FULLSEND in Russia with Hasbulla!

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happy Dad is available in a lot of your local bars and restaurants go to happydad.com find to find a bar or restaurant near you so you can watch the games with the boys all right boys thank you for watching the video we just dropped these bad boys they're absolutely [ __ ] fire not gonna lie birds love has straight up it's [ __ ] bad it's an absolute weapon check out fullsend.com there's a bunch of houseboat Keys they're only available for a limited amount of time okay first upload of 2023 let's make it a big one [ __ ] love you boys we can't thank you enough yeah that's it peace foreign [Music] [Music] something like that so I just woke up I'm I don't look I don't look too fabulous open the door you're not coming because you're not sitting first class girls here you guys gotta chill where's the girl she's in there she's in there hold on let me ask her for something let me ask her if it's okay okay she doesn't want to be on camera bro I don't know all right yeah there's no chick she left yo Kyle really wants me to go to Russell okay you have your Visa yeah no I'm serious I'm good to go all right let's go and uh you know where to put me yeah this is my first 10 rows how much was the ticket I'm gonna stay here it was like five pounds what was it no more than that almost 10K it's weird first class so 12. you know his reason why does Saleem get first and I don't foreign [Music] yes for one person damn bro [Music] oh you know Russia is this is Russia is uh I'm gonna get stagger stands over here like around here this is Africa Asia here's Asia Russia is right next to Alaska Earth's flat yeah because that's China this is Russia so this is Russia all that and then dagestands look how close it is to Iran it's like the very south of Russia Ukraine is oh it's not too far I'm not nervous but I am the most nervous that I've been for a trip I haven't told my parents I'm going to Russia yet Hi how are you I'm good you I just wanted to tell you we're going to Russia yeah you know I gotta tell you I'm going to Russia right now [Music] for what reason uh just to film uh it's not that safe out there so you may not see me again kind of a dangerous yeah probably the most dangerous yeah I'm gonna go I'm gonna go but just wish me luck I'll call you later I'll call you later you don't see these guys looking nice cribs honestly there ah dude like now I think that's why khabib's hesitant because he doesn't want us to come film the [ __ ] Palace because everyone thinks khabib like lives in Shack he has chickens and [ __ ] we're gonna pull up to this modern house and we're like khabib where's your sheep and [ __ ] like it's like brothers you guys we gotta go yeah yeah no [ __ ] marijuana no zaps no I'm fine no medicine at all no [ __ ] no zap residue on your credit cards yes do you wipe out everything I think so you should get a while ago no no if anything I'll get lead out there you said specifically don't bring weed oh my God bro [ __ ] this [ __ ] man okay now then what go here we go yeah no we're going to Egypt oh we're going to Russia oh Russia yeah what's full sin is that the company yeah yeah wait you got a miss right there 50 years what's the secret it's this it's this oh so you cheat a lot yeah yeah are you serious yeah and then we get back together does the sex ever dry up no you have to cheat and it's good that is insane wow baby baby baby baby are you listening I can put you in first class oh yeah you can put me in first place I'm gonna marry you FaceTime me later okay okay he's like take your flight I'll see you cheers yeah hopefully not getting locked up uh cheers to sign you being a [ __ ] go cheers come fly with me let's fly let's fly away if you can use some exotic foods there's a bar and far Bombay never good when you wake up or wake up with a hangover on a plane I'm so sore yeah I got carried away last night Campbell's coach the day that guy gets first class I don't know or spending money on that [ __ ] asteroids man time for the second flight to Russian out once we get on this plane no going back I don't know one [ __ ] word of Russia oh [ __ ] ing until we actually get through like Landing there it's gonna be like [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] I was [ __ ] scary bro I was like like two hours they pulled us aside because like no one's really coming to Dagestan from U.S and Canada so we all got pulled aside and questioned and stuff like what the [ __ ] are you doing here Azul is the king here bro thank you my heart was pounding girl we're in [ __ ] Russia now we just gotta stay alive don't drink too much vodka sorry what's your name Customs ask for questions oh a lot about the purpose of your grandma I was good I'm Brazilian no questions for Brazilian I know you guys aren't capable of marching huh [Music] bro look at my pastry look at it it's like dude this is not this is the bathroom don't fall in there yo how do you take a [ __ ] here I would never I would never I'll hold in my shirt forever it's [ __ ] cold man holy [ __ ] Bear's probably gonna run out of the woods so we're in chechnya right what do they not have here no drugs no prostitution no psychics no sorry so people don't like fortune tellers here there there are no such kind of people here I can't say they'd like or don't like catch them and no gaze right then you don't have any in our crew and if anyone is just you know don't ask don't tell like the military we got some Russian beers really hard to find beer here right we got lucky we still beers oh yeah wow oh my God a couple of Roadies because it's just oh all right all right finally made it to our first [ __ ] stop don't know where we are but we're in the mountains where Islam's Camp is it's been like 36 hours of travel we went from LA to Dubai Dubai to makalahacho whatever the [ __ ] it's called not to be disrespectful and then seven hour drive up here to the mountains now so it's been a [ __ ] Trek we're here for the next two nights just to like hang with Islam and his Camp so I guess we're gonna train with them do whatever they do I don't know gonna be crazy the Trip's just starting now we got all the [ __ ] out of the way hopefully we're gonna have some more some morning tea with men's room you have tea every morning yes oh I can't vote thank you you might stop drinking coffee and start drinking tea ready for some tea yeah we are training with Islam basically the whole day I'm sure a lot of you guys know but he's training now to fight volkanovsky so I guess he's about a month out right now from the fight do you think he beats Pokemon yeah I have to keep I don't know why because you see him beating him thank you they said they were going on a 7 A.M walk but I guess the translation difference I don't know now we're hearing it's a [ __ ] run so you guys got [ __ ] Air Forces on the roads are icy and [ __ ] minus 13. it's nice though just to try to keep up with them bring you guys along which is pretty crazy though man this is like in the middle of nowhere so he thinks they're not awake yet there is no movement usually at this time they begin to move there is a movement in the cameras so they got a little carried away last night maybe yes they fired a little too hard yes maybe they want to put off their training yo look at that look at that boys easily send this to a bird back home that's why you think the boys just got a little carried away last night at the barbecue it happens right reference some of the friends came brought to ship and they were doing a barbecue that's why they were late yeah when the Sheep when the Sheep shows up it does get a little carried away right another example it's difficult to get up that's like us when someone shows up with a lot of beer here they show up at the sheep and it's over they got fired up because someone brought a full sheep I mean I guess that would fire you up a bit big day today people would kill for this opportunity do you know how many hardcore MMA fans watching this right now that just [ __ ] hate us they're like why do they get to do this it's kind of true I don't know why the boys are posted up now are you nervous why would I be nervous I'm not nervous just don't know if we're gonna fit in and [ __ ] let's leave you got to lead the way bro this is your [ __ ] no how are you good morning to see you good morning how long you guys been up here yeah two weeks tomorrow this is from AliExpress it's not the original so I got it from the Food Spot yesterday yeah you do you're in the good shape yeah we'll see tomorrow it's gonna be crazy around yeah boys are absolutely buzzing right now easy workout that was light fight run too easy for us maybe [Music] apparently it was a really light uh jog today his mom's like yo be ready for tomorrow it's not every trip that we go on and it's like a healthy trip usually the trips are [ __ ] all drinking and [ __ ] I have to start doing more [ __ ] with UFC fighting yeah okay yeah you really want me to finish it yeah you got to go easy on me I'll bite you my wife okay I got three Good Hits here foreign [Music] [Music] actually wants dinner now yeah you know like 12 o'clock yeah it's 1 12 55. that doesn't make sense should we tell him maybe it's lunch so we're going to Islam's house he just beat my ass and he's inviting us to his house what are the odds Don't Be Afraid don't differ [Applause] so there's a reaction of me when you want against Oliveira I was very happy I was I was very nervous first road this is the uh I'm scared and I attacked with this guy thank you [Music] finishing off the day of the little rehab Cold Lake I guess I mean so ice water didn't try it yeah I'm too old we don't do this where I'm from you know black people can't swim you know how is this going to benefit me the temperature of your body will rise then after we will dive into the cold the pool as a contrast between the hot Steam and cold water it will free your blood from oh it didn't look like that in his videos like I have a lot of toxins though are you guys going in no no tomorrow we have running we have running too [Laughter] like stay five seven minutes five six minutes okay holy [ __ ] bro go slowly yes oh my God foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] we're doing a five mile run today boys right so what I did is I got the route from tagir of where they're running because we don't want to look like like [ __ ] right like girls so we're just gonna Sprint off the start and then you guys have the car like going up because they're going to be pacing themselves because five miles we're gonna hop in the car with Abdul and then we'll drive the rest of the route and then we'll hop out at the very end and just like finish and I'm really really tired okay well just to impress Islam and stuff because too many Russian beers on the way up here I should have stayed in chechnya get ahead let's get ahead of the pack hurry hurry let's go Jimmy it's a good time yes when we see them approaching we will go maybe they will speed up from this place probably get out here oh yeah we got some food they think we're Beauties we want to make it believable right good run keep your power my advice oh [ __ ] I'm dying oh we got them food for sure they're impressed because they're like yo save your energy but the only problem is we fooled ourselves because we thought it was just one run but that was just a warm-up and now we're doing sprints as I walk through the valley with my Latin Flex on the realest [ __ ] in it I just happened to rap when they all thought we was finished they was laughing at that so I went and bought me a dollar I mean that's why they're the best in the world all I have to say I have so much grit we just did 30 Sprints up a hill incline in high altitude weather you feel like you can't breathe up here bro like every time I'm about to get up there we're running as soon as I'm getting enough I feel like I'm gonna defense it's a good workout Delirious we [ __ ] ourselves with that Sprint at the beginning we fooled ourselves there basically cheated on the warm-up she just never win man these guys aren't even gassed I know they're [ __ ] these guys are all [ __ ] in the head these guys cardio is insane they just don't stop ten minutes of [ __ ] Hill Sprints bro put the second I know the second one probably the sickest trip I think we've ever done it's just so different man I know you guys want to see like a lot of pranks and stuff too but like this is just genuinely like living life like this is what life's about to me that's some crazy [ __ ] bro and so happy because the last day last day no more sounds good because he's keeping this wow so balloon I think so how many teeth should we crank along the way Mentor OH I don't know exactly because uh two or three at least three yeah good trip I've got there it's very nice you did notice the resemblance a circuit like tea too yeah I like coffee got a lot better man holy smokes [Music] Dagestan day one in Dagestan now we're linking up with the man himself hezboola did a podcast with them before it was bullet man apparently he's very honest you excited [Music] no seatbelt no no no no no no no no they're gonna fly from window I only put sipa when he drives [Music] let's go oh [ __ ] do the cops care about speeding here if the cops actually seen him would he like they're just like they they're probably some of them love him some of them hit him so this is how he drives he just sits there she does he drive by himself [Music] what's wrong okay he's not good yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] you're very excited volkanovski Islam [Music] [Music] [Laughter] FIFA no thank you oh my God [Music] no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh my God he took me out oh [ __ ] [ __ ] Express Yourself [Music] yo this is too funny bro this is too funny I'm so I love playing he really [ __ ] with us dude I know he's in a good mood thank you thank you for having us I think the people in Dagestan are like the nicest people I've ever met I feel safe with you he will show you around in America yeah yeah [Music] enter it tomorrow lots of tea more than you expect I'm gonna show you a lot of tea tomorrow okay mark my words bye [Music] there's so many people in a van doesn't mean that you take there's a lot of people in there no usually 15 17 people can sit there take a long time now to move around it depends on terrific gym how long take to go home from the hotel foreign we have to say tea party has begun did the Tea Party start of course it started at the early morning in my hotel room remember when all of you came oh yes is the tea cold or hot right now only hot cold tea it is just for Proverbs okay so our translator Mansour you guys been seeing them the whole time this [ __ ] really good guy Heart of Gold and we found out that he doesn't have a car and he has two kids he busts to us and took like an hour to get here we've been thinking about it for the last like day or so and we're gonna surprise him with a whip so yeah it's pretty sick because uh he's been our translator for this trip good little family car for his daughters and [ __ ] like that he deserves it though he's really like he meets you know you meet someone and you're just like this guy's like just got such a good heart I think the reason is because he's so like you know he's honest you never lie he's just such a he's such an honest guy they don't show much emotion right do you think he'll tear up or no they don't even hug no they don't just like they just hold like your forearm a little like longer this is meant to remember so he's gonna Brad please no no God please please please I don't accept I don't how do you say I accept only in us we put a shitload of tea in the trunk because he loves tea we've been drinking tea this whole trip not much alcohol just straight tea it's been a very healthy trip three times a day it's a little different bro we're not drinking alcohol we're drinking tea so we've been working out and [ __ ] Monsoon we love you this is a heartfelt moment of the video honest how we tie it all together all right let's cut to the scene there you go whenever [Music] you ready to leave where's my smooth [Music] have you got somewhere for tea huh do you go to a cafe [Music] [Music] Mentor for all your help we have a surprise for you in the trunk yes thank you thank you you continue the Tea Party when we leave I appreciate it I can open the tea story yeah yeah we appreciate all your help and like we really appreciate everything you've done for us we have Mentor we heard you didn't have a car or anything too so we we bought this car for you well thank you thank you so this is yours no your card no you know what we just said this is your car we bought you a car I got you good to thank you thank you next time really yeah this is your car this is your vehicle like this is a new apartment thank you thank you thank you I thought you're pranking me that's why I was so cold everyone clap it up [Applause] take it for a spin Monsoon I don't remember last time when I had driver experience enough to drive bro brother thank you very much okay that's it I thank God that I had such a chance to meet all of to meet with all of you it's good because you have two daughters and stuff now you could drive around right no more bus next time you will come here it won't take one hour for me to get from here [Music] people in my heart really you touch myself it was great it was awesome it's been a great trip we're here hey this wraps up our Dage trip we gotta catch a flight home right now this was seriously I think the most amazing trip maybe we've ever done man Dagestan has the nicest people on the planet the most welcoming they took care of us like nothing I've ever experienced before so there's a lot going around in the world right now a lot of people said don't come I think it's cool how we all come together and pretty crazy lots of teeth yeah if you guys are new here subscribe but we're gonna be uploading a lot this year doing some crazy crazy [ __ ] like this a lot of international stuff so if you're new subscribe anything else bye-bye know what's up with us hope can't get no love from us [Music]
Channel: NELK
Views: 12,719,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: prank, pranks, nelk, nelkfilmz, nelkfilms, Nelk, NELK boys, Nelk films, Nelk Filmz, stevewilldoit, salim the dream, prank videos, funny pranks, best pranks, nelk clips, full send, full send clips, nelk golf, nelk boys prank, nelk twitch, nelk podcast, Kyle, Kyle from nelk, full send shorts, fullsend, salim, steve will do it, podcast, full send podcast
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 59sec (1919 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 31 2023
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