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these are the three biggest mistakes that you are making when you shoot I'm going to solve them with you let's get into this one if you take a look at these four goals that I've scored recently the technique is very similar and I'm actually quite far out on a few of them I'm going to take you through this technique and the best technique for you guys to use when you shoot we're also going to go through the three most common mistakes people make when they do shoot or when they do finish and we're going to solve them in this video Lei edge of the boxi running at his man under his left foot CS it what a strike what a go yes hello everyone video number six now apologies for the slightly dramatic start to the video yes they are mistakes that we are going to go through but they're more like little improvements okay that we can make in our shooting and probably the three most common things that people need to improve on when they first Maybe train with me or I give people advice on their finishing these are probably the most common maybe little mistakes that I do see we are going to iron them out we're going to go through them I'm going to give you the solutions to them and we're going to make you finish in a lot better okay so the three things are this the general technique of the shot okay the next one is about your power and your momentum okay and the last one is your decision on placement or power yes guys little pit stop if you are enjoying the content that I'm pushing out maybe you've watched the last few videos then please like And subscribe show the channel a little bit of love secondly if you haven't already make the most of can you see them the one to one active wear grip socks they're on sale at literally like over 50% I don't know what I'm doing putting them down at that price um but hey make the most of it while the S is on um let's get back to the video hope you guys are enjoying it okay we're going to go through those three okay in a little bit more detail I'm going to do the first one which is number one the general technique of finishing okay I'm just going to go through three normal shots okay now really I'm keeping it as simple as I can I'm going to go through the little bit of detail after it all right let's get into it I've got three footballs let's go all right ball number one off the board nice and simple oh my it's a good day it might be raining it might be a little bit spitty but if you putting him in the top Corner go who cares number two oh that's a tough one good finish awful touch good finish last one and then I'll get in to a little bit on my technique lovely right so when we go through oh not even in camera there when we go through the little bits on technique right what I mean is how our foot is going from the start to finish okay let me just C your gra R so for you guys are watching this you're thinking like this stuff's too simple for me like I'm already shooting really well I think my technique's good this stuff I'm telling you can apply to your weak foot all right and it's a great ba uh basis on which you can try and develop your weak foot technique so definitely tune in to these little bits of advice right so most of the time with people shooting they either have like a really really really good um back swing which is their leg going all the way back okay and they don't really have much follow through and it gets quite stabby the ball goes up and doesn't really have much power on it or they might have not much back lift and they might have a really good follow through okay so especially on people's weak foot that's the one I see the most okay even on people's strong foot people really struggle to get the extra like 20% on their follow through so really important when you're shooting think in your head as you're shooting I'm really going to extend my foot up here okay and finish off the whole movement I think it's really really important cuz it gives you a little bit more power for one but it also allows you to point your foot in the direction you want to you want the ball to go so if I was going to have a shot here it's really really important that I'm extending my foot all the way to my target now you might think like oh like that's that's so simple I do that already with my strong foot try it with your weak foot and trust me you'll notice the difference in definitely the power of the ball so first thing is make sure you've got a follow through all right really really punching through the ball okay and also if you are lacking a little back a little bit of back lift okay try and get your heel all the way to your bum okay the best way to sort of have a look at your Technique is it put put a camera down and just video how you're shooting okay so if you want video it see where you can try and improve but yeah in terms of technique make sure you've got the full range of motion imagine like a golf swing right if he just had a back swing and no follow through he you know the ball's going nowhere okay so make sure you've got the full range of motion if you want to capitalize on having good chances in and around the Box getting power on your shots hitting the Target and scoring goals you have to have a full range of motion I know it might sound simple but it definitely help on your weak foot as well all right so that's number one that is a very very simple one that 100% will help okay this one is a little bit more of a complicated one this is number two which as I mentioned is momentum and a little bit of power okay now if your shots are booming over the bar this is a really really really good one okay so watch this if I go touch okay and the ball isn't out of my feet enough I'll try and generate as much power as I can because obviously I want to shoot okay now because I'm trying to generate so much power and I haven't got the ball out my feet I will tend to lean back now everyone knows if you lean back the ball starts going up okay so this is my solution if the ball is slightly out of your feet okay people say keep your body over it keep your knees over it yes they're right but you can also do this right the quicker I run up to the ball the harder it is for me to lean back so if the ball is slightly more out of my feet and I can really get into the ball naturally because I'm running at it fast my body shape will start leaning over it okay and that will keep the ball down and it will stop it Rising all right so really really important number two if you can get the ball out of your feet use your momentum through the ball okay and try and pick up speed and momentum before you finish okay and that will naturally keep the ball down and stop you going small touches trying to generate so much power when you haven't got the momentum leaning back ball goes up in the air all right that is number two all right so this is my best solution here we go little push out your feet drive through the ball ball stays down on the floor all right I'm literally going to pick three footballs up I'm going to do three of them really focusing on driving keeping my body shape down through the football right here we go three footballs really practicing pushing the ball out my feet driving into the ball with a little bit of speed push no see like that there perfect example balls out my feet enough light likelihood is I'll try and generate too much power ball will go up so again I'm going to go again I'm going push Drive spool stay down bottom corner lovely go again feet push Drive bottom corner bottom corner pushing through the ball so again pushing it out my feet push Drive bottom nice perfect again I'm doing this with a board okay you can use a wall you can have a partner if not literally you can just stand here shift the ball finish just trying to practice driving and running quickly up to the ball all right that three yards up to the ball is also so important an because if the ball okay is out your feet that's when Defenders are closing you down sliding across try to block your shot if we can get that three yards really really fast your shooting will be so good okay so for example Harry Kane right in my opinion the best striker of a ball I've ever seen all right is Harry cane quick probably not no over three yards to the ball when he takes his touch his speed momentum on those three yards is unbelievable he shoots so quickly it's Lally like two steps that are three steps that are really quick and he finishes all of his body shape is just forward driving down towards the floor all right so again watch Harry Kane on how he finishes and watch how quick his three yards is all right I'm going to quickly do one more football and then we're going to go on to mistake or Improvement number three tou bottom lovely that's perfect for me three in a row nice and consistent just concentrate on the same things touch that corner touch that corner over and over and over repetition of doing the same things will make you better okay so number three last one placement or power okay now I am going to keep banging on about Harry Kane because I absolutely love him if you this weekend have just seen his goal right he's about 25 yards out and he's just still using the inside inside of his foot I hope that camera does not blow over we're all good so for me if you can learn to get that momentum right okay and use the strong parts of your foot this is really really important this bit quite a lot of people end up getting T and they use these top parts of their foot all around here we need to use the parts of our foot that are closest to our ankle okay now in step and our inside of our foot close to our ankle are the hardest part because they're nice and strong in that position that's where your ankle is it's nice and locked and these are the strong Parts you need to use so first of all you need to focus on your contact point when it comes to placement or power okay now Harry Kane for instance he's 25 yards out right all he does is bend the ball lovely using the inside of his foot it's no absolute smashing it laces trying to hit the boards as hard as he can all he's done he got his contact Point perfect and cuz he's so good at getting his contact Point perfect he is able to get so much power on the ball that he doesn't need to lash out it using his lace all the time so for me best advice is use the strong parts of your foot around the inside and your inep you don't need to necessarily smash the ball of your laces all the time sometimes yes it works but you're trying to get let me go a ball to show you this bit if you think about this right you're trying to get this part of your laces which is a small part of your foot to hit the middle of the ball that contact point is really really small if we want to get the inside or these strong bits look how much distance we've got on our foot to make good contact with the ball that contact is a lot easier to get good contact than that one especially when we're going for power so my third piece of advice is wherever you are whether it's 25 sort of five yards 25 yards 10 yards use the inside your foot or your InStep which is just slightly in here okay and get good contact on the ball middle of the ball okay and in these bits next to your ankle good placement or power they are the same thing if you get your contact point right all right I'm going to take you through three from a little bit further out I'm going to show you how it's a little bit easier just to keep using the inside of my foot right here we go about what 20 202 23 yards out bit bit more so if I get my contact point right placement and Power come hand in hand I will be using Inside by foot because that's where I'm going to get placement and power the best don't need to be lashing things on my laes let's go let's make sure I've still got number one and two though good all range of motion back swing and follow through and also okay as well as the range of motion I'm getting momentum through the ball with a good first touch again nice and Powerful it's nice and low going to go again see if we can build on that one that was nice don't trying to smile too much that was nice right last one last one I mean oh should I finish on that one I don't I don't me I can carry on sometimes I've got a really bad habit of even when I score a banger it just encouraged me go and score another one so there as you can see I've hit that really hard think it's a perfect example please go back now and actually rewind it and watch what I've done full range of motion I've used smack bang the InStep with my foot okay and I've got so much power on it you can get accuracy and power if you're get in your contact point right okay so really that placement power is about your contact Point okay I I can't I'm gonna have to finish it there um if you found this video beneficial and you like these little shorter videos where I'm going through just a little tip that you guys can make yourself better at then please like and subcribe if I can speak please like And subscribe okay and anything you guys want Chuck it in the comments okay and I'll try my best to get to get onto it all right but yeah really appreciate you watching I've thoroughly enjoyed doing this little short maybe most common mistakes video and I will see you next time
Channel: 1to1 Football Training
Views: 200,282
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0B_6BX7S4OI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 31 2023
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