The NO BS Guide To Making $10 MILLION In 10 Years (Do This Now) | Grant Cardone & Lewis Howes

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welcome back everyone in the school of greatness very excited about our guest we have the inspiring Grant Cardone in the house my man good to see you brother always good oh he's good I think I've known you for 14 years I believe now I think we met in 2009 we did a zoom interview back yeah back in the day when you were kind of just getting started which is essentially when you're about 50 years young you know your late 40s yeah yeah no no probably really somewhere around there you know your late 40s maybe how many how long have we known each other 14 years so now I was 51 51 years old I don't think I had kids yet I don't even know if you had kids yeah you didn't I don't think you had just got on social media yeah that's right you were just like yeah okay I'm gonna go all in on this at 50 which is inspiring it's amazing what you've built um I was I was almost broke back then right I mean I had a house I had a house and had cars and I wasn't broke right but but I was like scared I think that was coming out oh it was right after this right after the yeah so so OE recession you were doing webinars I was doing webinars and Linkedin stuff yeah yeah you were you were teaching online and you went from like sales to yeah real estate yeah and uh every time you've been on here my goal is to challenge you to get to the next level of your your wealth you don't need me to do that you're gonna do that on your own but it's always fun to to have these conversations and before we get into that well that's the only reason I'm here by the way because okay I was telling you beforehand I said you know that for there was one interview you did with me yeah where you challenged me yeah and if anybody's been watching the previous one they probably remember it but I I was doing a 100 million dollar deal and you said well not why not a billion and look when I was doing this deal it was like I was picking up something I couldn't pick up right it was like so big for me you were moving mountains to me I was moving mountains I'm like this is going to be Pro you know how am I going to do this I don't have the money I don't know the people I don't have the like I didn't have the financing on like I'm never going to make this happen and then you said would you why not do the 10x thing dude and do a billion I was like and it when I left here it wasn't just you saying it to me in the moment it haunted me when I left here I kept asking myself that question yeah what do why are you not thinking about the million you know why and then we went out and did I don't know what the next deal was but it was we I achieved that that year right from from 100 million to a billion yeah yeah so so that's why I'm back here today because now I want to I want to do it again so I'm hoping you got some good vibe or Karma or that was a successful action so for sure and I think that was like I don't know four or five years ago and now you're at about four billion yeah in assets yeah and it just keeps growing and growing and you said the goal is 40 billion now so it's like we're just gonna keep connecting it yeah um what do you think was in the way mentally and emotionally from you thinking and doing a 100 million dollar deal and taking it to a billion in the next year it's just you know it's just you hadn't done it you know so I think we all you know I love this dream big but you know the reality is most of us don't dream big and um inflation with the price of things going up and I've said this for 10 years you know everybody asked me it could you know hey when's enough enough I'm like enough is never enough because until enough is enough if nothing changes and then one day when you find out enough wasn't enough it's too late and so you just found that out with this last period of inflation and bananas the price of chicken whatever whatever whatever they're promoting to us now to make people feel scarcity and experience scarcity if people want to create wealth for themselves it's not just money it's people right it's not how much money I have I mean we all know about the wealthy person that has no friends he's on a yacht by himself and that's not wealth right it's just a bunch of money and material collections so like there's no to me there's no way to create real wealth by just going inside you got to go I got to add people right so like I say almost yes to almost everything somebody asked me to do something or a podcast or an interview I'm like yeah let's go do let's figure out how to do it why do you say yes there because because it connects me to another person you know it adds it adds an experience whether it was good or bad it adds an experience in my life that involve people not money and physical things you know and and I don't think people know that about me but like like I like the interaction with people even though sometimes I don't want to do it right like I don't like going to events I like running an event you know because but I don't like going to them but I know going to them like you said earlier is me being humble enough to say I'm going to be a participant um I'm gonna go learn something from these people but it's uncomfortable you don't know anybody you're having to meet people so um just for me wealth is like how can I meet more people but if you're if you're if you're thinking like that and that's the money problem yeah how am I gonna build how am I how are you gonna get a million dollars if you're broke it's through people it's not through an idea or I'm gonna go build something or make something it's through a person all all wealth comes through people right it doesn't come here you know so elon's got to sell his car to somebody all right people totally yeah so Coca-Cola's got to get somebody to pick up that can and hey I has to have somebody to prompt it unless it's going to start prompting on its own that's interesting yeah with uh you know there's a lot of fear and insecurity right now around the bangs collapsing it seems like more banks are to be collapsing um around inflation the US dollar not going as far as it used to go and everyone's been talking about a recession that's that's here that's coming that's yeah you know housing commercial real estate the the banks all those things right what's your thoughts and feelings around what is happening and what you think will happen over the next 12 days right so I'm going to say something that I think most people will disagree with me on but first of all inflation is is a boogie man that's not even real really look I'm just telling you inflation even Warren Buffett says maybe two people on the entire planet even understand the concept of inflation what is so complicated what is inflation so inflation yeah it's a great question right and what is a recession by the way yeah so uh inflation is uh an increased price uh or price on some commodity that is desired right so you actually want inflation you don't not want inflation why because you want your value you want your the value of your products to go up not down if you're thinking as a consumer okay which you're not dreaming big if you're thinking as a consumer oh my God bananas went up okay don't eat them uh eggs went up eggs did not go up because of the the this Boogeyman okay and it didn't go up because the dollar went down in value so if I and it didn't go up because we print money it's none of this is true you know I know your audience in the comments they're going to freaking just try to destroy him so if we print a bunch of money if you print a trillion dollars okay and put it in this building right now nothing inflated you just praying a bunch of money it is the distribution of that money okay I distribute the money to a billion people then they have money okay that even the distribution of the money sharing a trillion dollars would not increase inflation it is when in it is when the money is moved into the marketplace that's when inflation happens if the consumer the dreamer the person elects to use the money okay so inflation was created because we gave everybody a fourteen hundred dollar check and people went and bought they didn't need and couldn't afford by the way inflation is created by me buying eggs that are too expensive that I can't afford so if the eggs are too expensive don't buy them the marketplace will take care of it then it'll go back down exactly okay so your supplies will go up and people will be like I got all these eggs I want to get rid of them so let's count I'll do two for one oh three for one or four for one so and and I know like we've all been told and I'm a bit of a contrary I'm not a conspiracy person I'm but I am a contrarian I I see that when masses of people go into an agreement about a topic typically historically they're all interesting okay the cost of goods are going up we we're going to raise interest rates to reduce jobs this is what Powell said there's too many people employed I'm like everybody should be employed isn't that a good thing sure well what's what's the problem why do they want to reduce jobs yeah exactly so like why do you want to put pain on people that need work oh because the cost of goods went up too high and so they started selling this your coffee cup went up your chicken went up uh your aluminum went up your your housing materials went up okay everything went up right well part of that was because supplies were stuck in Long Beach and you couldn't get them out and enriched people were like okay I can't get a chip for the car how about I pay you 150 for the 78 000 car okay yeah we do have a chip right right and people started spending money that had been distributed on products they couldn't get and paying a premium to get the product wow and then and then for some reason the whole world went nuts and started buying they didn't eat Gucci's went up uh cars went up homes went up homes always go up by the way real estate goes up every time there's a crisis and because people are worried about their money so they want to buy something with it if I'm gonna if I'm gonna go down I want to have a nice home did you buy a home I did my own see people people after 9 11 people responded like that they went out and bought homes I did it in the last couple months I didn't do it like in the middle of the crisis yeah yeah so so what they're saying right now is it was because we interest rates were too low for too long and so now what they're going to do is raise interest rates okay the only people they're punishing right now are people in the middle class and so I don't know what the agenda is but I know it's not about inflation because because raising interest rates the only people that's hurt is people that want to buy a home or people that need to buy a car or people that a farmer that needs to buy a tractor or it hurts a bank a small Regional Bank there's four thousand small Regional Banks and there's maybe five or six major Mega because they're not able to get loans because people can't get loans anymore right well what happens is the the let's say the Los Angeles little uh Century City Bank whatever it is they they're they're holding your money at zero percent right now maybe okay but you found out oh my God I can go get a treasury meal for five percent so I'm gonna take my deposit out and I'm gonna put it over here in this treasury bill well that deposit comes out of that bank when that deposit leaves that bank they cannot lend money anymore and Banks make money lending money okay banks are very risky banks are extremely Risky Business they're not a safe business so why don't Banks start doing you know four and a half five percent like these other places are doing with the interest for for people with their money because they're taking it out and put in other places to get five percent right now because because if they pay you four and a half percent where are they going to put money to get five okay they gotta go buy a uh three or five year or ten year obligation and you might want your money back tomorrow so if you want your money back the more they have this obligation out there okay banks in America are insolvent we're we're already like it's not a banking crisis because the federal government will come in to solve the problem really because the the I was I was literally at this Milken thing right yeah and and the the the verbiage there is look there's five banks that are too big to fail so they don't need to be protected what are those five JP Morgan Bank of America Wells Fargo um I mean JP Morgan JP Morgan's got probably eight trillion dollars under Vantage wow Wells Fargo the smaller of the groups got 2.2 trillion you're too big to fail you don't need a new FDIC Insurance like it doesn't matter they they shouldn't have any insurance at those Banks they're so massive that if they fail the entire planet the entire global system economic system would would implode on itself so that's called too big to fail right now there's all these 4 000 Regional Banks that are just combined won't equal these top five so they need FDIC Insurance supposedly so at this Milken Institute they're talking about well what should the limits be now these are the biggest economic you know powers in the world yeah this is guys that ran the FED ran the FDIC another guy ran the entire budget uh secretary mnuchin was there Steve mnuchin he was at the Beverly Hills Hotel eating breakfast this morning I was over there and so these guys are saying what needs to happen well they're saying all money should be insured to any limit which is crazy man which means you know like right now you're you're you're you're you're protected up to 250 000 right okay it started out back in the 30s it was like five thousand dollars really yeah but you know inflation they had to change it but the reason they tell you money's insured is because they don't want you to run to the bank and grab it out because I want you to know it's safe if something happens you still got your money yeah now the audience is watching this right now saying man I I got lost in this whole thing and that's the game right there okay because basically you're you're this all this stuff is pretend okay we we everyday people think about money different than they do how do we think about it versus how though well we think about it being limited problematic I need to ensure it where is it who has it they're like hey dude all this is made up and sure at all just protect these five banks but but you can't because this country needs those 4 000 Banks if you're going to go get a loan for a tractor you're not going to JP Morgan they're not going to give it to you they're not going to talk to you no it's too small time they're not they're going to give you some JP Morgan little join over here yeah you want to put a deposit in it'll be three or four or five weeks before we get it approved right then you're not going to walk in there and get money you're not going to walk in there and get a loan so that if that's a problem in our country and for anybody that's you know feeling like I'm overlooked people of color that can't get loans this is going to get worse not better really people that don't have money that want to get in the game it's going to get worse now better like you don't want to lose small Banks but it looks to me like they want to get this down to a handful of banks wow and then you got to be connected so so this is when about 12 years ago I started studying these guys J JP Morgan Goldman Sachs The Sovereign funds these guys have trillions of dollars the the Orange County pension fund that has 20 billion dollars on their management wow so what are they doing every day you know what are they doing they think in terms of tremendous amounts of money not not little amounts okay they don't save their money none of it is saved it's all invested but what do they tell us to do save your money man save your money get invested diversify your Investments they don't do that so if you look at what they do they take major positions uh JP Morgan just bought uh First Republic they're guaranteed five billion dollars profit they're protected against the first 90 billion in losses these are inside deals man this is an inside game and and uh so so I can't get on the inside you can't get on the inside your audience can't get on this side but what you can do is you can take a peek at what they're doing you know see what moves they're making and that's why we created our own Capital so we could put enough money together this will become a bank at some point you know the goal is to build a b I'm going to be at the table with these guys okay so they'll they'll feed me rather than feed me say that they'll feed you rather than feed you you will eat together yeah yeah rather than eating meat back right which is what the fee is right right you know and unfortunately that's how big people need to dream now like if you want to get above it and this is what I've been saying to the middle class for a long time dude the middle class is a made-up term it was created and manufactured it doesn't exist in Europe okay other parts of the world it doesn't exist they're manufacturing one in Africa right now okay the middle class is is a set class of people that should be satisfied with enough it's it's basically it was a basically a label like most labels that is put on people to explain why you are there okay explains why you have this condition oh your add okay well where's the test don't have one uh it's inflation okay we're show me show me the inflation test oh well this went up to that okay well we also printed 14 trillion dollars So based on the amount of money that was printed around the world we actually don't have any inflation really because if you took the if you took the amount of money that was printed and took the amount of price escalation you would have a lot further to go to distribute all that money how should we how should people be framing their mindset one out of anything in the middle man you don't want to be baloney on the baloney sandwich the bologna is what gets eaten like you know you want to get outside the sandwich you don't want to be crammed in you know you want to figure out what does the top of this pyramid structure do you know how do you get at the top for your family the best health you can get in the best intelligence the best connections how do you have friends and family that are all have enough money and mobility and time to go do the things you want to go do with them that's what these people do these people want to spend 100 on a ticket and spend three or four days you know hobnobbing with one another and staying at the Beverly Hills Hotel where the hotel rooms are 2200 bucks a night and eating 40 french fries if they want to do that with themselves they've got themselves in a position to operate up there with those people and so that's the big thing it's not semi kids to college and pay off my mortgage think of all the amazing things in life that are expressions of just you for instance the song You Stream over and over again while you're in your 13th Hour of gaming at 4am in the morning with all the lights off trying not to wake up your roommates or the recommendations that you share with your friends on the top six comedy podcasts that are the best to listen to on your way to the gym and back or even your new haircuts which may or may not be an epic bowl cut from the 90s and hopefully is everything that makes you you makes all the difference State Farm believes Insurance should work the same way your plan your coverage they need to be personalized to you and the ability to choose the plan you want by picking the options that fit you like building your home and auto policies is exactly what the State Farm personal price plan is all about getting the coverage you want at an affordable price just for you so are you ready to make things personal call or go to today to create your State Farm personal price plan prices vary by state options selected by customer availability and eligibility may vary what do you think people in the middle class are doing that they should shift in their mindset in order to start getting out of that what should you do or what should you not do both well you don't borrow money to go to college that's just ridiculous unless you're gonna I don't I mean I don't even know why you'd do it to be a doctor you know most doctors are making money today so why would you trade five or six or seven years of the income time is money so I wouldn't go to college I would never buy a home I would never put debt on a home if I bought a home I wouldn't put debt on it um what else would I not do and these are never for me on the come up I'm gonna come up yeah on the come up once you have the cash dude once you're in your your your your if you're wealthy and you want to go buy homes and you know would buy yachts and stuff go do whatever you want to do but but on the come up uh you would never spend your income you would never spend primary income on improving the quality of your life you would only invest I just did a video on Aaron judge what he should be doing with this 360. deal yeah so that in the fifth year he wouldn't he wouldn't have to pay any more federal taxes wow and uh actually I saw A-Rod the other day came out to me he's like Aaron called me as soon as you posted that video wants to know if you're the real deal so um people should not they should be investing the entire let's say you can live on four grand anything you make about four grand you should invest 100 of that money and you should invest in things to get your tax write-offs what are the main things to get tax right off well there's not very many left real estate's like the is the mag Daddy now I mean a plane gets here but but you got a service to play and pay for it right it does doesn't make sense but um people probably shouldn't uh shouldn't start their own business why not because it's just not good you know historically that the person that works for a company makes more money than than 60 percent of the companies in America really yeah almost twenty thousand dollars a year huh so those people shouldn't save money people should not diversify their Investments people should not be invested in ETFs mutual funds they're making Vanguard a trillion dollar Powerhouse they're not making you any money but isn't like buff it in some of these you know big Financial guys saying to diversify your money yeah but they don't but they don't they don't do that no now he just bought he just bought a his first score was Geico he put all his money in Geico uh Elon Elon made had all his money in PayPal okay sold PayPal he didn't invest half of it he invested 100 of it didn't have any money left over to my house he invested all his money in three companies that he that he owned today I think she's got six Investments he owns he owns every one of the companies how much of Twitter did he buy all of it uh Steve Jobs had two Investments when he died apple and Pixar Warren Buffett started when one took a bigger position his position grew so he ends up with more money so he wouldn't bought a second cup and right okay major like he's got major long-term positions in these companies and then what did he do he started raising money that's the other thing people should be doing people should be raising money a communities of people should be gathering to raise money together to be partners that's what the middle class doesn't do I don't want any Partners I don't want any employees I want to keep it all for myself I want to stay small I'm going to dream big but I'ma stay small and they don't do they partner look look at uh warrants never started a company he doesn't manage anything every company boss he takes a major position they all cash flow he understands the company he does not buy Trends ever no Trends never touches a trend he jumped into Apple I think Apple was 22 years old when he jumped into it he didn't jump in early are there any Trends you think that are happening right now that people should invest in that you think could take off over the next five ten twenty years yeah he has a trend you know and they're going to suck so much money out of so many people right so everybody's gonna go jump on the egg may I was gonna be the next thing and I got to get my money in it okay you need stunning people right so you know AI comes out I don't I just start using it I start playing with it how does it work how can I make it work you know what does it say about me and Lewis house real quick okay let me see what it says about me and you together what are similarities between Grant Cardone and Lewis house okay Grant card on Lewis house are both successful entrepreneurs and authors who have achieved Success Through hard work determination and passion for helping others wow maybe people didn't know that about me one similarity between the two is their focus on personal development that's what you were talking about and the importance of mindset both believe the success starts with developing on positive and productive mindset have written extensive both of the written extensively on this Pro uh topic another similar is their commitment to helping others interesting it's exactly what you said at the beginning of this okay I just did this so like you saw me do it right yeah yeah I didn't write this right they both have created successful businesses and authored books and aimed to inspire and equip others with the skills and mindset necessary finally they both have a strong presence of social media and their platforms to connect with and engage your audience on a personal level both are known for their authenticity transparency and willingness to share their struggles and challenges in order to motivate and Inspire others it's pretty accurate yeah so you know that that's what I do I figure out how to use something I think people are going to over invest in over commit to this and think it's going to solve all the problems in the universe we think it's more of a trend yeah I do some people get wealthy off of it but not yeah a handful of people the people in Silicon Valley they're gonna go raise money from JP Morgan who's going to get a 200 million dollar slug and JP Morgan's going to make whatever percentage they get like JP Morgan just bailed out a republic they're guaranteed five million dollars well nobody knows this oh JP Morgan saved the bank JP Morgan's gonna make five billion dollars and they're guaranteed against all losses up to 90 billion wow so there's no risk this is the inside guys continue to basically chop up all the good stuff so the big winner is going to be the big major players that should be inspiration to people don't stay small you've got to get big how do you get big do what they're doing they raise money they have partners you know they they spend a lot of time in energy building up a brand they connect and network with one another they help one another a lot of it is understanding how to build relationships with people this is what you've done over the last 15 years this is what these big banks are doing they're building relationships and so what I'm hearing you say is we got to be putting ourselves out there to meet the right people that can support us exactly so I had to go trade time three or four days of my life and 100 Grand to go to that to go get in those rooms which is uncomfortable for me I I you know I'm walking in nobody knows me here I'm not a banker I'm not a JP Morgan I'm not I'm an Instagram guy buying some real estate you know a scavenger just trying to pick up the pick up the leftovers whatever they spill on trying to go grab sure you know until I can grab enough to where they're like how much you got right so so like when I got there I had to literally walk in a room I had to spend a morning figuring out my pitch when I get introduced to somebody what do you say what is the pitch what do I say yeah what are you saying because the first time I met somebody there in a party they're like what do you do I said I do a lot of things and I thought to myself that that ain't good opening right I do a lot of things makes you sound like you don't do anything or you do a lot of bad things right so by by the next morning I sat down with my team and I said hey guys I need who am I on this Milken Institute to this community to this audience who am I and I literally wrote in my phone okay I crafted out my little pitch because what am I going to tell these people I don't know what they do so you're meeting people from all over the world there you have no idea there could be I don't know me they might not know me but they're like what do you do right so you see where my note is I'm a private fund manager of four million dollars of multi-family real estate I have a small business incubator online education business and does 100 million I'm the founder of regenerative Health business called 10x Health System so the next time like literally one of my guys that's connected in the space that kind of put this whole thing together the first time he heard me say I do a lot of things I said bro I need some help crafting my my pitch literally like two hours later somebody said what are you doing I hit him with that he's like what I was a fast pivot wow your friend your partner he and Brandon Dawson inventions right he's like what a pivot that was because then then the conversation when he said oh yeah tell me about your regenerative business tell me about your real estate business tell me about how you raise money so so the conversation could extend itself but it was my opening and the point of that story was look when you go into a new environment the reason people don't go into new environments is because we're all scared they don't know what to say and then on a react dude I don't know how to shake a hand I don't know how to meet somebody I don't know how to get a business card I don't know how to break the ice like everybody do you have a problem with it no I do because I because I because I used to have a problem with it yeah I got it and I put myself in rooms every week yeah and embarrass myself for years yeah yeah until I got better at it yeah so there's a period where I felt when I would enter rooms I was in my mid mid-20s yeah and I started to get into these kind of social media networking events and business conferences I knew nothing about business yeah and I was the youngest one there always so I would enter and I made it more about not how can I be interesting but how can I be interested right right questions right right and get them talking Yeah the more they were talking with me the more they found me interesting yeah and and I just figure out okay what do they need what's their pain what's their challenge do I know someone that could help them because I didn't think I could do it right I didn't have the skills yet right I didn't have the talent or experience but who do I know who could help this person overcome their pain and by doing that I became the champion of their of their problem I help them overcome it and then I became more valuable yeah there we go Lewis has helped me with this what else can you help me do yeah and how can I help him yeah now that's what I did but for for a couple years it was embarrassing it was uncomfortable it is so like I didn't know what to say it's exhausting dude that's a lot you know but relationships I was just talking about this the other day that relationships are how I've built my business it's how I've generated money it's how I build my business the relationship we have with with guests who come on the show if they want to open up or not right based on a relationship the energy we connect uh we create the relationship with the audience people watching listening yeah have I developed a good enough relationship with the community they trust me do they feel like it's a safe space they feel like they learn and get value if not they're not going to come back that's right relationship to people that buy stuff or come to my events or buy my books like I've got to add value in relationships and know what the person wants and figure out how to help them overcome their challenge that's the way I look at it yeah but there's a lot we can learn yeah it's just in these environments where there's four or five thousand people yeah that's tough and you're moving through them you know it's quick yeah like I run into Byron Outlet okay Barnes were I don't know two or three billion dollars I remember him when he didn't have anything he was in Hollywood Hills you know well he just bought a hundred million dollar piece of property in Malibu so my opening with him was Byron hey congratulations on that piece she scored in Malibu and he's like dude Cardone right I watch your Instagram man but my opening right he's like didn't you buy the place on Carbon Beach down the street so we had we had that thing right and then then he's gonna be like what do you do because he we hadn't seen each other in 12 years in 12 years this guy went from nothing to a couple billion dollars he's a different guy he changed you're a different guy too I'm a different guy yeah right but now I still got to tell him who I am today because he might remember me from that other guy right that I used to be that old identity yeah oh weren't you in car sales well it doesn't matter what I was in what am I doing now right so it's like I think a lot of people don't one we don't get in the right rooms that was the right room for me okay it's a room I have to be in now then they're not prepared when they're in the right rooms then they're not prepared but you weren't initially you weren't prepared no I wasn't thinking about I knew I knew it's why I was feel awkward being there right I feel nervous being there and that's why sometimes I'll project to people too much confidence because I'm trying to cover up this ego or something yeah whatever I uh you know I got my little strut going in my defensive posture right trying to trying to protect trying to do whatever I'm trying to do and because I'm still coming from this little think you know that I was brought up with what is it that you know different about money today 15 years later than essentially when I met you when you turned 50 yeah what do you know differently about money now after these last 15 years of experience UPS Downs big wins yeah some big losses and and lessons what would you say to that 50 year old what would I say to him oh my God man what would I tell him um dude first of all I would tell him bro take a lot of photos when you're 50. because no matter how you feel like you look when you're 50 uh uh 15 years from now you're going to look back and say am I look good you know so take a lot of photos whatever age you are right now take as many as you can right now of yourself with the people that you love and care for get as many photos as you can so you can look back later that's one thing I would tell okay that's interesting yeah I I had that cognition the other day um on the money gain it should have never been 10x dude well I should have been 100. I always said it should have been 100 x but I did 10x because people couldn't think with it yeah so but but really you know I was thinking too small back then really I'm still thinking too small I'm telling you yeah I'm just telling you you're thinking bigger than back then oh yeah 100 but but you're still thinking too small right so wait what I'm also curious like if you over if you overthink let's say I'm a thousand X right now yeah and you're not prepared for that type of wealth or pressure or experience or opportunity then is that too big too fast no you should you should still think bigger because you're not going to know thinking smaller right you're not going to know you're not never gonna get there right I mean look the guy thinks too small and he wins a billion dollar lottery ticket and he got lucky he's got problems too he's just got new problems he didn't know what to do with the money right so I if I would have thought bigger I I don't have the problem of not taking action okay so I'm not I'm not that guy I'm not you got to deal with whatever you got right but but I know this if I thought smaller I would have taken fewer actions when you start thinking really big you you have to if you're gonna go get this thing if you're serious about whatever that thing is I didn't think I thought here because I I thought I was thinking oh yeah that's achievable um but how can I like how can a child a three-year-old think that they can pick up um 100 pounds or ride a big horse they can't it's like not achievable until Daddy picks him up puts him on it and he's like oh I can run a horse you know I can ride it but but he when he's looking up he's like I can't do that yeah right so when you're looking for you don't have anything you're just hungry it's hard to dream man yeah because because your stomach's saying pay attention to me or pay attention to my kids or shoes or whatever whatever your your crunchy oh inflation cost of bananas this is this this is a fear cycle man this is like like it it's them marketing fear to us to stay small so we become consumers not doers consumers are worried about inflation okay investors want inflation producers want inflation business owners want inflation okay if you've got a career and you've got a talent ball players want inflation if you own a sports team you want inflation if you own real estate you want inflation but we're being told it's it's bad why because they're treating you they're messaging to you as a consumer uh social media is bad for you it is bad for a consumer it's not bad for a Creator all right see what I'm saying so I'm trying to get on the the cost Point The Source Point of like okay I should have been thinking about how do I build a 50 million dollar business 15 years ago a 100 really 100 billion okay what would you have done differently I would have studied 100 billion dollar businesses who did that I should have been studying Jamie Diamond this whole time I should have been studying Warren what did they do not what do they say in their books interviews because I've I've seen these guys on panels and then I've had dinner with them right and bro it's two different conversations they speak differently oh yeah well one one's for the ones for the gram you know once for the audience for the for the clip and the other is like hey let's go let's go carve this deal up this is how we make money in here how big could this get they're always talking about how big can you scale this thing so like our Connect Health System uh if you saw Dana White we got Dana on the program a couple years ago he went freaking nuts with it okay I mean but like he's like Grant it's a 50 billion dollar business by itself I guarantee a grant he's like you give me a piece of this company you know if you can give me on the next the next uh Grace and you know you want to make I'll be an investor in your company he's like this if I've ever seen a 50 billion dollar business this is one so that that's what we look for I didn't have 10xl system the last time I was here right I don't think we had it so maybe we're just starting and yeah yeah so um that that's what I would have done dude I would I would have you was studying people that have I would have picked a Target okay like maybe somebody wants to be you what I want to be like Lewis okay well okay Rogue looks I got to write books okay he got a he does an event every year he's got to do that he does a podcast you'd have to do those things to become you right but people anybody that set their sights on you would be thinking too small they'd be thinking too small 100 they should have gone to I want to be Oprah you know but but they said I can be Lewis okay Lewis is achievable for me you you you pick the fruit off the tree you can see you know we we for whatever reason my regret is that I didn't say bro I'm gonna go to the top of the tree in fact I'm going to own the whole Orchard wow or even the entire Forest you know and and I'm gonna really make a difference I'm gonna be that Rockefeller JP Morgan I'm going to be Legacy 300 400 years of Dynasty kind of Legacy thinking this that's the biggest regret in my life really yeah because I know I could have done it like like it kills me when I see these guys in these meetings I'm like when I when I was using drugs at 17 years old if my mom said hey why don't you learn how to play golf and I didn't do it I don't want to play golf such a mistake man really because those people are connected golf courses country clubs then I would have probably redirected I should have gone and got a real Finance uh career from a business school I wouldn't I wouldn't be Grant Cardone though I would be somebody else I wouldn't be the grant card owner I found now uh-huh I'd be some of the version of this but if I would have not done the drugs got connected done a Harvard kind of thing ended up on Wall Street as long as I didn't have a drug problem and if I'd got a drug problem and done all that I could be in jail right but um going to Harvard had a clear head worked on my spiritual kind of thing that might have thrown me off too though because see the capitalist thing there it's a material world bro it's not very spiritual there's not a lot alike there might be people praying there and asking for forgiveness but there's not a lot of there's not a lot of like how can someone be spiritual how can someone be spiritual and also be financially abundant at the same time well I I mean I am yeah I've done it in that world though because that world is about pushing money you're trading money that they get paid on this you're not creating value there's no value dude there's nobody helping anybody okay there's no like come on I have helped millions and millions of people like that that is a wealth I can't put it on my my net worth statement but you know spiritually that wouldn't have happened for me at JP Morgan or any of those places right I'm not saying those people don't help people they don't help the number of people I've helped so um so in 15 years you got to 4 billion in assets right for your for your real estate holdings and didn't let the other business Go I mean the other business grew too right exactly the other businesses are growing too yeah yeah that business is probably worth today could probably work as much as a real estate wow it's big yeah because we're we're we're now bringing other companies in your building you're acquiring and building other companies so there's a there's an incubator business right now that's got a about 1.4 billion dollars worth of Revenue coming through it that we're managing we're going to continue to add to that could be 12 billion in the next little bit what would it take for you to go you know for the next five years from four billion to 40 billion yeah in five years what would it take for you in terms of thinking your ability to think differently yeah just Target man first I gotta have the Target Clear Target is that the goal 40 billion like when we did the webinar okay when when you showed me how to do the webinar first thing I asked what's the target I wrote a book I did a book deal with uh Audible and Amazon and I'm like What's the target they're like we really don't do it like that I'm like okay well then I don't know what to do yeah I need a Target I need Target bro specific Target so I would say okay I'm gonna do 40 billion dollars in five years okay in five years that means I need to add eight billion dollars a year for five years and you have four bills total right now or I need to go buy one company 40 million dollars right now and then I need to partner with how do I do that I don't have enough money to buy a 40 billion dollar company I could though I could because there's gonna be a crash so we're walking into crash Zone this is it's going to happen so so it would actually make it faster maybe God's going to give me a gift and say hey you ready dude you got the mindset are you looking are you paying attention I'll serve it up to you okay now we're going to go into massive contraction with commercial real estate in America we're gonna have probably three or four times the bankruptcies across the country than we've ever had we're probably going to see unemployment Spike um we're going to see more Banks fail without a doubt you know just Market here we've seen free Banks fail in the last 40 years there's never been only three Banks filled ever there's been 300 there's been 900 there's been 600 there's never been three bank failures wow ever they don't come in threes so you know how people died that one guy died second guy I got a third guy Banks never die in threes so there's more to that to come down so um so what would it take I would have to have a Target whatever the target is 40 million if somebody's Island To Be A Millionaire boom get a target number one real Target Two do math on it how many different ways could I do that so there's got to be a a math path a math way not a pathway but a math way right I could do one deal 40 billion I could do five deals in eight million I can do 41 billion dollar deals that's a little harder I gotta do 40 deals right it's easier to actually do fewer deals three who do I need to meet who not what not what do I need to do who do I need to meet to serve me up that 40 million dollar deal because there's going to be a person and that's the thing that people Miss it's always a who it's not a what that's not now what do I need to learn I don't need a lot what do I need to manufacture okay I didn't start a health company I bought one I didn't start a HVAC company we basically HVAC is a massive growing business right yeah okay so heaters air conditioned so we're basically we're incubating a bunch of them and we'll probably take those public you're buying them yeah exactly we're bringing them in we're managing them I'll mark help market for them interesting but I didn't start one I'm watching what Warren does Warren didn't start a company Elon did not start Tesla really no so he he he uh he bought a technology Bill Gates did not start Microsoft he did not write the code he bought it and then he marketed it by then build yeah buy it and then build it don't start it from scratch how many guys you know I'm gonna start my own business but most of them fail yeah exactly and there's 32 million small businesses in America nobody's saying I need another small business nobody's asking for that like you said hey I want to find out what people want nobody's saying I want my town to have another small business yeah it's so hard to start a business yeah it's crazy it's so hard to start and in this cycle I believe people could buy 10 businesses for in the same sector for less money than it would take to buy to start one business and those 10 businesses would have Brands already advertising Place yeah yeah an owner that's tired a customer base that's already a product line this could be 10 laundromats or 10 cosmetology centers and if you could figure out how to bring those together and organize them and you could have 10 businesses in 2023 right with a very little money out late so we got a Target plus math plus Target do I need weight who do I need to meet now now uh hold myself accountable to start making those contacts to to do this 40 million dollar thing notice I don't have any money in there I haven't figured out how much money do I need I don't need any money really nobody needs money there's there's money is a money's already uh why do I need money when there's too much money already there's so much money they said we have inflation everybody says we printed too much money okay then why do I need to worry about making more of it it's already done who's got it who do I need to connect with I'm telling you man these guys at the top of the food train they they're they're not operators they're connectors they're not day-to-day running a business they don't do anything they move this from here to there and they pick up a they pick up a billion dollars of fees right here so if you is 40 billion the target for you is that well that would get 40 million would be the real estate Target right is that the target is that you like that photography there yeah I think we can do the same in the other business sure is do you think I mean look if Danger's right I can do 40 or 50 million out of the health right and if Brandon's right we could probably do another 30 or 40 million off the off the business um education business and everything right the business education and Consulting business like but real estate's the thing you're most excited about right I mean real estate is is the thing that I think I'm going to have a big opportunity here I mean I just love real estate and I know real estate and it's been good for our investors and sure so that's the target it's 40 billion the target is our bigger bigger Target 40 billion and 40 billion five years good Target five years man five years is that would be CR that would be fast I mean in a world of possibilities I mean dude if I could do that in five years so it would be let's say that let's say that's the target yeah you got the math yeah and who do you need to meet yeah what would you do then over there and let's just predict this is happening yeah put it in your mind that it's happening within five years okay uh it's 20 what is it 8 20 28 yeah yeah 2028 yeah um I bought a company so what I did was I started I started going out saying hey guys I want to I want to go from four billion to 40 I want to go to 50 I want to buy 50 million dollars for the real estate I either want to acquire a company I want to uh acquire deals I want to find broken deals I want to provide debt on deals I know there's going to be a bunch of damage in the marketplace I'm ready to go so I started raising money to do that and then but I got to start talking to people you can't just raise money and not talk to anybody yes and and the AI is not going to go talk to people these people are not going to talk to a uh this world I know the AI everybody excited about it for me to get a meeting with Jamie Diamond it will not be an AI connection okay he's going to want to meet me Warren Buffett's not going to do an AI connection why okay you don't you want to meet Elon you don't want to you want to eat with him you want to have you want to sit down and have a weekend with them you don't want to aim how many people do you think you need to meet a year of the right people in order to do this yeah I think this is it gets easier not harder you know probably means I need the next question is what do I need to quit doing what is that uh probably need to quit doing the events really yeah King King doing 100 events a year can't keep being available to everybody for everything everything you're speaking out of that probably need to quit doing Instagram and uh Facebook and some of that stuff I don't want to get rich look I don't want to get everybody bored and dude I don't I want to have fun that that's the problem with that story I told earlier about if I'd had gone to Harvard and he's been bored I don't think I'd like who I I am I now here's the thing here's what I'm hearing you say yeah you got to stop doing the events yeah this is where you meet people sometimes but maybe it's not the right I need to go to their events got it I need to pay I need to be The Spectator now not the uh CPT Barnum gotcha so you need to you need to stop speaking at all these conferences and be in hosting events and things like that or maybe maybe we stay with our one big event now I'm going to say this our our one big event it's so big and we spend so much money there that that a lot of these people know me because of those events right they they're like oh I saw you with that guy and I saw you with that guy and I saw you that guy and that's a brand Builder yeah 100. I mean that's what Milton's doing he's doing a big event with the real people yeah and they're all coming together so maybe it's a different type of an event maybe maybe uh so I'm hearing you you wanna I might have to quit doing the Lewis house podcast although this is the thing that's jumping you sometimes yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you're saying you know social media pulling back on Instagram and Facebook but these are some of the actions that have gotten you to where you're at yeah exactly so what I'm hearing you say is sometimes the actions that have gotten you here aren't going to help you get to 100 that's right right so so if somebody's if somebody has poverty you know you're you don't have anything you need to start saving money wow right you need to you need to work grind out but at some point you got to quit being a saber you've got to start being an investor most people the middle class just stopped with saving at some point you got to take the savings and you got to invest and this is what happened was the trick of Wall Street was we're going to tell people we're going to keep people unsure and we're going to tell them what to invest in because if you don't have confidence you don't control your own money so what we're going to do is we're going to create Financial we're going to indoctrinate people to be financially scared so they'll buy our instruments our products and still invest in the instruments we tell them to so we're going to teach the American people to diversify their Investments that's going to be called an ETF it's going to be a trillion multi-trillion dollar business Vanguard okay BlackRock these are trillion dollar biggest companies on planet Earth they control everything bro yeah every day you touch Vanguard and BlackRock somewhere so because what they did was they built the 401K the IRA and the Roth okay to say hey you can save take a little bit of your check start early this is an indoctrination program this is why I say people are not financially alert they're indoctrinated to do exactly what the street wants you to do that creates mass and wealth for them not you so that's how I've created my wealth I came out of that system I I re I realized I had been um indoctrinated I bought life insurance when I was 20. uh I had uh started investing in IRAs and Ross because I didn't have another vehicle well I took all that money and I started buying the real estate and I started getting control of my own my own wealth building I don't give my money to them I put it straight in the deal that's why we created card home Capital so people could invest in the asset and own the asset right and get the benefits of that asset so you asked me what why would I what would I do different or yeah what would you've done I mean to go back to the original question what would you have done differently 15 years ago but in thinking of this Five-Year Plan this five-year Target yeah no well yeah this is what I was saying to you at some point when you start moving up okay you've got to change just like if you remove it down dude you got to change what you're doing if you're going down in life and things aren't getting better and your relationship's not getting better dude you got to change the relationship either you've got to change she's got to change or it's y'all gotta change yeah so so when you when you're when you're single and you want to get married you got to change okay you got to give something up it's not you have to add something you always have to give something up really I have I've never been able to go from here to there and not give up something they got me here it got me here like I was a great single guy I knew how to do the single thing dude I had a lot of fun I had the house I had the life you know but one day I said I don't want to do this anymore everything I wanted I got and I no longer wanted to do it be careful what you asked for I was a Playboy I was digging in I was saying but I didn't have kids and I didn't have a wife and I didn't have a partner and I didn't like that and I was lonely even though I had somebody in my bed and so so one day I said okay I got to give this up now that didn't mean I had to give up dating it meant I had to give up the house I had the place I lived and I moved and I went to where my wife would be so but I had to give something up so if you if you're going to go from zero to a millionaire when you get to a millionaire you if you want to go to the next level you want to go to 10 million you will have to give up the millionaire life what else do you think you need to give up to get to 40. 40 uh what would I have to give up all the events social media you know a lot of the behavior a lot of my probably a lot of my behactions I got to start acting like these guys got to give a bunch of blue suits blue blue uh blue shirts and some um you know probably Gotta Give up the hoodie you know I gotta fit in dude really you know I don't know if I could do that either I'm interesting so the problem is now it's like why would I look good I'm gonna do this I did it I got this for being see that's what happens the ego comes in so I don't need to do this do that right but but then I got to decide how that's why I said I got to hold myself accountable to the goal is the goal important enough I'm about to keep reselling myself on this goal dude it's important enough why am I doing 40 million why does it even matter what am I going to pass it on to Sabrina who's going to handle this when I I'm not around to handle it do they even want to handle it why why are you doing it now you've got so much money you've got I mean why am I doing it you know I've got so much impact to influence your massive audience you're worth billions in your business I can make a much bigger influence man yeah you know but you're already making a big Implement I know but I mean bro look 40 million everybody talks to you now like you can start changing things you can you can literally like you know you can start swinging you know you can start changing education which needs to be changed you got a you got a megaphone um I had a party uh last week at our house in Malibu group called and said hey want to put Rob Lowe on how magazine cover we know you just bought this house we think it'd be a great location for would you be willing to do it I'm like yeah the things you have you know like they may not mean as much to you as they mean to other people but when other people don't know you and they walk into your things the right kind of things you know it opens doors interesting it could be good or bad they could come in and try to take advantage of you or they could come in and say wow man you put all this you know I want to learn more about you yeah they become interested you know there's that thing you were talking about about you weren't trying to be interesting you were you know you would be interested in them a way to do that is to be interesting on what you've done because because power does move to you know these people that I want to influence that that I'm going to need to make this next move you know they what do they want yeah hey man I got my place in Malibu you want to hang out there for the weekend here's case sure I want to give them something they don't have here's the keys to the house here's another special key over here to The Wine Cellar you know and this stock ready for you you know and I got somebody to clean the house for you those are little perks in life that they don't that my mom didn't tell me about that I wasn't thinking about that the middle class is not funding you know my daughter's with me she's hanging out with me you know so I didn't think about that when I was most like one of the most valuable things is for me about travel with the kids to have them with me while they're growing up and so but that means they got to be homeschooled that means they probably need a tutor all this costs money and I need another hotel room everywhere we go or two okay if I'm actually going to be really successful I might need security for them or me for not for me for them or really I'm just worried about losing them you know so it gets like these are things we don't budget for they're like most of the people watching right now everything you have budgeted for in your life you can pay for it's the things you didn't budget for the big dream but everything else you got covered everything people pay attention to house note car note electric bill water mill Basics everything gets covered what if you just added a whole bunch of other stuff to the list what if we were all brought up to say hey we're going to cover all this stuff people will be even more productive what would you say are the top three ways the best way is to multiply money then get rid of it you got to get rid of it first you got to make it I mean I got to collect it I got to collect some then I got to figure out okay this pays for this basic living if the cup is the basic living I'm not everything above that don't spend any more money like the rest the rest of it if this is four grand and I make seven the entire three has got to go into Investments every month every single month you know no weekends no out playing out uh no trips in the beginning like if you want to create real wealth what what period of time do I have you got 20 years 20 yeah 20. I mean I don't need 20. 10 years 10 years 10 years you you you you gotta have don't improve the quality of your living quality of your life for 10 years over the first few years probably for 10 well I mean if you want to get rich right and but let's say you're 20 years old and you want to be rich by the time you're 30. dude that's totally dual yeah we're gonna have to pay some kind of price what's the uh the 10-year wealth generating Master Class uh that you would teach people on after 20 to 30 or 25 to 35 so would you deal for 10 years your goal should be in the one top one percent earners in the country that's 823 000 a year 823 000 a year 823 000 a year that should be your first Target uh if you're a waiter waitress I know I I know people in every space it's a lot of money you know let me see how much money it really is 823 000 a year divided by 12. see everybody goes to think about what they can do now but I'm not it's not about what it's about who okay okay divided by 12 uh sixty eight thousand dollars a month divided by um we know that much money is available on the planet right sure okay divided by what is that 30 days divided by 24 hours divided by 60 it's a dollar 58 cents a minute a dollar fifty six dollar one dollar and fifty eight cents a minute a dollar 58 cents a minute okay so I'm gonna do the math it's called the math way yep not the pathway the math way is the pathway I need to make 1.58 cents a minute 24 hours a day 365 days a year so that's 823 000 roughly yeah so that basically says oh I gotta automate my time I got an automated I got to make money while I sleep this is what we should have been taught in school man this is what we should have been taught as kids like how do I do money you do it with time okay you don't do it with a job you're not going to get you're not going to get 823 000 a year at a job there's no job that's going to hire you and pay you 823 without you having to go back to college and spend time and invest money just doesn't work like that so I'm like okay where can I get 1.58 cents a minute a minute or how could I get uh 823 000 people to give me one dollar that's the other way to do it so what I'm gonna do is do a bunch of different math ways I'm gonna do like maybe 12 or 15 different ways to get this much money notice I'm following the money right now I am not doing anything I'm thinking about it what do people need what do people want what's the product what's the service what's the idea what am I passionate about dude I'm just tracking money down I'm hunting money I'm hunting a number right all I'm doing is breaking the number down okay okay so you're 25 or 30. yeah I could make I could get 823 000 people to give me one dollar I could get 82 000 people to give me ten dollars I could get eight thousand two hundred and thirty six people to give me 100 dollars I'm like this is this I could actually do this I can get 83 people or 80 830 people to give me one thousand dollars you think that's doable yeah 100 there's eight million people on the planet can I get 830 people to give me 1 000 bucks okay for what what would they give me one thousand dollars for they might just give it to you as a gift I don't have to build anything if I could reach enough people could I get 836 people to say would you loan me one thousand dollars for the next 10 years I'll pay you back in 10. it's all about who knew okay so now I'm like oh now I need to start marketing my name I need people to get to know who I am then I back in the product okay what do these people want what do they need so that's what I would do okay now out of the eight hundred and twenty three thousand dollars if I actually achieved it I know it's achievable I've done it myself if I did that one year then the next year I'm gonna be like how can I do that in six months okay the next year how can I do that in one month if I do that in one month I'm gonna be like how can I do that one week and then one day I'm gonna be like how can I do it in a day wow I've done all that by the way I woke up to that this morning that's crazy that exact number okay so that's when I had breakfast I said okay it's time to get up wow because I got to go work Hustle the next day right okay so so now what do I do with the money right let's say let's say I can live on Seventy thousand dollars a year eighty thousand a year I'm not spending any of the 80 000 or anything above the 80. 720 000. this is the advice I gave Aaron judge you you earn 40 million a year spend none of it invest all of it live off your endorsements wow do not spend any of your earned income do that for 10 years it's gonna be another level bro he would be worth he would he would take 40 million he would buy a billion dollars worth of real estate every year 40 million he'd buy a hundred million dollars worth of real estate every year in 10 years he'd have a billion dollars worth of real estate wow then it's probably worth two or three billion his income from that when he retires by the way his contract's over now he'll be 40 years old he's useless to the to Major maybe he's an announcer right okay but watch what and he gets an announcing deal for a half a billion in the 10th year the tax deductions he would get from the 10 years that he invested that money would offset the half a million dollar ESPN deal right but he would be getting 40 billion 40 40 million a year 400 million he'd be earning 24 million dollars a year from the passive income but he'd have two million dollars worth of assets if anybody can track that math and that's what I would do so back to the guy making 800 yes now the person watching this she's a waitress and she's got two kids at home she's like I'm never gonna make 800. it's because you already gave up on the idea like you know you never you never said that's the target and you keep thinking you got to wait tables and you quit already so that that's the mistake I made dude like the first mistake I made was nobody said hey man you could make it a billion dollars a year if you wanted to you don't have to make a million that was never the target for you no all the books all the books everything were told was to be a millionaire you know be a millionaire or just make enough money to be happy or just make enough money to pay off all your bills or you got to reduce your spending you know everything is about don't go get coffee you know buy used truck don't get debt everything's about what not to do rather than what to do what you can do the financial planners tell you what not to spend rather than telling you how do I create wealth for myself what's the Dark Side of making a lot of money because there's a lot of people that want more money but there's also a lot of wealthy people that we hear about who have horrible lives yeah yeah they don't have great relationships their kids hate them yeah yeah the third wife or whatever it is yeah they're unhealthy they're sick what is the Dark Side of money and extreme wealth that you've seen around some of these incredible individuals but also what you've seen with your wealth yeah I'll tell you personally personally like you know now the the dark side is okay more responsibility uh the threat of looking like an idiot if things go wrong uh he picked it up a lot of responsibility to people we have I don't know 600 employees now um you know if you screw it up that's a terrible It's haunting every night I go to sleep with that screw it up mess it up um you know people don't like people that are rich man like there's a lot of projection on on the group so um I don't do enough for other people you know what have you done for us no matter what I tell them I've done it's not enough not enough well why'd you do why didn't you give more all right you know um you know now now there and then there's the oh it didn't make me happy why did I do all this somebody gives you know about the house of Malibu most most of the time we don't find time to go use it I'm like that doesn't feel good you know what I'm saying like I'm like I bought this and now nobody's got time to go see it the kids are going to grow up you know they're going back they're going to bail out they want to go do their own things and I'm stuck with the house right that nobody wants to come hang out with me and that that didn't feel good so there can be like look the loneliness was going to come either way in that situation right the the like who's with me um you get rich and you're still going to get old right you know you get as you get older Things become more or less interesting really well yeah how so there's some things you can't do dude like you know you know just you know you just can't do them or things hurt or right your body's breaking down yeah dude my break a shoulder and I don't I don't know I don't know that that shoulder would have broken 10 years ago I know it broke now and now it's gonna probably take longer to heal and I'm more of a about it you know coming God damn I heard my mama now I who knows I could have done that when I was 40 or 30 or whatever right but I know when you're 25 years old you're healing faster yeah producing more of everything so you know look if money doesn't stop any of that stuff so anybody that thinks you're going to feel younger because you're richer I don't know that that's true you know you either have to you're either excited about life or you're not you know so I think you get a lot of like I did it the other night I was watching this guy's worth eight billion dollars and he's running this thing and I'm like that's if that's how you act when you get 8 billion I don't know if I want it right well that was me doing exactly what I've seen other people do to me really yeah but it was weird I was at this event and dude the thing was weird I was like I felt like I was in Twilight or something but the first thing I did was I made it about his wealth rather than maybe he's just a weird dude right who has money and he's and he's worth eight that's not how he got there no maybe he's always been weird for what I know but I kind of projected the wrong kind of put the meat wrong meaning on it right so uh now what I've seen with other people is the the drugs the prostitution the extremities of it all right bro it's like endless the the amount of dissatisfaction you know the the appetite for pleasure and which is that doesn't look like pleasure and the out ethics and the but but what I've seen that at the broke level too so right it's just on a yacht now rather than just more extreme it's more more everything's more extreme the the people that use you and just around you the Yes Men kind of phenomenon oh you're the best you know nobody will tell the truth to him that's terrible like I don't I don't have a lot of friends I don't have a lot of people around me like we've seen me rolling around it's always a couple people yeah and your family and a couple people yeah it's not I don't have groups of people around me what is it that the the wealthy that you've seen when they get wealthier what are some of them forget about in terms of like their mindset or their discipline are there certain things that they lose yeah when you become wealthier I was I was on Twitter spaces last night this lady constantly talking about you know how she pulled herself up from the bootstraps and how she made it and it's like a complete disregard for people that are not white that are don't have connections that weren't taught how to work hard like that are like I'm like like Cindy you're not you're not you're forgetting the rest of the world oh no God why do you always say that I'm like I'm telling you man I'm I had I had it easier than many people okay I would not have what I had if I didn't work but you can't just always go back to the work hard thing like there's a lot of people there's a lot of unfairness there's tremendous amounts of unfairness and and you know it's not just about oh I'm gonna work hard okay but when are you going to make a connection how do you get into that connection how do you get people to know who you are like it's not easy and you just act like you could go out there and do it again today okay let me see you go out and do it again today you know well yeah but now I'm 50 again but I said okay well there's a lot of people out there who are 50 years old they got to go do it today but you just said it's easy we'll go do it that's why I did that show uh undercover billionaire yeah and so but it's not easy dude it's not easy to connect with people it's not easy to put it together it's not easy to let have people bring you into their life and share time with you I think wealthy people have forgot that you know and and they're like oh I can like she's telling she can earn five percent of her money I said 99 of this room will never get five percent from a bank today oh yeah they can get it easy all you got to do is go in and negotiate with the bank you got 400 in the bank account you ain't negotiating with the bank right it's just ridiculous she's forgotten then that 64 of people in America don't have 400 bucks wow in a savings account for an emergency what's the what's the debt like for most people how many how many people are in debt in America do you know that no I don't know what the number is I know that I think uh they just did a thing that said 40 percent of people that make a million dollars a year still are living paycheck to paychecks 40 40 of people that make them 250 Grand a year or living paycheck to paycheck people that make uh it's like 40 of the people that were making a million a year or something said they were living paycheck to paycheck with that that's not because of inflation that's because they spent money they shouldn't have spent they thought they were entitled to because they're millionaires they live above their means they live above their Investments not their means interesting they lived in within their means but never invested all right and thought they thought that they were always going to be more valuable and more valuable that's not how value Works your your value as a human being is going to go like this okay it's going to go up whatever you're doing you're going to go hopefully you get to go up you don't go Flatline the whole career I mean if you're a maid and you're and you never got better being a maid you're going to be flat the whole time right but if you go from May to I'm going to own a series of you get more skills you get more skills now I own a company your value is going to go up but sooner or later your value is going to start arking out why is that technology you're getting older you can't Service as many people you didn't grow your company and the value of your company or your talents you're a baseball player you're making 40 million bucks a year sooner labor they ain't gonna pay you anything Tom Brady he was making a bunch of money he's going to be paid more as as a commentator crazy so he's gonna have a boom he's going to have a big spike because he's his brand is so much now if he draws an audience if he doesn't draw an audience contact contract will be renegotiated and or they'll kill him and his income will go down but he should have been loading up on assets I've always been preparing for this bell curve to do this well Grant's no longer valuable to people and it would the point where I'm no longer valuable you've got access are going to be like boom they'll kick my value up interesting they'll catch up with my earned income and replace it right and people should have that Target your target should be not to make more money but to have more money that you don't make to match what you do make from your Investments yeah exactly so I'm making 80 grand a year back in that example 80 grand a year and then I'm gonna go to 800. let's say you figured that out along the way you're just accumulating assets with the other 700 000. so that one day your 800 Grand that you're making now you make it another 800 from income from the Investments so with that when the first income goes away the second that second layer of Investments starts to pay you and your family and that becomes your life insurance that becomes your Keo 401K retirement plan but you're invested in things that you own not things Wall Street owns and you get the tax write-offs they get you get the benefits and the loopholes and the power right and that's what I'm trying to teach my kids you know like Sabrina so Sabrina's uh ordering food yesterday and she's like she looked at the menu I let her pay all the bills I've been doing this since she was probably six you pay the bill with your money right well yeah yeah yeah you pay you you figure it out you do that yeah how much should the team be yeah what's the tip okay check the meal make sure you go through every eye and make sure we didn't know everybody I really don't care it's just a good practical skill for her right she's like Papa they were supposed to take this off good isolated take it off in fact don't ask her tell her just say ma'am you need to take this off we didn't like it so I'm teaching her how to get stuff back I'm teaching how to confront people like all the uncomfortable deals you got to learn how many people do you know that are not willing to say take it off they're just like yeah so then I'm like okay Sabrina no what do you want to tip these people and then she'll be like I think we should tip this guy 15 I said why is that because uh he was pretty good but not great okay next cut I said but listen listen we like to go we like to eat at Nobu right so what you might want to do is hit him 15. and give the matron e50 right make sure we always get a table we always get a table slip 50 and so now she's learning these skills right but she called me yesterday she said Papa the french fries at the Beverly Hills Hotel are 34. I'm not ordering I said yeah he shouldn't it's ridiculous yeah I don't know if that's inflation or location uh by both yeah yeah so that's what I'm teaching too we don't give them money we don't give them an allowance I don't think any kid should be given allow interesting why not we we make a minute they want money they become an employee of the company they work for the company we give them a series of things to do we pay them once a year okay we give them a big check at the beginning of the year that money goes into card on Capital wow and they live off the distributions come on yeah that's amazing it is that's cool it's a tax write-off right so now and then and then when they're 18 years old they'll probably have uh we're doing about 50 000 bucks a year for for their salaries right now start at 30. wow understood how can I get a raise I said you can do more things next year they got 40. now they're 50. sometimes they'll get a bonus for doing extra stuff but they don't get the money they never get the money it's invested and they get that money is invested they get the distributions I think there's 667 dollars a month now wow in in cash flow that's amazing so when they want hey I saw this sweater I like how much is it 200 I said good how you want to handle it you know so they're like yeah I want to buy this out of my out of my checking again right okay good and that they they feel better interesting then I relying on you constantly to buy them stuff let's say if they see something it's 800 and they only got 667. they're like I don't have enough money I said why don't you let's do a loan let's do a deal right you can borrow 137 from me so they did I said and then I'll just I'll grab it from next month all right I said I got your asset so you can sign your assets you know wow so when they're 20 they're gonna know they've never touched their capital they will create wealth over the next 10 years but it'll be their own will it's not something I gave them and I've benefited by working with them I have fun with them well like they're taking all the Cardone University stuff right now can they go in and watch they review a video and then they do their version so we're creating 10x kids Universal oh my gosh it's amazing right that's cool so kids can teach kids that's cool well if you could only teach your kids three lessons about money yeah what would those lessons be people number one meet meet people every no one's a stranger you know the money's a people game two once you get it don't lose it and number three um and put it in something that's uh that that you're guaranteed I saw you had a guest that talked about doubling money every year I'm like yeah that's like you're gonna lose money trying to do that really what 100 that's not it's not even you don't need to do that if you earned if you earn seven or eight percent on your money and invested every year you'll be so rich when you're when you're when you need it you'll be rich Beyond if you don't lose any so I would tell them number three is just invest in things where you can never lose your capital and and stay away from uh uh degenerates and deadbeats and people that don't value money and degenerates basically are people that spend more money than they than they earn they're degenerates they're criminals by Nature by the way anybody that spends more than they have is a criminal it's a violation of a spiritual law even if they get a loan out or if they're if you can send more and then you earn you are Criminal your degenerate Criminal a spiritual rule it's like I don't need I don't need the state of California to tell me what law I broke I just brought a spiritual moral spiritual contract code a contract what about what about getting a loan out and getting debt to invest in something that you can't afford does it make money sure okay well then that's a good that's good that's good but I'm talking about somebody borrowing money to buy a Gucci belt because they want to show off because they won't be look what I got got it or buying a Lamborghini because you're trying to impress somebody right right you know you're you're a degenerate or going to the casino and playing playing and having alcohol and going to the strip joint throwing away five dollar bills that you can't afford like there's a lot of people that spend money they they can't afford to try to be a big shot right men and women by the way it's not just guys that do it yeah what about the three lessons you would share I feel like these are very practical lessons meet people don't lose it and put it in something that gets you know guaranteed returns and don't be around stay away from the deadbeats right because they'll steal it all what about the the three lessons around the emotional relationship to money on how people should think and feel about money because a lot of people are afraid of it they feel uncomfortable they don't talk about it yeah they they you know keep it to themselves how can we shift the relationship to money that we have so we can have a better experience emotionally and spiritually about money well you got you know for me for me I gotta like anything I've ever had a problem with okay I had a problem with drugs when I was 23 or so and then I then I'm hiding it you know anything you're hiding you're going to have problems with the secret keeps you sick you know money is very secretive for most people just ask them what they make and also everybody goes oh I don't want to tell you that the IRS knows what you make okay like I mean everybody you know the people that you don't like know already what you're making your boss knows what you make you don't know what you make most people don't know what they make because they went into the secret the drug addict doesn't know how much they use the alcoholic doesn't how much they drink it's they're not accounting for anything you know the relationship that goes bad they're not inventory and why it went bad so you got to inventory your money I said this to you one other time first thing I look at every day is my money first thing every day I have a great relationship with my money did you always have a good relationship with money uh I lost a quarter when I was eight years old my dad gave it to me to get me out of the house we walked down the street and it was playing with the quarter flipping it like like a did I tell you this way and my twin brothers he's playing with his or he wasn't but I was playing with mine and I flipped it missed it and it went into a manhole and I couldn't get it I couldn't retrieve it my arm was shorter than the the bottom right so I go back home I'm crying man my brother went to the store and he got bubble gum and I didn't freaking man I and my dad said what'd you get I said Papa I I lost my quarter and he's like you lost it man he freaking got mad bro like he he like what do you mean he lost it I said well I was flipping it never played with money you know and he just hammered me that's a mirror like it was yesterday right never played with money ever and I'm crying and I walk away and my grandfather grabbed me Tony Neal came to this country on a boat never had papers to live here it was a gambler's whole life he said Son let me tell you something old Italian guy he says your dad he's got a he's got a he's got a point about not playing with money but there's another way to look at this he says never go anywhere with just one quarter you might lose and I was like okay he's like think about that in your life you have to make a decision between those two things and so that's always like go play with it and never depend on one quarter because you might lose it so um get a bunch of quarters man yeah yeah because you're going to need it right and if you don't lose it the government's going to grab it they're going to tax it someone else is going to inflate it they're going to rob it they're going to steal it so you know number one I think I would just say um the healthy relationship is look at it every day you got two inventory your beliefs around money I think most people are taught the money's bad it's it's sinful and three I would never I would not connect um I would not try to create any relationship between money and happiness oh you know I don't I don't know why anybody tries to attach um any connection between the two you know when people say hey money won't make you happy I'm like they have nothing to do with one another it's like me saying I want to fly and you saying but you should swim or something what's it got to do what what are the two things have to do with one another I need money to pay bills I need money to buy gas I need money to help the Grant Cardone Foundation out I need money to buy to buy a ticket to the milking Institute I need money and it's got I'm not when I'm trying to make money I'm not trying to be happy and I don't anybody that tries to put the two together like they're different conversations they should not be they shouldn't be talked about together if money but if money doesn't buy happiness what does get happiness yeah I mean you know I think that's everybody's like purpose for me gives me you know when I've done a good job when I've helped somebody that makes me happy yeah when I go home at night and I'm like hey I worked hard today right that makes me happy I I didn't have to make any money uh when I make good decisions for my family that makes me happy you know I'm proud of myself so so money doesn't bring you happiness it's never made me happy it might make you feel more secure or to most of the time it makes me a little more like oh okay now what do I got to do you know but it doesn't make me like it might make me proud but it doesn't make me I'm like I don't get happy if you gave me a billion dollars right now I would be exhilarated I would be intrigued I would be I don't know that I'd be happy would you if I gave you a billion would you be like Oh I'm half my happy meter went up now I'm already happy yeah so when it increased it would give me uh probably a level of uh like a rush or an excitement yeah okay what can I do with this now or how can I help more people or who can I hire or yeah yeah yeah but I'm already a happy person yeah so it might bring me energy or yeah for a couple of days or a week or something and then that would go away yeah yeah exactly I mean I don't know anybody out there you got a billion dollars you want to throw her down on me we'll see if it makes me happier but but we would be excited about it we'd all be talking about it we'd probably go have drinks tonight yeah you can believe this man here's 10 grand you know right you're so cheap okay here here's the book it's going to start now yeah you know well let me ask you about your happiness scale yeah yeah yeah when you're at a hundred million yeah versus where you are now no difference in the four million you're at the same level of Happiness when you're at 100 and now well I don't think I really don't think about it like that like I don't think about I don't think about happiness much by the way really no I don't I don't really I think about choices a lot are you a pretty happy person am I a happy person on a scale of one in 10 10 being like consistently throughout a full year yeah I don't think about happy I don't I don't measure happy what do you measure I measure accomplishments I measure targets I measure you know who who I'm helping things that I can actually physically measure things that are measurable well I don't you can't measure joy and happiness and I don't know how to measure it okay like how do I measure it how do I count this something happened it's just it's just really okay do you feel happy on a day-to-day basis like consistently do I feel like a scale of one to ten I don't think I've been miserable oh yeah I'm not miserable and then 10 being you're a happy fulfilled inner peace you've got joy in your heart yeah I know no I'm not that that's not what I'm thinking about but where are you I don't know on that scale I'm probably like a six a six five or six yeah I'm not thinking about jupa Joy I'm not thinking about contentment I'm not thinking I'm thinking about action yeah I want the action I want the grind I want the action I want the possibility like the political thing like hanging out with we're just talking to Newsome yesterday I'm like man I can't imagine playing in your Arena bro like like it seems so intriguing to me he's like look you don't want anything to do with it I said no that's what I mean every time I bring up politics to anybody they're like but you want nothing to do with this I'm like sounds intriguing like to me that wouldn't be a happy place right but it will be a action Place interesting place it would be like oh my God man somebody's gonna rip my face off or I'ma rip their face off but somebody's face has got to get ripped off let's keep it real in that game yeah in order to get to that so so I don't think about you know happiness is happening something you want more of or no do I want more happiness dude I want more time is what I want and I want more Health with time and health bringing more happiness as long as I had people around me that I want to be around okay because I don't want to be around I don't want to be around people I don't like okay under any condition that's the thing that makes me most unhappy really I don't like being around people that don't do stuff I don't like people that talk about doing something and don't I don't like people being around people that can't pay meals and can't throw in and can't contribute and uh because I know they can so I'm like I can't be around people that like it's very very difficult for me around be around extremely difficult I get very unhappy and because I'm so transparent and because I'm so outspoken like I'm going to call somebody out right while they're there at the table with me and it's going to embarrass my wife I was doing dinner we were doing dinner at our house with Rob Lowe and a guy across from if he's pitching Elena Elena doesn't know she's getting pitched I did this I did that I did this I did that I don't need to raise any money I did this I don't need to raise any money but and I know what he's doing right and I said bro what'd you come to make last year oh it's it's private private information I said okay well then once you keep the whole thing from it look either share it or keep it to yourself when you're pitching my wife on this deal you're not going to tell me like and I call him out alias Hitman hit does your girl do this no because I'm not confrontational she's punching me she's punching me on the table I'm like bro if you're not going to tell me how much money your company made Rob Lowe's right over here everybody's getting tense oh man but but it I can't help myself dude I I and and so here if I sit on it Lewis if I sit on it I'm definitely not happy sit on what if I don't say it I've got you if you hold back yeah then I'm not being me nah then I'm like like I feel like a fraud and I feel like a liar and I had to listen to this guy's bullet I'm running out of time in my life and I had to listen to eight minutes of bull that I know it's wow a boat meter's going freaking you know and so time and health time oh yeah yeah and then and then people do it how many people you know the people I like being around people that I enjoy you know like I enjoy being with you I don't come here because just to do this I enjoy being with you I like you you know like well you know I just there's certain people I like being around and there's other people like it wouldn't matter if they had a hundred billion you're what I want to be around them I will never do that wow I don't want it I don't you can't buy me like there's not there is it's financially motivated as I am I will not be around people you don't like yeah yeah do deals with people who don't like it yeah it's probably why the Wall Street the Harvard Wall Street Grandma comes a banker thing would have never worked out for me sure sure I would I would have I would have not made it but is is happiness do you want that scale to go up though are you happy 100 I mean one like of course I want to yeah but but I I want to contribute more no I don't think about I want to be more happy maybe I'm already happy maybe I'm actually a 10 and I don't know and that's why I'm not trying to get happier sure you know but I don't think about happy like a temperature you it's like a temperature to you uh just do an assessment yeah but it's like 68 or what's your perfect setting temperature setting I mean I like oh it's a temperature yeah temperature when I go to sleep it's a 69 60 yeah yeah so so the colder the better for me right so my girl she freezes too much but okay so whatever you're you're but but I don't have a happy temperature interesting so maybe I'm already maybe I'm happy and now I'm looking for hey I want contribution I want impact impact I want Legacy I'm trying to figure out how to extend 100 years that's really the number one thing that interests me is how could Grant Cardone still be relevant in 21 23. why is that so important for you to be relevant in 20. meters well I don't know I don't know why exactly but but I would say one thing is because my when my dad died I mean people forget about you pretty quick like it's not nothing yeah you know and I'm getting to that part of my life where I'm like I'm closer to that thing happening and then you know staying alive forever so um my dad he at 52 by 53 I mean no nobody was talking about him I talk about him more today than they were talking about him a year after he died and I got more people to talk to more people know my last name today than everybody in my family ever so that to me that's a contribution if my dad's around somewhere drifting through the universe of what universes he's like man he's he's disseminating the name that's what he told me was always the most important thing your last name nobody can ruin your last name nope except you nobody can take away your name and and what but what he didn't understand was you know kind of disseminated and so Walt Disney dude he's been dead 75 years okay uh like there's people that we will be talking about Jesus you know okay some gangster man why is Legacy so important when you're never going to be here after you're gone to experience it well I don't know that you're not I don't know that you're not here you know I don't know that you're not here sure sure I don't believe I I don't believe I end right I believe survival is a circular thing like sure sure like I'm gonna come back and I think I'm going to come back you may not remember it or know that what's happening maybe I do maybe I get to remember it mate if I worked on it maybe if I you know uh but I know this I'm going to feel good about a lot of places I go to and a lot of people I meet I'm gonna feel good because I made more contributions than I did I gave more than I took and I'm going to have this vibration you know with these people and these particles and these you got 60 trillion cells or something in you you know you know maybe what's going on with a little tiny part of you and and we're unconscious about the other 59 trillion yeah activities that are all communicating with one another you know and so I don't know that I don't come back here in 50 years and I'm like Mom when I'm blue what's that man you know or whatever maybe you got a different name a different body or whatever whatever but we still got this kind of Rhythm or something happening and we're doing some kind of future podcast or something right yeah yeah and and um what's the biggest fear for you at this stage what's the biggest fear um well kid my kids man my kids I you know they're 14 and 12 so now I'm worried about okay at some point they're going to be like we're out of here all right we're gonna get a boyfriend we're gonna go to school whatever we want yeah all that bugs me out you know I'd like to hold on to that a lot longer so I wish I had more kids really me and Elena Oscar we actually talked about maybe we adopt a kid really yeah because we've been good with our kids like one of the best things I've done in my life as rice kids I'm a great father yeah so I'm very very happy about how I did that if you waited till you were 50 right yeah yeah do you wish you would have had kids sooner or you feel like it's the right time yeah it was the right time I wasn't you know at 40 I wouldn't have been a good father what are you most proud of about being a father the the thing I'm most proud of is like you know the time I spend time with them both of them when I'm not spending enough time with Scarlet I go spend time with her hey let's go get a boba let's go like I literally make time during the day and I'm like let's go someplace by yourself just me and you you know and I can tell man when I do it they feel it my eyes and um two their friends all think I'm a superstar I love that you know they don't always like it right um you know um and and you know I'm glad I'm glad the kind of life I have some regrets but I I'm glad of the life that I've kind of showed them or shown them and and and I don't think that that spoils him um what's the biggest regrets sometimes particularly with Sabrina Springer spends the most time with me I have been because she spent so much time with me she'll do see me doing stuff as an adult and as a Grant Cardone wild man yeah I don't mean bad stuff right I mean just me being me just me calling people out you know she hears you know when I'm done with something she hears me talking to myself about it this guy's blood they hear everything bro like everything they remember everything they hear everything no matter what they're doing they pick it all up everything and they'll tell you about it later they remember it they remember and they take it literal you know so she's called me out a couple times well you said so and so about blah blah I'm like oh yeah I did say that you know you said you didn't trust that guy why are you doing business with it you know because something happened I'm like I knew I shouldn't trust that guy and then then we continue the relationship and then she later she's like you said you didn't trust him why are you doing business with it I'm like well baby now I gotta explain it right sometimes you do have to compromise a little this a little of that blah blah blah but so yeah I I regret that I regret her ever see like any of the kind of the adult activities having a drink or wine or something you know it gives them approval couple final questions for you um you're 75. 10 years 10 years out yeah what have you accomplished that you're most proud of in business and in life outside of business and what is the number one thing your 75 year old self is saying to you right now if you could time Jump yeah yeah and see where you created in the next 10 years you need to enjoy it life more bro this is what he'd be saying to you right now enjoy life more yeah you got to enjoy life more take more pictures right now take more pictures enjoy life more um you know invest more time in your relationship with Elena and make sure you guys figure out how to grow old together you know because you see see there comes a certain age where you're like okay I can't just get rid of my wife you know because it looks stupid like everybody goes through relationships where they're like okay if there's a hard time or hard patch you're like okay one thing you can always do is bail that's always an easy fix I'll just bail but the problem is you got to start with another relationship right when you're 75 years old bro no age looks good on you it all looks stupid right you know I saw God the other day man he walked out with like a 25 year old and I'm like this don't look good bro right I mean something was broken in your relationships and you weren't able to maintain them yeah you're gonna start over so like like me and Elena got it we we work like it making sure we're doing it but it's hard man relationship probably the most challenging thing is that that relationship really yeah it's just hard I'm going one way she's going another way I'm picking her up tonight she's in another city when I get home she goes to Cancun tomorrow to do a deal we're both doing this and that and then we you know so you know what I would say is enjoy life more I need more extended periods of time just enjoying myself yeah that's good less stress less stuff and I don't mean I'm gonna put my phone up I'ma still play the game but we're gonna go on a yacht for two weeks uh for her birthday her 50th birthday that'll be a great time together and then uh you know I don't know what would 75 tell 65 you can do it bro I think you would say let's go pick that 40 bro for 400. let's go let's go let's go like you're just limiting yourself what I've done already is impossible from where you came from and all this from where I came from I should be dead I should have been dead 25 years old or in jail okay or in some mental institution messed up forever any of those things any of those three things could happen to me you know instead I became this guy you know and I'm grateful and I had I don't know that I had any breaks I know when people say oh you had luck I'm like you grinded bro I don't think I like I'm I'm looking for which which break are you talking about because I don't remember it right I've been grinded yeah and so um and I'm proud of the grind you know but I wanted to turn into something more than money you know because that's not a that's not a good feeling either you don't want to die and have some money in a bank and that's why that Legacy thing becomes important hey the Cardone Capital become a bank it would live in the year 2100 wow and people would bank at Cardone capital or Cardone Capital becomes a function so that everybody can become their own bank wow so those are some things that we're looking at right now how we how we can you know basically put everybody back in charge of their own game how can we influence the education system so anyway that stuff ai's gonna I mean ai's gonna destroy colleges at schools right it gives you all the answers so it's exciting dude it's an exciting time you know the next 10 years I could probably do more than I've done in the previous 65 years wow you know I want to do more fun stuff with you and your girl let's do it yeah you know let's go let's go travel the world together I'm in man final question around this because I think this is interesting around Love and Money yeah and relationships you're saying you know you're the relationships the most intimate relationships can be some of the most challenging their hard work especially if you're both doing big things yes would you have had any conversations differently around money before you got married and how do the conversation shift when there's two powerhouses now yeah who are you know traveling and making money and doing deals and speaking and you know yeah it's not a traditional yeah okay one's at home all day the other one's out making money and this is how it is yeah would you have had any conversations differently before marriage about money and how does it work now with two powerhouses making money yes so we would Elena once said to me she's like what if I made more money than you I'm like do it do it bro like she's like oh no you would be you would not like that I said man I'm telling you try it okay make more money than I make and see if I'm bothered by that because I would not be not even a little bit because I'm making my own now a guy that's not working and pitching and contributing and stretching and then it would affect them yeah it will I feel like yeah because then she's paying for everything so um number one we we have separate accounts well I've always I'm like we're having seven or separate accounts we when we met we had separate accounts and now we're gonna have separate accounts you're going to manage your money I'm gonna manage my money okay that way we can see if there's anybody doing gum okay and and number two on that I will always take care of you and she said oh you don't need to take care of me in the beginning I'm like oh no I want to take care of you dude like it's it's part of my deal I like paying the bills you don't have to pay any bill but you need to have your own account so you don't have a joint account no not for like shared expenses or anything you're just you pay for yourself for everything and she pays for herself yeah so you want something go buy okay you you can't buy it you tell me I'll handle it so um but I make all decisions around the money like not around her money but around this money and so um but but she also works in the company so we figured out how she works in the company and contributes to the company and she gets a piece of the action of the whole company wow not just her efforts so I I don't want her looking at just what she did but how she brings value to everything right so um would you have any other conversations before marriage or uh yeah I probably would have had some different conversations no no one I know now you're like what uh just what questions should you ask or get clear about or agreement sir dude I mean look she always she we we've always wanted similar things you know she she I'll tell you the biggest value Elena brings is that she thinks way bigger than that I know yeah way bigger so um unfortunately I'm the one she bounces on a ball she doesn't want me to tell anybody this but she loves to bounce at them all and think it's work for her she's doing her work she's basically creating this universe and while I walked through the house and I see her doing it I'm like oh my God what am I gonna have to do now you know because I know it requires me to do something I think it's going to require me to do something unless we just so um but what would I have done different I mean we that that's not a problem area for us it's really not it's because I produce a lot and I don't make a lot of mistakes and I do what I tell my kids you know meet a lot of people make sure it connects to money don't spend any time with degenerates if we spend any time talking about anything it's about how to get rid of some of the problem particles uh and they don't lose money and then invest in things that are going to take care of as long term and she's completely supportive of that and she likes the big score she loves the big thing like the 40 billion 400 billion she could she could think about a trillion this was her idea Cardone Capital was her idea not mine it's big man hey man um final question most important thing you can do by the way is get the right partner that's huge probably the most important thing how do you know it's the right partner around money I don't know how other people do it and you guys better talk about it yeah you know so like I remember I knew she was the right partner because I would give her like five dollars when we were back here in LA or what what happened was I I would have a bunch of money in my my pocket and the ones and the fives I'd be like you here you're gonna have the ones and the fives and she would get thrilled she was acting she would get thrilled thank you so much she'd take eight dollars and she was so happy about it I'm like oh I know this is the right check she's not ungrateful like why don't you give me more ideas yeah how about a couple hundred never then one day I got her to tens and she's like oh my God I said take all the tens in there everything below a tin you can have and she was thrilled you know we'd go to dinner and she'd say thank you thank you for paying for dinner it's always it was you know I didn't need that but it was respectful and it was appreciative and it was like even when we were married amen you know thank you for taking care of the house and she does less than that right now she sees this but but she's she was unbelievable that that I knew that was one thing I knew that that made her the right person for me wow and she was fun dude she she was a lot of fun yeah she wanted to do fun stuff that's cool yeah if you could give one final message to people watching or listening who are scared of what's to come they're unsure about their money the economy uh all the crisis that's about to happen what's the message you would leave behind well you know the word crisis in China means opportunity I think it's called it's Ouija and it literally means opportunity and we're about to go into the biggest opportunity well I know of my lifetime I thought it would have been here already I've been waiting for the last year preparing for it I thought it would have been here I thought it was going to be here last year around um September October and it came and passed and it's not hadn't happened yet but it's coming and it's going to be ugly it's going to be nasty you need great people around you you need people that are ready for this you know you need people on the same page there's going to come become a time where people need to start maybe now look at all your finances what's an asset what's a liability what do you what can you get rid of right now that's a liability get rid of it and prepare prepare for Armageddon and and because Armageddon is going to offer tremendous opportunities there's going to be more Banks to fail wall Street's going to have a terrible terrible week and I wouldn't you know don't be surprised when this happens be ready don't be surprised capital how else can we be of support and service to you dude just I love you I love your audience you know and I appreciate them putting up with me and I know you get a lot of heat sometime for having me on um so you know I appreciate everybody letting me be who I am and you know figure my way out too we appreciate you thanks again thank you why have so many people been put under the spell of the middle class that that is who determines who's the president of a country right look what happened in this last election and middle class is starting to get a little edgy right now they're starting to be like Dad I haven't had a good job I hadn't had a freaking pay raise you keep talking about unemployment going down where's my money okay
Channel: Lewis Howes
Views: 98,868
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lewis Howes, Lewis Howes interview, school of greatness, self help, self improvement, self development, personal development, success habits, success, wealth, motivation, inspiration, inspirational video, motivational video, success principles, millionaire success habits, how to become successful, success motivation
Id: dABJBU7ruPo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 5sec (6905 seconds)
Published: Wed May 17 2023
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