Fix an Ugly Lawn with Overseeding 3 Different OVERSEEDING Techniques! Spring or Fall Overseed guide

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what is up my dudes this is yardbra and you're tuning in to another episode of my lawn we all want that perfect YouTube lawn that lawn that neighbors Envy you are the dude of your neighborhood everyone asks you how you're doing that and if you're like most of us you didn't start off with that healthy gorgeous lush green lawn you started off with something patchy something brown something Mossy and something that someone just walks by well guess what this is how you achieve that amazing looking lawn that'll make every one of your neighbors a jealous the process is called over seeding now what is overseeding overseeding is planting grass directly into your existing lawn now what does this do It's Gonna Fill In Those bare spots it's gonna make your yard Lush and thick and dense make sure you subscribe to get updated on what to do once your lawn looks amazing I have tailored this video to cater to three different budgets not everyone can do the most epic thing to their lawn they just want a nice Green Lawn that they can mow once a week so here are three ways to overseed your lawn you had my curiosity but now you have my attention the first way I call is the poor man's overseed yes it is the most simple way to overseed your lawn what you're gonna do is you're gonna go to The Big Box store you're gonna get your hands on some seed depending on where you're located if you're up in the northern states cool season grass if you're down south you got you got them warm season grasses right here we do cool season grasses so I pick myself up just to be safe so we get some germination I get a blend so usually I will go with the Scots sun and shade mix or you're going to want to use a landscapers mix from Baron brood these bags have a ton of different types of seed which are called cultivars these will germinate at separate times but the ones that germinate early will start filling the lawn and then once that lawn is a little bit established all the others start coming and it's game over that's how you get the thick denseness it is amazing once you get that seed make sure you go ahead and throw it all over your lawn that's right this is the poor man's overseed you don't need a fancy spreader you don't need all that jazz all you got to do is take a handful and start spreading out evenly don't Clump it up into you know certain spots make sure it's spread out evenly and then once you throw that down make sure you rake it in so it touches the soil I'll tell you right now if you just throw the seed on the grass it's going to be on top of the grass maybe on top of some thatch layer which we'll get to in a second but make sure you rake it into it touching the soil and then you water keep it nice and moist now even if you're not watering every day you have at least about three days until that seed starts drying up if there's no rain it's not moist it will dry up it will not germinate so you have to stay on top making sure that it's raining or you're out there at least once every day or every other day and just watering for at least 15 minutes at a time very simple I love this way this is the best way like if someone asks me what do you do crap oh thank you how do you guys do this for yourself yeah myself what you want to do is uh put some seed down okay rake it in and then water it every day water every day 20 days look like this wow yeah overseed how do you do that throw some seed down rake it in and make sure you water it done the poor man's overseed the second way I call the proper overseed it takes a little bit more effort but it's also very simple the first step is most short yes you're going to mow your lawn super short like down to nothing almost it's okay your grass is gonna be stressed it's not gonna be that stressed it's gonna grow back so most short then you're gonna rake the grass to break up that thatch that we talked about in the previous version thatch is this layer in between the soil and your grass and it's very spongy and that can interfere with products and seed and fertilizers getting through to get that soil nice and good so go ahead and rake the lawn and break up all that thatch layer once you do that now you're going to plant the seed now you might have a spreader go ahead and use that get all evenly spread out and then rake it in again for that seed to soil contacts once you rake it in and it's touching the soil go ahead and add some starter fertilizer with some Crabgrass Preventer yes Scots makes that it's amazing works works wonders and then you'll water it in again water at least once a day 15 minutes at a time to keep it moist and watch that weather to make sure see if it's raining and then time it out don't forget to keep your seed moist this is the proper overseed this is for someone who kind of knows what they're doing and they can you know they can do it without having to bust out all this equipment you know what I mean this process also works it's amazing the proper overseed and the Third Way my favorite way to overseed I call the process you can tell I get really excited about this because the process is definitely the best way to overseed your lawn First Step you are gonna go ahead and mow the lawn short get out there use your lawnmower put it on the lowest setting this is controversial all over YouTube because it's gonna quote stress out the lawn well yeah you're gonna stress it out during this process but guess what 19 days it's gonna look far from stressed it's gonna look so relaxed for your first MO the reason why you're cutting it super short is because you're not going to cut it for 19 days so you don't want you know six inches of growth just leaving your grass there so cut your lawn short the second step is you're going to dethatch your lawn with a dethatcher tool I use the sun Joe dethatcher I use the electric corded version because it's affordable this thing is awesome it is gonna power rake through all that thatch all that moss and it's going to give you a nice clean soil canvas to lay down your overseed the next step is you're gonna poke some holes it's called aeration you're going to aerate your lawn I use the roll aerator tool now you can also use a step core aerator but you're going to want to poke some holes it also lets air and moisture and nutrients get back into the lawn much needed step 3 aerate your lawn the fourth step is to add soil or sand or a combination of both this is going to add nutrients it's going to help your lawn with proper drainage and it's just gonna make it nice and level for when you start mowing you're not going to be bumping up you know jumping up and down with your lawnmower because you're gonna be soiling or sanding and then you're gonna rake it with your golf rake it's gonna be so nice and so even another controversial thing is adding soil to your lawn now this step kind of prevents anything from creeping back into the lawn from that soil like weeds or the dreaded POA anua or POA trivialis you're going to want to lay down a pre-emergent so I use tenacity tenacity is going to prevent Crabgrass from growing some broadleaf weeds during that 19 days it's going to take care of all that and it's hopefully gonna kill all that stuff on that new soil that you just laid down the fun part coming up next is planting the seed now you can go with a box store seed I mean I've done this a bunch of times but after all this work are you going to want to just plant something regular in there or you're going to want to upgrade a little bit to mix in with your current lawn you know what I mean get yourself a bear and Brew like a the regenerating perennial rye grass mix it in with some barrenberg Turf blue Pro Kentucky bluegrass oh that combination man it is so dark and nice oh just thinking about it just anyways go ahead and put that in your spreader whether that be a hand spreader or a push spreader spread it out all evenly and follow the directions on the back of the bag the next step is to rake it in you're gonna rake that seed in and you're gonna mix it up with that soil or that sand and you're gonna get some good seed to soil contact now once you rake it in you're gonna use the roller tool yes this thing is phenomenal very useful compacts everything makes everything even more level than what you just did with a golf rake and it's gonna create that amazing seed to soil contact once it's nice and rolled in add some starter fertilizer you can just use a regular old Scott starter fertilizer you don't need to get the one with the Crabgrass Preventer because you already laid down that pre-emergent that tenacity so go ahead and sprinkle on some starter fertilizer with your spreader after that you are going to add some peat moss or some compost on top of everything that you just did what this is gonna do is it's gonna prevent any birds from eating that expensive seed you ever seen it like this before prevent washouts it's going to prevent wind from blowing all your stuff away and it's going to keep that seed nice and moist for the next step now at this point you've gone through all these Great Lengths to make sure that you're going to have the most dominating lawn following the process you're not gonna go out there and hand water this no you're gonna go get yourself a water timer you're gonna set this water timer to water this seed three times a day 10 minutes at a time oh this is a must for the process if you don't have a water timer you might miss a day you might miss two or three days and it's just gonna dry up but having a water timer is gonna ensure that germination it's gonna ensure the moistness and it's going to ensure some success in your loan I use either the Milnor water timer which is an automatic water timer that's just a regular automatic water timer that you set yourself or the Beehive which I have connected to my phone very convenient very convenient because if it's if I'm over seeding you know and it's near summertime it's you know hot so it's like maybe I need a fourth time of 10 minutes let me go ahead and do that very simple either way as long as it's automatic and it's doing its its job without you having to go out there every single day because this needs to be watered and moist water timers or a godsend either way whichever way you pick these will work you know why because I've done all three of these I've just done the poor man's overseed where I planted some grass raked it in and watered boom amazing looking lawn the second way the proper overseed did this way boom thick amazing but every time I do the process it just oh it's amazing you it's it's like nothing it's like nothing else but either way like I said it depends on your budget it depends on the time you have it depends on the equipment you have the process you know you're gonna need to spend some money on some equipment you know the the poor man's overseed it's gonna work it's gonna work as long as you break it in water you know you don't need all these things but all these things if you have them oh makes it so much easier make sure you subscribe guys to see how I overseed this spring who knows maybe I'll just do the poor man's way just to to keep it simple but you know me I like to be a little extra extra read all about it I might have to go with the process or maybe just a simple overseed like the proper overseed or maybe all three hmm you're the best my dudes thank you for support thanks for tuning in thanks for subscribing thanks for joining the membership you guys are all amazing very much appreciated you guys are just you know I came back and it's like boom analytics are back up you guys are the best this is so fun we'll catch on the next video back it easy foreign [Music]
Channel: YardBrah
Views: 178,180
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: overseeding, overseeding lawn, overseeding lawn spring, overseeding lawn results, overseeding before and after, how to overseed, how to overseen lawn, how to plant grass, how to grow grass, overseeding kentucky blue grass, overseeding perennial ryegrass, lawn care, lawn, grass seed, lawn renovation, lawn tips, spring lawn care, reel mower, reel mowing, perfect grass, overseeding in april, diy, over seeding, ugly lawn, lawn tips for beginners, fixing my lawn, aeration, fun, lol
Id: eUfjrc1y83Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 09 2023
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