STOP USING PHOTOSHOP for Creating Simple GIFs!

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hi there this is amish from picks and perfect i hope you're doing amazing so you might hate me for this video but i wanted to create a short video just to remind you that sometimes we just need to be practical so the back story is i posted a little bit of promotional post you know promoting my latest video on matching the background with that of the composite by painting the light here in this if you have a look at the post it is a gif right and a lot of you in the comments asked me that how did you create that gif and he wanted a tutorial on that which is great i loved your idea and that's why i'm creating this video a lot of you suggested that keyframe animation you can just do it in premiere photoshop that is all amazing and might give you amazing results and we even have a video on how to make animated gifs or gifs however you pronounce it in photoshop right here you can watch it but for something as simple as a simple before and after would you have to do the whole thing in photoshop by the way can photoshop do it of course photoshop can do it but if you want to create it in photoshop you would have to just import both of them maybe just create a timeline maybe add fade photoshop is a little bit slower with that of movie animation and movie editing and all of that stuff it's not really good and plus the exporting might take a little more time it's all cumbersome it just make more sense makes more sense to be a little more practical and just go to google and type in animated gif generator something like that and i'm sure there would be links that can help you so click on any one of these so i'm going to click on the first one that's how i did it and all you got to do is to choose the files so right here i have the before and after so let's select both of them and click on open and it will automatically be uploaded just click on upload and make a gif and you will be surprised by these websites that give you a lot more control and ease to making a gif so right now we have two of them uploaded now you can change the order by just dragging it so first we want the before then the after now you can have a lot of images right here i don't know the limit but you can choose from which image to which image the absolute range right here we want both the images right here so one two five or it doesn't make sense we want both the images all right now let's click on make a gif let's see what it does have a look at the cute little cat did you notice that all right so this is what we don't want this is a very fast transition plus there's no fade in between so we want a little bit of fade so click on cross fade frames and then how many frames you want in the fading process so how smooth you want the fading process to be so i'm going to choose the maximum number and how much delay will be between each frame so i want zero delays so let's keep it one minimum and hit enter or click on make a gif look at the cute cat isn't that wonderful and let's see how it turns out right now it's way easier than photoshop than trying to just import both the images get it down onto the timeline trying to add an opacity how the opacity fades in and all of that fancy stuff and the greatest part is once it's processed have a look at this see how easy that was how easy it is but right now we wanted to stay on one image for a while right we wanted to stay on one image for a while and then fade it to the other one so we want a little bit of delay so we can just increase the delay keep in mind these numbers are 100 of a second so if we select something like 80 or 90 and just hit enter that's all you got to do hit enter and now you have it it'll stay on a frame for a while and then move to that it'll stay on that and then move to the previous one isn't that amazing now this is a great gif you can just download it right here export it however there's one more problem in photoshop you might say hey but how do i crop it but how do i resize it you can do it all in websites like these so in youtube it would be best if you just upload in the community tab if it's square so it won't crop the additional area sometimes it does crop if you're worried about that you can always just click on crop right here and that's pretty much it so the maximum height right here if you want to keep it 600 you can also keep the width to be 600 as well and you can just resize it that way or you want to keep it maximum let's just get it to the max right here so the max height is 800 so let's set the width to 800 as well there you are set and then you can arrange it to your choice so i'm going to keep it a little bit to the left a little bit to the right just arrange it the way you want it to be arranged and once it's done just click on crop image look at the cute cat right there and there you have it if you want to resize it right now the size is 16.5 megabytes if you want to just optimize it resize it you can do that as well so if you want to make the gif smaller there are ways just click on optimize and then how do you want to optimize it you want to just you can resize it very simple or you could do some color red reduction or you can just do lossy gift and then you can just increase how much you want to do the compression so let's try 100 i want to bring it under 10 mb and click on optimize now this uh lowers the quality just a little bit if you can live with that but right now if you look at the size it's reduced to six so this is a little experimental you can try 100 a value of 100 reduce the value see what size works for you and once you're happy with whatever that is just click on save and it gives you an animated gif with no watermark isn't that amazing let's click on save and there you have it there you have your gif downloaded now there might be a lot of buttons and a lot of settings right there which might differ from website to website but the best way to learn this or learn anything in the world is just type in random numbers and just create a gif see how the results are and do some trial and errors yourself do a little bit of experimentation so is photoshop batch should you always use this technique hell no for simple stuff like that it just makes sense to use something like this as fast just upload them just download the gif and you're pretty much done unless of course somebody is paranoid about privacy but then again if you're just concerned about privacy why would you create a gif and post it on the internet that doesn't make sense anyway so when to use photoshop well if you're doing something complicated for instance just a smoke a very complicated animated smoke coming out of the hot coffee cup like we did in this video then you might want to use photoshop if somebody is running and you want to create a continuous loop you might want to use photoshop or even some advanced photo video editing applications like premiere pro for simple things like this just we need to be a little more practical please don't be embarrassed of using tools like canva it's absolutely fine if something is working for you that is the best tool or the best software for you i hope this video helped a little bit and if it did make sure to give us a like and also don't forget to subscribe and not just subscribe ring the bell so that you my friend don't miss any other future tips tricks or tutorials i'll see you in my next one till then stay tuned and make sure that you keep creating you
Channel: PiXimperfect
Views: 525,106
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animated gif in photoshop, before and after gif photoshop, gif animation, slideshow gif, adobe, tutorial, photo editing
Id: f9vhe4_MLUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 14sec (434 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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