How To Create Frame Animation (GIF or VIDEO) In Photoshop

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today I will show how to create animated gif in Photoshop so let's start hi guys my name is named Agnes oculus and welcome to another fun attitude today I will show you how to create short animation in Photoshop and how to create animated gif from your layers from your project file for example if you want to show your clients or to put online short video or short gif file how you build up your project file how you created your photo manipulation or how you retouch your image but with layer by layer turning on today I will show how to do that really quickly and easy so let's jump straight in the Photoshop Anna let's have fun alright guys this is the image for today and I will extract this ball out of the background using elliptical marquee tool press and hold shift to have a perfect circle and then person hold spacebar to move that selection around and I will position it here around this ball it doesn't need to be so precise this is just for example like so press ctrl + J to extract a ball to the background that's knife and let's create a new layer and fill it with white color now let's make this both smaller control 20 and by holding a shift to constrain the proportions make it smaller like so and press ok when you're ready right now we need to load our timeline panel and our animation panel just go to the window and go to the timeline here and that's it and just press here create frame animation and we have this tool here if we move the ball you will see this small window will refresh automatically and first what I want to show it how to really easy and quickly create short animation out of this only one layer so first I want to position this ball somewhere here for example doesn't matter this is just for example you can be even more creative and then create new layer here actually if you copy this one but it will be a new layer and now position these balls here and now you need to select both layers by holding ctrl key and just like those two layers and click on this screening option just click press and click on that and choose the frames in between those two frames in between first and the second frame and Photoshop will automatically add number of frames you choose to be in between those two frames and if you make animation out of that you will see really quickly so we will use maybe 15 frames it's nice and that's it's all our selected layer selected layers because we want to effect only this ball and to be in with previous frame you have the first frame or previous frame yeah we want to tween with the previous frame and press ok and now if we go to the beginning and press play here you will see that's nice but I made a mistake that's nice to see because if you made mistake like I did I will show how to correct it if you see all other frames doesn't have a background and that's bad because I selected only the current layer not all errors I will undo this again press and hold the last frame control to select the first one to read option and all layers just like all layers press ok and now you will have that white background in and we have this ball going down and all all those layers in between Photoshop made automatically and that's really nice and quickly now let's create bouncing effect let's duplicate this last layer go to layer 17 in this case press again this new layer option and move this ball out maybe it can be out to the frame like so and now press ctrl click on the previous layer go to those that meaning option and just press ok and now if you press play we have really short and really nice animation right now we have two options here we have this one it's four numbers of times that this animation will be repeated now it's set to once we have we can set it to three times forever or some other options maybe play 10 times and then stop okay I will now set forever because I want this animation to loop forever like so it's really nice and interesting and this ball will go forever like this until we stop the animation another really nice option is you have numbers of seconds down below every frame here every layer here actually those are frames okay and you can set select all frames by pressing on the first one and then go to the last one press control shift and just click on the last one and you can select all frames at once and just choose maybe 0.5 seconds and all every each frame will last for 0.5 seconds this will be completely stupid for this animation but just to show you that this is an option it will go really really slow 0.5 seconds each frame and so and so on we don't want that let's undo that we can maybe go here to frame number 17 and just go to that frame and say let's pause on this frame for one second and then go normal speed okay press play it's repulse here and then go again okay sometimes you will need that to achieve some kind of effect maybe you want to animate the guy that it's passing by and you want him to stop in one moment and then continue to go to the other fat part of the frame okay that's how you can really quickly a nice the animate anything in Photoshop by using that tweening option now I will show how to animate how to make animation out of your stack of layers to show your client or anybody else how you build your project layer by layer so let's do that hey guys for this example I will use this image it's just the background for a photo that I created it's some Star Wars story you can find that photo on my Instagram account and I will show how to create build up effect from those layers step by step really quickly again you need to go to window and that timeline we have it here just we create frame animation and you have first frame right what you need to do is to unselect all layers you have selected here okay let's select everything like so and you're almost done the second actually I think I don't need this one and this is the first one okay first frame I want to have only the first layer right then I will create a new frame like pressing up this new layer option icon and then I want to click on something here for example I just want first plane to show the sky and then the second frame to show the second step I did for that sky right then create a new frame and turn on the next layer its desaturate then new frame add some clouds on top of that then again new frame add another reference brighten the sky in that top right corner head so on and so a new frame and just click on new layer new frame and just click maybe you can add two of them in the same time or if you want wipe one by one new frame next one new frame next one and maybe two in the same time then new frame just DISA tray then maybe making them darker and brighter in the upper parts in the same frame then new frame add those pile of trash then new frame a trash darker character and desecrated in one frame again new frame and add that maybe like so and now I would like all of this in one frame so now that we are finished with building our animation let's press play and see how this looks like it looks like okay play and it's too quick it's too quick now here is a great those seconds will will be really handy for us because we will slow down this animation so select everything pressing the first one hold a presence of shape on the last frame and just use maybe 0.5 seconds and press play let's see that's much better yeah that's really really nice and you have enough time to see how this project was created from layers build up one by one layer right if you want to pass on some layer maybe for two seconds just to show clients that part of the timeline you can just go anywhere for you onto this one and just go two seconds and if you press play again it will build up layer by layer and here if you pause for two seconds and then it will continue to build up so and so on or you can maybe thousand the last one for maybe five seconds if you want to show the final result for a little bit longer so if you go here and press this forever to repeat forever it will go like so it's your pals two seconds on this layer then it will continue on and on and it drew pause for five seconds on the last one and then it will repeat from the beginning and it will go forever okay now let's stop it and how to export this I didn't show you in the previous example how to export this as animated gif but I will show you here it's completely same procedure so when you're finished with all of this does go on the first layer first frame I don't think that you need to go to the first but let's go to the first frame go to file export and save for web okay I'm I always use this shortcut out shape ctrl or command ctrl shift s and now we will have a new window it's really really big file it takes time to calculate this actually for for web this is too big I will press escape to cancel this but we need to wait for a moment okay and now we need to resize this image to be a little bit smaller to suit the bad purposes okay for that you can press ctrl out I on a keyboard or let's go to the image and image size like so and then you can see this is way big resolution for web I will make it eight hundred by 533 okay and press ok and it will go way smaller now it's much better we will zoom this and now press again shape control out s or shift command option S on a Mac and make this window a little bit bigger and now it's better here on the presets you can choose gif I will go to this higher version of oh the second yes this higher version the the higher quality of preset and we can even go here to 100% to preserve even more details and that's it and we can go to the colors and go all the way to 256 and it will be really really nice so here we can choose anything but I will use default quality and that's it you can preview the animation by clicking here to preview or you can play it here to see it's everything if everything is ok and you can stop it when everyone and just press save and you're ready I will save it on desktop like so and that's it now you can go to your browser and just play that from your browser or you can just play it in Windows in picture viewer like so and here it is in a picture of you earlier animations ready you can upload it anywhere you want it it will repeat forever because we set that kind of settings in Photoshop and that's basically it it will pass on the last frame for five seconds and then it will go on and on let me show you one more thing you can actually render a video out of this frames you don't need to save it as a GIF file you can save it as a GIF I already show you but for example if you want to upload it to Instagram or maybe YouTube you can render video to this really quickly and easy and then upload it with wherever you want so let me show you that just go here to the file export and go to render video and here you have few options as you will have another adult Premiere Pro for example if you are familiar with that just select Auto Media encoder here use the format this h.264 it's standard for mp4 format that you will see here Star Wars concept is mp4 format it's video high quality document size which will be the default document size frame rate you can change the frame rate etc etc and when you're ready just press render and you will render video out of this right guys that's it for today hope that you liked this tutorial and that you learn something new out of it this is really easy and handy way how to create short animation in Photoshop to export it as the gif or as a video to show your clients friends followers or anybody else online that short animation or how you build up your project files step-by-step those are exactly the same steps that I'm doing when I'm creating my short animation of how I did video that I am uploading on Instagram or sometimes on YouTube and that's it if you have any questions regarding today's episode please leave them in the comments below I will be glad to answer them so practice experiment have fun and see you next week in the next one episode bye bye about it or as the video it's about this video your argument your Germany your immediate these dollars and to uh
Channel: Nemanja Sekulic
Views: 497,094
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Animated GIF, GIF, How to create frame animation in photoshop, Frame animation, Photoshop tutorial, Nemanja Sekulic, Fun, Creative, How to create animated gif, Gif in photoshop, Photoshop timeline, Tutorial, Free, how to export animated gif from photoshop
Id: J2fy_iNFhFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 40sec (940 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2017
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