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[Music] yes hello everyone and welcome today three biggest Match Day mistakes I've been planning this one for a while these are three sort of like physical Match Day mistakes that I see on a regular basis from players I coach maybe even Pro players at the weekend okay we're going to get into this one before we start look at this we've got walking football tournament late and Orient here honestly the competitive nature of these guys at their age I love it I'm all over it okay so we going to get into this one enjoy right let's get into these three mistakes okay mistake number one is our receiving okay that comes in scanning and also demanding the football I'm going to get into that bit now secondly okay we have our 1 V ons okay two unbelievable tips on 1 V ons that are going to help you when you get in those situations at the weekend okay and lastly I'm going to have placement and Power on our shooting and how we can have both together okay I'm not talking about whether we're deciding to do power on one shot placement on another we can have both at the same time and I'm I'm going to show you that bit okay at the end okay so look let's get into it I hope you enjoy it right first Improvement okay is our preparation when we're receiving it I guarantee you half the players maybe even the majority of the players that watch this video or I coach okay they don't demand the ball enough okay and I'll get to that in a minute and they don't scan okay now when I'm talking about scanning that's the first one I'm going to go through okay is how we prepare for the ball scanning is our checking over our shoulders to look for what's behind us all right this by far settles the best players in the world to average maybe even amateurs okay you have to start being prepared for the ball okay so say for instance I'm coming off the wall here or I'm receiving a pass from a teammate okay it's so important that maybe even seconds before maybe even minutes before okay I'm having a scan of the pitch okay for three things okay first one is my teammates second one is the opposition okay and third one is space okay to keep it nice and simple there are three things you should be looking for constantly so for example as it comes in I might go check what's behind me can I turn if I can't turn and I've got someone behind me I might take a touch and I might pass it back the more I'm prepared for the football okay the more unlikely it is I'm going to lose it okay so let's make sure every time that we're going to get on the ball maybe minutes before scan scanning it might be two it might be over both shoulders okay so first tip you you should always be scanning the pitch okay whether you're on the ball whether you're off the ball okay it's so important you know what's around you okay and you can plan okay your next move and have better pictures before you receive it okay as I might go in I might go check I already know exactly where I'm passing because I know where my teammates are I know if I go scan I can turn I can drive into space if I've got no one behind me I know if I turn I've got someone behind me I might have to protect it or find another option okay so really important you are prepared for it okay second okay this sort of comes with receiving as well is how much you're demanding the football okay now there's a difference between wanting the ball and demanding the ball okay so wanting the ball might be which is what pretty much everyone does is yes yes over here yes pass pass that's wanting the ball that is not demanding it so what I mean by that is when you're in here can or when when you're receiving the ball it's yes give me the ball yes I want the ball all right just that terminology of yes give me the ball is so good and it's so important important it makes the the person passing to you think Co he really wants it I'm going to have to give him the ball it's loud it's assertive and you guys have to start demanding the ball a little bit more so for example I've checked my shoulders may maybe 30 seconds before I want the ball now I'm about to receive the ball I've scanned again I know my clear picture I come in yes give me the ball ball comes in I know exactly what I'm doing and I'm off so you guys have to make sure one you're scanning two you're demanding the football okay just a little drill to get you scanning obviously look when you're train on your own I don't expect you to to to be demanding the ball from the wall okay that's something that we can just switch on when it comes to match day okay but in here for your scanning really really good one you might go check touch play another little scan another little scan keep trying to scan you might turn pass out just try and get in the second nature habit okay of scanning with a football yeah in you get out you get okay so little drill here really simple spend 10 minutes on it just to get you uh to use scanning okay next one next little tip is our One V ones and how we can improve them probably another big mistake that I see at the weekend when people get themselves in One V one situations we're going to do this with a shot let's get Let's uh let's move on to the next bit right so mistake number two is on our 1 V ones okay now first thing is how we prepare for a 1 V one okay and I'll get into that in a second and the second thing okay is the fact that we don't actually have to get properly past Defenders to get a shot off okay so before I get onto that bit number one is about how we prepare a lot of players when they do set up in these situations where say those cones are the defender where they come in they get to this point they don't know what they're doing they're improvising with loads of touches loads of skills and loads of change direction because they don't really know what they're doing okay and they end up doing too much over complicating it and getting tackled so my advice to you is pre-plan what you're going to do minutes before okay so for instance I might wait here for a couple of minutes before I get the ball okay I be like when I get the ball I'm going to do a step over and shoot just one step over shoot I'm going to wait for the ball have got space to do it yep got space to do it ball comes in yes touch yes step finish okay so my first little bit of advice is pre-plan the skills you're going to do for your 1 V one okay I'm I've got three footballs I'm going to show you a few in a second okay and then we're going to get on to the next bit so my three footballs are set up I'm going to go through me pre-planning the skills okay up to my Defenders quick shot all right let's get into it nice good start Good Start number one it's a quick step over finish next one I'm going to do a step over and a fake shot right only ever maximum two skills here we go step finish oh tell you what that is unbelievable I hope that's on camera my body's not blocking it that was perfect I've planned my two skills I've got half a yard and I finished okay let's move on to the last one here we go here we go on to number three again another step over another good effort another good effort again I'm going to get onto this bit now three skills that are the best for moving forward stepovers fake shots body faints they're the only three skills I use they're quick they're one change of Direction they're perfect only ever do two maximum skills wise only ever do two at Max otherwise you change direction too much you slow down you lose all your momentum okay so take note of those those three skills okay so next bit okay is the fact that we don't actually have to get past Defenders to get a shot off or make a cross or make a pass it can literally just be half a yard okay so I'm just going to quick grab a ball and I'll get into it so most of the time players think when they dribble up to a Defender they have to go all the way past them okay with nice big touch is before they can have some sort of end product okay but it's not the case all right all you need is half a yard now what half a yard is for people that don't know is just a little movement or a little movement to the side where you have enough distance okay so say the defender is blocking here that you have enough distance here just to wrap around them and get your shot off okay so creating that little bit of distance from your Defender to get your shot off or your end product off okay is all you need sometimes especially in situations where you're round the Box here is crowded you don't have time for big touches getting a half a yard and finishing is definitely your best bet sometimes when you're down wide and you've got loads of space or in the middle and you can you notice you've got space then yes you can probably get past your Defender but in here you only need half a yard okay so you've just seen three efforts that I've just done there all pretty good where I'm just getting a reasonable half a yard to the side before I finish okay I'm not actually getting past them with big touches okay so definitely notice that when you are getting in your one V ones number one prepare the skills you're going to do your stepovers your fake shots your body faints and only maximum of two skills okay and your second thing is sometimes you only need half a yard a little bit of space between you and the defender to get your shot off all right we're going to move now onto placement and power okay on your shooting and how you don't need placement or power you can have both at the same time all right let's move on right moving on to mistake number three okay so people think that we can only have placement or we can have power okay personally I think we can have both now look when we're a little bit closer you're going to have to place the ball with the inside of your foot but when you're from these distances okay where you're a little bit further out okay you can have placement and power okay now people think from this distance you've got to have an absolute laces Banger where you're hitting it as hard as you can your swing's wild and it's laces and it's you're off balance and it it doesn't work for me okay I believe if you use the InStep which is your part of your foot in here okay a little bit more inside the foot okay with a few simple tips we can have the same power as laces but the accuracy inside the foot okay so first of all again I'll give you a close-up on this InStep part we want to make contact with the w with a football when we shoot with areas close to our ankle because that is where our foot is strongest okay secondly okay we want to make sure we've got momentum okay through the football before we shoot what I mean by that is having big touches and being able to run into the football with speed is going to help our shot massively okay thirdly you can always add a 20% extra on your follow through so three things there we're going to make sure we're using our InStep our strong parts of our foot we have momentum up to the ball with slightly slightly bigger touches right at our feet so we can run up quickly okay and thirdly we're going to make sure when we follow through the football we do have an extra 20% so I'm going to show you three footballs now of me using this technique okay and showing you that placement and power can be brought together for a nice long range finish all right this is a something I see from Pros even Pros all the time and players during the week that when they strike they think because they're far out I have to hit it as hard as I can and I have to use my laces you don't okay I'm going to show you now so I'm just going to take a nice Simple Touch out my feet watch big touch little Sprint there perfect nice and Powerful I've used my InStep I'm right through it extra 20% of follow through here we go next one it's a good start here we go back in number two out your feet run oh my god oh it's good that that had a bit of dip on it little bit of dip again use my in Step little bit more follow through let go for number three now I'm going to make sure a little bit quicker up to the ball nice big touch it's a nice one a good finish again nice and hard nice and low use my in Step I'm going to do a couple more I'm going to quickly get the balls in we'll do a couple more all right now before I do these next these next couple just to finish on there's a there's a little tip extra all right sometimes it's quite hard to find that part of your foot okay and be in that poy body position to find your InStep so it's a little bit easier if you get this left arm up early and this left arm up pulls you out this side and leans you out to the left hand side if you're right footed obviously right hand side if you're left footed okay but it leans you out and it enables you to get that Diagon foot position to get your in step on the ball okay so definitely think about doing that to help you get in that kind of technique and that kind of body position all right let's let's do a couple more to finish let's see what we got again loads of momentum again number one big push oh that's a very very very good strike that was nice again I've literally used my inep and it's hard it's powerful all right again I've got placement and power I'm liking that corner at the minute number two here we go push little bit straight little bit straight but technique still good I still hit the right part of my foot let's finish on a good one number three little bit of extra follow through nice bit of speed again speed there we go oh uh it's good stri but I want another one I want another one I finish on a a good one want to finish on a good one here we go number four all right let's go get some space speed that's a nice finish that's a nice finish so I hope you guys have enjoyed the three biggest Match Day mistakes that I see on a regular basis and I hope you guys can use these little tips this little bit of advice to help you out when it gets the game day okay but look I appreciate you watching please like subscribe do what you got to do okay and I will see you on the next one
Channel: 1to1 Football Training
Views: 2,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: XueLebDiUNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 36sec (876 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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