Power of the Air | Full Movie | A Dave Christiano Film

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that was the stupidest movie yeah who picked this film anyway my brilliant husband the review sounded interesting said it was a little weird but worth saying a little weird well we need to rewrite that review yeah i guess it didn't let on about that one scene did it you know how was i supposed to know that we're gonna show that when i put my hand over his eyes he tried to push it away yeah but it wasn't so i could see the scenes because she had your hands over my nose and i couldn't breathe i just gave mine a shot in the ribs she didn't know i was gonna backfire on her because i already had my hands covering my eyes and as soon as she had made my ribs my hand went down and i saw everything [Music] hey man we finally hired one new secretary yup she starts tomorrow well i hope you don't run this one off like i did the last one huh funny guy david but i'm looking around and guess what new bed is laughing that's right hey benny and gerard saw the film and those guys loved it you're kidding that's what it told me catch at lunch benny gerard i heard you guys saw the film and liked it i thought it was great me too you're joking right i mean reuben actually thinks that you liked it we did you thought otherwise well yes it was weird but that's what we liked about it yeah it got good at being weird i always thought you guys in i.t were a little off base but now i know you are you found me our ball oh i did it yes you did you can be so high i should get four shots take it out that wasn't a foul yes it was i bought take it out all right let's go [Music] okay uh last meeting we briefly discussed our city-wide outreach program you see the budget on your sheet there would anyone like to comment on what we should do this year well since we have the same budget as last year why not do the booth at the chamber of commerce business expo again thousands of people came through there and i think we made a good impression in the community yeah it seemed to go well any other ideas well we could sponsor our basketball camp we've got some good players in the college department we could pay them to run at camp for the week plus my next-door neighbor is a sports anchor for channel 8. i bet he'd do a story on us if we asked all right that's a new idea look i think the main thing is we show the community we care if we do the uh the business expo again or the basketball camp they're both very positive and we really can't go wrong hey hey how'd the meeting go it went okay did you decide on anything yes that we'll decide next week well did you say anything no david i thought you were gonna tell them about your idea well they're talking about a booth at the expo again or a basketball camp you know things like that it's hard to say anything then why do you even go to those meetings cause i'm on the outreach committee but if you have an idea and you don't say anything yeah i know i know well you should at least tell it to them well i will next meeting the new sector is on board and now it's smooth sailing well i hope we don't run this one off like it did the last still trying to be a funny guy david but i'm looking around and guess what nobody's laughing you got it besides i didn't come in the chat just to make your day i've got to tell you about this yesterday listen with both of us a mecca odom a leader in world missions and the president of the nigerian gospel ministry will be speaking this weekend in the evening service live and in person mecca odom at your church i love this guy mr odom has been instrument on the native missionary movement throughout africa and will be speaking on the urgency to reach out for jesus in these last days got you and danielle from rossi reserve just saved one she meets with the junior high girls and never misses it okay then got you won the bleachers i'm really excited about seeing mr odom i read almost all of his books and you know me i'm not a big reader you gonna try and meet him well i hadn't thought about it but i love to talk to him you know god used that man to open up my eyes to world evangelism well you should go up afterwards and meet him tell him that encourage him yeah i will well i'll try you meeting reuben and cindy there no they say they can't make it sami's father is having his 60th birthday so they got to go to that hey we gotta flick the watch tonight my brothers and sisters in christ time is running out over 150 000 people die in this world every day and most of them die not knowing christ as their personal lord and savior this is so tragic and it is heartbreaking as believers in christ we need to make this our number one concern to reach people all around us with the gospel in parts of africa missionaries are tortured and killed for trying to tell their enemies about jesus they don't want them to die without knowing the lord in america we have a hard time telling our loved ones about him it does not seem to be a concern here i am afraid that we have become too comfortable here in this country we are too much in the world and it has become attractive to us we want entertainment we don't seem to be too concerned about lost souls and dying people but jesus is that is why he came thank you brother thank you my brother hello mr odom david williams david i was really challenged by what you had to say tonight i agree with you wholeheartedly and i want to help well you are kind the lord be praised i know you must be really busy and i was wondering if you had time to talk i know you don't know me but i really want to be involved in evangelism could i buy you a cup of coffee or tea or at least sit down with you and talk for a short time i normally don't attend this church i live on the other side of the city well i have a meeting with these brothers over here but it won't take long now if you can wait there's a place at my hotel we can speak there i want to see people come to the lord i mean really come to know jesus i'm on the outreach committee with my church my wife and i support two native missionaries through your ministry in africa but we want to do more i always feel like i should quit my job and just move overseas but we don't need you in africa my friend the lord needs you right here there's a very big mission field here in this country there are plenty of churches here in some places there's one in every corner i've traveled your country on and off for about three years now i've spoken in many churches all denominations and i sense one main thing in all of them most people here do not know how the devil attacks and deceives them in this country what do you mean i finished writing a book i have some copies here i'll give you one if you are interested you can read thank you you're welcome the most powerful church in america why is it called that david my friend i fear for the church in this country it is in very great danger danger what kind of danger [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he's got a lot of information in here on the influence of the movies and media yeah i read half that book last night and i feel like i'm lost david you're the most committed christian i know danielle i'm sorry i told the lord last night i was sorry too i let ungodly entertainment creep into my life and i've been deceived hold on now whoa what are you talking about hey let me say that for a second here read that paragraph right there [Music] i never thought of it that way yeah i never thought of it at all did he talk about this during his sermon no danielle how many christians does that describe [Music] you must be the new secretary david williams hi i'm monique nice to meet you mr williams just call me david is ruben in his office no he just went to the break room thanks hey welcome to the team thank you david what's up you got a minute sure my mecca odum really hit it last night sorry miss tell me about it time is running out he must have said that about a dozen times and about 200 people work in this building and i've been here five years i've talked to what maybe four people about the lord i mean that's not even one a year what's wrong with me man i know you can't force it on people but i should be sharing more there's nothing wrong with you or me that's the problem we're both christians have great wives a good job nice place to live in good churches a little money in the bank we got to me well i don't feel like i got it made i want to do more you always been into it man i know who needs to wake up it's just not in our heart like it is mr odom's i mean it's not about feeling guilty or convicted it's just not in our heart he ended the message with psalm 16 11. in the presence of god his fullness of joy and now think about that for a second isn't that what everyone wants the presence of god is fullness of joy you'd think we spend 24 hours a day with jesus then why don't we because we got a good job great wise nice home good church money in the bank we got it made before we decide what we'll do for our city-wide outreach david asked if he uh could say a few words david thank you i've had an idea for some time now and i wanted to bring it up last meeting but didn't anyway this past weekend i heard a missionary from africa speak and then i started reading a book he wrote this man thinks the most powerful force on the planet is the entertainment industry it impacts people like nothing else a famous film producer in hollywood said this the church which used to be all powerful has been taken over by film what the producer is saying is that motion picture films are making a greater impact in this world than the church so what's the point david the point is if we really want to reach people for christ we should make a movie we should look to the media and entertainment as a way to communicate the message what are you suggesting man i'm suggesting that we take money from the outreach fund and consider doing something that is media related this year like what well i i don't know yet david you have ideas but you never seem to have a plan god's the one with the plan we're just trying to figure out what it is and i know he wants us to proclaim the gospel look our pastor preaches a good sermon every week but it gets lost compared to the hours of tv and movies the congregation watches well we can't control what people do for their entertainment but we have to try to reach them and entertainment is where they are at i say we do the business expo again we reached a lot of people last time or the basketball camp please let's pray about this idea with the media i really think this could be a big thing here i don't want to prolong this decision but with this new suggestion on the table let's just wait until the next meeting and then we'll decide we'll add david's idea to the list danielle can you read this for a second sure wait that's an a how can you tell who gets an a and it gets a b david when you're a school teacher in the first grade everyone's art projects get an a oh well you learn something new every day take a look at what he says about the media test the media test yeah just read it when you can you'll see let me know what you think i think we should try this [Music] hey man the movie starts tomorrow night at 8 15. so let me stay around 7 45 don't be late which movie explosion uh sorry reuben can't make that one what that's would be more special effects in this move than there is dialogue well then it shouldn't take you too long to tell me about it david we were talking about a mega make a movie here and you don't want to see it sorry can i pass are you sick of something no having trouble with the little lady no then what is it then we have a streakers in the last 37 movies together the four of us we supposed to be breaking joe dimaggio's 56 game hitting street with going to the movies remember joe's streak will survive you sure yeah i'm sure it won't be the same without you thanks okay um if you change your mind you know it'll be the media impacts your life in a greater way than you ever realize i'll give you an example have you ever noticed the commercials on television when the commercials come on do you stop what you're doing and shout shh be quiet the commercials are on i want to watch them of course not when the commercials come on you relax get something to eat take a break but pay very little attention to them yet advertisers are paying big money for those commercials so the question you have to ask yourself is this why would an advertiser pay a great deal of money to air commercial on television that most people don't really watch the answer is simple because they know how much television influences lives and of the commercials that we supposedly do not watch influence our life what do you think happens with the programs we do watch well television is very powerful most of it has zero to do with the lord you know what if we had a commercial on tv telling people about jesus yeah like we could afford that [Music] you're listening to 93.5 the king station your number one source for the best in christian music news is coming up next so stay with us i'm randy stone i'll be here tomorrow have a great rest of your day and no matter what you do lift up the name of jesus david what's up how's it going going great how are you doing doing good looks like you enjoy your job no this ain't no job i love it too much now you you've got a job i hear you hey you got a minute i want to run something by you last night an idea came to mind what if we were to present the gospel and everybody was stationed in the city at the same time at the same time yeah do you have any idea how many radio stations are in the city yeah there's 16 rated stations so if we had an ad on all 16 stations at the same time we'd reach all the people in the city listening at that moment well that's right but i'm not sure every station plays a break at the same time was there any way to find out any idea how much that would cost yeah i've got all the rate cards i can do the research and have you something on monday you know it's not a sin to turn that thing on nobody said it was you know we used to sit here and watch tv shows and movies every night but uh now we don't watch anything you could read a book yeah but i like to watch things so watch something just find a program that's more edifying or redeeming and not corrupt like he talks about in the book find a christian channel um but the shows in christian tv are mostly preaching i want something that's entertaining yeah almost all the tv shows and movies are godless mr odum is trying to make that point that these programs affect our lives a lot more than we realize and so it makes them wonder wonder what if we're really christians at all all because we watch movies no he says a christian should be interested in the things of the lord not the things of the world the movies of the world are christless and yet most christians don't even recognize it mr odom asks well why is that he then says well maybe it's because jesus really isn't in them to realize it that sounds pretty hard and judgmental david yeah it does what if he's right then that's pretty scary that's very scary how would you like to live your whole life thinking that you were saved and then when he died you really weren't [Music] 37 movies in a row when you broke the streak no no no i didn't break the street for the record david broke streak that bum we need to put him on a popcorn restriction for that well he's got to go see explosion that's for sure yes he does 14 stations run a 60-second ad at 11 59 just before noon that's your best saturation point if you want all of your spots to hit at the same time okay 14 stations are in the end that means two don't the other two run brakes at 11 54. one of them is ours so we could easily get that switched which leaves one station which leaves one problem what do you mean 104.1 they call themselves the one what about them well first they're the largest station in the city by far not even close second they're not too christian friendly if you know what i mean so what you're saying is that we could probably get an ad on all these other stations except for the biggest one that's right speaking of one i got to be on the air in one minute okay thanks randy for all your help i just need to get that one station that charlie will never do it who's charlie the station manager we'll see [Music] i'm sorry we can't do it for you at that time like i said we don't have a break scheduled at 11 59. but it has to run at that specific time can't you make an exception i just asked charlie the answer was no well can i speak with charlie for a moment then charlie's very busy sir i'm sorry is there something else i could help you with no thank you have a nice day but they can you can run an ad anytime you want you sure absolutely well that's good to hear look with charlie running the show the issue is not getting the time slot you want the issue's just getting on there well i might try again later thanks randy all right keep me posted oh well well look who it is what can i get for you today gentlemen let me get the small veggie pizzas sean throw in as many vegetables as you got lots of veggies i got it turkey and cheese on whole wheat i wrote it down before you said it i'll try the pizza medium we'll put meat on mine sausage pepperoni a cow you know some real food no problem i'll take what reuben ordered exact same thing you got it thanks lads you know we were at the movies the other night most people get popcorn but this guy a steak sandwich oh that sounds good gotta have onions and peppers on it though hey i had red and green peppers on it yeah but it cost like 20 bucks ah no that doesn't sound good you don't mess around do you benny no sir if the movie's no good at least i can enjoy a meal oh dave dave dave heard you broke the streak yeah well you gotta go see explosion man the special effects in that movie will blow your mind how do you think they do that stuff i watched a short clip online on how they did that last scene it said it cost 10 million dollars just to do that one part hello again stephanie i was here yesterday david williams yes mr williams how can i help you well i'm back because i'd like to run a spot on your radio station at a special time 11 59 like i told you before and like i told you we don't run a spot at that time right but i found out that you could so do you think that i can speak with charlie it'll just be a moment i promise i won't take much of his time charlie this is david williams charlie summers what can i do for you hello it's nice to meet you i'm sorry to bother you ma'am i know you don't run an ad at 11 59 a.m but i understand that you could i was hoping you could make an exception for the spot i want to run and why is that time so important it's just a timely ad that has to run then what kind of spot is it it's an inspirational message religious christian we don't run anything religious here but it isn't religious you just said it was well it isn't religious but maybe it is in a sense you're thinking i'm sorry i can't help you i'll pay the fair rate the answer is no charlene summers charlie she's been in radio her whole life her husband died 10 years ago of a heart attack left everything to her she hasn't missed a beat as a matter of fact her ratings are as high as they've ever been she seemed pretty strong-willed oh that's putting it mildly i met her a few times the media functions around town she's very strong-willed i think you're gonna have to settle for 15 stations oh we need to be on that one there's got to be a way well there's always a way it's going more than this hey we don't pay overtime here you know i just finished this come take a look best month we've ever had and we still have a few more spots left to sell good job stephanie thank you and i would have had one of those spots sold but you said no what that religious guy today i have never seen you turn down money before especially for an ad i don't need his ad but if he's got the money what's the big deal we don't want that propaganda on our station have a good evening good night okay man the movie starts friday at 7 05. so close up shop early who meets dad 6 45 and it's the downtown theater this time the one in the mall doesn't happen i'm sorry reuben sorry ruben one can't make it did i walk into the wrong office this is david williams right this is the right place cause i thought i heard him say can't make you heard right so why can't you make i just can't there's got to be a reason i'm sorry reuben i i just can't david what gifts nothing i'm sorry reuben okay uh i'll catch you later all right see ya i would like to propose that we take the money from the outreach budget and place a 60-second radio ad announcing the gospel on all 16 radio stations in the city at the end of the announcement we will give a phone number that people can call we will run these ads all at the exact same time at 11 59 a.m on any day during the week we can run an ad on 15 of the 16 stations the only station that doesn't run an ad at that time is 104.1 who happens to be the largest station so it's important that we get them too have you checked the cost on this yes the cost of running an ad at the desired time slot on 15 stations comes to 1575. for 160 second advertisement yes but that's a one minute add on 15 stations 104.1 charges 300 to run at 1154 which is when they run their break so the total would be eighteen hundred and seventy-five dollars if we ran an ad on every station but the key here is to try to get them to air our ad at the exact time as all the others that way regardless of what station they're listening to they'll hear the gospel i'll turn the dial but the gospel will be on every station so no matter where they turn they'll hear it then they'll just turn it off well that's always an option look i know the program director at 93.5 and he has told me about all the calls that they receive their station is definitely reaching people i like this station i listen to it a lot during the day myself they have a good ministry i think this is a great way to share the gospel with the masses in the city it sounds like a great way to waste a lot of money to me 800 bucks in 60 seconds plus not everybody listens to the radio our research showed that a great majority of the people in this city have a radio on at various times during the day to translate that into numbers for you it could mean over half a million people would hear the gospel with that one-minute ad so what do you think sounds like a plan to me [Music] so they're gonna vote next week yeah you think they're gonna go for it oh i hope so i felt really good about it well you seem pretty excited yeah well maybe the lord's gonna allow this to happen here you go thank you well i can tell you did this and not reuben because there's not one misspelled word on the first page i heard that he wanted to see you for a minute thanks da vide do you have a new guy within research helping you these days no why because that report in your hands is the best work i've seen you do something's up how about the guys in research carry this company and always have ha how about the guys in sales i don't want to keep the guys in research in business i agree with that seriously david that's some good work you did a great job thanks yeah thing's been coming to me a little easier lately what do you mean i don't know i guess you could say i've been less distracted well whatever you're doing is helping thanks i'll see you later by the way to film me and mrs caught on friday you did the right thing it was awful benny and gerard said they loved it what hey monique i'm doing a little research on radio stations what station is that the one do you have it on most of the day yeah it's always on thanks for the info well hello jerry surprised to see you here today the golf course closed as a matter of fact i'm on my way there right now so i only have a minute well look sit down sit down what's on your mind look i think we need to get david williams off the committee he's a nice guy but he's going in a different direction than we are you know wanting to do these radio ads david means well i know he's reading a book by some guy from africa and now he's an expert on evangelism why don't you have a talk with him see if he can find another committee to spend his energy on well i don't know if i could do that why not you're the chairman of the committee he wants to spend all of our budget on something that's gonna fly by in 60 seconds i mean come on thousands of people will come by our booth over the three days at the expo it's a no-brainer and you know it let's just vote on that next meeting okay but it shouldn't have gotten this far i'd like to offer you 350 to air my ad on your station just once during that time slot 350. yes i understand you normally charge 300 but i have limited funds do you know how much this station build last year we don't need your 350 i'm not selling anything with it doesn't matter but you have the largest station in the city with the most listeners and i plan to keep it that way i know what the people want and i give it to them yes but what people want most of the time is the exact opposite of what they really need i suppose they really need to hear your religious message well yes not on my station okay about 400 no deal mr summers what is it going to take to run my ad on your station at that time slot this is really important to you isn't it mr williams yes ma'am it is you want to run your religious ad on my station at one minute before noon that's right okay i'll let you run your ad thank you it's very kind of you for fifteen hundred dollars what charlie cash please be reasonable miss summers i am i don't want your religious ad on my station so if it's that important to you it will be 15 100 bills in advance have a nice day mr williams she is crazy that's what she said you did tell her no i didn't tell her anything well it's obvious she doesn't want the gospel on her station well all the more reason why we need to be on there you're not thinking about airing that ad for fifteen hundred dollars i don't know what i'm thinking even if you are how are you gonna come up with the money well i was hoping that the outreach committee would see the importance of it and agree to it david you don't even know if they're going to vote to do it and now you have to tell them this there you are hey sean thank you hey sean you got that radio on all day all day what station do you have it on it's always on the one i used to play me irish music but the customers didn't appreciate it you're good man sean see you bye david hi what can i get for you hey any of you guys go to church here why do you want to know well i see you playing ball on our grounds just wondering it used to does that mean we can't play here anymore no you can play here what's your name justin where do you live justin this week or last week what's that supposed to mean last week my mom this week my dad see parents are divorced no they love each other so much that they live in separate houses i'm sorry to hear that [Music] all right let's go guys [Music] we're going to do a secret ballot you vote for what you'd like to do we've got the business expo the basketball camp or the radio ads i would ask that you just mark one don't put your name on the paper fold them once and then pass them in [Music] well well the vote was three to two to two we're doing the business expo again oh i'm sorry yeah i feel like i just lost an election well you got two votes so someone in that room saw it your way and you tried what else can you do help set up a booth at the business expo again i guess [Music] reuben that was the weekend hey man i um i got some tragic news about someone you know what happened it was in a bulletin yesterday morning i'm sorry man the report said he was trying to witness to a group of fanatics and they beat him to death right there in the middle of broad daylight he was trying to tell his enemies about jesus where was this northern nigeria i'm sorry i just heard mr odom speak at a church not too long ago yeah i saw where he was coming i even had a chance to talk with him that night for a while he thought the church in america was in great danger danger what kind of danger well we're sitting there in his hotel and he started telling me how he thought the devil was deceiving the people in america david when you drove up tonight did you notice the church across from the hotel church right across from the hotel i'm sorry i didn't they had a big sign you must have seen it all i noticed was a movie theater yes that is it the big church but it was just a movie theater that my friend is the most powerful church in america it's a place where thousands go every week for fellowship i don't understand the enemy is using the movie theater and other media to accomplish his purpose i'm still quite not following you let me explain there's nothing sinful about a movie theater a television or radio these are all great inventions what can be sinful though is the content presented by them in america you have many christians who go to the theater but they do not use discernment about what the devil is doing to them so what do you call it the most powerful church in america i will give you an example and show you how powerful the movie theater is in this country now what time does your church meet on the weekend sunday morning let's say i go to your church and preach the morning sermon halfway through discernment i cursed the name of jesus or as some would say i used the lord's name in vain will that not wake up your congregation so then i preach a little more and i cursed his name again how would they react to that then i preached a little more and i cursed his name again would the people not be upset then i bring up a young couple on the platform and they start to kiss and take their clothes off right there in church on a sunday morning how long do you think your congregation will allow this to go on would they not say this is the most awful thing to curse the name of jesus in church and to have them take off their clothes here in front of everyone would they not be appalled would they not yell out stop it you cannot do this in this place but yet i say 12 hours earlier on saturday night in a movie theater when this exact same thing occurs it is entertainment my friend something is wrong we must make up our mind it is either entertainment saturday night in the theater and entertainment sunday morning in church or it is most sinful sunday morning in church and most sinful saturday night in the theater this is why i say the movie theater is the most powerful church in america it's the only place where christians go to hear the name of jesus christ used as a swear word and to watch nakedness and yet pay their money to be entertained never thought of it like that before i say this trembling david most people who go to church in america no not jesus the bible says in the last days men will become lovers of pleasure more than lovers of god is this not the case in america now ask yourself would i go to the movie theater to hear my name cursed then why go to the theater to hear his name cursed david would you go to the theater to see your daughter naked on the screen so why go see someone else's daughter naked on the screen it's just great sinfulness in the eyes of god i don't know what to say what can we do we must try and turn this all around use the movie theater for jesus we need dramatic programming on television for the lord use radio to tell others the gospel satan does not want any of this to happen and will work to stop anyone who tries to change it so beware i understand the media has the power in this country david the airwaves the movies the music it is how the enemy is working just look around you and observe what really moves the people and influences their lives is it not entertainment and the media they control the people they have the power of the air apart from me lord for i'm a sinful man danielle and i used to go to the theater almost every weekend i also watched a lot of movies during the week i never thought about any of this we've all become very desensitized a few important things he said to me the world and jesus are always 180 degrees apart always hollywood is of the world and yet this is our source of entertainment second he said it's not a sin to watch a movie the issue is what's the message it's either for the lord or against him it's either gonna build you up or tear you down it's either going to corrupt you or edify you it's one or the other and why not choose the godly and if the godly is not available choose nothing at all i hear you one more important thing he said if you turn away from ungodly movies and media that doesn't make you right with the lord that can just be a work of the flesh he said we must turn to the lord first and the spirit of god will help you turn from these ungodly movies and influences it's always got to start with the lord he needs to be the lord of our entertainment choices that man was killed for sharing the gospel of jesus christ and i'm having a hard time giving up movies that curse his name [Music] what kind of a christian am i [Music] you know just think if everyone who went to church in this country i decided not to watch any more movies that cursed his name or had any sort of nudity in it or any vulgar language just think how that would affect the entertainment being offered by hollywood that that would start a revolution maybe it's time we started one we must try and turn this all around use the movie theater for jesus we need dramatic programming on television for the lord use radio to tell others the gospel does not want any of this to happen and will work to stop anyone who tries to change it use radio to tell others the gospel use radio to tell others the cost use radio to tell others the gossip i need to do this what put the gospel on all those radio stations think of all the people who will hear about christ i agree but how are you going to pay the cost well we have some money but that's our savings well what are we saving it for so we can buy something that we don't need david there's nothing wrong with having a savings i know i'm not saying that i just can't sit around and do nothing look if the lord wants you to do this then he'll provide a way he'll get you the money maybe he already has it's sitting in our savings account why don't you pray and ask god for some clear direction oh i did last night and i feel he wants me to do this okay well then he'll provide a way just keep listening you'll know we'll know why don't you ask the outreach committee if they want to help you with the cost the worst they can say is no okay man the wife wants to catch some new love story coming this friday it starts at 805 so let me show that around 7 40. don't be late i'm sorry ribbon can't make it not again let's have a cookout instead we'll invite over another couple we got a new game called guess what it's kind of like charades it'll be a blast guys versus the girls what do you think sounds fine but we're already planning on going to the movie we'll do that another night i'm also thinking about starting a movie ministry at my church uh with show movie once a month on a friday night uh you could start one at your church i'll be out with it yeah i guess but what's up why don't you go to the movies with us this is three times in a row now i'm sorry my friend yeah but what's the deal this ain't like you you and i've been friends for a long time and nothing's gonna change that i just can't go to these movies anymore hell come you're trying to eliminate the voice of the world and pay more attention to the word of god he said that they made a decision not to go to films that used the lord's name in vain or had any nudity in them or even bad language that's almost all of them yeah i know and they're not reading the mainstream media as much or letting it dictate the way they think about issues and things david says that the media is almost always preaching the opposite of what the bible says anyway he's right about that i didn't even know they were doing this he also said that it's really made a difference that their minds are cleared up a lot in they're more sensitive to the things of the lord now david wants to start a movie ministry instead of going to the theater on friday nights we'll show a christian film once a month at the church on a friday night he wants to know if we would help i said i would me too i want to help too you know david is one of my best friends but he's always been one of jesus to me and i've always been more into movies to him i'm sorry i should have been a much better man than that in that book david was telling me mr odom thinks that for most people entertainment is that god and not jesus and that there's a quick test that we could take what type of test he said for one week don't watch any movies or television don't listen to the radio or any music don't even get on the internet or read magazines and newspapers in other words completely eliminate all types of media and worldly entertainment from your life for one week okay and then the next week go back to using the media like you normally would but this time you don't pray you don't go to church you don't read the bible you don't even speak about the lord to anyone and do that for one week okay now here's the test question after those two weeks ask yourself and be completely honest what did you miss more and their dead bodies shall lie on the street of the great city and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and a half shall see their bodies hey justin you got a minute you're playing man i just need a minute all you guys just stop what you're doing week from friday we're gonna be showing a movie at our church actually the fellowship hall that building right over there i'd like to invite you guys to come and see it it's free why you got a movie theater in there no but we got a big screen and a good sound system see it's about 150 people it'll feel just like a movie theater what's the movie it's an action-packed thriller guaranteed to keep you on the edge of your seats yeah ajavar sees to leave no thanks man all right you're right it's uh it's not an action film it's actually drama but you'll like it not interested hey justin sorry to hear that your parents are divorced and that you have to go back and forth from house to house that must be really tough maybe that's the case with some of the other guys as well but if you come see this movie next week i guarantee the message in this film will help you out in your situation i guarantee it just think about it eight o'clock well some of the ladies have volunteered to work the booth at the expo i think it would be good idea if we showed up for a little while to help out here's a sheet that uh notes the times the ladies have indicated they'll be there take a look at it and uh see if you can fit in an hour or two while you're doing that uh david has asked for a minute so he could uh make an announcement it's all yours thank you i was reading the book of revelation and something jumped off the page at me it was a truth i had never seen before i just want to let you know that i'm planning on going ahead with a radio outreach and i felt like the urgency of this was confirmed in my heart even more from what i read in revelation chapter 11 we'll read about the two witnesses who will be on the earth during the tribulation prophesying for 1260 days after this time they will be killed and the bible says in verse 8 that their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city and then in verse 9 it says that the people and the nations will see their dead bodies for three and a half days now you could read over that and not think anything about it in fact i went to a seminary library and i looked up that passage in every commentary i could find written in the early 1900s or before and no one could explain those verses so what are you getting at it says that all the people and the nations will see the dead bodies of the two witnesses lying in the street now how could that happen before 1950 it couldn't but around 1950 tv started popping up in homes and today through tv and the internet you can see anything you want in the whole world live as it happens do you see how significant this is the technology that has exploded all around us is actually a sign of the end times i am convinced that we are living in the last days before the return of christ and it is the utmost urgency that we share the gospel as much as we can with whoever we can and however we can and that is key here people have to hear the gospel for even a chance to be saved so why are you telling us this i wanted to see if we could use any of the leftover funds from the citywide outreach for the radio ads i was hoping that there would be some yeah i think we've pretty much used up the budget with the uh booth construction the fees all the information we'll be handing out i don't think we'll have anything left could we possibly pull from another fund that i doubt it this is the only money designated for this type of outrage okay i see i appreciate any prayers for the radioheads i'll let you know when we're going to air them david david have you ever owned your own company no jerry i haven't i can tell i know you mean well wanting to do these radio ads and if you want to waste your money that's your choice but it's not good business but it could be good ministry the expo is both practical and personable and we get to meet people face to face if you do those radio ads i bet you won't get one phone call not a single one and they're gonna cost what 18 1900 bucks that's a lot of money to waste for absolutely nothing don't you think i'm just trying to help have a good evening no jerry you're mistaken it's going to cost 3 075 bucks now that's a lot of money for absolutely nothing danielle hmm i wanted to let you know that i've been praying about this i mean really praying about this the lord didn't allow me to meet mr oden for no reason i asked the committee even though i didn't feel at peace about asking them anyway in fact i don't have peace about asking anybody i know it's a lot of money if we were to pay for these ads out of our own savings i told the lord about it and i've been waiting for him to provide but so far nothing's happened makes me think that he wants me to pay for this so you please at least pray about it and see if you have peace if you don't then we don't do anything but at least pray about it okay okay thanks i love you i love you too hey randy have you prepared those music reviews for this weekend oh becky i'm sorry i forgot you need me to do them yeah if you don't mind yeah no problem oh and uh what about those movie reviews i haven't seen them yet either i cancelled them canceled them they've always done really well for us yeah i know i canceled because i can't do them anymore you sure yeah i'm sure we're gonna start doing reviews for christian books until i can find some christian movies okay sorry i didn't tell you are you all right yeah i'm good thanks for helping me sure we caught the rose tower over the weekend didn't i have marla downing in it oh yeah in fact it had a whole lot of marla downing in it did you catch it reuben no i didn't how about you david no what is happening to you guys you're slipping on seeing your movies i think every man in our bible study group saw it the duchone nudity what do you mean you know what i mean what are you the censor board no did it a little a little like one scene a couple maybe three you guys have a problem with that wait are we under an investigation here or something no then what gives come on guys you know what i'm getting at [Music] we're all christians here i mean do you think it's right that we go see movies that have a woman taking off her clothes on the big screen are you implying that we're not christians if we do i'm just asking if it's right i'm out of here yeah me too guys guys wait wait what if that woman up on the screen was not marla downing what if that woman was our mother [Music] or our sister [Music] or our daughter or our wife i would like to say a brief word to you about the enemy satan has one goal for you he wants you to live your life without jesus he does not care what you do just as long as you do it without christ exclude jesus from your daily life from your entertainment choices from the work you do keep jesus out this is the agenda of the devil you see the devil knows that in order for people to spend eternity in heaven they must have christ in their life before they die how do they get christ by believing the gospel before people can believe the gospel they must first hear it the devil does not want this to happen so he will do whatever he can to distract anyone from first sharing the gospel second from hearing it and finally from believing it had a little deal today with benny and gerard what happened well we're at lunch and the subject of movies came up so i spoke up about it and it's not worth saying anything danielle you just come across condemning and you make enemies real quick well what'd they say well nothing really it's just a subject matter where you can't win i mean don't try to tell people what they can or cannot watch and don't try to convict anybody david williams i'm surprised to hear this from you what i'm just saying that people can't receive it so why try so why try you received it when mr odom told you yeah i guess it's just hard so does this mean you're not gonna do the radio ads now doesn't look like it god hasn't allowed anyone to step forward with the money so without that we don't do them [Music] he just did don't ever be ashamed to speak up about jesus christ he wasn't ashamed when he died on that cross for you now i think it's time we shared the gospel with as many people in this city who will listen hello miss summers david williams do you remember me i have a very good memory mr williams well we're about to run our ad and i wanted to ask you if you consider coming down on your price what did i tell you before well you said 1500 ma'am well that price still stands i haven't changed my mind like i mentioned before i have a limited funds and if you could possibly lower your price i'd be most appreciative fifteen hundred dollars mr williams but that's five times your normal rate i only want to air this ad one time on your station it'll be 2 000 if you want to keep negotiating [Music] thanks for calling the one just a moment you're not really planning on spending this much money to air your ad are you why because it's important very important you must really think you're right i believe the message in the bible is right but people in different countries believe in different things i mean who's to say who's right and who's wrong they could all be right there can only be one god the bible says that the lord is god for your religion the bible works for you but for other people's religion they have their own books that work for them every religion in the world teaches that man has to do something to get to god but in christianity god did something to get to man there's a big difference thank you for all your help all right this may seem a little primitive but it's the best i can offer now we use these phones from time to time during the year for call-ins well how many phones do you have 20. you think that'll work for you yeah that should be fine well speaking of work i'll does it oh give me your phone i'll show you hello can you hear me all right right hold on the line and we'll call the same number again hello can you hear me all right yes if all the lines are busy voicemail puts him on hold plus it's a toll-free number i've already talked to the owner he said the calls are all on us so there's no charge really yes sir thank you so much randy this will be great all right let's go cut that spot okay david you know what you're gonna say uh sorta do you have your copy written out well i wrote down a few things uh david when we sit down to do a commercial we usually have everything written out well i was just gonna sort of speak from the heart okay say testing one two three testing one two three okay just sit there talking your normal voice i'll give you a signal when you have 15 seconds left and then i'll count you down from five all right you ready ready um i can't hear 37 people so far now that's not gonna break any box office records but for the first movie not so bad i think it's great people like what they see they'll tell others hey we do this once a month we could really build a good ministry here i'm with you man thanks for coming we'll just have a seat anywhere movie's about to start oh hey justin what made you decide to come cause what you said was right man going back and forth in between houses it's been tough [Music] yes mr david williams is here to see you who david williams the guy with the religious ad oh stephanie i'm so tired of this tell him no he says he has the money here's the spot i'd like to air this thursday at 11 59 a.m and here is the payment [Music] put it on the schedule okay oh miss summers what is it now thank you what you working on i am writing down steps to salvation with bible verses i figured we could put these by each phone and share with people when they called that's a good idea hey uh we also need a few more people to help us answer phones we got 20 of them and i've already spoken to reuben and cindy and they can help us randy's in and you and i make five i can start calling people thanks oh and uh we need a few more radios to help monitor the ads just to make sure that they air you know randy's got several of them but we need a few more okay we need radios anything else yeah apparently god uses this [Music] hey man this thursday 11 59 a.m be there by 11 45 don't be late what's playing some bible that my buddy did we'll be there man i have someone coming from the office too oh thanks we need the help by the way what's this ad ready hey charlie you got that cd for the religious ad i need it for tomorrow oh it's here somewhere thanks can you believe he paid 1500 bucks to air this thing and what's he gonna do change the world in 60 seconds stephanie run the ad at 11 54. pardon that ad run it at 11 54. but he paid to have it air at 11 59. i said 11 54. but charlie do we have a contract with him no did we sign anything no 11 54. [Music] randy how's it going david going good all right we're all set i've got these radios set to the 16 station so we know we're on the air i want to need your help to check them all on the ad plays you got it well how about the phones the phones are good too i've already left a message on the voicemail just in case do you have enough people coming to help you tomorrow yes well some danielle got someone to cover her lunch uh reuben and cindy are coming uh we're just trying to get a few more sounds good it's a big day tomorrow gospel minute yeah i guess you could say that come on let me show you how to check these [Music] radios [Music] [Music] hey hey how are you doing yeah just thinking about what i just spent 3075 of our savings on 160 second commercial it's gonna air on 16 radio stations tomorrow we're not trying to sell anything we're not going to make a penny from this sounds kind of crazy doesn't it yes it does mr williams and you're married to the man who made that business transaction yes i am mr williams i might not get one phone call that could be mr williams i just want to reach one soul for christ and honor mr odom that's why i love you mr williams it's do we know if anybody else is coming yes there should be two more no make that three okay good hey you know how many phones we need yet uh not exactly we think 13 14. all right well i'll just set up for whoever comes charlie where's charlie she wasn't feeling well so she went home hey frank switch the time on that religious ad to 11 59. david two minutes okay everybody listen up i'd like to explain what's going to happen here at 11 59 a.m all 16 radio stations in the listening area will be playing a 60-second announcement sharing the gospel at the end of the ad a phone number will be given if your phone rings i'd like for you to answer jesus loves you this is david or whatever your name is next to each phone there's a sheet i've written down some bible verses to help you i also have a list of good churches you can suggest around the city i try to tell them about one near where they live if you can i also have a place to get their name and their phone number if they want to give it to you now we're not trying to talk anybody into anything this is not a numbers game i want this to be all god he has to draw people to himself so just listen to the need on the other line and answer appropriately any questions okay i want to thank everyone for helping out today and i have to admit i don't think i've been any more nervous in my whole life 30 seconds okay here we go [Music] [Music] in the bible jesus christ said i am the light of the world i am the bread of life i am the door i am the good shepherd i am the true vine i am the resurrection i am the way the truth and the life the bible says that jesus christ died for our sins according to the scriptures was buried and rose again the third day according to the scriptures it also says that god commended his love toward us and that while we were yet sinners christ died for us and lastly the bible says whoever shall call upon the name of the lord shall be saved if you need help in understanding who jesus christ is and what he did for you please give us a call at 800-555-7500 that's 800-555-7500 the call is free thanks for listening and god bless you [Music] oman aired mine too lord bless your word that just went [Music] forth [Music] [Music] jesus loves you this is david i heard this message on radio and i really feel guilty about a lot of bad things i've done i i need help can you help me yes sir jesus christ can't help you he absolutely can help you jesus loves you this is danielle [Music] yes i can tell you about jesus christ certainly [Music] jesus loves you this is randy absolutely jesus loves you this is reuben yeah you got the right place [Music] jesus loves you this is cindy this is [Music] god [Music] well first of all you have to confess and realize that you're a sinner and we're all sinners but the bible says all have sinned and come short of the glory of god we can't get to heaven on our own or if our good works our sin is in the way that's why we need jesus he offered himself as a sacrifice for our sins we believe in jesus by faith the bible says without faith it's impossible to please god right now you can pray and ask jesus to forgive your sins to come into your life and to save you would you like to do that god bless you god bless you very much [Music] jesus loves you this is david first corinthians 15 hello this is david can i help you i'll just stay on the line we're here to help you if we can [Music] i'd like to know more about jesus i think i need him we all need him we all need jesus more than anything [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Christian Movies
Views: 807,196
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Films, Movies, Entertainment, christian movies, christian films, faith based films, new religious movies, religious movies, Feature Films, Nicholas X. Parsons, Patty Duke, Michael Gross, Dave Christiano, Christiano Brothers, Christiano Brothers Movie, Christiano, Power of the Air Movie, Power of the Air Full Movie, Power of the Air Feature Film, Power of the Air, Missionary, church, deception, deciept, gospel, unexpected challenges, struggle, power of Hollywood, power of media
Id: sjEWbpGvswo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 3sec (5403 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 02 2021
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