Joe Rogan - Why Steve-O Got Sober

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full screen with that James Christ causes blindness smoking causes throat and mouth cancer brand see breath and in the same font why God so [ __ ] let's do it doesn't work it doesn't keep people from buy it that's what's very imagine that imagine picking up a new pack that is so [ __ ] busy they got dead babies causes emphysema graham cracker knows every single one of them this so [ __ ] hilarious yeah I've never seen that I've seen in England they have a big picture of like people that have you know like lung cancer and [ __ ] on the cover and it says smoking will kill you but they don't have this [ __ ] what the [ __ ] it's causes peripheral vascular disease and makes your feet rot gangrene the most tame picture I saw on a pack of cigarettes was um it was a picture of a toilet with blood in the water and I forget what the point was on that one but I'm sick it's make your [ __ ] bleed crazy that doesn't even work like you're selling someone something that you're showing them all the terror that I could do and everybody's like yeah worth it right worth it for a planet I know I used to be convinced I remember dr. drew dr. drew used to pester me like to try to get me on that Celebrity Rehab show before I was sober right and he had another project which was trying to it was focused on getting people to quit smoking cigarettes were you smoking all the time I smoked for [ __ ] 17 years started smoking when I was 16 and stopped when I was 33 whoa yeah seventeen years I [ __ ] smoked man do you feel any ill effects of it now at 43 [Music] almost 43 and how's your cardio I think it's pretty good what what [ __ ] up my cardio was all that nitrous oxide dude I went through those whippet cartridges yeah there's 24 per box and there's 25 boxes per case so per case there's 600 cartridges and it was not unusual for me to go through 600 and like 24 hours 24 to 36 hours why I took every measure to try to limit like the [ __ ] air that went into my lungs to try to make it like all nitrous oxide like I was the whole time I'm holding I'm holding in a long flow of that [ __ ] and I'm just crack with the [ __ ] can't the the canister from Starbucks and gentlemen I was like a [ __ ] wizard at like loading up six in two while holding the last [ __ ] ones you know and and that was when all the crazy [ __ ] would go down cuz I would be like awake on cocaine for three days and inhaling nothing but nitrous oxide at that point is when [ __ ] starts popping off and people are people are walking around my apartment who are never physically there I want seeing a but [ __ ] like actual [ __ ] people man I watched a dude walk through my apartment and [ __ ] pick up pick up my bong and take a hit and blow out smoke and [ __ ] then like put it down and just the dude walked through the wall he was never [ __ ] there ever looked as real as I do I had [ __ ] like tactile hallucinations I had [ __ ] feel things big-time dude because here's like here's my whole thing and I kind of still believe this to this day's you know that like our little our little three dimensional experience is very small small part of what's going on in the universe right there's dimensions there's you know all frequencies everything and that like that if you do enough drugs like that the barriers between these different compartments of the universe and become eroded somehow you know like I started hearing voices and and to an extent I [ __ ] believe still that that [ __ ] was real like these spirits that were [ __ ] talking to me I'm hearing the voices like I had a conversation with a friend of mine ourselves we'd about a very similar thing where I was saying that I think that something happens when when you smoke pot it's not just that you get high but that the way you interface with the world changes and then the world changes because of that not not the world changes like the world changed for you for him but the world that I'm experiencing sure different yeah like in the quantum physics kind of sense I don't know I'm too stupid for that right what I'm saying is that my feeling about the world is that when you when you change the way your brain works which is essentially what you're doing to get really high you change the way you think about the world I think the world that you experience is different sure it's like you know like people think like this is this very simplistic way of looking at it but it's sort of parallel you know some people think oh the world sucks everything sucks and their life always sucks and then there's people that are always super positive and super happy and their life is always sure there's something about when you get like really high especially marijuana because marijuana is a sensitivity drug it's almost like the opposite of a lot of drugs because a lot of drugs make you insensitive like alcohol makes you blunt right you're not aware of people looking at you you don't give a [ __ ] like whoa you get drunk you get loud and you're crazier and your social cues get skewed you don't see marijuana is the opposite marijuana you get like really aware of other people people will call it paranoid because you start thinking about all these possibilities that you never thought of before but I feel like the way you interface with the world becomes very different you're aware of all these different possibilities you start thinking about things that you [ __ ] up when you were in high school you know you started you know mushrooms are the words for that oh yeah oh sure I made a mistake make you accountable I get so introspective I mean I had it's been forever since but is it too introspective I got I got two intervals what house how to I could just start picking myself apart like and you know putting myself on trial in a sense like just two introspective or I'm just like to determine that I just suck you know maybe that's just a perspective like I think the introspective aspect of it one of the reasons why it comes up it feels like to me is because there's a bunch of [ __ ] about yourself that you don't like but you don't address right and so then if forces you hate in order to truly live in the moment you have to be balanced you have to be like I've looked at it all and I understand it made mistakes and here's where I'm at but if you've never looked at yourself if you know looked at those mistakes then you you have like this backlog of [ __ ] you have to deal with right and I agree with your in percent I know you agree with that except when it becomes just a morbid [ __ ] vlogging of oneself right oh yeah which is what it would come to but I feel like that more but vlogging of yourself comes from you like the the debt analogy is a good analogy because if you're in like massive debt and you go to spend money you'll because I don't even have any money am i spending this money whereas if you're even and you go to spend the money you're like no big deal I'm just spending some money it's normal right I think that when you don't have an accounting of who you are and what you've done and especially I think the big one is your effect on other people you know that's the one that comes up with me on mushrooms or on pot especially on edibles it's like how I've interacted with other people and even if I thought it was justified and maybe I was justified when when it comes up on pot especially on edibles the big that's them for me at least that's where I feel like the most accountable and I have to think about like my behavior the most I always feel like with the edible thing it always feels like could I have done better instead of just being like was I okay like yeah that guy was being a dick to you yeah [ __ ] him it's never that it's always like maybe I could have caught on earlier to how he was feeling and we assess how I was communicating with him and instead of being defensive or aggressive right maybe I could have handled it better hey man sounds like you're working a great spiritual program with your edibles well I try to do it all the time when I'm with edibles like I said this before I'm people know but I think pot makes you a better person I really do because I think all that responsibility you don't have to like you you don't honestly know one has to do anything I get as much high and as much mental clarity from yoga as I do from anything I really do I mean if someone told me I couldn't smoke pot for the rest of my life but I could do yoga or I could just smoke pot for the rest of my life and not to yoga I think I would take the yoga wow I really do because yoga gives me I mean I love the feeling of pot I really do but yoga gives me a relaxation when it's over like a there's a clarity that comes from things that it was like its friend like after like post yoga class those are like that is the friendliest nicest group of [ __ ] people go stant you want to meet some nice folks stand outside of a yoga class one about yoga classes exiting right you'll me like the most balanced nice people because they drained all the [ __ ] of themselves it create pause so I can take a leak already and I know I go not we're not pausing though [Laughter]
Channel: JRE Clips
Views: 3,666,403
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Joe Rogan, JRE, Joe Rogan Experience, JRE Clips, PowerfulJRE, Joe Rogan Fan Page, Joe Rogan Podcast, podcast, MMA, Joe Rogan MMA Show, UFC, comedy, comedian, stand up, funny, clip, favorite, best of, Steve-O
Id: nmdMhOkpVdc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 38sec (578 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 19 2018
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