Experiment: What type of Nitrogen produces the DARKEST Green Grass?

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you know i'm gonna say this side is much greener [Music] so today we're gonna test out the two most common nitrogen sources side by side and see which one produces a darker green line so the idea for this video was actually inspired by a grass focused livestream that i watched last week ammonium sulfate green is like this nice dark forest green when somebody greens up grass with urea based fertilizer to knees the grass looks almost like plasticky yellow green where he said that nitrogen sourced from ammonium sulfate can produce a darker green lawn than nitrogen sourced by urea and as soon as i heard him say that i knew this would be the perfect experiment for a youtube video now truth be told i never heard the theory that one type of nitrogen can make you alone greener than the other so first let's take a look at each one of these and find out why one may work better than the other so when it comes to these two sources of nitrogen they both have their pros and cons so let's take a look first at urea the first pro is it's the cheapest nitrogen source on the market but just because urea is cheap doesn't mean it's always the best option see it has a high risk of evaporation so depending what the temperature is outside if it's too hot or depending what your soil's ph is urea can evaporate into the atmosphere and that's bad for two reasons number one you're gonna lose nitrogen in your lawn and number two you're gonna be putting co2 emissions into the atmosphere and on the flip side you have ammonium sulfate which has little to no risk of evaporating into the atmosphere and another benefit to it is that once you apply it it's fast acting so you could start to see results within one or two days well it sounds like ammonium sulfate is the clear winner right well not really because it also comes with its own potential side effect first thing is it can reduce the ph in your soil so if you already have a slightly acidic soil it can make it even more acidic but if you're like me and you have a heavy clay soil with a high ph it could actually be beneficial because it could bring the ph levels down to a more optimal level so another con with ammonium sulfate is that has a high sodium index so if you're not used to spraying things on your lawn and you make a mistake you could easily burn it so just be careful if you're first starting off and you want to try it out but the real reason we're here is to find out which one of these produces the darker green lawn so in order to find out we're going to paint out two plots 50 square feet each and in one we're going to apply the urea and the other we're going to apply the ammonium sulfate [Music] so when it comes to applying fertilizer most of you guys are probably used to broadcasting granules across your lawn but today we're going to be applying it in this backpack sprayer right here and the reason we're doing that is because we're going to get a more accurate application over our test plots not to mention when you apply these raw types of nitrogen they're easily dissolvable inside water so we'll fill this bucket up with some water dissolve them in there transfer them to this backpack spray and then we'll go ahead and put them down [Music] so the first application we're going to make is ammonium sulfate the mpk ratio on this specific fertilizer is 2100 meaning it has a total of 21 nitrogen and we're going to apply the equivalent of 0.15 pounds of nitrogen per thousand square feet [Music] all right guys so in the second plot we're going to apply the urea this has a total of 46 percent nitrogen and we're going to apply the equivalent of 0.15 pounds of nitrogen per thousand square feet so if any of you guys are new to lawn care and you're kind of curious to what kind of fertilizer this is i'm not testing a specific brand of fertilizer i'm testing the active ingredients that are found in the most common fertilizers [Music] all right guys so it's been 10 days and i got to say we got some very interesting results going on here i'm not sure how this is showing up on camera but if we take a look at these test plots there's a clear difference in the color between the two so taking a look at the ammonium sulfate ply we could definitely tell it's much greener than the urea and just like green doc said it really does have this forest green shade of green to it taking a look at the urea plot it looks okay you can definitely tell there was something applied to it but it's nowhere near the amount of green that the ammonium sulfate is so something i found really interesting is taking a look at the ammonium sulfate i saw that not only is it greener but it also has a lot more growth i would say up to 25 percent more growth don't quote me on that because i didn't measure but it's definitely a lot taller than the urea plot i don't know if this is because of the added sulfur in the ammonium sulfate or that the urea just volatilized into the atmosphere but something in the ammonium sulfate plot promoted growth more than the urea plot so the real question is does ammonium sulfate lead to darker green lawn or does it only look greener because urea is prone to evaporating into the atmosphere in these hotter temperatures honestly i don't really know the answer to that question
Channel: Princess Cut Lawn Care
Views: 29,426
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fertilizer, Lawn Fertilizer, Urea, Ammonium Sulfate, Scotts Fertilizer, Scotts Lawn Fertilizer, Best fertilizer, Lawn, DIY, Lawn Care, Liquid Fertilizer, Liquid Lawn Fertilizer, Fertilizer shortage, urea vs ammonium sulphate, How to keep your lawn green in summer heat, When to fertilize your lawn, Seaweed fertilizer benefits, Urea Fertilizer, Scott lawn fertilizer, Sunday lawn care review, Fall lawn fertilizer, expert garden fertilizer, Green lawn fertilizing, fertiliser
Id: WemsGzDaWWY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 3sec (303 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 01 2022
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