How to Make (and Use) Embedded Questions in English?

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all right I think we're rolling hi everybody welcome to our weekly live stream my name is Alisha and today we're going to be talking about embedded questions of metod questions as you can see we look a little bit different than usual this is a broadcast from my house for the first time ever so I hope that we could have a good lesson to the format will be a little different today but I hope that we can so as you join us please make sure to like and share the video so that other people can find today's lesson I hope lots of people Tony China whether live or not live I see lots of people in the YouTube chat hi everybody please send a comment as you join us that would be super super cool so that we can say hi yes I am reading comments but I am today I am the host of course I will be teaching you and I'm also controlling the computers so please have a little bit of patience our team is also in the chat and in our team is also around so we're just all remote so I'm doing it a lot on my own today so for these little as always some announcements ah oh there's an ad running in my background I see you I see your what does that mean uh let's see hey guys I'm doing a couple things this is a little bit of a test okay so what handle let's see oh I see I see I see got it okay sorry if there was so there was something oh you know okay I turned it off it was a little ads background about that okay hopefully fix now so let me make sure everything is muted perfect perfect okay so as you enjoyed please make sure to like and share the video so that other learners can find today's lesson that would be super awesome first uh first thing first this banner I'm pointing out right here this gets your guide to learn English at home this this is a free beginner level course that you can download I know many of you are maybe watching or joining us from home and you have to stay at home so please have a look at this beginner level course Oh my own stream is excellent just a moment please okay got it got it I fixed it okay he's good now I think sorry for the interruptions everybody okay as I said this is a free beginner level course that you can take a look at there is a free 52 page ebook as well that you can get so please check the link below the video on youtube or above the video if you are watching this on Facebook you can get this guide to learn at home super cool for right now I think also announcement number two as always this is a screenshot from our weekly series ask Alicia please have a look at this please if you have any questions especially now if you have questions about English grammar English vocabulary culture in the US and so on please take a look at English class slash Basque - Alicia because you can send me your questions there and get a lot of questions from you in comment sections and videos some of you send them like direct messages to me I cannot keep track of all so please send them to the ask Alicia series because that would be super super cool this guy and we can all learn now I think so please oh he don't he I think that's everything I think I fixed all of the problems thank you very much for your patience today I'm going to the facebook chat right now Facebook I'm coming for you I haven't seen you yet Facebook I see lots of people in the YouTube chat hi everybody there I think that I fixed the guy the sound issues facebook chat you're a little bit slow for me so I'll check you on my phone yeah a new audio appeared that's because I opened Facebook sorry sorry everybody I'm doing a few things at once today I will check the Facebook comments from my phone because it's a little bit easier to see that right now so please bear with me everybody working on solutions I think I figured it out though okay I think I'm ready woohoo so let's begin today's topic is embedded questions embedded questions I talked a little bit about this point in a recent livestream maybe two or three weeks ago I talked about using embedded questions to express problems I focused on this grammar point so today we're going to review this and I'm also going to give you some more patterns that you can use in other situations so not just when you're expressing problems so I have as always three parts to today's lesson first I'm going to cover I'm gonna move over here first I'm going to cover what they are this will be part 1 for today's lesson part 2 I'm going to cover grammar rules and part 3 I'm going to talk about common patterns that you can use to practice so I can't show everything at once I don't have a big whiteboard in my house but I hope that you can pick up something and get some good practice so let's begin yes I have a very small weight where maybe some of you remember when we first started doing live streams a few years ago we use the small whiteboard approach so it's just like old times right okay let's get started so let's begin with this first whiteboard that I showed you let's begin with this one embedded question what is an embedded question so let's start here an embedded question is a question inside a question or inside a statement so we can use a question inside another question or we can put a question inside a regular statement just a statement so just a simple fact breaks are not a simple fact but just one simple idea so this the next point when should I use this this is maybe a good thing to consider for today's lesson when should I use this grammar point when you want to make a question or a statement less direct or when you want to make it a bit softer you should use or you can use a direct question so let's begin with this example here so first example here is where is my bag imagine you're talking to a friend yeah so if you're talking to a friend and you have two options which of these is going to sound like softer so this question where is my bag this is a direct question yeah so it's like I can't find my bag in this situation if I say to my friend where's my bag it's probably okay there my friend but if I'm like angry and upset and I say where's my bag my friend might think I'm like angry or I think they stole my bag or something like that so this question is not incorrect but it's more direct this question here do you know where my bag is is softer and it has an embedded question inside it hmm okay so where is the embedded question in this sentence we're going to talk about like how to make these today so first let's break this sentence down do you know where my bag is right here this where my bag is is the embedded question so that means this is the question inside this bigger question so like the big question is do you know this thing so this question is actually the same as this question but in order to make embedded questions we have to change the grammar a little bit so that's what we're going to focus on in today's lesson moving from like these really direct questions that are sometimes kind of aggressive to these less aggressive sounding sometimes or these softer less direct questions okay cool I am looking for your questions in the chat some good examples are coming in hey there Andrew do you know if they are coming yes perfect example of an embedded question learn American English with this guy I am actually live from my living room today we've really exciting on Facebook I don't see any questions yet please feel free to send your questions in the chat I will do my best to answer your questions your relevant questions your questions about the lesson and I will also try to check your sentences live as well if you are not watching this live please feel free to send your questions though too so we can at least see your comments and so on okay let's look at one more example let's compare these basic questions and these embedded questions let's take a look at one more example here what's her name what's her name so again these are not like incorrect this is a totally correct question what's her name is this question I can't remember what her name is so again these two questions they express the same idea we want to know what her name is this question what's her name sounds more direct this question I can't remember what her name is sounds softer less direct so in this sentence I can't remember what her name is here is the embedded question what her name is what her name is so you'll notice again this question is a bit different from this question this what's her name style question so we're going to talk in part two of today's lesson about how to make it like the special grammar that we use for embedded questions okay so with that I'll take a quick break I'm going to check your questions I guess I'll put my phone up here I'm checking your Facebook comments from my phone because Facebook was a little it's hard to run both Facebook and YouTube on my phone so I'll put this here so that you can see I don't know maybe I'll put it here you can't see the topic but maybe there okay embedded question your things some of you are writing to me on Facebook do you know where my bag is yes perfect I think that was the example here some other ones that I saw do you know where is my bag is that correct or not no do you know where is my bag that is an incorrect embedded question I'm going to talk about why in part 2 on YouTube some comments Kurt earnest says do you know where the library is good I can't remember what your country name is good good good nice grammar everybody I don't remember what university he suggested to us okay can you tell me what's her name make sure I can't work I'm sorry can you tell me what her name is okay so some of you are sharing some example sentences the have then need a little fix so I'm going to talk in part two about the flow how to make how to make an embedded question with kind of a special grammar that we need to consider I'll take a break officially now if you missed it earlier I mentioned this banner at the bottom is supposed to show you this is a guide to learning English at home our team put together a 52 page workbook that you can download it is for beginners and there is a course you can access you can get the beginner level course for free from English class you need an account on the website but the account is free you need an email address and your name I believe that's everything so please to get that please check the link if you're watching this on youtube please check the link below the video if you're watching this on Facebook please check the link above the video to get that okey-dokey if you are just joining us today today's topic is embedded questions embedded questions also please make sure to like and share this video so that other people can find today's lesson I hope that it is helpful for many people okay let's continue to part two let's talk about some grammar rules grammar rules for embedded questions hooray today because space is limited because space is limited today I have made a flow chart a flow you can use when you practice making embedded questions so to practice today's grammar point I will take you through kind of kind of a three step and yes process to make your questions and to make decisions about the grammar of your sentence so let's begin first the first part of our flow is to look at the question you want to embed look at the question you want to embed this means like what is the basic question that you want to ask you want to make this questions softer so for example in my first part this part where is my bag or what's her name that's the question I want to embed first we need to look at that question so look at the question and ask yourself this first does the question use a form of B so when I say B I mean the verb be so like is or are that kind of thing past tense as well it was or work so does the question use a form of B if yes move the verb after the subject so what does this look like move the verb after the subject where is my bag in this sentence we have this verb be yeah where is my bag so for this grammar rule I just said move the verb after the subject so that's why in this situation is it's hard to hold to wait for the one sorry that's why here this is is at the end of the sentence in my embedded question so to follow this rule is moves over here oh sorry it's hard to write this way okay so it's hard to see where is my bag move this is to the end of the sentence like I've done here do you know where my bag is so this question is incorrect like in in a basic question statement where my bag is that's incorrect in this grammar inside another question this is the correct sentence so this is the first question to ask yourself is the verb be being used in my question if yes move it after the subject we're going to practice this together in just a moment if no the next question to ask yourself does the question use a form of do does the question use a form of do if the answer is yes remove the do word conjugate the remaining verb to match the subject we're going to practice this on this board in just a moment finally if the answer is no there's just no change okay so let's practice this I know it's hard to do some of you are saying this is better on the board well of course it's better on the board but this is the situation so let's work together okay first where is my coffee where is my coffee okay so let's apply this rule to our sigh let's apply this flow to this question so I want to use where is my coffee in an embedded question that starts with do you know so let's work through these steps to make our embedded question yeah okay first of all where is my coffee here's my basic sentence and this part is is my beaver yeah so does the question use a form of B the answer here is yes right so this is is here this is a form of to be right here so I know I need to move this is after my subject yeah I said move the verb after the subject so do you know yeah good job everybody do you know where my coffee is exactly this is really hard to write at this angle but I'll try do you know where my coffee is perfect exactly do you know where my coffee is exactly nice job everybody perfect look at that and on Facebook I see some of you on facebook too so Jenny wrote do you know where my husband is interesting questions do you know where my coffee is good good good do you know where my coffee is very nice Edgar and Jacob great job everybody okay very nice very nice let's go to number two example number two when does he usually a when does he usually arrive so I need binoculars in order to read the word sorry I'll try to make it bigger I know that this is not the best situation but I'm trying we're all trying ok ok next one when does he usually arrive ok so let's apply our flow chart again first it's hard to read does the question use a form of B so in this question when does he usually arrive we do not see a be verb here so the answer is no okay next question does the question use a form of do yes when does he usually arrive so we know we need to use this du rule so what should we do yes it does remove the do word conjugate the remaining verb to match the subject ok so what does this mean first I have to remove the do verb so that means this so does I know does needs to go away ok then I need to conjugate the remaining verb so the verb that's left here the remaining verb is arrived in this case arrived arrived so when I say conjugate the remaining verb I mean make the verb match the subject so think about it when you make when you make a sentence with he or she or it in a simple present tense sentence we use a conjugation like he goes or she goes which is different from I go or you go right so use the same conjugation so that changed changing the verb like that is called conjugation so yeah some of you have the correct answer already so we need to change this verb arrived to arrive sorry hard to see arrives so we add that s at the end it's very nice many of you are sending the correct answer in the chat fantastic so I'll write it can you tell me when sorry when when he usually arrives if can you tell me when he usually arrives at native speed can you tell me when he usually arrives so this is an example of how we change the sentence when we use a do verb like this helping firm yeah oh you don't very nice job everybody I'm checking your comments trying to check your comments doing everything live now on YouTube I see many of you can you tell me when she usually arrives says juice nice nice nice rowana can you tell me when he usually arrives perfect perfect very nice job everybody my phone is exploding stop texting me right now everybody okay so um I see lots and lots of correct answers which is fantastic so I'm going to go to the last one to practice here in our flow chart so our final example sentence is a very important question who ate my cookie who ate my cookie okay so what should we do let's use I wonder this is pronounced wonder yeah so wonder this is different from think so when you use the verb wonder I wonder it's like you're you're trying to guess I want to guess something I wonder so I want to use I wonder inside or with rather this question who ate my cookie so let's take a look some of you are already sending the correct answer in the chat very nice everybody let's go through the flow just so we can see again does the question use a form of B no okay - does the question use a form of do No so the final thing on this flowchart is no change that means I don't have to change this question because it does not use do and it does not use B so that means I wonder I'll try to write like this I wonder who ate my cookie cookie so we don't know did your roommate eat it did your teacher eat it did your friend eat it we don't know but we want to express this kind of wondering feeling we do that with an embedded question I wonder who ate my cookie some of you are asking me why on earth why am i using these tiny whiteboards I am broadcasting from home today because you're just joining so that is why today's lesson looks a little bit different from usual ah I wonder who ate my cookie says the chat very nice everyone is asking this very important question nice job everybody fantastic great work uh I wonder who ate my cookies says Malika on Facebook woo cookies that you've made it plural very nice ok uh seeley seeley seeley sorry if I mispronounced your name on the YouTube chat says I'm wondering would that be right - in this case I'm wondering who ate my cookie you might hear somebody say that yeah I think this one is a little more natural like if you are thinking like for a while like like if you want to say all day today I have ring who ate my cookie maybe that's ok if it's continuing so it's sort of like a one one time thing like I'm this is my idea right now oh I wonder if you ate my cookie ok I'll finish there for this part many of you are saying you should have a real board usually there is a real white board but because of situations today I am broadcasting live from home thank you for your understanding those of you who are maybe just new to our live thank you for coming do we have this kind of live lesson every day no we have it every week please join us either Wednesday evening or Thursday morning depending on your time zone you can set a notification on YouTube or Facebook okay I'll take one more break and then a control desk remote control desk I am allowed to extend the class today a little bit whoo that's fantastic so I will take a little bit of extra time to do that because I have a couple more points to talk about okay I am checking messages from our remote control desk but everything looks okay all right so I will mention this one more time in case you missed it this banner that I am pointing to on the screen right here right now says get your guide to learn English at home this our team put together a 52 page book a PDF book that you can download and there is a free course the beginner level course on our website English class is now for free you can get it for free so that you can study at home and practice at home to get it you need an account on the website just you need an email address and your name so please to get that please check the link below the video on YouTube or above the it above the video on Facebook to get that okay with that reach there are many people there are many people watching wow that's so cool on Facebook and on YouTube thank you very much for joining us please if you have not already please do like this video and share the video so other people can find today's lesson okay I don't see any questions on youtube or on Facebook so let's go to the last part of today's lessons then the last part of today's lesson will focus on common patterns for you to practice common patterns for you to practice so I created a list of some very common ways we whose embedded questions so I hope that you can practice this together with with these grammar rules if you want to take a screenshot I know it's really really small but I hope that this helps you okay so let's go to common patterns for you to practice first one do you know plus WH question plus some information and maybe is so we've practiced this before in today's lesson we practiced this pattern right here do you know where my bag is so this is a wh question pattern with do you know WH question means those questions that start with WH like who what where when why are those things so we can use those with do you know do you know when you're looking for information so this will make your question softer for example do you know where the restroom is or do you know who the teachers are so these use this WH question in this case the WH question is where or who why did I use R in this sentence the reason that R is here instead of is is because teachers is plural yeah so if the question was just about one teacher do you know who the teacher is that would be fine who the teachers are so please make sure to consider singular and plural forms okay part two or rather number two here I'm gonna move this number two here is I can't remember plus WH question plus something and is maybe at the end of your sentence so for example I can't remember what my password is I can't remember what my password is or I can't remember where I put my keys I can't remember where I put my key so what is happening in this sentence I can't remember plus a wh question what or where here my password is or I put my keys in this sentence there's no is at the end because there's no be verb in this sentence there's no B or do verb here so we don't need to change that if you don't understand that please review this video for the grammar rule section in part 2 you can find that there ok let's go to the next one could you tell me could you tell me something something is could you tell me something something is this is a very polite way to request information so instead of just asking your direct question like where's the station or when does the train arrive you can ask this more politely with a pattern like this could you tell me where the station is or could you tell me when the train arrives this sounds more polite less direct so you can use this oh my gosh I'm late but I hear that it's okay to be a little bit late today so we'll take our time with the last one the last pattern for you to practice is what we practiced a moment ago I wonder I wonder oh sorry I gotta change position guys okay I wonder is again when we're like we're trying to guess something like I don't know I'm not sure hmm we use I wonder to describe that feeling I wonder something something is or are whatever if your sentence uses a be verb so I wonder where my parents are it's an interesting question or I wonder when we'll see each other again I want to talk about this last sentence I'll read it one more time I wonder when we'll see each other again I wonder when we'll see each other again what is happening in this sentence this uses we will this wheel is we will right here I'm looking at this partner why is my red market good okay I wonder when we will see each other again so some of you might be asking like what is happening in this sentence when I make a question with will it should be something like when will we see each other again right why did will move here is a note will right here I'm pointing here will follows the B rule so remember how we talked when we talked about the grammar for these we talked about be the verb be moves after the subject will is doing the same thing in this sentence so yes usually in a regular sentence when will we see each other again is correct in an embedded question I wonder when we will see each other again so please note the position of will changes here okay that's the last point for today's lesson wow that was a lot and a lot of very small whiteboards it's so interesting for sure I'm looking at your questions now some good examples are coming in osmond says can you tell me where is the restaurant okay actually lots of you are still making this mistake right here that we talked about with is when your question uses the verb to be like where is my coffee for example or where is the restaurant you need to move your be verb to the end of your subject do you know where my coffee is do you know where the restaurant is please don't forget this key rule of this embedded question grammar okay I'm checking your questions on Facebook I'm looking down yes I'm looking I'm looking at your questions on Facebook right now and trying to check the questions on YouTube at the same time I don't see questions okay I wonder when we'll see each other yes again could you tell me when we'll see each other says rosemary nice yeah yeah if you want to ask for information could you tell me when we'll see each other again I guess so that's quite a polite request I suppose but it seems okay to me I wonder why okay so Glenda on facebook said I wonder why are you using that blackboard same problem I just talked about our why okay and why are you using that blackboard I'm going to repurpose this one let's break it down I hope I'm not in trouble remote control desk for taking a little extra time to break down in this mistake because I see a lot of you making this mistake I would like to talk about it and help you fix it so let's take this question why let's look at it why are you I'm writing this question your question from the chat why are you using that board why are you using why are you using that board so let's use this as a new example here let's follow the flow that I talked about in part 2 does this question question number one is does this question use the verb to be the answer is yes right here our R is a form of to be we need to use this after the subject so your question was something it should be I wonder why you are using that board so the finished question should be I wonder why you are using that board I wonder why you are using that boy so this is how we need to change the sentence when we have a be verb is or R or was or were so on B as well again I'm using these boards because I am broadcasting from my house so we are being safe okay but I have gone over time I don't want to take too much more time so I hope that this was helpful for you maybe this is an important thing to screenshot for today your flowchart for making this grammar so ask yourself these questions when you make your practice question so to practice if you would like some homework to practice today try to make some sentences with these patterns yeah you can screenshot this if you want and use this flow to practice so as you practice making questions embedded questions you can use those so we have to finish there for today's lesson wow this was interesting to broadcast to everybody from my house today quite an experience I hope that it was helpful I know that it's a little bit different from the way things usually are but we'll be back next week all of us remotely perhaps we'll be back next week next week I'm going to talk about basic verb conjugations basic verb conjugations basic verb conjugations means the basic changes to make to a verb for example to create past tense or to create present tense so I'm going to talk about that next week this will be a great lesson for beginner so please join us it is for those of you who are asking our live lesson is 10:00 p.m. I'll write it down and show it to 10:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time that is New York City time on Wednesday or 11 a.m. like Japan Standard Time on Thursday morning this is the time 10:00 p.m. est Eastern Standard Time or 11:00 a.m. jst Japan Standard Time Thursday so please join us on Facebook or on YouTube that would be super super cool uh okay so we'll finish there for today thank you so so much for joining our first ever remote live stream thank you for coming to my living room today with my little tiny whiteboards I know it's different from our regular stream but I really really appreciate your understanding so we'll finish there for today thank you so much for liking and sharing the video thank you for your questions and your comments it was awesome so please stay safe and we'll see you again soon
Channel: Learn English with
Views: 38,737
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords:, englishclass101, learn english, easy, fast, longplay, compilation, fun, simple, learn while you sleep, english exposure, english immersion, get better at english, live, livestream, tv, english tv, american english, british english, basic phrases, basic english phrases, questions in english, questions
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 54sec (2394 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 15 2020
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