Steve Harvey at funeral of Bernie Mac

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[Applause] I'm uh I didn't really want to do this I talked to Rhonda this week and I was trying to be upbeat about I was talking to Ron you know chaste us all to do it you know um it's tough you know you tell jokes for a living you did and there's some times just saying it funny it's a lot of us say I just when I've never been to a funeral woody MC struggling in my closet trying to wear something to downplay and look get black and all this here and then come out here and all white would have had on us and stripes [Applause] I'm gonna get that suit made I just want y'all know that right now my next special I will be wearing that partner every night before we went out on stage on the King to a burner used to Pat us all Bernie was athletic dude so he used to Pat us on the rear end like basketball players but Bernie was heavy-handed and he had real strong hands and he was cooked all the time and I saw he's going to tell Bernie I was very uncomfortable with that wished he wouldn't do that every night Bernie was the one that started us praying for we went out on stage we would always say prayer I know after we got out there didn't seem like we knew God at all but it was it was such a big thing for all of us the Kings of Comedy Bernie ran what we call the anchor leg he was our closer you know in a relay you give it stick to the next dude and you're getting baton to the next dude and you say the fastest cat for last just in case you get behind every night we handed that mic to be man because no matter how funny the three of us was Bernie has something else for man nobody wanted to follow Bernie Mac because he was just too much he was just he was like a train wreck we would all watch him every night and sit out there and let's go let's go see this train wreck because Bernie would take his jokes and just run them into the side he didn't care how you felt about it but Bernie used to say something deal said Bernie shall walk along he said that all the time we've heard it a thousand times and interviews and everything but if I stand here I look back on be Max's life take about how he was a family man I love Ron and his baby I talked about all the time I look at his career and all he did I was sitting and watching the tribute myself going man I forgot all the movies I forgot all the things he done what an amazing career I made me think about something Bernie Mac always said he walked alone I don't think he was walking alone at all I think Bernie was walking with Jesus the whole time I just spoke people now you walking with Jesus or to tell Mac I'll see you soon Matt well not only soon I just see you thank Bernie Mac for the kings of comedy we love y'all so much come on let's hear for the Kings King Steve King DL King Cedric the kings of comedy and
Channel: Roland S. Martin
Views: 7,189,672
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bernie, Mac, Steve, Harvey, Kings, of, Comedy, Roland, Martin, S.
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 22sec (322 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 19 2008
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