Create Flawless & Seamless Backdrops with Photoshop

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hi there this is animesh from picks and perfect i hope you're having a great day and making it an awesome one in this video i'm going to share with you the easiest and also the best way to make backdrops absolutely seamless in photoshop and also totally wrinkle free and the only flawless way to do that in my book is actually emulating it completely so without any further ado let's get started [Music] back in the magical world of photoshop and if you want to go ahead and download this photo and follow along you already know my friend what to do check the link in the description first of all let's make a selection of the subject you can take all the time in the world with the pen tool and the refining but in this case i'm going to go the fast route to save time and that is you just got to select the magic wand tool the quick selection tool or the object selection tool and at the top you will see select subject if you're using the latest version of photoshop it'll give you a great starting point and in many cases you don't have to do a single thing also it does the job of selecting hair perfectly in the later version so you might have to make some little adjustments but it's pretty fine once you have a selection make sure you have a copy of the background layer just drag it and drop it right there if you pressed ctrl or command j only that portion would be on a separate layer and it would be rasterized we don't want that we want it with a mask so with the selection active just click on the mask button you can also name this subject all right we also want one more selection for the shadow because when we make it seamless we definitely want to see the shadow unless if you don't want to see it it'll be a simple background changing process but we're going to create a shadow to make a shadow simply make another copy of the background layer so let's go to the background layer and make a copy by pressing ctrl or command j now make a selection of the shadow area so with the help of the lasso tool stay a little outside all right and make a selection you can always erase it increase it it's absolutely up to you because this is non-destructive now click on the mask button this is a mask right non-destructive you can always change things here and there all right so this is the shadow now we need to create the background so how do we match this exact backdrop pretty simple all you got to do is to create a gradient so create a layer above the background layer you can also choose a gradient adjustment layer but to keep things simple you're going to go the old-fashioned route so let's choose the gradient tool right now all right and now single click on the gradient right over there at the top and once you click on that let's create our own gradient for the right hand side if you single click on this at the bottom which determines the color single click on the color and then choose the right most color or the brightmost color in here all right and hit okay for the left one single click on this one let's choose the darkest color in here also make sure the sample size is three by three or five by five so that you're not sampling a point or maybe accidentally a noise we don't want that to happen hit okay hit okay again now once we have the gradient in place let's drag in a gradient from the right to the left now while you drag in the gradient if you hold the shift key it'll create a gradient in straight line so let's just release it right over there and there you have it it's wonderful isn't it now i know what you might be thinking the shadow just doesn't look right it's just a ground right so we need to make some adjustments there so this is the background let's name this seamless all right now for the shadow what does shadow do it darkens now what is the blend mode which darkens multiply so change the blend mode from normal to multiply it still looks like something is missing and also the shadow has a lot of colors in it you know why because the blue of the jeans just creates a color cast we don't want that in this scenario so if you don't want it it's pretty simple just take away all the colors by pressing ctrl shift u command shift u it desaturates it now what is the next step the next step is adjusting it adjusting it using curves so click on the adjustment icon and then choose curve so that all of this excessive areas just go away and also we want to limit it just to the shadows and to do that simply click on this button this creates a clipping mask you see this arrow right there my friend it means that the curves is limited just to the shadow layer now take the rightmost slider to the left it makes the bright areas brighter now as you can see the bright areas are going away also you can make the dark areas even more darker if you want to enhance the shadow right there but we can keep it this way if you want to lighten the shadow we can also do it by taking it up so we can do it let's take it a little up to adjust it you can adjust it all the way you want now once you do it you can again go to the mask right there take the brush with black as the foreground color and make sure you have chosen the soft round brush just erase the extras so slowly and gradually just erase it looks pretty good doesn't it now keep in mind all of this is non-destructive anytime you want to make any adjustments to the shadow make it a little darker or brighter simply just double click on the symbol of the curves in the curves adjustment layer and just adjust these points if you want to make the shadows darker just take this point down and you can easily do that now here if i look at it there is something missing the shadow just still doesn't look right the shadow is okay but the color of the shadow looks a little off we want it to match the color of the background so how do we do that we simply create a hue saturation adjustment layer by clicking on the adjustment icon and choosing hue saturation and also we want to limit it just to the shadow and how do we do that again simply click on this button what does this do it creates a clipping mask now just check colorize because this is already black and white we already desaturated it it doesn't have any color in it so we want to colorize it we want to add color to it so just increase the saturation and play with the hue to see which color matches the most so in my opinion this color is matching a lot now i will slowly and gradually decrease the saturation and adjust it just where it looks alright so to me 20 looks all right and have a look at the shadow it's so realistic the color is so nice it looks pretty darn amazing now still the background doesn't have it all right if you look at the original backdrop it had a little texture to it it had a little noise to it right also we want to add a ground element to it it's too seamless how do we make that happen pretty simple first of all let's create one more layer above the background seamless and let's name this ground light what do we do here simply create a gradient from black to white so let's choose a gradient from black to white and we're going to create a gradient like this so the ground should be brighter and the backdrop should be darker so now let's start it from right here and go like this all right it gives a nice illusion of having a wall in the background and ground at the bottom but it's just too much so change the blend mode from normal to screen because we want to add light to it still it's just too much so what do we do again simply decrease the opacity slowly and gradually increase it to your liking in my opinion i'm going to keep it to 20 and also in the left hand side there shouldn't be more light because the light is coming from the right hand side so we create a mask for this and in that mask we create another gradient where black is on the left and white is on the right so right now reverse is checked uncheck it and create a gradient from black to white black on the left and white on the right and have a look at it it looks a little more better but it's completely gone from the left hand side let's drag it a little more from the left how about this that looks a lot better a whole lot better all right that's better now have a look look at the ground element here's the before here's the after if you want to increase the opacity you can increase it you can increase it to 35 but in my opinion if you ask me 20 was just enough or maybe let's go 25 all right that's good still if you look at the subject there's a lot of noise in there but in the background there's just no noise so that would be our last step press ctrl shift n command shift n change the blend mode to overlay check fill with overlay neutral color this will fill the layer with 50 gray and as you know overlay is a blend mode which hides everything that is 50 gray hit okay let's name this grain all right let's go to filter convert for smart filters hit okay so that whatever filter we apply we can change the values later all right let's zoom in on the face to analyze the noise because now is the time when we add the noise and we have to match it with that of the subject so let's go to filter noise and then add noise 45 is fine right over there uniform make sure it's monochromatic it okay something about the noise just doesn't look right you know what it is it's very very sharp noise on the subject is a little blurry it's a little larger how do we do that well simply blur it go to filter blur and then gaussian blur a blur of zero point eight or one would do what if we do one yes one suits better hit okay and there you go the noise matches now if you want lesser noise you can always double click on add noise hit okay and decrease it from 45 to 40 or 35 or what i like to do is you can just decrease the opacity and try to match that so for me if you ask me i'm going to keep it at about 75 and there you go if i zoom out have a look at it it's so seamless even if you have a look at the legs the shadow is so nice and it goes so nicely but there might be a little more problem and i'm nitpicking just too much this is excessive nitpicking and that is there's a little bit of blue around there on the edges of her feet so how do we take that away pretty simple let's go up just above the subject layer create another layer let's name this layer color correction all right and change the blend mode from normal to color take the brush and make sure the brush is relatively large and take a sample by holding the alt k the option key click to take a sample around the feet and simply paint in right there around the edges and it'll go away have a look take a sample from right here and paint now as we paint the paint is leaking out it's also leaking into the background we want to limit it just to the subject what do we do again we just did a while ago and that is create a clipping mask in this case the way you do it is by holding the alt key of the option key and click on the line between these two lists have a look at this arrow right there now it's only limited just to the subject it's gone here's the before here's the after also if you want a little more light from that of the background if you want to correct it hold the arc the option key click on it and maybe give it a little more light it just is too much right so decrease the flow to about 10 percent and let's try it again it's a little better all right there you go it's gone on the right hand side there's some increase the flow back to 100 hold the alt key the option key click to take a sample now if you're having difficulty taking samples just make sure you click on the eyedropper tool right there make sure you choose sample all layers get back to the brush hold the alt k the option key click to take a sample and just paint it's gone it's just magically gone just pick the color that you want to paint with and that's it now down in here there are still some issues so just take sample from here now again we didn't take too much time with the selection so some areas are not selected very properly but you know that's very minut things that really doesn't matter people won't be able to catch it but if you have the time as i told you take all the time in the world to make the perfect selection we just used what select subject the automatic selection from photoshop and actually it's fixed even with select subject and there you have it my friend a wonderful seamless wrinkle-free backdrop and here's the great advantage of this you can just write anything in the background place anything in the background so if you wanted to write anything just below the subject layer add any other layer add any element you want so you can just add anything actually literally just anything right in there so let's center this and there you go my friend you can have anything in the background you have a seamless backdrop you have a wrinkle free backdrop and you also not to forget have the lighting and the shadows done as well so just a short reminder to create a seamless backdrop which is absolutely wrinkle free and looks totally flawless the best way is to emulate it and to do that you put the subject on a brand new layer create the backdrop according to the existing backdrop take samples create a gradient you can also use solid color if you want and then do not forget the ground element add a little bit light to it make sure the shadow is intact so you need to put shadows separately along with the subject below this object there should be the shadow change its blend mode to multiply adjust it using curves and there you have a perfect backdrop and subject combination i hope this video helped you and if it did make sure to give us a like and also don't forget to subscribe and not just subscribe ring the bell so that you don't miss any other feature tips tricks or tutorials i would like to take this moment to thank all these nice and amazing people for supporting pixelm perfect on patreon and helping keep pixelm perfect free for everybody forever thanks so much again for watching i'll see you in my next one till then stay tuned and make sure that you keep creating [Music] you
Channel: PiXimperfect
Views: 1,543,203
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: clean background photoshop, clean backdrop, how to clean up background in photoshop, remove wrinkles from backdrop, creases, folds, portrait photography, portrait retouching, seamless backdrop, make digital backdrop in photoshop, adobe, tutorial, piximperfect, unmesh dinda
Id: 336M9VM5eiI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 24sec (804 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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