Stop Wasting Time and Start Learning English!

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and begin hi everybody welcome back to our live stream we are as always on this week and today we're going to talk about ways to stop procrastinating and keep your studies moving forward so if you don't know the word procrastinate so to procrastinate is a verb which means to delay something to put something off like to wait until tomorrow or to wait until later to do something so I think everybody has probably had a problem with procrastination at some time in their life but today we're going to talk about some ways that you can stop doing that especially for your English Studies so some of these are going to be tips some of these are going to be ways that you can keep your study motivation up so they're going to be tips specifically for study for studying a language but we're also going to talk about some tips that maybe can be helpful in other parts of your life to keep motivation up and to keep yourself from procrastinating so I hope that this is a useful lesson in many different ways just some different ways that you can keep your motivation going so that being said our intro for today we are loading our Facebook our Facebook live stream and our YouTube live stream now and I think we also are getting twitch maybe I don't know but we have all kinds of things prepared for you today and of course some good free stuff to Facebook I see you a Facebook is up first today great RV hello someone from Brazil Cardoso I see your last name right now hi hello actually I can't quite see good Facebook is up hello Facebookers welcome YouTube is coming up next so we'll begin in just a few moments I think that the YouTube we're working on the YouTube chat situation right now for now hi hello lots of people from Brazil welcome as always and I think that will take just a little bit more time to get our facebook chat there's a we're experimenting with some new streaming things these days so good stuff coming on the way in just a second okay but um last time actually if you joined us last time we were talking about job interviews so that was the that was the focus for last time so maybe one of your goals I think some of you joined this at the beginning of the year this year where we talked about New Year's resolution so maybe your goal is to get like a new job for example this is kind of the theme of the topics and then maybe as a continuation of that so in continuing this theme maybe how can you keep your motivation going so that's kind of the idea for today alright YouTube chat is up fantastic hi YouTube okay Facebook sup and YouTube is a fantastic I see the YouTube chat now hello from let's see Mexico Cambodia hi made from the philippines marcin from poland Gabe Gabby from Florida great and Marco from Peru great from Malaysia and Oh someone says go in ask Alicia yes of course submit questions to ask Alicia great Facebook and YouTube are up fantastic so officially welcome everybody I see everybody now so that's great but let's get started then I want to as always share something from my life something some way that I used something that might be of interest to you guys so actually I have something a little bit special this week this week rather last week we were working on something here that you guys I think will be interested in and I tweeted about this actually it'll be over here so something I know that many of you you have this goal of studying English of course this year and like improving your English as a kind of open go abroad goal but this is something that our company just developed and released and so we shot a video for it last week so if you use Alexa like Amazon this is an Amazon echo device which maybe is in this room but we there's a new app so if you don't know our app it's called daily dose and there are these like every day you can get like vocabulary lessons and lessons like actual spoken long spoken lessons and now you can do it all voice-controlled through this so this is really really cool you can find this app on the Amazon store now so definitely check that out if you like but this is something that I thought this is actually a point we're going to talk about later today so different ways to help you keep your motivation up one way is through having a course alright so that's just the intro for today but let's get into our topic the actual tips for reducing your procrastination so keeping your motivation up will be today's topic so let's get into that as I said at the beginning of the video today is going to focus on how to keep yourself keep your motivation for studying a language but some of these tips will be good for other things in your life too I hope maybe new challenges or other goals so I hope it's useful for you if you're just joining make sure to LIKE the video please hit the like button if you're on youtube or you're on Facebook it's super helpful other people will find the video if if lots of people like it so definitely please help us out that would be extremely extremely appreciated so let's begin today let's talk about how to keep your motivation going throughout the year so it's the end of January let's talk about how to keep your motivation going through February March and the other months ok so to review we began this year's live stream series with SMART goals I talked about SMART goals you can go back to the first live stream this year about New Year's resolutions if you want to review that so that's kind of step 1 for today's lesson so step 1 imagine you have a goal there's something that you want to do and I think for many of you that's studying English so for today we're going to talk about three to four tips and three to four different ways to keep your motivation and to continue your studies so the first one I want to talk about maybe you've you are already doing this I don't know but just something that I think that's really helpful for me is registering for a test so I think I I've made it up here so we'll see some text up here for each of these tips but one of the things that I think is useful to do is to register for a challenging test so challenging means beyond your current level of ability so if you register for a test that you are sure you can pass that seems really easy for you it's maybe it's not going to push you forward so much so if you're constantly like registering for something that's a little bit higher than the level that you are now you'll always be able to kind of push yourself forward so think about like the level you're at now and the level you want to go to and try to register for a test or work to work to like take a test or to do an event or something that's at a level slightly more difficult than you're at now so this is a really good way to like make sure you keep going I think this is useful this is useful for me I use this actually I use this because I don't like to fail as I'm sure most of you are the same but I hate failing so if I register for a challenging test I'm motivated to study because I don't want to fail so this can be a really good way to keep your to keep your motivation up or to keep you studying every day because you know there's this test in the future and maybe the test cost money for example so this can be a really good way to do that as far as though like some people say well what test should I take I don't even know what I should do there are some really popular or very I don't know I don't know if popular is the right word but perhaps some common tests that you can think about maybe some of you already know about it there's the IELTS test that's one on that there's I think a speaking element involved in that there's the TOEFL test which is quite popular the TOF LTO EFL TOEFL test and then finally there is the TOEIC test the TOEIC test so there are a few different tests that test kind of different capabilities and depending on your country one test might be more available than the other but you can take a look those are just a few examples of some tests of course in your country there might be a different test you can register for but this is kind of our first tip for today it's a register for a challenging test something that's challenging for you so given that it is about time for our first break so perfect timing today actually the the team last week we introduced it for the first time but we actually have a PDF cheat sheet a free downloadable PDF cheat sheet to help you as you prepare for the TOEIC test so some of you maybe are taking the TOEIC test if you are and you are looking for some strategies to improve your score or to improve your test taking abilities you can try taking a look at this cheat sheet so I think you'll see it in just a moment there it is good so if you did not download this last week please check it out this week so if you are thinking about taking a test of course these are tips specifically for taking the TOEIC but these some of these tips might also be useful for taking other tests so in general these could be good test taking tips so if you would like this this is totally free please check the link below the video on youtube and above the video on Facebook so you can get this for free if you have an account on the website you could download it for free right away if you don't have an account you can make an account a free account in just a few seconds and then you can download the PDF for free so if you're thinking about registering for a test please check that out that could be very helpful for you alright good I see a lot of people still coming in fantastic hi everybody from Taiwan and Chile good ok let's continue on so I want to move on to a few different kinds of tips then if you are just joining us today - the topic for today is how or some ways to stop procrastinating so ways to keep your motivation up and ways to make sure you continue your studies throughout the year so we've talked about it before but a couple good points to review or some good livestreams to review our for example our new year's resolution live stream that has some tips about how to make good goals for yourself so good goals I think are important to your to your studies so if you're just joining that's today's topic and of course please make sure to hit the like button on Facebook and on YouTube it's very helpful so please give us a thumbs up other people will find the video okay but let's move on to some other ways that you can maybe work to keep your motivation going another tip that I have that I use as well is having a many people actually many of you do this many of you connect with each other this way is using a diary or having a social media account that you can use and you can update every day so there are a couple of different reasons that I that I like this one and that I think that this is useful so if you do this it gives you a chance to connect with other people who are working towards the same goal so for example everybody in like the YouTube chat now and everybody in the facebook chat now has a chance to connect with each other and like we like I can connect with you a little bit through live streams and through like ask Alicia now too so through social media now we have the chance to connect and through social media and through something like a diary or like everyday updates you have the chance to actually create in English you yourself can write or you yourself can make something in English so it's a good opportunity to practice and maybe to get feedback so that's one point about this second you can follow people on like Facebook on Twitter on YouTube whatever follow people who are sharing information about the thing you're interested in so in this case like you know of course you're watching this live stream thank you so we're talking about English and like today's motivation and stuff like that but if you're following people who regularly who often share good resources those can be helpful for you so it's just like these everyday small pieces of information that can help you you work towards improving so this can be a good tip just something that you can do like between classes at university for example or just I don't know sitting on the subway or the train for example so this can be a really good way to just take a few minutes every day to work towards your goal so this is a nice way to to like make yourself do something everyday something small every day so this is I use this actually so for example like if I do editing or I do editing in like translation work so I follow people who share articles or who share tips or who share things they learn in their jobs about editing or about translation and then I gain knowledge from them so I didn't talk to them directly but they shared something useful for me so in your case if you're studying English or if you're studying something else you can look for people who are sharing those resources and follow them so that can be a really good way to kind of make connections with people I think okay and of course if you have tips for your classmates you can share them in the chat too so if there's someone like that you follow on like Twitter or Facebook I don't know if you want to share that of course you can share that with your classmates in the comment section - for sure okay and of course we hope you follow us on Twitter and on Facebook because we share things on our Twitter feed and on our Facebook feed like vocabulary points are like like live streams for example so there are lots of good small daily resources like this that can help you keep your motivation up I think okay good so since we're talking about media then I want to move on to another tip that's kind of it sort of mixes fun with study I think so I think another good tip for another good way to keep your motivation up is to focus on understanding like a specific TV show or movie for example so some of you have said like one of your goals is to understand like your favorite TV show in English or to like be able to watch a movie in English with no subtitles it's good if you don't have that goal like this this can be a fun way to like practice at least so if there's a piece of media so that means TV show it could mean a movie for example if there's something that you're interested in or maybe your friends talk about a lot it could be a good way to study and a fun way to keep your motivation up to try to use something like this to practice so oftentimes we find that like TV shows or movies use English language differently than like textbooks do so you get to see like or you get to hear as well many different kinds of speaking I think through like TV shows especially so that can be a really useful way to listen to like have exposure to have a chance to listen to lots of different ways of speaking different vocabulary choices and it can be entertaining so this is a fun way a fun thing to do so that's fun for me I like to do that like I pick up I pick a show and like Netflix or something that I like as far as like English language shows that like people enjoy watching I've heard the u.s. TV show friends was quite popular for a long time many people liked friends because it's quite short it's like 22 minutes but it's and it has like a like six main characters and then some other characters sort of that aren't main characters but there are different styles of speaking and it's funny and that and so lots of people like to use that I've also heard lots of people like to use sex in the city that that's similar it's kind of funny there are a few main characters four main characters so depending on who you are and depending on your personality you can find a TV show or a movie that can be interesting for you and use that to study everyday okay so let's think then since we're here we have an opportunity to share a chance to share with your classmates today's first question for you guys then I hope you have some answers for this I'm curious actually what you're interested in what is an English TV show an english-language TV show or movie that you would like to be able to understand or maybe that you recommend for other people in their studies so like I meant I know many people like friends or like sex in the city that's what I've heard before some of my students have told me that so but in your case what is a TV show or a movie that you want to understand or that you you have used to study like what have you studied with is there a TV show that you have enjoyed Nashville camila on facebook says Nashville I don't know Nashville is Nashville on Netflix I have I that sounds kind of familiar mmm okay so Nashville is a show that's a show new girl oh yeah new girl is funny new girl is with Zooey Deschanel yeah I've seen that before new girl is is really funny I think it's set in New York but there are a lot of different speaking styles in that and so that's all that's a really good way to learn humor for sure and also like to see the different ways and like the different lifestyles that people have to so new girl for sure is really good a Family Guy is another one family guys okay Family Guy is funny for sure if you're interested in like American humor but the problem with Family Guy is one it's animated so it's difficult to see the way that Nate's like the speakers are making the sounds one two there are a lot of jumps in that show so sometimes the jokes aren't related to like the plot aren't related to this story so sometimes that's a little bit difficult but it's it's very entertaining okay Pierre says Westworld I haven't seen Westworld that's the one that's like the futuristic cowboy show actually I don't watch very much TV what else - did someone say two and a Half Men oh yeah Christian on facebook says two and a Half Men that's with Charlie Sheen that's actually a good show too so that features two and a Half Men is the show the name of the show that's a show that has as main characters two adult men and it's sort of their life story and then there's the the two and a half refers to like a younger guy so they they have a chat there's a child in the family - they have to take care of so that's a like maybe a nice one for practicing like funny men's speech but again you have to kind of get a fee for this story I think nice examples Oh someone's a prison break Prison Break I haven't seen prison break actually either I need to watch more TV okay great you guys have nice suggestions nice lost someone has suggested lost that is an interesting suggestion so if you don't know the show Lost Lost is like this epic story about people who are in a survival situation on an island like a mysterious island and they have to decide what to do so that's an interesting one a person of interest as well I saw like one episode of that okay but you guys have a lot of really good recommendations so definitely if you're watching on Facebook or you're watching on Twitter like our Twitter sorry you do like check the chat like your classmates the other people in the chat have some really good recommendations so check that out for sure okay nice all right but let's take a break let's take another break so break number two today again if you missed it before the first tip that we talked about for today in terms of keeping your motivation up was registering for a challenging test so if you are planning to take a test this year we have which you'll see in just a second we have this free pdf that's about taking the TOEIC so these are strategies for taking the TOEIC test so TOEIC is one example of a test that you can take to get an idea of your English level your English skill level so this PDF it's for free you can download it from the link below the video on youtube or above the video on Facebook and you can get it for free from the site if you don't have an account on the site you can make an account and get it for free but if you're taking the TOEIC test this could be these could be some good hints for how to like take the test how to make your time more effective but if you're taking a different test this could be this could be a good kind of series of hints to help you so check that out if you're planning to take a test this year that could be something useful to look at oh okay let's pick it up we have only like eight more minutes left to go not much time so if you are just joining live today the topic is how to stop procrastinating or how to keep your motivation up throughout the year so continuing our January theme of like goals and challenges how do you continue your motivation throughout the year okay so let's move on and of course if you haven't already please hit the like button it's very helpful for us other people can find the video so all right let's continue to my last two tips today my last to act that these are actually all things that I use by the way these are things from my experience that were helpful for me let's go on to the second-to-last tip our penultimate tip penultimate means second to last it's a fancy word okay um the next one is to enroll in a regular course to enroll in a regular course so enroll means like register for something enroll in a regular course secure so by this I mean it's register for something you have to go to or you have to participate in regularly meaning every week or like two times a week or maybe every day so something that gives you like a pattern to follow this can be really helpful and I find personally if I'm involved in a course if I'm involved in like in an event or there's something where I have some responsibility especially to my classmates or to a teacher then I am more motivated to continue so this is something quite good so um I know some of you have said like I don't have a like a course or maybe like courses are really expensive or whatever so of course there are digital options I mean many of you obviously know about our videos on YouTube and on Facebook and of course we have on our website courses that you can take and check out so please check the website too and I also mentioned at the beginning of today's lesson as well if you have yet but for like smartphone we have an app the daily dose app is now available there and it's on Alexa so it's voice controlled too so there are a lot of options like those are just the options from our company so like if you want to like check out all of the stuff that's available like from our stuff like our courses please check that out it's a great resource for you so this is a really useful one because you do it like at the same time every day or the same time every week so look around and see what is available in your community and if you're not sure about something in your community look for things digitally so you can you can find many different resources I think so of course if you want to check out our stuff then definitely check the link in the description on YouTube below the video or above the video on Facebook okay so that's that one but let's move on to today's last hints today's last idea I hope for keeping your motivation can I steal the mouse Kyle we're sharing the mass all right so let's go to the last tip for today my last tip for today again is one that I use a lot and that's make your goal public make your goal public you'll see it here in a second so when I say make your goal public I mean share your goal so like tell people about your goal what is the thing that you want to do so if your goal for example is to give a business presentation and English this year maybe tell your colleagues about it or tell your boss about it so if you tell other people what you're trying to do so if you share about the thing that you're trying to do you'll you might find I have found that people will say okay that's interesting and like support you you know that they know that you're trying to like run a marathon for example so they'll help you or they'll listen to you if you're talking about your challenges maybe and help you by giving advice or support whatever that might be so make your goal public so make it easy to see your goal or share your goal with people of course if it's like something you only want to tell a few people about that's fine but I've found that making goals public even very small goals really helps me to like keep my motivation up so I do this if I don't have in my case sometimes like I'm like working at home or I just I don't have like a friend nearby to talk to you about something I'll actually sometimes I just use like Twitter to do this I say like okay I'm going to do this today or even if it's like a like a recipe I want to make I say okay I'm going to make this and then somehow I feel like if I don't make that thing or if I don't do that thing like because I told somebody I was planning to do it like I feel like I will have failed them in some way so this is a really good one so to make your goal public or another way of thinking of this is to kind of create like a relationship like an accountability relationship with someone by that I mean like having a friend or having someone you can like who knows about your goal and maybe even shares your goal and then you can do work on that thing together so I think that this is a really really good one so this is one this is one like I say I like to use this one too so those are a few tips from me four ways to keep your motivation up this year so we've talked a lot this month about how to like set goals for yourself and thinking about new challenges like new jobs as well ways to think about moving forward into the future so I hope that these are some useful tips that you can think about throughout the year of course for your English Studies but also just in general for the like challenges that you're thinking about this year all right yeah and many of you are writing in the chats like I want to get good at speaking English this year fantastic oh sure AB on Facebook says we're to follow learning English on the Facebook page if you are watching on Facebook you should there's a link on the face like above the video for our page it just says English class and if you're watching on youtube also you can check just be in like the description there should be our channel name English class just click that and you can subscribe and you can follow us and get our updates on both Facebook and on YouTube so yeah please follow us great but we are out of time for today so I have to end unfortunately but I appreciate you joining us as always this week so I hope that those were some helpful tips for you as well but we have to wrap up we have to finish for today so we'll be back next week with a new topic next week's topic we're going to change from like this very beginning of the year sort of thing to so we're gonna talk about like internet and texting words so you might have seen like for example you might see like native English speakers using like this like this sort of thing like lol or like this one BRB that sort of thing so we're going to talk about these next week so things that are useful for you and things you might see like when you're talking with your friends and also things that you can use in like business emails as well so that's our focus for next week so please join us next week so that's going to be January 31st Wednesday January 31st 9 p.m. Eastern Standard Time that's New York City time and I believe that's 7:30 in the morning in India on Thursday 9 o'clock in the morning in Vietnam Thailand and Indonesia 6 p.m. in Mexico City on Wednesday night and midnight in Brazil on Thursday morning technically so I hope those are the correct times correct me if I'm wrong correct me if I'm wrong but 30 minutes before now essentially if you're watching live so next week is going to be internet and texting words so I hope that that's gonna be useful it's actually kind of interesting and fun too well we'll talk a little bit about some slang as well so that's it for me today thank you so much for joining in for liking the video for sharing the video and for sending your ideas some people are still sending ideas which is nice too um of course check out the free TOEIC PDF on the website you can download that right after I finish so please go download that please check that out especially if you're thinking about taking a test this year so that's it from me this week thank you guys again I hope you have a great day a great night and a great week I will see you again soon bye bye you
Channel: Learn English with
Views: 95,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords:, englishclass101, learn english, easy, fast, longplay, compilation, fun, simple, learn while you sleep, english exposure, english immersion, get better at english, live, livestream, tv, english tv, american english, british english
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 50sec (1910 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 24 2018
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