Step by Step UGLY Lawn Transformation

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in this video I'm going to show you a yard it's absolutely full of weeds and overgrown and nasty and I'm going to fix this yard with the help of my friend Paul Jameson so we're going to mow it and get it cleaned up but I want to go a step further and I want to go through the weeds in the yard we're going to spray the yard we're going to fertilize the yard and I want to come back and show you a complete transformation that hopefully you wouldn't even be able to recognize this yard but first we got to show you what it looks like now talk to you about the process get to work and then come back and show you some finished results okay so here's the yard thankfully it's a small yard I know somebody that have a cool season grass you're like why is the grass Brown well it's early spring or not even quite spring at the time of this video and this is what it's actually supposed to like Bermuda grass so you got dormant Bermuda over here with almost no weeds and you get over here you can see obviously the property line so somebody say well this is green that's brown well that's brown because it's not quite time for it to turn green it is turning green this one is green not the actual grass but just the wheat so one of the things I look at is a lot of professional is I'm hoping that there is grass in here so you see all this tan grass and even some of it turning green here and this is your Bermuda grass so there's plenty of Bermuda in here I imagine this yard was sodded at one time and look very nice and to be honest with you most of these are just cool season weeds that we're going to be able to dominate and quickly get results and I want to show you the process so look at what we got here we got a big large geranium I don't know the names of all these weeds but I do know some of them you got a dandelion you've got Clover could weed here got a big patch of hen bit that's about to start blooming so ultimately we want to transform this in just a uniform Bermuda grass lawn let's look at the back and see what it looks like some people say oh Jason it's so bad you just have to kill it and start over re-sod the yard well that's not actually true you don't have to do that in this situation especially our Bermuda grass if you can get rid of the weeds Bermuda grass will spread like crazy this summer so I'm gonna spray spray it and fertilize it but I want to get it mowed first and then we'll take care of that and we'll come back all right as we walk around the back of the property here we're going to get into a little bit of Shadows but as you can see as you get over here as much grass because of the lack of sunlight Bermuda needs full sun now back here you got some big grassy clumps of weed some rye grass or Fescue big clumps right here so I'll have to use a different product on this but again not really enough grass over here bro you get over here get nuts you actually get into a little bit of zoysia grass so that's good because it's going to tolerate the shade much better and you can see over here on this side of the house not getting that much sunlight but because they've got Zoysia it's actually looks it's actually looking much better as always you're probably crepe over from the neighbor's house after years and so this is the other neighbor and they've got Zoysia with no weeds of course our yard here has got weeds all in it got a battery powered push mower string trimmer and a blower small yard so we're just going to push this yard [Music] foreign [Music] so in my big spray tank here I've already got it mixed up but I've got the Resolute 4fl this is pro Diamond you see they're active ingredient Pro diamine what that's going to do is help get ahead a lot of the summer Weeds now I'm afraid I might be a little bit late on the crab grass so it may on the yard like this may have to come up with solution for that later but if you get this out before the crabgrass germinates it does a great job with that and a lot of other warm season weeds I've got mixed in there change up at 12 ounces per acre which is a very low rate and I've also got this product it's called Manor Manor is midsole Furon those two together are a great combination to get a lot of Weeds now the grassy weeds I showed you in the back it's not going to control those weeds so I'm probably going to spot treat those with this product called tribute total tribute total is an expensive product but it's great on Bermuda and Zoysia Lawns and it'll get raw Leaf weeds sedges grassy weeds so I'm not going to blanket spray the whole yard with it that's expensive but spot trading just hitting those grassy weeds that the manner and the change up combination is not going to get so this is already mixed up in the tank I'm going to spray it and then I'm going to fertilize it after we get done mowing [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I tag team the mowing on this show where he actually did the Mowing and some of the tremended engine I finished up some of it Paul's proud of his uh water meter clean up here found that thing and put it put a pretty decent Edge on it now it's going to get easier every time you do it but you could say there's nothing to be ashamed over that edge there as you look at the lawn now it's cut but again if we don't do anything two weeks from now it's gonna be looking about back in the same exact situation it was in when we just cut it today so we're going to spray it and uh they were going to fertilize it and I believe as the fertilizer is kicking in we're getting warmer weather this Bermuda grass is going to start turning green and simultaneously these weeds are going to be dying out and I believe if we come back a month from now you're going to see a whole different looking line so that's what I want to do but wrap up this video is not leave it right here but I do want to come back and show you okay so remember this house I don't even tell me that this is not the same house not the same yard look at those yellow shrubs right there okay it's going to be the same yard I come back and show you and we'll see maybe I'm wrong but let's wait to the end of the video and you can see what this thing's going to look like just for reference sake I am mowing this on March the 15th foreign so most of the weeds are going to die from the application but I've got the tribute total mixed up in this two gallon handheld sprayer I'm gonna go back in the back and spray some of those grassy weeds hopefully knock those out those will probably be slower to die than the broadleaf weeds the distribute total should take care of it and then we're going to fertilize the yard all right this is a 3808 blend of fertilizer this is a slow release fertilizer so it's going to actually last for months I'm gonna put it on the yard and it's going to release as the weather warms I've been hard to explain to me before it's like a a tea bag if it's in cold water it doesn't release the nutrients but the water water starts to warm the tea begins to release well same thing with this polymer coated fertilizer as the weather warms it's going to start releasing the nutrients thus helping the grass to Green up so we'll check back and see how well it works [Applause] [Applause] so I plan to check back on this yard I'll give it a month or so and see if we can see some real results from the fertilizer and the weed control so we'll check back we're back to look at this yard it's been one month I want to show you the transformation that took place on this yard I'm pretty happy with the way it looks so here it is now the color is not there yet okay it's just not there and that has a lot to do with the time of the year and the weather we've had now it's rained a lot and the temperatures are warming up but we were down in the low 40s this week so Bermuda grass now 95 and rain will be great for Bermuda grass low 40s at night is not ideal for Bermuda grass but look at the weeds I mean it is dominate the weeds and now look at all this Bermuda coming in and I'm telling you if you know anything about Bermuda grass come June July this stuff is going to be growing like crazy unless we have some kind of serious drought but I'm just very happy with the results we got on the weeds that I pan over the yard here you look right there what's done and the fertilizer has already been applied let me just give you a panoramic shot here and just show you around and you see there's almost zero living Weeds now I said almost zero my Arch Enemy Dallas grass is here showing its ugly head as it normally does it's so hard to kill drives me crazy we'll walk to the back here everything looking good now it is going to thin out as we get to the back but you can see here nasty big old clumps of grass I don't actually I don't know if that's Dallas I don't know what that is got some big crazy looking weed yeah a little Creeping Charlie there well this is the Creeping Charlie with the crazy looking leaf and then you got the one that looks like a little Lily Pad I don't know if that's Penny Ward or what what exactly that's called but it's a little bit tougher to dive it looks like those are actually dying out too bermuda's going to be thin as we get over here on the side of the house there's not enough sunlight same thing back here you're going to get very difficult growing Bermuda grass underneath the tree as you go into the backyard everything's looking pretty good got some Zoysia back here that's why it's doing so much better look at the difference in the Zoysia I mean I know again it's not super green yet give it some time guys quit rushing me but it's nice and thick Zoysia virtually no weeds in the yard and over here I think when we looked at this last time if I remember correctly the neighbor's yard looked pretty clean and the yard we were working on looked pretty terrible now look I'd say this yard even looks a little bit better because it's been mowed a little tighter than this one so I'm super pleased with the results knocked out the weeds the grass is turning green check back in a month or so and this thing will be looking great I have a feeling as far as the weed control application I'd give this a a effort only the reason we need to get a plus that big old nasty grassy weed on the side it somehow survived I had to dig that thing up with a shovel thanks for watching transformation if you like these kind of videos leave me a comment give me a thumbs up subscribe the channel I've got a lot of videos on here I also wanted to tell people that we are doing another live Lawn Care conference I've done three in the past this will be the fourth one it's not going to be until February 2024 February 23rd 24th you can check out the details at that's also where I have my weed control and fertilization Academy if you want to get in weed control business like I am thanks for watching hope you'll check out some more of the videos we'll see you next time
Channel: Lawn Care Life
Views: 340,074
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jason creel, lawn care life, ugly lawn, lawn renovation, lawn care
Id: --eCZrarjQs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 47sec (767 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 15 2023
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