i was getting 150 to change the front door lock they took it down to 50. okay yeah and so i was like oh no i'm not changing a lot i'm falling i've been making you know you know 20 grand a month by doing this and so by the time we felt the effects of that the hedge funds that come in 2012. today hedge funds so hedge funds are what i call the organized money of wall street that had traditionally backed real estate and not on real estate and they were smart enough this time five years after 2008 to say you know what let's just buy the real estate so if the economy ever go bad we got rental income and they came in droves man they brought god knows how much money and they were reaching out to us like hey we heard you guys can find properties so we was like wow this is a whole nother and so 2013 we we sold enough property to start back fixing and flipping mm-hmm and they cunted me for the so he went back to bird dogging pretty much went back to bird you go back to your roots yes sir uh and this time was a little bit different because it's more wholesaling because the difference i always say is bird dog you don't really have any control wholesaling i really control either the buyer or the property or the contract and so this time we were able to control a little bit more and so we were able to start back selling and then you know in 14 15 everybody caught on fire that's what i'm telling you the past five years have been amazing really what made it so amazing over the last five years did something happen economically so i think just you know those cycles i think so something was gonna happen anyway but in atlanta um all the different stuff you know we got the airport you got things like the belt line you got all the major companies coming here well great city the the weather is great you know it's a few things and i think just that cycle because all over the world all over the united states the economy has been great yeah you know what i mean give or take i don't know if it's you know you think obama or you think trump i don't know who you think but i just know that based on what has happened in our market man this is it's been great wow wow so um i guess walk me through one one of your specialties is the fix and flip process right and that's where people get their head chopped off right wholesaling you find a seller find somebody else that might got a buyer and you kind of connect it's all good but once you buy this property and you [ __ ] first off all contractors lie all of them but you know here's the thing i've never even seen a story where somebody said yo they said it's going to be done in three weeks and it's actually done i got them i got them outside of you yeah yeah i mean here's the thing and and i i we had flippology this past weekend and i and i tell everybody anytime there's a problem it's because of something that we did people don't like to hear that if there's a problem on the job site it's normally my my fault right there are some steps and i it's 40 steps to fixing and flipping 40 steps it's at least 40. it's 40 main steps to being to just i got to check this box off it's 40. give me a give me 10. give me 10 that you like off the top so so here's here is most important the first three or four are what we would call the pre-development pre-development you got to understand what you're buying you got to know the zoning you got to know basically what the cost is and if you're doing a major renovation you got to get your drawings right and then once you get that you need to start getting your bids um from different contractors you got to know what the basic numbers are so in your mind you got to know price per square foot if it's let's call it five dollars a square foot to do my floors well if a contractor comes in and give you 10 000 square foot you know that's not your guy like just tell them listen i can get this done for 500 square foot right so after those do you just go for the five or is there like uh depends on so so i believe in quality so we do renovations for other folks and i always tell people i'm not your cheapest i'm not going to be your most expensive what i'm gonna be is i'm gonna be your best quality hands down right and i'm gonna make sure of it i'm gonna do every job like it's my own so i'm gonna walk them we're gonna walk them we're gonna take pictures we're gonna mark them up if i see something that's not close to perfection as possible i'm going to say something to my guys my guys know they got to fix it but going back to those steps your next few steps is going to be after you get your bids it's really understanding did i get an inspection see a lot of us don't want to spend that money on an inspection i did that's why i took the loss yeah yeah because here's what an inspection does for you um let's call it 400 bucks 400 bucks will tell me either we're right about the repairs that's needed or we're wrong if i'm right 400 bucks i know i got my pictures all right right if i'm wrong then i can go back and say okay here is why i go renegotiate with the seller and say hey man you got a foundation issue that we didn't see or there's something major behind the walls that none of us can see and that's why we add contingency at the end so that we cover most of those repairs but i have uh inspections for foundation and major roof issues everything else should be a big issue with it right i had a big issue though like it was like every like i'm talking about like everything was home done by my man like it was just so if it was behind the wall and the power wasn't on at the end of my 40 steps when we're doing our budget when we're doing the budget i add a 10 contingency so that means my budget is 100 my true budget is 110. if i have to go into the 10 right that's cool if i don't have to go into the 10 that's even better and then i don't tell my contractor my budget is 110. matter of fact i don't ever tell them what my budget is they have to tell me right right because you tell them it's 100 they're going to spend 100 but in your head you know it's going to be 100 obviously knowing what you're doing if i'm doing a renovation there is something behind the wall yeah simple as that um but next few steps you know once we get that inspection it's really to go back and go over to make sure our numbers are tight then from there you just check off does this house need a roof if it needs a roof if it doesn't need to just check it out and say nope inspection said no roof is two or three years old if i'm doing a true fixing flip don't catch a roof because what's going to happen is somebody like me is going to be down the street during the renovation and you're going to be doing one you're going to leave a seven-year-old roof up there we know when they're saving you a homeowner walks up and says oh my god that roof down there is so black and pretty this roof has some great spots right so do your best job when you do your best job if i replace my roof i paint my outside and do a nice landscaping job that's all you can do to the outside everybody's inside looks just alike right now there's no difference it's just how you do it do i paint the cracks do i you know put a fireplace in is how you do it everything else is the same gotcha so now we run the 40 steps it's just a checklist you know it's it's electrical updated you know what i mean it's deployment is it pvc is it copper is it you know is it cash life is cats aren't changing you know what kind of floors do i have i don't believe in carpet and houses over 250 thousand dollars so again you're going to do carpet in your bedrooms i'm gonna have hardwoods throughout the difference in price is not that much and people make it seem like it's a lot but it's not so when my buyers walk in they say wow i looked at one down the street and they got carpet this dude got all hardwood floors so those things when i'm doing that 40 checklist and when i get to the end when i get to about step 35 is when i pass it off to my realtor right that's another one people want to sell it for themselves no i'm giving my reel to six percent every time really oh yeah i'm excited so you do you do a fix and flip you you still get a realtor even even though ramon you know everybody i mean not everybody but like i don't know buyers i don't know buyers i don't want to i want every transaction to be honest oh you're talking about so like you talk about b2c buyers like customers that just want a house to live in i want a house to live in yeah actually my realtor should you should get your realtor involved from the beginning because they should know what sales in the neighborhood they can help you design my realtors that are on our team are interior designers stagers they are they all know so when i when we have a house that has a little flaw they know how to fix it they know from the start and then when i get to step 35 and i say go ahead list it i don't even i go to closing that's that's it i don't go back no your process seemed real seamless right now that comes from years of hitting my head yeah yeah tell me about the the the biggest loss or the the heart the heartache i mean i assure you to be able to have this 40 step list you probably took a bunch of l's but uh yup let's just did the let's start at 20 you're like nope we got to get some so you know what i'm gonna i'm gonna say this recently so if if anybody follows us have seen the black house right we painted the house black like everybody been wanting to paint a house black the house whooped our tail really we just put it on the market at 359 last week it whooped i'll tell you why um one me not being there like i should be because i shouldn't have been but this was a little bit more different over there was a burn house and so i should have stepped down a little bit more to um i would say some things that happened outside of our control it flooded once one time which buckled our hardwood floors so little things happened but it made me say you know what i think we skipped too many steps in here and when you got this checklist of 40 even if you don't need it you check it off so you don't miss something because when you skip one you suffer oh yeah i need to see this list i got it goodness crazy so so you skip you skip one of the things on your own list and that joint oh and you feel it you feel it oh do you feel it you feel it every time no matter who you are see you know a lot of times when we're doing this business we feel like oh man i've been doing this 20 years and you know i'm gonna skip this step like the inspection i don't i don't go in attics and i don't run crawl spaces so even if i did i don't know what i'm looking at yeah i mean i can tell you okay now something boeing something wrong with that right if i look in a crawl space and i see something sagging or some pipes going on the i know something's wrong with that but to truly have an accurate pitcher i need to spend the 400 that way when we start talking about scaling i can renovate a house in hawaii right now and i can because if i got inspectors on my team that's gonna go by and check the process out i you know people talk about contractors i control contractors and you control them with monies and paperwork yeah you know i'm not paying you up front yeah see that's like the horror stories that i hear is somebody giving a contract their money up from you gave them 40 grand for what to start a job right but i tell people if you're on our team here's the easy process bring us on board or learn the process i we charge 10 management fee right so it's cost plus 10 percent you're going to pay that to anybody that's worth anything 10 of the pro total project total price in terms of if it costs thirty thousand to renovate to renovate it's gonna we're gonna charge three dollars okay not ten percent of the deal no no not ten percent the construction side gotcha right but here's what we teach people we buy your material why are you paying a contractor to buy your material from home depot yeah i don't i've never understood that so if you're buying your own material the contractor doesn't make money so really you're you're you're focused on labor costs if your contractor doesn't do something right on friday he doesn't get paid he knows it up front i'm not paying you to pay your crew to do the work just not gonna happen like it or not and everybody understands that because if i got a job from the u.s government a 10 million dollar contract they're not going to give me 200 2 million upfront right so why would we work any other kind of way yeah so that and that's that's probably the biggest mistake making sure that we have an expect on our team to watch those jobs uh and not you know you on the job site like oh my god every friday you don't know what you're looking at yeah no so that i mean that's probably the biggest mistake we all make hmm okay so somebody is wanting to get into real estate okay let's just say i got two thousand dollars sitting around i'm trying to figure out what to do with it you said you got how much i got two grand i got two thousand dollars what do i do you need to use that to buy some more online courses okay so nice to start so let me let me say this um you got two grand one is getting your business in line two i'm not gonna tell you wholesaling because you know i have this argument with wholesalers is wholesaling the easiest way to get started in real estate no no what is no buying and holding rental properties easiest way wholesaling as a business is not the easiest way wholesaling as a hustle is the easiest way it's two different things so wholesaling as a hustle means and we teach people this show up to deal makers tell us what you're looking for see who's in there take one of those deals and then you run with it but you have no you can't get any kpis from that you know key performance indicators you'll hear people talk about that you really can't scale that right when you start talking about wholesaling as a business when you got virtual assistants you got telephone lines going you got mailers going out that takes more than two thousand dollars right now if you got two thousand dollars and you dumping into wholesaling as a business you're probably gonna fail 99 of them fail anyway so can i get into buying hole with two grand yeah so credit is going to be a factor now if credit you got bad credit no but yes gotcha right and i'm always saying because there's so many creative ways to get involved in real estate so if you got two grand and you got decent credit there are some business credit cards people there's some business funding out here where you can go and get that business fund and now i can go get you 40 50 grand stop listening to the people that so they can get you 150 grand cause that's not normal they can get you 40 or 50 grand which is a good start yeah right you can take that 40 50 grand you can partner with if you got good credit now i'm just talking about good credit for 660 and above really 700 and above you take that and you partner that with a hard money loan or some kind of bank fund funding and then you go buy a property and refinance and pull the money out right so you got no money out of your pocket we were creative enough to say i got this money from a credit card with zero percent interest or you may have to get a term loan that's a little bit higher interest but right now we can go get some zero percent interest money for the first six seven or 12 months right take that money use it for my down payment and carrying costs and i'm gonna make it even better take that money for my down payment and operating money if you got good credit i can take you to lowe's right now a home depot and get you a credit card so now i can buy my material yeah i can partner my credit card money after i liquidate it with some hard money we're working on what they call a draw system so on friday whatever we're done they come out and inspect the next friday we get paid so i'm not using any of my own money and then i refinance it pull pay back that debt pay off my credit card and put a few dollars in my pocket and stick a tenant in there um okay so while we through refinancing and you know we hear it a lot about what does refinancing mean and can anybody just refinance their property so no anybody cannot refinance their property um that's truly going to be based on credit right but it's also based on numbers so most people so first off if you want to get into real estate fix your credit pay your bills get your credit right it makes life a lot easier it does okay okay i know we talk about we can get you in no money down no credit doesn't matter right that is wholesaling and creative real estate investing there are some other ways that we can talk about them but when you're refinancing when you start talking about really growing credit is important refinancing you're normally going to get up to when you're doing it the right way and not lying because i don't want anybody lying on it at these apps please don't because it you know it can come back on you but think about being able to refinance at 70 to 75 of what it's worth right which means if you buy them right you can at least at a minimum you can pay off the debt that you have now i got cash flow right if somebody give you 80 loan there's a bank in atlanta that just spoke at flippology and they just blew our mind like as a whole they they are wanting to throw money at everybody really oh yeah we're getting ready to test the water got to like she came and said listen i promise y'all i can do this explain explain what that means to me so what she said is she can do loans under 50 000 which is unheard of from a bank right on real estate they can refinance and there's no seasoning required which means i can buy it today and refinance it by the end of the month right they're not even and if i'm buying it they're not going to season where our money comes from they just want to see i got 60 in my bank to go for the down payment 30 000 whatever that number is so again i can get that money from that credit card put it over here and then go to them and get the funding unheard of and this is a bank this is not a broker this is not a lending this is a bank here in atlanta how do you get money off your credit card you got to you got to liquidate it how do you liquidate it so different ways you know the credit card guys that give the funding teach you how to liquidate it one way is if you know you can have a what i call a stripe account or square account you can liquidate your own money oh gotcha so you process the money through the money percentage yeah there's other people that talk different ways i would say just you know when you when you're dealing with the credit card folks um just y'all have that conversation what does it cost to really get that money off the credit cards and then that may be a you know three or four percent cost three four five percent cost to get it off you still got to pay the credit card interest rate though you got to pay it yeah but here's the thing again think about this you partner all this money and let's say it costs you 15 over a six-month period right where else are you going to go borrow 200 grand and only have to pay 15 because you come to me for 200 grand we're 50 50 apart yeah we 50 50 it's 50 of what you make absolutely right so i think folks have to start looking at the cost of losing the opportunity as opposed to the cost of the money when you're learning how to work with the money and that's why you pay people to teach you how to work with the money because if if people like oh my god i wish i would have bought that oh my god i wish i could buy that right no you really don't because you do what it takes to get there if even if it means repairing your credit that costs something so if you got two thousand dollars and got bad credit let's go get your credit repaired yeah but also learn how to partner with people because if i came to you dave and i got this great deal oh man we got this deal in the west end at 65 cents on a dollar and i need 50 grand i can get the hard money loan but i need 50 grand to make this work most people that got 50 grand are gonna say you know what you're right i'm gonna do this we're gonna break bread on the end i'm gonna make sure i carry you through this deal you got to manage that deal so you got to have a skill set it didn't matter what my credit was like at that point then i take my profits and start investing back into me so it's it's so many different layers to it but understanding that funding piece of it i always say is the easiest part but it's the best part the construction part is well everybody like yeah for sure it is it is it's our nemesis because there's a ton of deals there's a ton of money right in the middle but people don't want to pay for it see people don't want to people want to say you know what i've seen youtube they were fixing this house up they did it in 30 days and i'm like oh my here we go again with this yeah that's not how it go yeah but i tell people now when they call me a call to office they'll say man i need a estimate and i tell people we charge 450 for scope of work i'm not going to come out and i'm not gonna have my guys stop working on dave's job to come look at your job so you get our numbers and go take it to somebody else that's gonna screw you up and then you come back to us six months later like man i should have no you shouldn't have we charge 450. 300 of it gets if you use us 300 get credited towards your um the job if you if you hire us right anybody that's doing something different the free estimate trucks you see the free estimates they got too much free time too much free time right right right they do if you can go to 20 jobs a day when are you doing the work right yeah that's real that's real so where are we at in the state of atlanta real estate because i i hear that you know it's better places like chicago or you know different places is atlanta still alive and well man you know we the best place in the world are we really for real estate yeah still still what would not the best thing is for rental properties i don't it's it's rough because people paying too much so you got uh we had a conversation i was on a call at a zoom call last night and they talked about the airbnb model and people are crazy about that be model until it doesn't work and so what i've have been saying for a couple years now buy it based on you getting a traditional tenant and if you get the airbnb model to work you make a fortune but if you buy it based on oh i'm gonna get a hundred dollars a night what just happened to us everybody right now yeah nobody yeah nobody's traveling see but va social security and right now the housing programs are still dropping that rent in first through the fifth so i'm gonna buy my stuff that way i'm not gonna buy it based on airbnb model but atlanta is has become overpriced for rentals unless you're from somewhere else you're right south side of chicago um cleveland ohio i mean there's some places where there's some duplexes we can be all in for 65 thousand get 1400 a month in rent but then you still got macon georgia you still got birmingham alabama you still got you know augusta i mean there's so many places like that where you can buy something and get a very good return that is it's not as sexy as i'm buying in atlanta right right it's not sexy but it's cool do you um do you feel comfortable obviously you know you know the game but you don't necessarily have your team there so like do you go out and do different things in california new jersey philly whatever you personally so so yeah i do so it's it's a it's not i don't care who the team is because people screw up it's the system so you got to have a good property manager you got to have some good ears which means a good realtor somewhere around so like in cleveland for us i'm just as strong in cleveland as i am in atlanta really yeah i got some partners there i mean i mean they are awesome i can call right now and we would have looked at a house before i leave out of here and i will have a construction budget before i leave out of here same thing in detroit we're strong so there's some cities where we're just as strong as we are in atlanta so you feel confident like i don't have to go there yeah i go to projects just because i like real estate but i truly don't like they told me this morning like don't go we're gonna go take the pictures now i'm going because i just wanna i don't wanna be in the house like i wanna get out and get some sunshine but when you build a team than a system the team i go back it's like the patriots the patriots don't care that tom brady's leaving but they do care cause they got a system yeah right they feel like they're still going to win because we got a great leader and we got a great system and your system with any city is the same you know what i mean use those 40 steps get my inspections and have somebody that you can trust gotcha so atlanta is the best city in the world for what living in real estate real estate oh i'm sorry oh yeah that that's a fact that's um but in real estate so i believe fixing and flipping new construction it's one of the best i mean it's a lot of great cities especially when you're in a great time right it's all relative because there's some people most people like atlanta but there are some people that are okay with california return there's some people that's okay with new york or seattle hawaii returns for us it doesn't make sense yeah for me being under 300 000 for most most properties you know metro atlanta is a good number under 300 000 and we're making a 10 return which is about 30 000 a house you're doing great gotcha and people want to be here so you know people talk about other cities and and i know i'm biased but more people want to be in atlanta than they do most cities yeah right you got more people moving in one is it's cheaper to live yeah and you just got um you know you got some black power that attracts other people you know we got a superpower in atlanta but you don't really have a lot of other cities you know what i mean you can go to black owned restaurants so it attracts uh a different kind of person then you got black hollywood i mean you got no not black you got holly tyler perry has made hollywood oh absolutely right and so we got some elements here man that makes this city very true and it's still um compared to you know the new yorks and la's we're still pretty affordable gotcha gotcha so do you where where are you going next i mean obviously you said you're in detroit ohio if i was going to start my fix and flip or i was going to start my rental income i'm i'm brand new in the game where would you start and i live in atlanta and i'm asking like personal questions so and i live in atlanta so would you say yo dave go to macon go to birmingham or would you say yo i i got you let me take you up to chica uh chicago so so so i'm gonna say gold were the first the best opportunity to present yourself right so if somebody called while we're sitting here somebody called and said i got a deal in chicago we go to chicago if somebody say we got a deal in cleveland you know i got a deal in cleveland last night that's a triplex for 40 grand that's rented already at a thousand dollars with a vacant unit we go there if somebody call in macon or birmingham or augusta we go there like it's just wherever the deal presents us that's where we go from your perspective you don't got to go to the house but i feel like i need to touch that no you don't i need to see it and did you touch your stocks when you bought them good point good call and see they can come and go see the i hear people argue about stocks versus real estate right right now it showed you that the stocks could drop all the way company can go file bankruptcy we lose everything with real estate the value could drop but i still got my house i still got my dirt you can't destroy dirt you can't destroy the land land is indestructible right and so i still got that so even if my value go from a hundred thousand to thirty thousand my rent normally is still five six hundred dollars or whatever that number is because somebody gonna live there so there's a difference and people have to have that understanding that you don't have to touch it with the right system in the right team gotcha you don't have to go now you just want to go hang out so you know i'll tell you a quick story we were starting deal makers milwaukee this weekend really yeah so we were supposed to land on thursday go to the milwaukee bucks game friday see the city go to the african american milwaukee so one wheel round tree is from milwaukee oh yeah for sure very very strong backing so then we have uh you know clyde anderson yeah yeah yeah so clyde is there doctor dr claude uh clyde clyde okay okay the financial guy that was on cnn for a bunch of years so he left him went there so they started a center sort of like what we got here it was it's called the sherman phoenix which is an amazing facility right but they got some somebody called me one day with a duplex for like five grand i'm like it's where they was like yes downtown milwaukee and i'm like no can't be right it was like here he go to pictures we missed the opportunity just because i was like whoa where's will and will was traveling i was like wheelwood and he called back and it was gone but again it's like cleveland you got a major football team major basketball team major airport breweries out the world so it's not going anywhere when lebron left the city for cleveland then we're about cleveland cleveland you know of course but cleveland has again football basketball baseball major teams cleveland has what they call the cleveland clinic which is one of the best hospitals in the world and a couple of colleges that are great so again major airport i always look at those as man we know this city was rough but it's gonna get better same thing with milwaukee we you you really can't lose if you buy a duplex and you're all in for fifty thousand dollars and you can get four hundred dollars aside i'm still getting 800 which is 9 600 a year which is still about a 20 return of my money 15 after after you know all the expenses where else did you get that yeah so again i enjoy uh new cities new restaurants and real estate and so we were just going to drop in will has an initiative going there drop in and we're going to do deal makers every third uh saturday morning from 10 to 12. are you gonna fly out huh no no no no we we we canceled because everybody should now i'm saying like once it's running yeah once it's running yeah and then i have students there so my students have been trained to run deal makers like we run here so you know now we have the main one here in atlanta that's weekly we have one in macon that's monthly one on the south side of atlanta and so we are starting those as we get students that that get into the process because it's just what you said we sit in a room introduce ourselves we match make deals and then you got about an hour and a half and then people leave but every meeting somebody's bringing something somebody needs something so we're closing gotcha do you think let's just say for instance um pessimistically this coronavirus um pours gasoline on our our recession a lot of experts are saying it's eminence it's gotta happen well where do you think that leads us um yesterday we were on uh god's name was logan i'll get you his name but he is like the bloomberg analyst he was on the call with us yesterday on the zoom thing and he talked about what people say yeah we're gonna have a recession he says he does things by quarters so they're predicting third by third quarter we will be better than we was first quarter and first quarter was on the upswing second quarter is going to be tough right but i think here's where we are this and this is our followers our people what we need to do is go get as much money as we can from funding put some up but buy some of those rental properties like buy some of those cheap and buy some of those trailers um but do you think out of fear like people will be able to get even cheaper deals over the next few months no no somebody we just put two deals under contract this morning and you got a ton of people that's still like active like okay y'all not coming out we're gonna buy this stuff up because what happened if they opened it back up a little bit over the next thing the interest rates are still low so those people like i'm like i was telling you earlier i can buy that three four hundred thousand dollar house and my payment is so cheap i don't lose so homeowners still want to move people still want to move to atlanta yeah they're gonna say oh man the corona buyers ain't moving to atlanta i'm gonna keep standing this city with no opportunities i'm gonna go to whatever city whether it be chicago or atlanta or wherever because they're lands of opportunities right so i don't i don't think so i think um the hedge funds kind of slowed down you had some of the eye buyers that have stepped out a little bit once this gets fixed they're going to come back and they're going to come back with advantage because now they got so much money they spent money in two months right then we're going to be in trouble for real because they paying 80 to 90 cents on a dollar they couldn't it's a whole different animal they're paying way more than we could ever afford to pay so you've never gotten to a period where you stopped buying real estate because you think something's going to happen economically have you ever no i stopped buying because i couldn't afford it [Laughter] here's the thing with real estate um again you know how to argument with the whole sellers that are not running a wholesaling business right when they're running wholesaling business they'll just you know people that are you know they got the calls they got the intakes they got you know but they don't have anything to do right now they they feel the fear more than anybody because they don't know if i'm gonna have somebody to sell to next week right because they're not in control get in control go get some of this credit card money go get some of this term funding and go buy those trailers go i mean um look up the mobile home elite team right they got a course i think is what 400 bucks maybe take that course and understand i can go buy trailers for 1500 and make 300 a month you know i can go if i can go get 30 000 in credit card money and i can go buy me four let's call it five trailers and after all expenses are paid make 300 a month that's 1500 a month that should take care of your house like when people start saying man my house no and i need ten thousand dollars a month we living we living too crazy man like we really are because we feel like this stuff not gonna come to an end live below your means until you really can afford to go out and buy something right because we got too many opportunities i don't think trailers are going to get no cheaper right no seriously my daughter just came home man and she you know got overfunded with college and i told all of we were sitting down yes day before yesterday i was like listen y'all we can all take you know we sit in the house gonna blow some money right somebody's gonna blow some money we're not going to buy no jordans we're not going y'all know but somebody sent me some trailers four of them for ninety seven hundred dollars two of them rented right now we we missed we missed two of them but they were already at ninety seven hundred dollars two of them need repairs but two of them were making six hundred dollars a month or the rent was 600 minus the lot fees you know and so um i was like if we go buy those and let's say we all in for fifteen thousand dollars or whatever and we sell two of them for five thousand or six thousand dollars a piece we got our money back now that now we getting three 400 a month forever right that's the kind of stuff we got to do and you can do it on somebody else's money yeah now if you don't have the credit you just got the partner go find them and somebody else put the money up there's so many ways to do this though but i think we should be focused on buying low-end stuff not not crazy stuff not 300 000 properties but the stuff that we're going to be all into under 65-70 thousand dollars that's going to produce some income that may be multi-units do they have those in atlanta no no where's the closest make him make him make him you have uh making making birmingham you birmingham is heating up excel i mean birmingham is on fire too i like the reason why i think people like cleveland is you got more multi units people like uh pittsburgh you got more multi midwest kind of you know you got more multi-unit atlanta just don't have a lot of multi-units gotcha gotcha where's where's your your eye at right now where are you are you like yo i'm trying to do multi-units i'm trying to just buy up land where's and i know you have a a very diverse portfolio but like do you have something like you really licking your chops on like i'm i'm an eagle so i look at all of it yeah yeah we look at opportunities so you know um we were down in you know i told you about the stuff down in like columbus right that's a funny market but we got some multi-family we're still working on down there we love cleveland again because we have a really strong team there and there's some multi-family opportunity man there's so much of you when you go you're like god man this is like amazing like seriously man you love detroit because detroit despite what happens with how the auto industry does has some probably some of the best architecture for real estate that i've ever seen in my life like with those brick duplexes and quads and it's so again so many opportunities it's so much land you can buy vacant lots like we bought a a duplex and there's some i guess a rule in detroit if you buy this duplex and the lot behind it the city owns it they sell the tea for a hundred bucks so we bought a duplex and we got two lots 400 bucks a piece i mean we could just as a group we can start going through blocks saying okay we own it we don't own a finance to somebody so you got homeowners because you don't want all tenants down the street you want some homeowners mixed in so there's some man we got some amazing opportunities even if the economy crashed tomorrow right buying a property for 20 grand you're gonna be okay 20 30 grand we we will be okay right right or a trailer for 2500 listen we spend that eating out yeah for sure you spend twenty five hundred dollars you know easy what i mean i got a chicken i got a chick-fil-a habit [Laughter] wow wow all right so um i i want you to give like um because we went through somebody who has two grand let's say i got 10 i got 20. what do i do it's really all about the same though you got to really cause 10 and 20 is not enough to do a deal unless you pull in with some people or other funding gotcha right because i'll tell you why i say that let's call it i got i'm gonna say i got 50 grand right if i got 50 grand and i go get a heart money loan they say bring 15 down the average house here in atlanta is probably 200 250. kind of the numbers you're going to be in the the deals that we want yeah so that means you're taking 30 35 000 down right payment is probably going to be somewhere around 1500 a month so six months of that that's nine grand so now i got about 10 grand to operate with all right that's all i got so no error so i'm still right on the cusp of being successful or failing and that's if you got 50. if it's if i got 50. gotcha so when people say i got 20 and again come from experience me pooling money together 20 is not enough gotcha what is enough 20 is not enough to do a fix and flip 20 is a good number if i'm gonna go buy some trailers if i'm gonna go do some some rental units right so i'm coming to you like yo remo i i got x amount of dollars what what is the number that you would say yeah oh you i'll get you a bag with that so um i'm gonna give you a percentage i'm gonna get your number you need 35 percent of the project that's a good rule of thumb yeah you need about 35 you got 35 percent we're going to make it work and the reason why i say that is because if you got 35 percent of 100 grand and the lender tell you to bring down 15 to 20 grand i still got six months of notes and i got operating capital gotcha because 50 000 in atlanta is different than 50 000 in detroit for sure god sure okay yeah gotcha gotcha okay okay all right cool so um i mean you answer a lot of my questions as it pertains to real estate but what is the mindset you need to have going into the deal because i know i know you get people that like get schizophrenic like they just look so so number one before you get into a deal you really need to be prepared to understand what investing is right this is not um trap money right we're not going to turn it tomorrow right and it's okay if you make if you take 50 000 this year and you turn it into 75 and i mean in 12 months right that mean i made 25 000 on one deal i had 50 that's a 50 return if somebody can show me where they're beating that return then i we need to all go where they're going and you're still safe because i got this real estate sure right if you take 50 000 this year and you make it i don't know let's say you only make 10 000. that's a 20 return yeah it's beating every market just about anything that we can think of so when people look at they always see on tv you know you you got the lady like they always joke she's a school teacher husband pick plum for a living and they went and bought this deal and they bought it for 700 thousand and they put 32 000 in and they sold it for 1.2 million that stuff is tv right right i mean it's like i don't know a great teacher yeah we got 600 000 for this loan like what what lender y'all using you know what i mean but it's it's it's not a 30-day return i always tell people for minor renovations paint carpet in your mind put six months for major renovations put 12 months so if you're expecting that and it happens in 90 days or six months for the major renovation that's a bonus but if you're going into something like man i can only last for 90 days don't don't don't go into that that way because now we we're setting ourselves up for failure and then it's okay to share the biggest thing that we fail in it's okay to share you know it's okay to make a thousand dollars on a wholesale deal or referral deal it's okay i promise you yeah you know and even on fixing flips it's okay to partner with a good partner and y'all have y'all different roles and we split the money because you're splitting the headache you're splitting the responsibility you're splitting everything and it's okay and it's okay it's okay to it's okay to fail every now and then gotcha two two deals what is your biggest win like you i mean smaller ear to ear and your biggest loss where you thought life was over i think so so hey you know a lot of people don't we we grew up kind of rough so when people say like rough losses um we took a lot of l's personally right so when it's money we were trained as kids like we make money money don't make us so i've never had an uh deal that made me say you know what i'm done i'm quitting right i haven't had one now the you've had one that hurt though i had a few that hurt i mean so when the when the economy crashed in 0-8 man we lost the foreclosure i mean we were losing you know i was like man i'm losing stuff so i made a bunch of those deals but i look back and understand the times um so i don't have one in particular it's just experiences is it possible to get caught with your pants down again like that is there is there anything like that you know it's going to be some you know it's going to be something because i'm a risk taker right right you know what i mean but i do believe in having more um income producing properties money coming in um more savings you know not always being on the edge you know what i mean i think that'll do to do the trick for for us i mean other than that you're an investor yeah so as an investor we're going to take that risk you can't have one foot in one toe on the line like you you got to go all in let's go yeah and if it crashes we're gonna we're gonna make the adjustment like today the past two days i felt more relaxed than i felt in a long time because we're not scurrying around we're like okay i'm at the house you know we're doing uh zoom calls everybody excited happen on the zoom call like what's next let's go get some money let's go right now the credit card companies are wide open they're like y'all take please take this money really increase your limits call them and see what they tell you today call one of them be like listen i need to increase my limit watch what they do why though come on man they got they got because if imagine if we all shut down our credit cards today how they gonna make money column ass just call them t's around like listen hey i'm i'm dave dorito guy you know who i am right but that's i mean so so mindset wise i say this as far as losing um sometimes people ask me kind of like how we grew up right and i say we we we were truly fortunate but when you look back you're like man we must have been crazy because we didn't realize how bad it was right but we were also being trained to be tough also trained that man we gonna make money we don't care what's happening like my dad used to say listen if you get a job in my house you're gonna pay bills but if you want to start a business he encouraged all of us all all me and all my siblings have our entrepreneurs right he encouraged us if you want lawn mowers i will buy you 20 lawnmowers if you want a bus we're gonna go find out how to get us a bus if you want a gas station we're gonna figure out how to so he encouraged us and we never had that fear he should say i'm so afraid of y'all because all of y'all are like fearless which is a good thing you just got to calculate that feeling right um so that's that's for me like i haven't had something that makes me want to quit like i haven't been like oh man he said if you want to get a job you got to pay rent if you want to start a business i gotcha i got you i got you man it was a beautiful it's a beautiful thing man you know i i i hear him sometimes i'm driving and i hear him because in 2000 2001 i had to mask some rental properties and i started selling going to the nightclub business right and so he was like no buy buy and build small houses right and i just like nah i want to do that i don't like doing that i didn't listen to him and then years later when i built one in the soul i was like god hear him like i hear him talking see my father passed in 2010 and i i can hear him like hey man build that small house so like even now when we're building these little little tiny houses kind of narrow houses i hear my daddy talking to me like i'm like wow he he on point you know what i mean so so i had one deal um 2005 um we bought this store we had been working on and i remember we had to go get a ton of quick claim needs from different owners and it was right at each point right at cleveland claimed so quick claim these is so you got different levels of deeds right warranty deed is as a seller i give you more guarantees of what you're getting from me quick claim d i can quit claim your house right i don't own nothing so i'm really not giving you nothing because but i can quit claiming anything that's really clean up any kind of titles any kind of ownership interest that i may have in it but it's a building at the corner of cleveland avenue and sylvan road in atlanta right now if you go there there's a walmart sitting on the hill well we had the piece of the property that we were buying and we didn't know this but it was a small strip center that had been closed down and so one of my bird dogs brought it to me and then he brought me the p the land next to it and so what was this this was 2005. gotcha um and so we were out getting ready to put this sign up you know for sale for lease because i didn't care which way it went you know if somebody went to lease and we would fix it up for them and this guy pulls up and he was like hey do you own this man we've been looking for the owner i'm like are we good what's up and he jumped he said i want to buy it and so you know 2005 man i was uh 32 years old um i guess 30 yeah 2005 what is this no i was 30. you know we had been making a ton of money you know we got all the big boy cars out in front of every parking lot you know we balling right and the dude jumped pull out in a truck and pull up in detroit he's like i want to buy it so my friends you know we all looking to just like whatever man like and so i believe i paid like between the two parcels like 65 000 commercial strip center and the building i mean a lot damn and so he jumps out and i was like well i want to make your offer so i always tell people make your offer so dude was like you know i'll give you 170 and and you know we'll close it in a few weeks and i'll give you earnings money check right here so you know normally i would have been like man just call me back later you know i would have been cocky so everybody looked like one seven one stephanie you gonna make it so that was probably my largest the easiest six-figure deal because we made six figures right um that was the easiest but i can say most money i've made on one deal but some of the deals that are more memorable are when you need some money and something happens at the right time right what an example so so you need some money and dave calls and says hey ramon i got somebody looking to buy something they ready to close on monday and then i go and call john and john got the deal and i make three grand by putting the phone call together so some of those deals are probably more memorable because i needed it then it helped me more then and it was an easy transaction yeah so it's it's a few of them man you know it's some of those thousand dollar deal that you remember more than you remember those flips that were 30 and 40 and 20 thousand dollars because that thousand dollars meant more at the time gotcha what have you learned dealing with people in real estate all of us are the same and all of us are different now and people laugh when i say that but all of us are saying because we all want to win right but when you meet people most people most people want to win together there's a few bad apples that don't care if none of us win and for those bad apples sometimes people look at like man they winning but they only win it for a short turn they you know when when stuff happened i don't ever wish any bad but when stuff happened they don't have anybody to reach out to see if i lose today i understand that i got 10 friends i can call and we're going to fix it because we're building other people we're building together if i was selfish you know i could go make god knows how much money by myself but then again i'm by myself i don't want to be i want to i want i want all of us to be like listen man we're going to the game tonight or you know when we're at the table one of my pet peeves is five dudes sitting at a table we don't ate and then everybody's sitting like when the bill come like they split that up right all of us should be like no it's my turn because we all done okay this week or this month or this year you know what i mean so that when all of us can be in that position you know man it's a good thing awesome awesome all right so i got uh just just one more question i'd like to make for one i i want to appreciate you for coming on because i learned a whole lot um just in this process especially in my careers real estate because i got my real estate license and i actually got my real estate license in 2008 or 2 000 do you still have it no no why i mean i wouldn't do nothing with it okay yeah i mean i sold a couple properties too and um uh me and my cousin we went in on a triplex one time we had it and then i learned never to move your family in no don't move man and then um you know recently had a situation with real estate i've had a you know a relationship with real estate and i just want to i i feel it it's it's i'm older now i'm more mature and i really definitely so we definitely want like i'm i'm not doing no real estate without you y'all put that on camera i'm not doing no real estate deals without ramone um but i wanna i wanna know uh i like to make predictions on this podcast and i want you to tell me where you feel like you your business is going to be five to ten years from now so that we can look back on this and say yo ramona said it fire is going look he so he did it so five years from now i'll be 50 years old um and so all the things that i've learned up until this point i want to automate stuff more i want to grow a business more because we still been hustling a little bit which means more governmental contracts more on the construction side because i love the construction piece more commercial than we've ever done before but then also that's one piece of the business but on the other side making sure we've influenced enough people so that we've built people you know what i mean so in five years i want to look up and say you know what we got 100 people that have done what we've done or better because i don't care if you're better than me if if we can make sure you know we got some kids coming out of college at 22 years old they went from home ownership to being investors and they're not stressing about living then i feel like you know we've done our job so five years from now that's why i want to i want to have a company that's running without me so you know what i mean and when i say without me that means if i want to go and be gone for a month it doesn't depend on ramon making a decision so you're really good with your hands in terms of like you know putting these deals together like a piece of cake yeah and other and obviously you've been uh you've t you've got a lot of students that are killing it too yeah we do so um so i guess tell us about um about flippology too because how long have you been running football so so flippology uh we're going into year six now so it's been five years um and flipology just just like it sounds signs of flipping real estate but it's not just fixing flipping we got different levels of it so from wholesaling so training people really how to build wealth through real estate um but the what people associate flipology with is the 101 the boot camp which we just had this past weekend and it's two and a half days of nothing but information on how you build wealth not just not just flipping but everything how you build wealth from all the funding to the you know fix and i tell people how to estimate repairs we bring in inspectors we go out and look at properties it is it is i call it my baby because i really really love everything about it man you know we were there we had 25 speakers over the weekend oh wow yeah i mean when i tell you people leaving they're like man we're so tired but we're so charged up you know we we give you what you need um and so that that is for me man bringing in the right resources so when you come to our event and you leave you can say you know what it's all on me yeah and i put it on you i tell you like raise your hand if you're gonna do something within 30 days i don't care if you got bad credit if you're going to go out and start working on your credit we got the resource if you got great credit you know we got this resource if you know most people man don't understand it they got a 401k that they losing like crazy and they could have rolled it over into an r8 and loaned themselves money by buy projects with it right you know most people have left jobs and left a 401k over there and they ain't getting no benefits from it so those things we bring in those resources so that when you are part of what we're doing we give you everything like it's a it's a it's a beautiful thing and i tell people it's not because of me if you see the caliber of people that are at flippology speaking it's like man wow i love it i love it because i'm in the back i'm still taking like this time we had a guy and i gotta i gotta introduce you to him jason thomas i want you to remember his name okay he has a uh formula and then you know some business but they show you how to pay your debt off not pay smallest first not pay your he shows you how to skip loan payments right by triggering if you pay a certain amount towards your principal it skips interest payments oh it's a beautiful thing man he was at flippology right he's from jamaica and he he comes over i think he may be still still in town but just that alone was worth the ticket and people left knowing okay you know if i could uh paid my interest i skipped five payments this year by paying this amount and i put it on my card let's say my card was 20 interest and i spent four grand but i skipped six payments that were eleven hundred dollars i just saved four grand right and he shows you that so those that kind of people are at floopology that kind of education is there and so that's why i always love how our team brings those people because a lot of times they'll tell me who's coming and i'm like okay i'll see it but like that's life that's awesome well i don't know when you guys are watching this but um he does the boot camp and flip biology all the time so i definitely want you to follow uh ramon right now and just dm i'm like yo when's the next apology or how can you help me um right now we're in corona season all right so you got one coming up in july in july okay but you know i don't know when you're watching this but he's always doing them you've been doing it for the last six years you're gonna be doing for the next six years so um i guess um let everybody know how they can get in touch with you how can they connect with you so i'm ramon tooks on all social medias um and i think that's the easiest way to connect with me then you know if you dm me send me a message you know make a comment i'm always looking at my stuff so i always respond it may be you know the next morning but always respond so shoot us a message and my team members said as well so they see somebody send something they'll make sure we respond silent solid silent okay well leave us leave us with a uh uh a inspirational word as it pertains to real estate makes a lot of people real estate is scary for them man because it's not like setting up a t-shirt brand where it costs a couple hundred dollars to start like um or you know i i print it and i see the product this is a lot bigger so what what kind what type of words of advice would you give a smile so you know i said it earlier man don't do not continue to miss the opportunity because the cost of missing the opportunity of owning some real estate is bigger than the risk that you're going to take by buying it especially when you're buying it with the right folks you know i mean even if we even if we made a mistake and missed the mark on a deal as long as we stay together we'll be able to fix the deal because we've missed the mark sometimes right and we're moving too fast we didn't do the checklist but you have to own some real estate you know um you know i don't know if you know saying but sonya always says you know he who owns real estate calls a shot so you know if i'm renting somewhere i don't tell the neighbors what to do right i can go to all the community association meetings i want to but you know as owners i'm going to say man they don't own them they're gonna be gone next year right right right so i think really really learning the process and it's like any other it's like driving right you know you were nervous when you first started driving right you know you got an expressway you was like oh my god right it's the same thing with real estate you with the right people we had the right time the lowest interest rates possible just a really good environment to be buying them by now by the next six months we'll be all right i love it yeah in the worst case the worst thing that can happen is what you own some real estate man you got somewhere to stay right you
Channel: Social Proof
Views: 41,998
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: IYCIv0mtJOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 23sec (4223 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 23 2020
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