STOP Excessive Hair Shedding Fast | Tea Rinse | Natural Hair

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hey everyone this is a video showing you what I did to stop excessive hair shedding about a month ago when I was doing my normal watch routine I noticed that a whole bunch of big gobs the hair was coming out so I was thinking okay maybe I need a protein treatment or something like that so I did an extreme protein treatment and it didn't it basically didn't do anything he didn't change anything still the same amount of hair was coming out maybe even possibly more and so immediately I went to Google and YouTube and looked up excessive hair shedding and I found out that t rinses are a way to stop hair shedding and so there's most people use black tea or green tea and I cited for whatever reason to use black tea but I don't really think it matters and so what actually causes hair loss is well one of the things that causes hair loss is a hormone called DHT and the caffeine in the tea blocks the DHT and so when you do the tea rinses it makes your hair healthier it makes the shedding stop and it overall makes your hair stronger so I went in but this is Prince of Peace 100% organic black tea there was this was like $7 and there's a hundred teabags in it I don't think you really need to buy that much I thought it was a good deal and I figured I might be doing this more than just once so I want to get the best bang for my buck but anyway so um I'll actually I'll show you how much hair this is this amount of hair is from one wash day and I only call my hair once a week when I wash it and this came out while I was the tangling but it wasn't when I was detangling I'm very gentle it wasn't like I was raking the comb through and my hair wasn't even really that tangled up so there's no reason why this much hair should have came out of this I mean something's definitely wrong and then it's like I said I did a protein treatment and it didn't change anything still the same amount of here was coming out the following week then the following week after that when I watched it again I thought okay maybe it'll just stop for whatever reason still the same amount of here and this imagine if you lose this much hair every week you would be bald and so thankfully I have kind of a lot of hair so it's not something that turned out to be really noticeable but if I had to just kept going I probably would been bald or have really thin scraggly hair so anyway so um I'm gonna show you the process that I use to make the tea and how I applied it and then when I come back I will show you the amount of hair that shedding after the two wins okay so I'm just using two cups of regular old tap water and I'm pouring it into a small saucepan you can use a bigger one if that's what you have it really doesn't matter and I'm also gonna use three tea bags coz the recipe that I was using that's what it called for I don't really think this is necessary i boiled the water first and then I'm gonna put the teabags in and let it steep for about eight minutes then after that take the teabags out and just let it sit there to cool I don't remember how long it took the cool but it was probably like I did some other things and so I waited about 45 minutes so after the tea is cooled off now I'm pouring it back into my little measuring cup and mine is plastic so I had to wait till it boot off to pour it back in there but if you have a glass one you can let it cool in that as well the reason I'm pouring back in is because I need the spouts so that I can pour it into the applicator bottle and you may notice like if you do the research on this they say to apply it with a spray bottle but since you're applying it to your scalp to me applicator bottle bottle is much more easier and as you can see as I filled up the whole applicator bottle there's still a lot of tea left so like I said I don't know about that three teabags thing I don't think you really need to use that much but it's better to have too much than too little so you might just want to try it like that the first time okay so my my I didn't say this but my hair has been shampooed first and then it's just wet and so now I'm applying the tea to my scalp and I'm kind of massaging it in and this is kind of a messy process because just think about it t is mostly water with some flavor and it basically and so you're just like putting a really watery substance on your scalp so just running all down my face and in my eyes actually at this point I have covered my whole scalp but since I had so much left I'm just using even more of it because it's not gonna hurt to have more [Music] okay so then I'm just gonna put a plastic cap on and I'm gonna just sit there with it on for 45 minutes I'm praying that it's it's gonna work because I'm really desperate right now okay so one thing I recommend there's a lot of different recipes out there all of them have like similarities basically using black tea or green tea but what I'll say is that you don't like the recipe that you said to use three teabags and I really don't think that was necessary when I planted to my hair I had like a whole bunch left like almost half and so I didn't go as far as saying you might only need one tea bag mate or maybe just try to it doesn't really matter I also saw some people use decaffeinated tea and I know you're probably thinking that I guess because caffeine eventually used too much of it it could have a negative effect on your hair scalp and so or people might be caffeine sensitive so you can use decaffeinated tea and I know if I think if it's decaffeinated tea and the caffeine is what stops the hair loss why would I do that well the caffeinated doesn't mean it has zero caffeine it actually has less caffeine so if you want to try the caffeinated tea you can another thing you'll notice let's see you'll notice that I had to do i boiled the water in a pot then I let it cool in the pot then I poured it into my plastic little little green thing or whatever and then I poured it anything also probably just I don't know I just did it the old-fashioned way boiled water in a pot but I think you can just probably if you have a microwave bowl dish or you know whatever you can just microwave it and it will get hot enough cuz I know whenever I drink tea I don't boil in a pot I just microwaved water so that's another alternative that would probably be quicker um let's see what else like I said also some people do use green tea when I was doing the research though it looked like to me green tea was used more for like dandruff and itchy scalp and I that wasn't my issue and I'm sure it helps the hair loss too but I just saw when it was just for excessive shedding I found more hour saying that black tea was that he'd use but like I said it's the caffeine that does and there's caffeine and both are e tea and black tea so maybe it really doesn't matter but just in case you might have green tea at your house already you don't have to go out and buy something just go ahead and try it with the green tea so yeah so the following so I did the tea prints and I after I did the tear it's you know I left it on and everything that rinsed it and then I deep condition my hair when I did the detangling process after that this is how much hair came out which is pretty normal and actually the way it's just balled up it probably looks like more than what it really is this is what it looks like this is normal for me to me this is nothing considering I only comb my hair once a week this is like nothing not alarming at all so and then the week after that just to make sure and I didn't do another tea went the week after that it was still the same amount and maybe even less so basically long story short the black tea rents did work to stop the shedding I made a dramatic difference I totally if anybody asked me about it ever I'm totally gonna recommend the black tea minutes because it actually really works unlike some of the other gimmicks and stuff that are out there that say they stop the shedding and tea is very inexpensive you can get anywhere at the grocery store I got mine from a health food store but like I said you can just pretty much find it anywhere you might even have it might be something that you have already in your kitchen so um if you had any kind of experience with at egrants and you want to share it go ahead and comment below if you have any questions just let me know don't forget to like my video if you like it share it and subscribe to my channel thanks
Channel: NaturalBoss
Views: 80,961
Rating: 4.9280701 out of 5
Keywords: tea rinse for hair shedding, black tea rinse for shedding, tea rinse for natural hair, black tea rinse, how to stop excessive shedding, tea rinse for hair loss, tea rinse, green tea rinse, green tea rinse for natural hair, green tea for hair, tea rinse on hair, black tea rinse for hair growth, minimize hair shedding, stop shedding, natural hair loss treatment, tea rinses for natural hair growth and strength
Id: b2fen_JDnDQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 22sec (562 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 31 2017
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