Masterclass: How To Sell Your Product

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comfortable quality I love you princess marry me that's the problem that you saw you're not solving a money problem that's the problem that you're solving Aston Martin how does Aston Martin Market their product [Music] James Bond the name's Bond James Bond [Music] foreign [Music] and you're probably willing to pay a premium for The Unique item money is not the consideration which now immediately means you are offering a price discount for a customer that doesn't want it not only are you offering them what they don't want you're leaving money on the table complex it's a comfortable comfortable quality I love you marry me I'm telling you let's do it after this after this let's do it you wanted to say something wow oh there we go there we go [Applause] right thank you so when you're leaving here you've got three pieces of homework the first piece of homework is you need to rework your elevator pitch okay okay first start with the problem that you're solving the problem that you're solving is there is a consumer base in Kenya of affluent um consumers what we call middle affluent consumers right who want bespoke pieces of furniture that are timeless good quality and they're willing to pay for them that's the problem that you saw you're not solving a money problem that's the problem that you're solving and around this proposition you have a community of who these consumers are so let me tell you a bit about these consumers as it appears for me just reading the sample in this room none of them are male so they're all female as it appears to me based on the sample in this room they're between the ages of 25 maybe 27 and 45. um they're clearly very driven that's why they're here the other owned their own businesses or their middle management to executive level in corporate yeah their home is their pride and joy so what they're looking for is a way for their home to be unique without being loud and so for this enters Glam interior so when you go see the company she's going to connect you with you're not going to say quality you're not going to say lifetime you're not going to say affordable what you're going to say is timeless comfortable bespoke affluent that's the conversation thank you and you can see thank you thank you for your help to Anne by the way on cognizant of time I think let's take two more I want to I want to make a comment yes I want to ask a question why do you want to go to naivas that's question number one yeah why not because a good number of us do not know about this product so why not sorry naivas you've heard about it that is retail I'm just asking and number two um is there uh you is not coming to the ultimate solution to your problem okay now what happens sorry the reason why I would want to go to hi everyone I'm I'm Damaris I'm the managing director of Greenhaven properties and the mimshack homes I like to advise her on how in 2020 during the corona year um in Feb I opened an office and then in March the government closed the country but this is what I'll say it's in 2020 that I made the most sales reason being I didn't go to I went to influencers and that's the advice I want to give her in this country influencers have a voice and for you to get your products known Supermarket is good but go to influencers I'm sure right now everyone knows about Greenhaven properties in diani and I can tell you we sold a lot of properties to Diaspora people because we gave them our trust they trusted us so use use the influencers akinoa Jesus I say to those people their voice in this country thank you thank you thank you that's really really good advice and by the way the best way to pay an influence is no um one of the ways to pay influences is by offering them free product the other far more effective way to pay an influencer is by offering them partnership so here's what you do you have a range of 12 products you go to Five influences and you say to them each let's co-design a piece signature piece for you one that you think represents you and you co-design that piece and then you say we're going to make a limited production run of 25 of these pieces bespoke rare right and to the influencer all the sales that you make they get 30 percent and all they have to do is to showcase the product so you get marketing new customers share of wallet share a voice and you get a person who's going to be promoting for you and really all you have to pay them is 30 percent of new sales not money from your actual business you have to get creative but the influence idea is a brilliant brilliant idea it's a very effective way of getting customers to buy okay so all of us here will help you by sending an email to the retailers you want to talk to you're going to get some influences and the next time I see you you'd better be doing a hundred thousand dollars a month and remember this the place that you do business in should be the place that you do business from that's the comment she made about the diaspora the Market's massive it's not just the people down the road so stop thinking about the retailer that's got that market think about how can I reach people in other parts of the world to buy my product as well okay yeah how long have you been in business since 2014 all right you're gonna have to come out of your shell a little bit if you want to build a brand you're gonna have to come out of your shell and own that brand okay let's do one last question one last question okay let's be cognizant of our online audience remember this is a hybrid event um so there are a couple of questions that are coming from online audience there's a lady called Anastasia njuguda who has two questions for you um so here she goes my the first question is how do you uh vusi organize yourself to handle all all these work on your plate do you read too much do you prepare for the presentations and run the businesses that's the first question and the second one the answer is yes Anastasia I hope you're listening answer is yes second question what would vosi tell someone who is unable to delegate client handling to a team running a consulting firm such that inhibits more client intake towards scaling what's this about not being able to Delegate for an aspiring entrepreneur who is self-employed okay so let's let's pause there Patrick so the question is what would I say to somebody who doesn't want to delegate responsibilities of handling clients and that becomes a a bottleneck in the business yeah I have no advice for this if you don't want to delegate don't delegate but you'll work 25 hours a day your business won't grow you won't scale this is uh this doesn't need an intervention you know there's you know if that's how you want to run your business it's how you run your business hello family the VT masterclass has now reached over 5 million unique entrepreneurs all across the world if you'd like to book me for one make sure that you hit the link below cheers rich and then the Third online question is why did you move to Dubai you have businesses across the world how do you leverage taxation this is a big headache to most smes in Africa yeah uh I can't I can't speak about tax and I'm not going to talk about why I moved I don't I don't need those kind of problems they are definitely watching this um I I love them text people you are great keep going then this is someone is a comment for the lady who does furniture yeah um so so Margaret wanzia is saying naivas is a budget supermarket and not probably the right place for Timeless pieces she may need to reconsider where she wants to sell the furniture naivas is the wrong place for Timeless pieces and for your information by the way you have a competitor have you ever heard about furniture pal sorry panessa Furniture right on Mombasa Road they do bespoke furniture and they don't advertise they don't go for expose and for your information their Furniture is founded every state house in Africa wow oh yes owned by an Indian family they've been the business for three decades so yeah and it takes time I just want to agree with you um Patrick and and really just say if you want to sell a Rolls-Royce you've got to place it where you're likely to get a bias if you take your royce royce to a budget area um you'll dust it forever and you're you're not likely to sell it so really the idea is if you believe that you have that product then go bespoke service to the right market area if you if you don't then you're and I really hope you understand the value you're getting here it would have taken you three months of bringing a consultant on board and at least twenty thousand dollars for them to tell you exactly what you're hearing here so by the way this is the power of these master classes 99 of the time it's it's nothing more than facilitating a conversation of the entrepreneurs in the room helping the entrepreneurs in the room but and you made the comment uh um share about the the Rolls Royce right do you guys know where Rolls Royce sells their cars obviously not they have dealerships but where do they I mean have you ever turned on a TV ad and seen a Rolls-Royce ad or flip the newspaper and see now a Rolls-Royce ad so where do they sell their cars how do they do promotion anyone know yes sir say again yeah from wealthy people but where question is where not whom where yes ma'am not even that you won't find them at the polo they're not at the polo if you watch the Grammys they're not advertising a Rolls-Royce as you're walking down the red carpet because a Rolls-Royce owner isn't at the polo the guy who who really let me say differently the guy who's driving a 2002 Rolls-Royce might be at the polo but the person who's on rolls-royce's list to mail when they're releasing a new sweptail for those of us in the room who don't know about cars when they're releasing a new Swift Tail which is not just a Rolls Royce it's not even a black badge it's a really really limited edition the guy who's on that mailing list he's not at the polo he's not at the polo he's not at the clubhouse he's not on the full ball at the golf day so where is he yes exactly right air shows so Boeing is showing their latest plane Golf String is showing the latest private jet right next door Rolls-Royce that's where you find them now why do you not know that how many of you here have been invited to the launch of a new private jet I rest my case I read that does that make sense I rest my case that tells you everything you need to know everything you need to know everything you need to know everything you need to know so some of the things you buy you buy because of what they buy you access to um yeah I won't say more on this but I've said enough so so that's what what's for you that's where Rolls Royce will exhibit their products I'm a petrol head Lamborghini how does Lamborghini reach their consumer first let's think about the story of Lamborghini do you guys know the story of a Lamborghini Lamborghini the owner the old man used to make tractors in Italy he was the number one customer to a Supercar manufacturer whose name was Enzo Ferrari he was Ferrari's number one customer by volume and he had I can't remember which Ferrari it was it kept breaking down and he went to Enzo and he said why does this car keep breaking down and Enzo said to him because you don't know how to drive supercars he said oh really I'll show you how to make a Supercar that doesn't break down and he started Lamborghini so the question I ask where does Lamborghini reach their Market second Formula One no Ferrari does this Ferrari's on Formula One McLaren is on Formula One not Lambo any takers movies was the last time you watched a movie with a Lamborghini in it no producer spending that kind of money to crash a car forget it it's not happening anyone Aston Martin how does Aston Martin Market their product James Bond the name's Bond James Bond now the character James Bond works for the Aston Martin car because of the way an Aston Martin drives you'd have to drive one to get it but there's the character of an Aston Martin is very different to the character of a Lamborghini you can take a an Aventador which is a V12 and take a DBS super legera both v12s they don't drive the same the one would be like dating Kim Kardashian the other would be let's get this right like dating the queen they're different very different so how does Aston Martin reach their users James Bond it's the guy who wears a suit it's the undercover agent the girls this it's a lot like this single colors always solid colors and dress not loud not ostentatious this is why you've never watched a hip-hop video within Aston Martin there is yeah that guy didn't have money for the Ferrari he didn't know if he had money for the Ferrari he wouldn't have put the Aston Martin on it because it has a different appeal the Aston Martin owner I think the last time I checked the uh the stats it said something like the average Aston Martin owner is about 48 years old like way above this right so it when you show but the point is it communicates something differently this is important and for you because your brand is an extension of the customers need to say something so you've got to figure out what do your customers need to say and how do you use your brand to give them the ability to say this right so where do you find a Rolls Royce when they're launching um different airplanes at air shows that's where you'll find a Rolls-Royce Lamborghini doesn't do events that's why you couldn't answer that question they don't Lamborghini has Lamborghini events and for you to get invited to the event you know you get invited to the event a Lamborghini owner has to recommend you foreign so what do they know that a Lamborghini owner probably knows somebody who can afford a Lamborghini so they're not they're not running ads on Twitter they're not promoting stuff they're not doing this but when they launch the new Countach which is the the Montage the homage really of the old one in the 1980s in my mind the greatest Lamborghini ever made the Diablo second to this the Countach but every time they launch the only way in is there's somebody in invites you in they don't care how much money you could be on the cover of Forbes if you don't have an invitation from someone in the circle you're not coming in creating a sense of exclusivity for your brand especially if you wanted to be something aspirational it's very very powerful denying people the ability to get in have them waiting in a long queue that's why I said when you do the promotion with the influences do a limited run on purpose on purpose there are only five of this available and they will never be repeated again and that's how you that's how you build right very important to this very very important very very important to this right um very quickly you spoke about limited editions right so so in the in the 19 you know in the early 2000s in the Lamborghini had the uh the V12 was the before they released the Aventador Car Guys what was the V12 before the Aventador not the so we had the Diablo where the Countach then the Diablo musciologo right they launched the S which was like the was the mushilago then the S was like the limited edition then the SV when they brought out the new one they Aventador they had the Aventador then the S then the SV then the svj supervillocha jota s super SV super Volo super fast svj super veloce jota super fast and Light hello family the VT masterclass has now reached over 5 million unique entrepreneurs all across the world if you'd like to book me for one make sure that you hit the link below cheers
Channel: Vusi Thembekwayo
Views: 901,113
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vusi, Thembekwayo
Id: 6NrvX3ifofc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 21sec (1281 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 15 2022
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