Steve-O Shares His Wildest Acid, Ketamine, & Cocaine Stories - Tales From the Trip

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- [Steve-O] Just, whoosh, erupted into flames. Is this happening? And I would double check. Yup, it's happening. Hey, everybody, I'm Steve-O, star of the upcoming movie, "Jackass Forever." Yeah, dude. Now let's get into a variety of psychedelic experiences, which I actually am quite proud of. The first time I really properly tripped, I was a junior in high school, and I had just been to my first Grateful Dead concert, and took my first real powerful hit of LSD. It was after the concert, when I got back home, that I really started to notice things were going a little bit crazy. I had school the next morning, so I wanted to get to sleep. I noticed as I was trying to fall asleep, that I was actually being mindful, so as to not disturb the other me, which was in front of me, or the other me, which was behind me. And if you're having trouble following me, what I'm telling you is that there were literally three of me in the same bed. And I was in the middle, being careful not to disturb either of the other two mes. This was the most incredible experience I had ever had in my life. I remember it so fondly it's incredible. It was so special that I really didn't mind just laying there perfectly still and being quiet. I think the other two fell asleep first. (laughs) I took acid hundreds of times trying to recreate that experience and sadly it never did happen. So if you're thinking about taking acid to try to enjoy being three people at the same time, let me assure you, it can only happen once, and it was intense. Not as intense as the bag of ketamine I got into in 2006. About the time when "Jackass Number Two" was coming out. Ketamine is a dissociative drug. Everything just goes out the window. This ketamine was in powder form. My experience with that bag actually lasted for two straight days. On the first night was me laying in the bathtub. My feet were like 30 feet away. Like some "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" crap. This is embarrassing, but the thought I had was, "Dude, Jim Morrison doesn't have shit on me." But it was the next day, when I was trying to take care of some business, I had a lawsuit going on, and all while just treating myself to this endless bag of ketamine, out of nowhere, the entire hotel room which I was in, simply began to free fall. And I couldn't fucking believe this, man. I was like, "Whoa!" I looked up and what I saw was, it looked like an elevator shaft, through which the hotel room was falling. I mean, dude, that's just one of the types of things ketamine is good for. (laughs) It's not lost on me that that might make ketamine sound attractive. But let me also tell you that there was a time during my heavy ketamine use when the idea popped into my head, "What if I couldn't breathe?" Imagine having the physical experience that you can't breathe, and that idea took on a life that really upsets me to this day. I wouldn't wish it on anybody, man. Not anybody. If I'm honest, these experiences I just related to you were sort of one-offs, but when I got to the point that I was doing cocaine for days on end, while inhaling nitrous oxide, to the best of my ability I would inhale nitrous oxide to the exclusion of air. And because it's a trashy, chemical-y, crappy way of eroding these barriers, we open ourselves up to very low level of frequency, which I would categorize as demons. Like at one point I was in my big swiveling office chair, this whole chair I was in just, whoosh, just erupted into flames. I was sitting in a throne of fire. Is this happening? And I would double check. Yup, it's happening. I thought to myself, "Man, I'm really killing myself with all this." Yeah, there's no longevity in what I'm doing. And then I remember thinking, "Ah, I don't care if I die." And I leaned over to snort that line. Something about having that thought was not okay with some spiritual entity because as I leaned over, that swiveling chair I was in, spun with the force of a mechanical bull, whoosh. And the message was so clear to me. Think again, it's very important that you not die. And it was like, that was an angel. And later when I ended up in rehab and they were talking about I needed a higher power and what am I going to pray to? Whatever spun that chair is what I prayed to. It's my higher power. I think few people have had the types of experiences that I've had, but even fewer have made it out and survived and become healthy versions of themselves. So I wouldn't really roll the dice with the odds of having my experiences and then surviving them and going on to have a good life, because I beat some serious odds, man.
Channel: Animated
Views: 4,090,589
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Keywords: Steve O, Steve-O, acid, ketamine, cocaine, steve-o stories, steve-o tales from the trip, shroom trip, heroic dose, shroom heroic dose, taking shrooms, psilocybin, magic mushrooms, liberty cap, caps, shrooms, mushrooms, psychedelic, molly drugs, acid drugs, funny, drugs, poison, comedian, comedy central, comedy show, tv show, comedy videos, comedians, tales from the trip, animated, animation, cartoon, trip tank drugs, animated drug cartoon, silly drugs, drug cartoon, acid trip
Id: skl5B6nVcvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 0sec (360 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 13 2021
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