Frankie Muniz Was VERY Smart With His Money | Wild Ride! Clips

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you said twelve to twenty so eight or nine years seven seasons 151 episodes um those years so so and that was like network television when network television was still like yeah yeah you know it was pre i mean i would say pre-internet but barely like you know youtube yeah it was there was no youtube there was no social media there was it was uh it was network tv or basic cable yeah and that was it it was it was crazy though because like you know obviously as a as an actor or anything that you do right you you know i got the i remember auditioning and i didn't want to go to the audition because i was supposed to film a pizza hut commercial that day and i was like mom we cannot be late to the pizza commercial she said we'll go early we'll go early so she we went in the casting director wasn't even there she walked over like can we just be seen real fast i went in i was like like i don't even care just say the words i gotta go pizza hut you know what i mean this is my big break and um and they call and they're like you're malcolm so you get the pilot you film the pilot you know and you think there's what of 200 pilots a year right six or seven get picked up and then what they get picked up and only two of those make it past episodes and so i remember every step of the way just being like whoa this is happening and the first time i was we lived in new jersey and i uh i auditioned for stuff in new york city we lived like 10 miles from new york city and we took the subway and there was malcolm middle posters all over the subway and someone like came up to me and was like oh you're going to be on that show that's you and i was like that was the coolest thing in the history of life wow but then you still don't think anyone's going to watch it like you don't know right i don't feel like like i feel like now people have an idea if something's going to be super successful well do you know what channel was going to be on it was on fox we knew it was going to be everybody's going to watch that [ __ ] well i don't i don't know you know and and the first episode aired and 23 million people tuned in oh [ __ ] and then they re-aired it on wednesday and 28 million people tuned in wow and then we knew we were like oh wow this is this actually is going to be pretty cool how many people were watching jackass like season one i mean dude they would be like the most was like four million on mtv well because it was cable too like this was never like i didn't have cable but like i would watch them in the middle you know yes network tv was a much bigger deal than basic cable yeah so your mom took you to auditions and stuff was your mom like managing your career and stuff i i yeah i don't know if she ever fully took on that label or that role but like it was you know i when i was a kid i'd go from football practice to a baseball game to you know auditions to tap and jazz whatever it was you know to me so she just kind of made sure i got where i needed to go and then it took over my life you know what i mean like and it took over her life too you know what i mean so i'm super grateful for her to think now of like wow i could have had a parent that was like no we're not going you know what i mean right exhausting to do all that stuff yeah and uh so yeah and so you had earned i'm guessing a whopping amount of money but by the time you turned 18. and uh so does that mean that um like like aaron carter was telling us that they just like established some law that parents have to like save like 15 percent yeah the coogan law so i automatically like a check from fox doesn't go to me whatever the percentage is i forget what it is goes to a trust like it goes into like an account that you can't touch until 18 because there's been supposedly in the past so many kid actors that they work and the parents spend all the money right you know and so at least they would have that maybe it's 15 or 20 percent it's unbelievable they they they passed a lot to say that parents can only blow 85 yeah but were your parents pretty like good with the money and stuff and like i mean we hired you know business managers like that you know right away um uh yes i'm very fortunate in that sense like my mom never wanted to spend any money like you know we were always very i call the frugal you know what i mean like outside of the cars outside of the car well that was like i said it was my one right you know thing where i go oh maybe i shouldn't have done that you know what i mean but uh uh but no pretty i mean you could have done a lot worse though because i also read maybe this isn't true because i read a lot but like uh you never really got into drugs or drinking or anything like that i've never drank i've never done anything uh at all so you could have blown a lot there and i didn't like crazy 16 years old going to the playboy mansion every night so okay so that's what i was going to say like so life did get kind of crazy like you were like a kid celebrity you weren't just like i go to work then i go home and i'm just a normal kid you were like i'm a celebrity i i didn't i never enjoyed going out you know what i mean i think that's part of it like i went out like i'd go out every once in a while and i just would get home at 2 00 2 30 in the morning and be like why that was so stupid you know what i mean and that so i it wasn't my thing um but no but i definitely i have stories for sure you know what i mean yeah crazy life experiences that yeah i mean what was the playboy mansion like for a 15 year old heaven so did you like get invested in like real estate and stuff like i just think [ __ ] man if if i had like been better with investments if i'd gotten like real estate like early on or like what i would like i did i i unknowingly made choices not unknowingly like just thought it was like on a whim kind of things that worked out really well you know what i mean i was never the type of person where i was like oh i got to think strategically it was more like oh this seems cool and like i'd buy a house or like you know i had a bunch of houses at one time and the market went crazy so i made a ton of money on them you know what i mean but it was never like uh you know people i own some parking lots in downtown l.a wow you know you know downtown l.a from i don't know 2002 there was really nothing there and now it became like a pretty trendy there's so much down there so i did really well there so stuff like that still have them no i sold them in 2006. i wish i had them now because then they'd be worth hundreds of millions of dollars was like an apartment building built there yeah yeah yeah things was a pretty good time to get out yes well yes in the sense that right before the big housing price that we were talking about if you still had it now now like now it's right things are playing like the monthly income from that is [ __ ] crazy right you know you have like one or two employees who take money all day from cars you know what i mean right there's no what streets were your parking lots we were all around staples center um all around so you got a lot yeah jesus dude way to go how do you think to get in the parking lots who tells you that i just i i'm a weird person in the sense that like when i was a kid i wanted to be like a garbage man or want to be a trained conductor and i always like i want to own storage facilities the stupid like that's just where my brain goes and that was one of those where i was like why don't we buy this because even if you're only charge i would go like even if you're only charging five dollars a car which people down here are charging twenty dollars to park you know what i mean we could be the cheap block you know what i mean yeah and you're going to have people all day coming through and i don't know i just excited yeah dude thanks for watching that clip and if you live in america there's a good chance this big badass tour bus is coming to your town with my bucket list tour what is it well it's an x-rated show full of all the stuff that i would have never have been allowed to do for jackass and a lot of it is flagrantly illegal so it's adults only and if you live in any of these states then you better go to and check out my tour schedule hurry up and get your tickets too because it's selling out everywhere yeah dude [Music] yeah dude
Channel: Steve-O's Wild Ride! - Clips
Views: 4,071,662
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GwvrHWtbFl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 39sec (519 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 02 2022
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