45 Useful Expressions to Sound Friendly in English

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wanna speak real English from your first lesson sign up for your free lifetime account at English class 101.com come on the first word first phrase is come on come on is a phrase that's used to encourage other people like let's go to the party come on or you could also use it with downward intonation as in come on when you feel upset about something someone has stopped in front of you in the middle of the street and you're trying to walk but they they just don't move you can say come on though don't say that out loud maybe because they might get upset with you come on over that's a good one yeah come on over to my house or come on over to the barbecue this weekend it's gonna be a good time so you can use it as part of its separate phrase as well not just by itself believe the next word is belief belief is used a verb it's a verb when you trust in something or that you feel that you know that something exists or something is possible or something is capable many people use it as in like I believe in you to show that they think that the other person or the other group of people is capable of doing something or people use it for their faith as well like I believe in God or I don't believe in God for something that youth you have your faith in and another person or in religion whatever that might be consistency consistency is a noun the consistency of a liquid can be really thick or kind of thin or you can also use consistency to talk about something that's important that you need when you're studying a language for example consistency so consistency refers to doing the same thing the same way over and over and over again studying everyday or making a habit out of studying creating consistency in your study patterns will really help you in learning another language or watch our videos every week we're consistent friend-friend that's good I'm glad that that was a word that was chosen from the Facebook thing friend yeah so someone that you feel close to or someone that you get along really well with is your friend mmm in a sentence I went out drinking with my friends yesterday and that was a bad idea friend also can be used for the people who follow you or the people who you're connected to on social media so your Facebook friends maybe Twitter you can have Twitter friends maybe Instagram friends people that you haven't actually met but that you somehow have a connection with online people are now calling them your friends but whether or not they're true friends remains to be seen what is a true friend a true friend is someone who you can tell all your things - and they won't judge you for it gatecrash this this gatecrash means to go to an event without having been invited to the event I've also heard just crash I haven't heard it with gate but I just heard crash isn't to crash a party so in a sentence I once crashed a house party hmm I wasn't invited but someone somehow we had a connection and we just showed up and had a good time but usually gate crashes are perceived as they're very unwelcome like you shouldn't be there great great is just a positive word how are you I'm great oh how was that movie it was great any time that you want to express some sort of positivity you could use the word great right you're great Eileen pizza is pretty great I haven't eaten beads in a while pizza I don't know I love the phrase I don't know I talked about this phrase in one of the English topics videos that we did with Michael we'll check that out if you haven't already I don't know of course is used when you do not know information you don't know the answer your teacher asks you a question in math class or something and you can say I don't know for I have no ideas so you can use it in this way but I like to use I don't know a lot to transition in my speech when I don't have a good idea or when I'm out of things to say and I want to kind of pass the conversation to the next person I go I don't know I don't know you can use this when you're trying to make a decision for example and you kind of want to encourage the other person to like help make the decision so one person might say what do you want to do and you can say I don't know what do you want to do I don't know what do you want to do and eventually somebody has to make the decision but you can kind of pass back and forth with I don't know I don't know in this sort of soft way never mind yeah never mind means don't worry about it or maybe like stop thinking about that I don't need to think about that anymore never mind like you want to move on in the conversation you can say never mind are you making embarrassing comment never mind what is happening there was there's like a creaky cracky thing happening nevermind oh I just used it nevermind no it wasn't on purpose so I just use nevermind that was pretty good passion passion passion refers to something that you feel very strongly about positively usually so you can feel passion for your studies you can feel passion for your hobby you can feel passion for your family or your friend I think we use passion more so to talk about like a love relationship of a romantic relationship so you could say I have passion for my wife I have passion for my husband or like I have passion for this hobby that I do it's a really positive word so in a sentence let's see I think a relationship should be full of passion I have passion for music I do I have passion for music I'm constantly listening to music from the moment I wake up in the morning I literally have headphones in in my bed and I'm listening to my latest the latest new things on my soundcloud stream that's true sparkler why did you guys pick spark sparkler a sparkler is a small firework like a handheld firework that you can use like a fourth of July you light one end of it and it kind of makes that sound to it cuz it kind of burns and you can write stuff and if you take a picture with a like a long time err on the camera or whatever you can spell out boobs one of my favorite things to do on the 4th of July in America is to light sparklers with my family and friends you win the first phrase is you win you win if you hear the phrase you win it means you have won something you are probably going to receive something for free whoo that's a very happy thing right you want to give free things congratulations you win a car yay here are the keys to your new car great thank you and I brought you something special this is exciting to hear because it means this little something special is I call I thought only of you so I brought you this I brought you something special really thank you I miss you I miss you I miss you is nice you can use this with your friends your family members your partner whoever I miss you shows that you want to meet the other person probably you haven't you haven't seen them as much as you would like to so you can say I miss you I miss you call your husband or wife or boyfriend girlfriend whoever on the phone maybe you haven't seen them for a long time you can say I miss you I miss you too take a break I'll do the cleaning today take a break I'll do the cleaning today this means someone else is going to clean up your house for you or clean up something for you I would be very happy to hear this phrase right now because my apartment is a disaster because I am only there to sleep so maybe you've had a long day at work or a long day doing something you come home and somebody else has offered to do this for you so take a break I'll do the cleaning today and you can reply really thank you so much I'm gonna relax the budget is unlimited the next phrase that you always want to hear is the budget is unlimited the budget is unlimited this could be at work this could be a budget a personal budget maybe but it just means there's no limit to the budget you can spend as much money as you want very exciting so let's see in a business context perhaps you have this new client who's going to give you a lot of money to build a new house or something maybe you're building houses that's your project your boss comes to you the budget for this project is unlimited really let's go crazy there'll be a bonus at the end of the month yeah this is a phrase that you probably are very excited to hear it means you are going to receive extra money from your job at the end of the month woohoo very exciting extra money maybe you'll hear this from your boss or your manager or maybe your coworker at work maybe you see it in an email there'll be a bonus at the end of the month really I'm gonna use mine to buy a new car really I'm gonna use mine to go out on a date really I'm gonna use mine to get a new fish you did a great job you did a great job you did a great job it's something you'll probably hear from well I don't know you could hear this from pretty much anybody any time you've done a good job someone will congratulate you or tell you their opinion with this phrase you did a great job you finished a project at work and your boss says you did a great job nice thank you so much it was really fun or thank you just just say thank you you look great today you look great today the other person thinks that your physical appearance is nice today don't think about that today part you know just just just take the compliment oh really thank you so much you look great today oh thank you so much I got a new haircut thank you so much i i got enough sleep yeah you were right you were right this means that something that you said in the past was correct and it everybody likes to be correct I think I saw that movie that you recommended you were right it was really good oh good I'm glad you enjoyed it don't be like I know or yeah I knew I was right don't do that just say oh good I'm glad you're an excellent cook you're an excellent cook this is a nice compliment especially for someone who enjoys cooking if you say you're an excellent cook it means you enjoyed their food so let's see at a dinner party for example you're an excellent cook this food is delicious oh thank you so much I'm really glad you enjoyed it want to speak real English from your first lesson sign up for your free lifetime account at English class 101.com I love your cooking this is my personal favorite compliment oh my god I love cooking like I'm always posting like pictures of things that I cooked on Twitter I'm just like crazy about food so this would be a compliment that I would love to get like the ultimate compliment for me that would be will you make my birthday cake that would be such a compliment like it's a question but it's it there's so much behind that will you make my birthday cake you would give that to me so maybe after you can use this after a meal for example I love your cooking and the other person will be like next is great job great job this is a compliment that you can use anytime you can use it to your with your friend with your not with your boss your boss might use it with you an employee a co-worker or colleague pet even whatever it's it's just a very small scale very easy to use compliment it means you think whatever has just happened is good I use great job all the time I use great job and I use good job sometimes when I make a mistake or something funny happens and I'm alone at my house and I want to make fun of myself I'll be like yeah great job Alicia but if I'm if I'm trying to be positive about a failure or laugh at myself a bit but in general it's just a good easy compliment to give someone great job you have a way with words you have a way with words this can be speaking this can be writing it means you think that the other person is a good communicator or maybe even more so than just a good communicator you think that the way they speak or the way that they write is particularly good so that could mean funny it could mean romantic it could mean dramatic something about the way they speak or the way that they write you really enjoy that you can say you have a way with words it's quite a nice compliment I think it's kind of like a you know it's smart it's a bit of a smart thing you have a way with words or you can say you're good with words you're really good with words yeah all right next one you look gorgeous you look gorgeous very nice compliment to give just be very careful with the way that you say this for an everyday compliment I tend not to say you look nice or you look gorgeous today or something like that because the underlying comment there is on the other days that person doesn't look nice like so if I want to compliment someone's appearance I try to pick a specific thing I'm like oh I've never seen you wear that sweater before it looks nice on you something like that like yesterday my friend had a new dress on and like is that a new dress and because I thought she looked nice I was but I didn't I didn't want to make it sound like I don't think she looks nice day so I said is that a new dress and she goes yeah and I said I think that color is really really nice on you it looks really good and she was so happy about that so yes there there are these compliments like you look nice you look great you look gorgeous and so on but I personally kind of prefer to level them up a little bit and just say pick a specific thing like did you get a new haircut did you dye your hair or you did you get something did something happen like what whatever it is try to pick up on a specific thing because then that shows you're paying attention to the other person and you think that whatever they have chosen to do whatever like clothing or whatever haircut whatever it is you think that they have good sense there too or good style so it's kind of like a double it's a very subtle double compliment yeah the next word is you have good tastes you have good taste this can be for food fashion style for decorating sense music in movies whatever if you think that that person's artistic selection is in whatever capacity if you think that that person makes good choices with their their appearance or their hobbies or whatever you can say you have good taste this is a fairly sophisticated compliment I think we use you have good taste for something like it's it sounds a bit more sophisticated maybe if you both choose the same bottle of wine perhaps like it has kind of a more formal adult dish sophisticated feeling about it this compliment so yeah maybe maybe wine is a good example of that yeah oh nice bottle choice like I really like that you have good taste you can follow this by the way you have good taste in blah blah blah you have good taste in movies you have good taste in music if you want to be specific about something that you think that person is really good at choosing you have good taste in now okay okay um next one is you have a great sense of humor you have a great sense of humor this is the this is the underlying compliment in the phrase you are so funny this is the underlying compliment you have a great sense of humor means the other person thinks you are funny that you are good at telling jokes or make them laugh this is actually one of my favorite compliments to get you have a great sense of humor yeah because I think that like you know people like to laugh so it's an it's an if someone makes you laugh you can say this you have a great sense of humor or you're very funny yeah it's a good one it's a really good one so you could say after a joke for example or after maybe you've you're you finished laughing it's something the other person has said you can say ah you have a great sense of humor good next one is your resume is impressive this is a weird compliment to say to your friends unless you're like reviewing your friends resume it's a bit weird this is something that perhaps someone interviewing another person for a job would say the candidate comes in for the interview the interviewer says why your resume is very impressive I'd like to ask you a few questions about it so this is good to hear in a work situation yeah you really probably won't need to use this with your friends if you do it's kind of weird oh wow this next one is quite a compliment nobody's ever said this yeah to be fair if somebody said this next one to me I would feel a little bit of like pressure the compliment here is you make me want to be a better person this is something that I think you see in movies from time to time pers yeah I've had I had one person say like like oh that something you did inspired me and that was like really like wow that was really exciting like somebody was inspired by something like wow that's great I want to be like you that's a really cool compliment but if someone says you want to make me be a better person it's like oh wow like that means I'm really important to that person which is really flattering but at the same time if someone said that I would also be like if it's like my friend I would be like but I want you to be you like I think you're a cool person already yeah it's like oh you make me want to be a better person like in that person's viewpoint you're like somehow above them and that's uncomfortable yeah just I would rather say you inspire me I think that that or like this thing that you really inspired me like if somebody said like I saw that picture that she posted on Twitter of that pizza today Alicia and it really inspired me and I made my own pizza I'd be like yay Oh next one is nice actually I say this to my friends quite a bit you are an awesome friend this is really really good to use after your friend has helped you with something maybe you're moving to a new apartment or new house or maybe you've had some trouble and your friend gave you some good advice or your friend just listened to you when you really needed to talk to someone after that experience you could say thanks so much you were an awesome friend or maybe your friend did something really really cool and you just want to like tell them like I think you're really awesome just say you are an awesome friend they'll be happy to hear that or just you can abbreviate it - you are awesome not just you're an awesome friend just you are awesome you're a cool person you are awesome you're fantastic you are an awesome ring you're an awesome friend compliments that I want to hear quite honestly I feel that the any physical appearance compliment is sort of boring to me honestly when people yeah really I'm just like okay great that I didn't do anything to be have this body or face or whatever it's just it's like okay that doesn't mean anything like what are we gonna do with that it's like if you're one if you want to compliment somebody I feel like you should compliment them on their skills something that they have done or something that they have created or something about their personality that is valuable to you I think that that's a much better compliment so for me I like this is delicious because I love cooking so when somebody tells me this is so good like when they say it in just that right way and you can tell that it's real if you can tell that it's true I'm just like yes when people go oh my god this is so good like I've cooked something really really well they say oh my god amazing or I want to eat your food that sort of thing when people say that I'm just like yes like that makes me so so happy because it's something like that's one of my favorite things to do it's a skill and it's something like I've worked hard to try to do well so when someone compliments me on that I get really excited would you like to go out to dinner with me okay the first phrase is would you like to go out to dinner with me this is a pretty typical invitation I think you can use would you go out for lunch with me is okay - or would you like to get a coffee with me as well if you invite someone out for breakfast it's a little weird I feel like I don't think I would say to someone like I'm making a bomb would you like to go out for breakfast sometime it's just not really something you would say you know would you like to go out to dinner with me sure sounds great are you free this weekend are you free this weekend are you free free means are your is your schedule free do you have an open schedule this weekend very nice very casual as well so are you free this weekend yeah I've got some time what's up would you like to hang out with me the next phrase is would you like to hang out with me that sounds a little too formal to me if it were me I would just say do you want to hang out do you want to get together that's a little bit more natural so do you want to hang out this weekend yeah sure let's catch a movie you're so cute I'm gonna preface this by saying I don't say this okay the next phrase is you're so cute I never say this maybe I'm just cold it's typically said with downward intonation people say you're so cute you're so cute kind of going down like that you can also use this as a compliment people like parents will say this or grandparents will say those two children in the family so you're so cute thank you I suppose is what you say you look great ah next one is a much better compliment I think much more sincere it is you look great you look great maybe you're going out for dinner or something nice your partner looks really nice you can say you look great oh thank you I had a great time the next one is I had a great time I had a great time so this isn't what this is an expression you use after your date you go out for dinner you spend some time together and you have fun you can say I had a great time so the interaction might be thanks so much for tonight I had a great time me too let's get together again soon I'll call you next expression is I'll call you I'll call you so again probably used after the date to show how you want to keep in touch later so one person might say I'll call you sounds good I'll Drive you home the next one again used at the end of the date after the date has finished I'll Drive you home so maybe you live someplace where cars are their normal or you drive for your date's so you can say I'll Drive you home meaning I'll take you home in my car so in the situation maybe I'll Drive you home okay thanks very much I don't know why I keep looking I have my date my date is very tall like super tall like eight feet okay can I see you again okay the next expression again after the date or maybe even like the day or two after the day you could say can I see you again or I want to see you again or let's get together again meaning you had a nice time you want to see that person again so you can say can I see you again sure that would be great shall we go somewhere else the next one okay so maybe you've gone for dinner for example with something with someone and you want to suggest a different location like let's go for a drink after dinner you can say should we go somewhere else this says shall we go somewhere else I would say do you want to go somewhere else in this situation I say shall we go somewhere else and I don't think so I'm kind of tired want to speed up your language learning take your very first lesson with us you'll start speaking in minutes and master real conversations sign up for your free lifetime account just click the link in the description
Channel: Learn English with EnglishClass101.com
Views: 282,435
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Keywords: EnglishClass101, Tutorial, english, how to, learn, English culture, English Language (Interest), learn english, vocabulary, survival phrases, important, Word (Literature Subject), words, top, compilation, ask, teacher, made easy, beginner, english lesson, best of, write, read, speak, english basics, basics, continuous play, long play, auto play, autoplay, speak english, useful expressions, english expressions, sound friendly
Id: Ro6Y8goh33c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 33sec (1413 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 21 2020
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