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hey so what's going on i'm super excited for this video because we are talking about the scout finally getting to the scout okay and i'm so excited because i get to share some really amazing new information you probably never heard about when it comes to your scalp our style really is the start of healthy hair so in this video i'm going to share some great information with you it's going to transform your view of the scalp and your hair on top of that we're going to address some common challenges that we see and i'm going to provide some great solutions that you can even do tonight to start seeing some results within days so get your popcorn get your juice get your soda whatever you want to get get comfy because this is a video you're going to want to watch at the very end so stay tuned okay so when it comes to our scout what exactly is our scout so first of all it is made up of five different layers so these layers have different blood vessels and then there's the hair follicles and then there's sebaceous glands now sebaceous glands are glands actually produce the oil the sebum that our scalp naturally has sebum is so unique because it has antimicrobial properties are designed to fight off bacteria and fungus from our scalp on top of that just like our hair has a ph of 4.5 to 5.5 our scalp has the same exact ph as well and i'll let you guys start seeing the ph of our hair and our scalp as in a other environment all right 4.5 to 5.5 is the ideal environment for our hair and our scalp to thrive now all of that sounds great and wonderful however we still experience challenges on a daily basis when it comes to our scalp and even if you don't even have these challenges it'll be great for just preventing these things from happening okay so number one if you have an oily scalp you'll know because obviously your scalp will feel really really oil and you may even have a little red bunks this is a key indicator of an oily scalp now there's two culprits to this number one either your body just naturally over produces sebum on your scalp or you have product buildup all of this becomes an issue because they can clog the pores of your scalp and when the pores of your scalp are clogged that's where you're going to get breakage and also a lack of hair growth these are things that you do not want so a few solutions from the solution box i'm going to recommend number one is witch hazel witch hazel i feel like is an underrated ingredient when it comes to scalp care because number one witch hazel is great for balancing the ph it helps to cleanse away dirt and oil and it's super moisturizing for the scalp as well you can add this to your scalp for maybe like five or ten minutes rinse it off and then proceed to your shampoo i'll have more information about this in the description box the second solution i'm going to recommend is to shampoo your hair and i know to be thinking like you know obviously shampoo your hair but believe it or not a lot of people do not shampoo their hair a lot of people co-wash their hair i have a whole video on this i'll put the link below in the description box but co-washing is not going to effectively cleanse your scalp it's not going to effectively remove product buildup off of your scalp so definitely be sure to get your hands on an actual shampoo to cleanse your scalp and thirdly i want to say when it comes to products i always say that shampoo is for your scalp and creams like conditioners leave the moisturizes for your hair so the whole goal here is to really make sure that you do not get any of that cream-based product on your scalp because i can definitely close the pores as well the second challenge is going to be a dry scalp now you know you have a dry scalp when your scalp legit feels dry and sometimes even itchy as well now this is you what can be a common cause is your shampoo maybe your shampoo is too harsh for your scalp and i want you guys to look at your scalp as like a network like a network like this a very tight network now unfortunately cleansing surfactants can be so harsh sometimes that they can mess up and compromise this network in such a way that it loosens the stratum corneum of the scalp when this happens this is kind of where you get the water loss or the loss of moisturization from the scalp so if it's a tight knit network it's kind of hard for the scalp to lose moisture hence the reason why you know the scalp can hold moisture as well but a dry scalp typically the stratum corneum is compromised it's loose hence the reason why it does not hold moisture in very well and you're experiencing a dry scalp so my recommendation here is to number one utilize hemp seed oil i feel like hemp seed oil is another underrated oil for the scalp i love hemp seed oil because it has a common genetic rating of zero and a common genetic rating is a rating that all oils have that determine the poor clogging ability number five is the highest zero is like the least obviously and hence the oil happens to be zero so it's great for the scalp so it's gonna help with water loss not to lock in moisture on the scalp you don't experience a dry scalp on top of that i really invest in like a hair steamer and just sitting under the hair streamer for a while just letting that moisture really soak into your scalp and then follow up with the hemp seed oil to lock in that moisture next is going to be your shampoo you're going to want to look for shampoos that have gentle cleansing surfactants even better if you can look for liquid shampoos because liquid shampoos are going to have a less amount of cleansing surfactant versus like the creamy like shampoos i always recommend the carol's daughter washed a delight shampoo it's like a liquid shampoo it has a nozzle on it and it's very gentle but also very effective for cleansing the scalp so i recommend that as well okay the last challenge is going to be dandruff i get so many questions on this and basically in short guys dandruff is the overproduction of dead skin cells and there's actually a yeast that's living on the scalp of those who have dandruff and it's actually feeding off of the sebum and this is kind of making the dandruff continue to grow as well because your body is like reacting to the yeast on the scalp almost like an anti-inflammatory response in your scalp it's just overproducing that skin cell now what can you do about it all right number one i am going to recommend apple cider vinegar rinses out of the solution box because acv rinses have a great way of shedding dead skin cells from the scalp on top of that as you already know acv rinses are ideal ph wise for our hair the next thing i want to recommend is aloe vera juice that's also a very anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory type of ingredient to use for your scalp so something like that is going to help with moisture but also getting your ph back as well and the next of course witch hazel i would just recommend witch hazel for dandruff because once again it's going to help to remove those excess of oils it's going to help to bring back down the ph of the scalp and it's going to be great for moisture and then last but not least tea tree oil i think is another underrated essential oil for the scalp research has shown that tea tree oil is great for dandruff like inhibiting and removing dandruff so you can actually create your own little tea tree oil hemp seed oil type of mix and apply that to your scalp maybe like once or twice a week until you start seeing a change so regardless of what challenge you currently have and like i said if you don't have this these are great preventative methods definitely consider these different solutions to possibly incorporate to your current regimen to make sure that you do not have any ongoing scout conditions or even you know scott conditions in the future if you don't have any stop positions all right hope you guys enjoyed this video and learned something new i have a question for you of course in the whole arena of scout care what are some videos and topics that you would like me to cover when it comes to our scout i know i focus on hair a lot but i'm interested in getting your feedback on the style and what else you want to know about it alright so comment below let me know and i look forward to joining the conversation with you be sure to check out the curly girls guide to hair care in greece if you have not done so already i will have the link below for you to check out and if you are interested in starting a hair care run you can work with me one on one and i'll also have a link below for you as well all right guys i love you guys so much and i'll see you guys soon [Music] bye you
Channel: Curly Chemistry
Views: 319,821
Rating: 4.9497752 out of 5
Id: BpXoRrlLJX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 27sec (507 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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