Step Into Your Purpose For Coaches & Educators | Lisa Nichols

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Hello hello hello! How are you guys doing? Hello  hello hello! That was like a real dialogue thing. How you doing honey? I'm so excited to be  with you guys I'm so excited to be here we were here a few days ago with the extraordinary summit  which was just that extraordinary how many guys   were here for that it makes them noise I love you  guys we had a great time we were in an amazing   love fest and then I dashed home for two days to  come back today and tomorrow I start our platinum   training down by at the Hilton by the bay with  our platinum coaches for the next three days so   it has been a whirlwind wonderful time I could not  allow this to launch and happen and not be here so   while the scheduling was a challenge a bit the yes  was very easy how many guys know sometimes the yes   and your belly is easy the how is what you got  to work out but the yes is clear right I love it   when you feel that way I love it when you know  that because it's real easy to move a mountain   when you've decided to move the mountain so I came  by and Jude asked me to come by to really have a   necessary conversation I think all of us needs  the Hat all of us need to have just about what   does abundance look like to you you're in the  world of coaching you're coaching people how to   stand in their greatness stay in their greatness  move to their greatness own their greatness how   to move out of their junk how to get unstuck how  to push past their fears how to keep going where   they normally would stop how to press reset how  to redesign their lives reconnect their lives I   know a little bit about coaching I do a little  bit that's what you're here for really you're   teaching people how to have abundance and not  just that old definition of abundance not to   say that unilateral abundance is about finances  and possessions but you're really here to teach   people about 360 abundance yes yes okay y'all  look why let me explain something somebody I   don't know how many guys it's your first time in  a room with me live oh oh that's why then I got my   oh geez in the house we go way back okay so when  I when I am in church and I say something people   like they say Amen but we're not in church when  I'm with my girls and it's just me and my girls   and I say something they love they say you go  girl but guys don't worry I won't have you do   that when I say something that resonates with you  just you not the coach but the man or the woman I   want you to say yes yes but I want ii yes to be  a little bit louder than the first as a matter   of fact I want the second yes to be a lot louder  than the first yes that second yes has to cost you   a little something so let's try it on the count of  three this is a real test one two three ms:i not   quite worth all the traffic that I just set in to  get here I want that second yes to be that yes to   your dreams I want that second yes to be that  yes that you say when no one else agrees with   you I want that sucking yes to be that yes that  says I have to do this this is not an option this   is non-negotiable is that yes it comes from your  core so we're in a little louder on the count of   three one two three every time you hear something  that resonates with your soul I want you to say I   want you to say when it feels good you say watch  my truth that's who I am even if I may not see it   today I may have seen it yesterday as other people  don't see it that still Who I am every time you   hear it I want you to say even if your neighbor  isn't playing yet I want you to still say what   and when I finish speaking and when you go for  a coffee breaker you're hanging out and someone   says something and it feels good to your soul I  want you to say and when another teacher comes on   and they say something amazing and wonderful let  them know they did let them know you resonate with   them by saying and when you leave this place and  you're back at home and something feels good and   even though we're not physically there even though  we're not together in this tribe again physically   but we are still together emotionally and  spiritually I still want you at home to say what   and even if you're holding your vision alone and  no one else gets in I still want you to say what   without me putting my damn hand here here I still  want you to say what without me even indicating   that is that you could say it I want you to not  ask permission I just want you to jump right out   and say when it feels right for you just saying as  you know when your truth is touched and I'm having   you say it so that you get the audible indication  that something served my soul right then that I'm   awakened alive and I'm playing full-out and I  want you to say yes yes because people don't   allow us to agree with something out loud that  they can't like the necklace but this is your   journey you know one can deduct and don't whisper  it yes yeah I want you to say it boldly I want you   to step into that next best season boldly I want  you to know that I'm in the right place at the   right time with the right people doing the right  thing having the right conversation yes yes yes   yes like you have to move a mountain some of you  to get here you have to change your schedule you   invest it you travel yes and you're here in this  room right now when you're in this room play full   out I want that second yes to be something you did  not give up this morning expecting the second now   why would I ask you to say yes yes why would I  ask you to make the second yes louder than the   first yes it's not just a cliche it's not just the  monstrous not just something so you can remember   me later it's not that at all see several years  ago when I realized my life was taking a path and   it was a path way beyond what I had imagined the  first yes was to me it's easy yes yes I want to   be a speaker yes I want to be a coach yes only be  an author yes I want to inspire people but that's   second yes the reason why needs to be a little  bit louder than the first yes or a lot louder   the first yet is because the second yes wasn't to  me the second yes is to the divine assignment on   my life the second guess is to the assignment on  your life that's bigger than what you could ever   see yes yes that second yes is going to cost you  something in order to be that man in order to be   that woman you're going to have to get out of your  own way yes yes in order to produce something that   you've never produced before you're gonna have  to save something you've never said before do   something you've never done before so you can be  the man the woman you've always known yourself to   be yes yes that's going to cost you something so  that's second yes got to be a little bit louder in   the first year so it can pull up your courage that  it was in the second yesterday Jeep was able to   get on this stage it was in the second yesterday  Jeep was able to go out to the ocean it wasn't the   first yes that's an easy yes that's that polish  yes that you do that that you're 70% by the way   impresses everybody yes come on yeah I forgot to  tell you got to say yes yes even if I like bust   you out and sit and you know how long you got to  say yes even in because you're brilliant this room   ever coach MindValley will only attract brilliant  conscious people who are about doing big things in   the world so what we have to remember is that our  70% if someone if someone else's 159 percent come   on you guys you know them you know that person  they're at home right now watching Hulu Netflix   or something while you're here growing your butt  mine and so you have to realize that where is my   second yes where is that yes that makes my knees  knock in my teeth chatter I want to go find that   yes I love it read stories he talked about knees  knocking and teeth chattering and doing it anyway   that's the kind of coach I want to have I want to  have that kind of kosher says yes I'm afraid but   watch me leap full of fear I'm not going to hold  my fear and and take of real estate in my fear I'm   going to leave with my fear I got to come with  me or leave yes yes I look at my life and it's   barely recognizable that by no-one's accord I  should be here no one's record should I be here   I was that kid right up the road about a hundred  and twenty miles in Los Angeles I struggled for   twelve years all through school my highest rate  was a c-plus a c-plus don't forget my plus if you   tell my story later so the a students the plus  don't matter but to us see students how many   see students in the room okay thank you thank you  thank you the plus matters doesn't it I was a C+   student and I got to tell you when I would get a  CI come home and do the happy dance go Lisa it's   a birthday because I worked hard for that see I  I didn't learn quickly I found out later that I   was wonderfully significantly dyslexic but while I  was in school I didn't know I just know everything   was turned backwards everything just felt like it  cuz I couldn't get it fast and the school system   didn't want to wait on me they didn't had time to  wait on me so I struggled I know I passed several   classrooms I was an ice cube there like you so  nice we just gonna bash you I accept I accept   your kindness and so when I look at my life the  last time I took an English class I gotta fail   my English teachers told me in front of the entire  classroom Lisa you have to be the weakest writer   I've ever met in my entire life see some of your  greatest gifts came wrapped in sandpaper yes yes   some your greatest gifts I stand in front of  you today a seven-time best-selling author so   I guess somebody understands my writing now let  me get this straight I don't grammar is not my   thing I don't know where to put the period I'm  a run-on sentence mama I don't put a period so   I'll finish my thought and then and then and now  I'm done and I don't even know why they invented   somebody : : who invented a semicolon or a colon  like you must have been bored like really weird so   I remember when my first best seller came out  I realized wait a minute I don't have to be a   great writer I just have to have great stories  there's an editor somewhere this is dying to   put that semicolon in there so being willing to  leap I look at my life and I ten days ago I I   just moved into new offices I started my offices  in 1994 in a closet a walk-in closet and I had   handheld mirrors that came from CVS 499 mirrors  that have mounted the wall in my walk-in closet   so my office can look bigger and I took the pant  hangers that were on the rack and I clipped my   manila folders on the pant hangers and that was  my filing system and I worked out of that closet   for four years that closet was where I birthed my  dreams and I'm sitting there in that closet in the   yellow pages some of y'all know what I'm talking  about but others who way back in the day right and   I'm trying to find new people to tell I got great  I have inspiration I can inspire your community I   can inspire your business in the Yellow Pages I  call 21 companies ten people took my call four   people gave me a chance I said hi I'm calling  behalf police'll Nichols I was at least I was   calling on behalf of Lisa Nichols and I just what  you know she's an amazing motivational speaker and   you've qualified to get a free speaking engagement  but you have the book of the next ten days and I   got four engagements now the beginning of my  career and I look back I look back on those   days when my son and I ate beanies and weenies for  six days out of the week and I try to change the   beanie and change the weenie and put a different  kind of sauce in it add a little barbecue sauce I   did everything I could but I was willing to risk  it all to gain it all so I just stopped by to   ask you are you willing to risk it all to gain at  all are you will and are you willing to place so   big you scare yourself are you willing to seem  a little strange a little bizarre you know you   walk in this room and and when you get into this  room and you get around everyone you go I think   it's okay I think it's okay for me to pull it out  I think it's okay for me to pull out my unicorn   I've been faking like I'm a horse all week long  I am so glad I'm finally amongst people who are   okay being different yes yes and so I just stopped  by I stopped by to to introduce the conversation   of possibility at another level of abundance at  another level 360 abundance and to share with you   some things that abundant thinkers think abundant  thinkers live abundant thinkers are constantly in   the space of so you may want to write these  down because these are the things and a lot   of this is in my book that came out in January  a bun now and it was funny because my I got a   million dollars to write my book over a million  dollars write my book and I tell people and I   said how did you feel getting a million dollar to  write your book I said the only thing that made   the million dollars beautiful was the fact that  I got a fail in English the last time I took a   English class that's the distance a possibility  that's the distance of what you can create when   you become radical and not negotiable I wasn't  supposed to be here by many people staff I wasn't   told to be here I wasn't qualified to be here see  all of that woman on government's assistance in   1994 I was that woman on WIC women infant and  children in 1994 I was that woman that couldn't   afford to put pampers on my son so I'll wrap them  in a towel for two days in 1995 I'm that woman so   what would get me to being a best selling author  times seven books running a multi-million dollar   company having my company go public two years ago  and go off or we're fair to Wall Street it will   simply be being non-negotiable so I just got by  to check in if you're willing to be non-negotiable   if you're willing to stop asking the world for  permission to be amazing to be brilliant to be   divine stop asking the world for permission and  begin today to give the world notice CAG says   something's going to happen to you while you're  here and I love that have an expectation on your   life you didn't come here for them to do you okay  oh geez I'm here do me no this is your life your   opportunity you're brilliant see the doors have  been open and now you dance to your rhythm sing to   your song you play to your tune and all you need  to do is pick up a little bit here and pick up a   little bit there and then take radical action and  become non-negotiable yes yes be willing abundant   thinkers number one abundant thinkers don't just  have macro wins abundant thinkers create micro   wins so the statement is abundant thinkers create  micro lens to get to macro you're going to play   big say big you're going to play huge st. huge  you're going to play ginormous a ginormous but   first pick baby steps you gonna eat the elephant  take one small bite first chew it good right we   want so much so fast my grandmother says baby  she starts every sentence with baby I'm sure   it's because she cannot remember all of our names  she's a baby the best things you'll ever have from   Grandma will never come from the microwave they  always come from the oven and I was like I think   some somehow she's trying to give me a lesson  here and I realized that the best things that   you're going to create are going to take time  build it on cement not thinking saying you're   going to get tons and tons and tons of tools here  and you're going to want to fast forward when you   fast forward you're building on Plexiglas you've  been on styrofoam you bet on wood you want to   build it on semen your dream is important enough  to outlive you yes yes and so I realized that   that you can't Google download resiliency you  can't Google download tenacity you can't Google   download forgiveness there are some of the best  qualities and characteristics that's going to   take you a long way that you need to invest time  in and energy in and intention in you don't just   get patience I want patience I'm reading prepare  somebody's gonna piss you off tomorrow then now   you get to test of your patience I realized  I realized that as I wanted to develop me I   have to be willing to climb and I wanted to get  to the top and there's no elevator to the top I   got to do my squats I got to work on my quads  and my hamstrings and my calves because I got   a climb to the top we got a climb and you got  the perfect tools so as abundant thinkers you   create micro winds to get to macro winds number  two abundant thinkers are not just responsible   for our actions and our thoughts abundant  thinkers are responsible for their reaction abundant thinkers are not just responsible for  your actions and your thoughts we're responsible   for our reactions as well when you look at every  great leader not the kooky ones ya all know but   the great leader you don't trigger a great  leader you don't trigger an abundant thinker   you may cause them to pause but you don't  have the power to trigger them because we've   become responsible for our reaction that's next  level right that's next level that's next level   abundant thinkers abundant thinkers don't spend  our time on penny tasks abundant thinkers don't   spend dollar time on penny tasks what's the  highest revenue-generating activity that only   keyword is only you can do what's the highest  service activity that only you can do see the   best thing that I can do in my company at all  times is create content create content or get   in front of people anything else I'm out of my  lane anything else I'm an impersonator now I'm   personally all the times on my staff crazy I  never both Yoji lanes did I feel a little odd   I feel fine no that feels odd y'all chillin  and I get back in my lane abundant thinkers   abundant thinkers keep themselves in a constant  state of cognitive dissonance write that down   abundant thinkers keep themselves in a constant  state a constant state of cognitive dissonance   your creative spell it any way you want now what  is cognitive dissonance cognitive dissonance is   when you have literally thought about a version  of yourself that you're not currently living   right now meaning the thought that you have of  yourself your behaviors are not congruent with so   your mind becomes disrupted your mind says wait  a minute you're seeing me here but I might be   haters aren't here and when you keep yourself in a  constant state your mind begins to influence your   behaviors to be congruent with your thoughts ooh  next level cognitive dissonance abundant thinker   that's why he went out to the ocean that's why  he's up on faces constantly seen himself further   than what his behaviors want to really do and then  when he does it now I got that down constantly   now it's being grateful for your now yes yes  being grateful for your now but clearly seeing   where you're going and not resting until you get  there yes yes and then becoming abundant thinkers   live in non negotiable adverse thinkers live an  optional hmm a first thing cuz if I really would   love to have a new business but your behaviors  are not control what you say you would love when   you move from optional to non-negotiable you  slit you slit every other option off the table   Alice's interviewed 155 times in five months and  the number one question I was asked was Lisa how   did you go from public assistance to go in public  how did you go from welfare to Wall Street how   did you build a multi-million dollar business how  did you do it and I look at this I just slit every   other option off the table like I really did I  split every option there was no other option burn   the ship burn the ship don't go back there wasn't  there was no other option I didn't even I didn't   have a plan B it's a capital A our baby damn a  but is a if now or later but imma get it once you   get to that place something happens the universe  aligns with you because you're so intentional I   was an investor meeting and I was raising capital  for my first company motivating the team spirit   and one of the investors in the room prospective  investors he raised his hand I'm telling imma do   this and this is back 15 16 17 years ago I had no  evidence how many are right there you have idea   but you have no evidence of what you was coming  forward right right so I'm talking to you I had   no evidence in the world what I was going to  produce none but I'm on fire and you know your   your passion is can be contagious not because I  believed it like you got to believe you you got   to be your cheer like nobody else is going to  be your cheerleader and I'm telling about what   I was going to do and said you know my wife and I  don't have children we've decided consciously not   to have children we don't even know if we like  children he said but somehow I believe you're   going to do this and I feel like it's my social  responsibility to just help you because you're   on fire he said someone invest $25,000 in your  company he said in I don't even know if I want   to call it an investment because you just seem so  far I just I feel like I just want to get you to   you I said well can I get that in writing yes yes  and so when you're on fire for you you choose the   world how to be on fire for you abundant thinkers  abundant thinkers stop asking permission abundant   thinkers give notice abundant thinkers stop  wondering if the world's going to prove of me   abundant thinkers just do them no one can do you  better than you no one no one can sing to your   rhythm Noah can dance no one can move no one has  your tone no one has your vibration no one can do   you better than you the best gift you can give us  is the best version of you ever and when you've   mastered that you don't the master anyone else  just master you I've heard from so many people   so many television studios oh my god you're the  next Oprah I said yeah fit listen if you want   me to do Oprah I will undoubtably 100% of the time  fail you but if you're ever interested I do a damn   good Lisa nickel I'm just saying I got her down so  when you master you and people are going to choose   you they're going to choose you based on watching  you do you they're gonna choose you not based on   the fact that you've never been not down leather  choose you based on the gracefulness that you   get up with so don't avoid failure where failure  well abundant thinkers is your next point abundant   thinkers fail just write that down abundant  thinkers fail we fail why cuz we risk more we're   putting more out there I risk so much I Drive  everyone crazy around me because I risk abundant   thinkers fail we'll write this down abundant  thinkers only fell forward we only fell forward   we always look at what are the two things that I  did right and what are the three things that I can   improve upon and we let that improvement inform  our future see when you when something doesn't   work the way you want it and you fail fail you're  afraid to leap again that's because you didn't   pull the lesson out of it so it is just a failure  if you don't put Alessa is just a failure when you   have that relationship that didn't in the way you  wanted if you don't pull out all the values that   they gave you all the lessons that you learned all  the joy that you had and you look at just the fact   that you broke up the relationship didn't really  break up but other than that is just two people   who were complete with one another yes yes y'all  should see the way y'all looking at me like this I   will she is intense a G Jen tell us about this he  did not prepare us for her and she off the stage   this is not authorized see all down in front of  us right no one wrote the rules that the rules I   got I'm always out here cuz this is where I want  to be I don't care about a stage they know when   they invite me do you Lisa do you don't read the  handbook that handbook is not your business that   handbook can't have you in it write your own damn  handbook right who cares no one can give the world   of what you can give the world the way you give  the world you know one and when you start dancing   with that level of awareness and that confidence  that you are perfect inside your imperfection yes   yes matter of fact is your imperfection that makes  you perfect for everyone else yes yes because if   you are perfect then you have no clients because  no one will be a match for you hello hello hissing   your transparency your willingness to take them  into your DIMP y'all say dip baby dip baby dip   come everybody come on dip baby dip baby dip  baby dip so look at my life now and I have the   pleasure of having a wildly financially successful  life but it looks nothing like it looked in 1997   1997 my middle name was Lisa NSF check Nichols  I always had so many NSF checks I couldn't pay   attention I was so broke I couldn't do anything  I couldn't see my son I was so broken and finally   I decided wait a minute I cannot live this life  have you ever been to a place where you knew this   is not who I know myself to be this is not who I  am this is incongruent this life is incongruent   with who I know myself to be anybody been there  yes and I I look up I said wait a minute this is   not my destiny and I realized no one was going to  rescue me and I had to rescue myself that I am my   own rescue I was on a Steve Harvey Show about five  or six times and one of the times the first time   actually he said where did you come from what did  you do and I told about the story of not having   any money and being broke and broken and I got to  tell you it's easier to be broke than it is to be   broken C broke I've just got to figure out how  to make some money being broken I got to figure   out how to get in my spirit to want to get out of  bed to go do something and I got broken broken I   then have I thought I was on rock bottom I don't  know if anybody's been there where you thought you   were at rock bottom and then something happening  you went down a couple more notches like oh that   one that wasn't rock bottom yet boo boo boo boo  oh oh that's rock bottom well that happens to me   in 1997 when I thought I was on rock bottom and  then I got this phone call and this may not you   not relate to this just like this story but you'll  have your own story is that okay I'm just going to   tell you my story and we find our humanity in it  it was just a story of of constant hiccups after   hiccup after hiccup after letdown after letdown  after poor decision it was one of those can you   find yours I must share with you mine I get a  phone call and I just had my son and I been born   and raised in LA there's gangs everywhere and  I made a decision as a kid I don't know why I   just made it as a kid that's not my path I don't  want to have anything to do with it so I didn't   have a lot of friends to play with after a while  because everyone was going down that path and   I just refused to go down that path and when my  girlfriend started dating the local neighborhood   boys I thought I'm not doing that because one day  they're gonna do something wrong and they don't   go to jail and then you're gonna be locked a tie  to a man in jail that's not my path every day I'm   watching The Brady Bunch I don't know if y'all  heard know about the Brady Bunch but the Brady   Bunch had a happy life and I will watch The Brady  Bunch I'm gonna have the Brady Bunch life they   walk upstairs you guys know they walk upstairs  you never knew where they went I'm like I don't   know where they going but I'm my son so tired of  me having two-story houses as always have luggage   she's like mom can you stop with the - sir I'm  like I'm not I think it's the Brady Bunch thing   and so I knew early on that I wasn't going to  have that path that my neighborhood had I just   made a decision and I definitely didn't want to be  tied to a man that would end up in prison not my   destiny not on my watch so when I fell in love at  26 you know young love fell in love at 26 and he   was amazing he's brilliant he was a teacher and  I ended up getting pregnant unexpectedly had my   son jeylani I get a call the call like that call  like the one you never want call for me it was the   call of all calls it just took my life hey Lisa  I'm in jail you're what we're 28 years old do are   you kidding me you had a job what are you doing  none of it mattered there's always a reason no   one's ever guilty really miss journey now I have  an african-american male child in South Central   Los Angeles whose father is in prison statistics  say he has a 66 percent chance of duplicating his   father's day well everybody else's kid don't have  this lady as a mama not not on my watch not on my   watch I don't care about statistic they don't know  me I then begin to look and say how can i reinvent   myself how can i reinvent myself i was willing to  evict any part of lisa that would hold her back   to any form of who she was I was willing I was  willing to confront any behavior procrastination   the blame game the fear game codependency anything  that would keep me where I was I was willing to   confront it and evict it and I was willing to also  love some people from a distance I was willing see   I'm not sure about you but see I was in it to  transform my life I needed a life like oxygen   I needed to live my dreams like you need water  every day I don't know about you I don't know   what drives you here I don't know what will keep  you here I don't know what have you take action   but I knew I didn't want to get to the end of my  life and saying I didn't give Lisa a chance hmm   because you know your greatest fear is not that  you're gonna die your greatest fear is that you   will die before the world feels your fingerprint  come on y'all somebody to say yes yes y'all yeah   y'all so-called alike that's your greatest fear is  that the world won't see you before you leave this   place and then you don't know what your - miss the  - between your birthday and your transition day   what did it mean I'm making mine mean something  I don't plan to have any energy left when I leave   this place I want to be so tired I can't wait to  rest for eternity I came up finally I get to lay   down I'm not trying to take it in my brilliance  with me I'm not trying to take any of my courage   with me I'm not trying to take any of my my  thoughts with me any of my love which I want   to give all my love while I'm here I'm gonna  hold it back because the last ding dong didn't   know how to treat me so no I'm not gonna make  my next pay for my ass oh no yeah that's what   some of y'all I'm not gonna make my future pay  for my past I don't want to leave with anything   in me and I just stopped by to see if a few folk  wanted to do the same yeah I just stopped by to   see if I can stir your soul I didn't come here to  keep you comfortable oh no I came here to disrupt   every form of mediocrity in you ah is it working  yeah phoom phoom phoom yeah why no one wants to   be alone I don't want to be alone when I was in  the valley and I damn sure don't want to be alone   I'm on a mountaintop I'm just here to call you to  the thing that you want to be call for see we we   often need someone to love us enough to get in our  face and say you are brilliant live like it you're   amazing live like it you're courageous love like  it you can forgive the unforgivable when you want   to and you can love the unlovable when you choose  to you are brilliant unique unrepeatable miracles   in this room and there's a calling on your life  and you don't get to shake it cuz you're scared   you don't get to shake it because you don't have  all the details you don't get to shake it because   no one supports you you don't get to shake the  calling on your life see with a price you pay for   that ticket that was the least price this seat  here ain't free and wrong you are the chosen   few in this room because to whom much is given  what much is required and you are the perfect   person for this assignment you're the perfect  person with all of your idiosyncrasies with all   of your OCD miss with all of your back you're the  perfect person for this assignment the university   is waiting on you to say yes yes you said the  first yet you said that first yes but you ain't   said that second yes yet you trying to have it not  cost you something your conviction is going to be   inconveniencing ha ha ha ha ha ha see you trying  to keep your convictions inside your convenience   it ain't happening see their conviction can  never be convenient because it's just a choice   what makes it a conviction is when it's cost you  something and you're willing to pay the price come   on y'all come on y'all y'all program I'm just  sayin I'm just I'm just sharing what I have to   do and I haven't arrived anywhere you guys I'm  still on a journey but I've made it through some   phases of this journey and my friend asked me  to stop by and share with you is this what you   wanted me to share with them ok amen amen I never  have notes I don't know what and they I think they   would love me to have a PowerPoint I would get  so confused first of all and my gonna push that   button are they gonna push the buddy you so I just  wondered are you willing in that year when I was   really broken I was really broken I was working  at LA Unified School District I was miserable I   was miserable because I wasn't living in my dream  I was just doing a jato B and then one day I said   well what what do I need to do I need to I need  to buy my freedom that's not he's going to buy my   freedom I don't know about behind my freedom  I don't know about buying I don't know about   having money saved up my family didn't have money  saved up my mother used to tell me oh this money   is burning my pocket so I know two things about  money is hot and we can't keep it long we'd always   have one week when we had all the food in the  refrigerator than one week where we were if the   refrigerator was empty right come on come on some  of you guys know about that to this day I spend   so much money on groceries you guys oh my god is  like I'm feeding like a family of ten because I'm   so afraid of anybody ever being in my house and  being hungry and so I I wrote a check to myself Jelani was 310 dollars I took it to the bank  Wells Fargo I started a new account the next   check I wrote one hundred and twenty-five dollars  and just like the first check I put in the middle   line funding my dream I wasn't even clear what  the dream was but I knew there was something in   my belly so and ezreal know you got something  in your belly it's something I'm not even clear   about it I don't know how clear you are but  I wasn't clear about it but I knew there was   a calling on my life greater than working for  LA Unified School District and no disrespect   to LA Unified School just wasn't my destiny I  wrote another check in two weeks one hundred   and forty six dollars funding my dream now I  started mailing the checks in because I didn't   want to see my balance because I don't want to  go shopping because I you gonna repeat what you   learn right until you decide to not repeat what  you learned so I mailed to check-in and I wrote   another check and I wrote another check if  every check I wrote I made sure it was five   percent more than the first check the net  the previous check I sold my Altima I had   a cardinal solo author book bought a clunker  because it hadn't have a car note now I can   write a bigger check I'm in my dream I moved  out of my three-bedroom three bed three bath   house and moved in became a roommate with my  friend who smokes I put towels at the base of   the door so the smoke wouldn't come to the door I  was willing to be inconvenienced are you I'm just   saying I'm just I'm just showing you the story  I just saw the charge I just gave you I stopped   getting my hair done that was when I started going  natural I said I stopped going out I stopped going   out dancing I stopped going out to dinners my  family know what was going on they thought oh my   god you know as LA she's on drugs but she's not  losing weight so maybe not I don't know what's   going on I kept writing bigger checks to myself  $900 $900 i melted to a fargo sundae my dream $1100 melted to Wells Fargo funding my dream  I still wasn't clear what the dream was I just   knew I had one and it was being born through me  and I needed to give it a chance that's all I   knew you don't have to see 2,000 feet in front of  you just see 200 then run to the 200 you'll have   to see it all three and a half years later I've  written a check to myself every two weeks for   three and a half years I didn't go out for three  and a half years I didn't go dance and I get this   didn't get my hair done I need to get my nails  done for three and a half years are you willing   to be inconvenience for your conviction I walk  in to Wells Fargo three and a half years later   and I said hi god bless you hi my name is Lisa  nickel she was oh my god you're the funding my   dream lady I was like yeah I guess I am and all  of a sudden all the tellers came running around   the manager came and like oh my god okay oh my  god we have been wondering we all got the same   question y'all know the questions right what's  your dream I was like um I'm not sure but I   know that it includes inspiring people having  people believe in themselves again teach them   how to get back up when they've been knocked  out you having to be willing to give them self   a thousand second chances and every time they  get to 999 press reset I'm not sure what it's   going to look like what is this going to help  people I thought I came to check my balance   I've been writing a few checks to you guys and  say yes you've been writing a lot so I just want   to check my balances you all know your balance  to know I got this really big stack of summary   bank statements at home because my mama said  money burns her pockets not I wanted to burn   my pocket I wanted to pay for my freedom so I  just came to see what my balance was if I had   enough to fund my dream as it gets clear she  wrote it down everyone's excited she wrote it   down turn it around to me I looked at it I said  oh no my name is Lisa Shante Nichols and my so   security no I said that is not my money and I  am not taking that money because you're probably   gonna want it back so just fix that error right  now and he looks at me I said you really don't   think that's yours I said no my family's never  had $5,000 in the bank or $10,000 in the bank that's sixty two thousand five hundred dollars  in the bank they sent Miss Nichols and everyone   teared up the manager tears of the tellers teared  up they said Miss Nichols whatever your dream is   I think you can fund it now I looked at my son  Jelani who now is five or six I said ten money   our lives are gonna be a little different now baby  Jelani said yeah mommy can we can't we now go to   McDonnell see for three years I've been telling  you Lani I'll make you a Big Mac mama makes Big   Macs better than McDonald's and so begin with a  hundred and ten dollar check so I don't know what   yours is I don't know what your radical looks like  for some of you your radical was coming here right   yes yes and this is the beginning this is the  beginning of your radical this is the this is   the best the next best step this is the first step  and so I just stopped by to let you know you're on   the right and and as you ramp up as you ramp up  you're going to have questions you're going to   be afraid I do more things afraid now than I do  fearless because the bigger you play the bigger   your breakdown every single one of my errors in  the last five years have cost me six figures like   every single one every single one of my errors  has required me to call an attorney like they're   just big one because I'm playing big I'm playing  big so be willing to go to the edge and this is   where you are here be willing to go to the edge  and not just lean over and feel the breeze and   watch the people jump and watch them soar and  look through the windows at all the people are   living great lies don't just go to the edge and  feel it be willing to lean fill your heart beat   feel it I'd let you know you're alive to let  you know you're okay see your fuels you fear   let you know go get more information fear let you  know step below later and study fear let you know   get up a little earlier fear let you know ask for  help fear is informing you it's not stopping you   it's just another emotion like love and compassion  and gratitude we just made it paralyze us see fear   doesn't stop me fear informs me and when you get  intimately connected with the fear I feel it and   I'm moving forward anyway I feel it and I'm going  to love anyway I feel it and I'm going to invest   in me anyway I feel it I'm going to show up and  play anyway when you get connected with fear it   becomes your best friend then when you stand  on the edge you feel the breeze you feel the   fear and you leap anyway and one of three things  will happen either God I call them God you call   them whatever you choose I'm not here to impose my  belief system on you but either God will give you   wings to fly you will get something soft to land  on or you won't be given something soft to land   on and you'll hit the ground real damn hard and  you'll get up yes yes how many of us have hit the   ground real damn hard and got up yes yes so now  that you know that you got that down and you're   okay leap leap because you're not betting on the  best horse in town you are the best jockey in town   if you are the best bet I'm not a Vegas gambling  girl I'm a Lisa gambling girl I'll bet on me all   day long will you bet on you then betting on you  looks like showing up and playing full out playing   so fill out you scare yourself playing so fill  out you creative like this unrecognizable and   your friends look at you say something's different  if I'm glad you noticed you're not the same so I'm   glad you noticed you don't you don't act the same  things are different see some of you are trying   to bring too many people along with you yes yes  you're going through a doorway like this and that   doorway only fits you right now are you trying to  save everybody you rescue 9 1 1 11 Universal Sam   I'm trying to give you your blessings I'm trying  to give you your divinity I'm trying to give you   your possibility I was interviewed once in this  woman say Lisa do you ever feel guilty that you   left your community I said absolutely not the best  thing I can do for my community is go through that   door become the woman that I am today and then go  back to the tell them what I learned so are you   willing are you willing to risk it all to gain  at all hi everyone are you willing to play big   at the risk that it all might work yes yes are  you willing to love deeply at the risk of Fame   I love you deeply back yes yes are you willing are  you willing to show up at the risk that they buy   really see you see some of your not afraid of  failing you afraid of being seen I'm asked my   friend that's what I love about a jeep that  we are we are dynamic like a dynamic duel I   know I know what he deals with I know it I could  see it in them and he sees it I me and he's so   compassionate to my learning curve whenever we're  talking I'm so compassionate to his learning curve   and together we cause each other to tippy-toe  so play with someone that's not going to let   you off the hook of your greatness see don't let  me off the hook of my greatness and I won't let   you off the hook of your greatness that's the  best gift we can give to each other don't let   me leave this place having not given you all my  brilliance please call me to my greatness call me   to my divinity call me to the highest level that I  can love highest level that I can forgive highest   level that can earn call me to it and then give me  permission to call you to it join tribes like this   join circles like this and say listen don't let  me make sexy excuses because all my excuses are   sexy I'm a linguistics specialist I can come up  with some sexy stuff like I'll get by you in for   my excuse like yeah let's no one work today no  don't let me off the hook and ask me not to let   you off dock so you're here at ever coach you're  here to birth the next best version of you you're   here because the day today is the first day of  the rest of your life you're here because today   is the first day of the best part of your life  you choose you choose see I'm okay with being   unapologetic I I walked so many times in so many  years asking permission can be smart even though   I'm Dyslexic can I be brilliant even though I  gotta fail in English can I be a speaker even   though I got a d-minus in speech can I be immense  something happened one day when I got who the heck   am i asking permission from and so somebody would  declare now that you will stop asking permission   that you will stop and you don't ask permission  publicly you ask you by the way you tiptoe around   the people in your life come on you guys you  know I said I don't want to disrupt anybody come   on how many of us have done that I don't want to  disrupt that so you walk into a room and you take   the temper if this is you just say yes just wait  top finish you walked into a room and you take the   temperature of the room you have your dial on your  light and you take the temperature of the room and   based on what you think the room can handle you  turn your light down come on you guys come on and   if it's a room like this you go hey I could turn  my light up I gotta have an idea why don't you go   to where the dial is why don't you break the damn  down why don't you turn it all the way up to 189   watts and why don't you know that when you walk  in a room here 189 1 and if someone in that room   can't handle your life you don't turn down your  dial you hand them an extra pair shave you just   saying I'm just saying what does it take for us to  walk like that because someone is watching you and   the way you do you is going to be the example of  the way they get to do them I want to be a great   example of unapologetic humility unapologetic  service unapologetic love I'm thinking we can   change the world I mean we can change the world  dr. King had a dream over 40 years ago that one   day little black girls and little white boys and  people all over the world could play together I think the dream is a reality now  so I'm just asking you what are you   dreaming because your dream is  your reality on its way to you   all I'm gonna ask you to do is do right  with the information you get by someone   else serve someone else serve someone  else so please stand up please stand up so here's what I know on my way to where I  am today and I'm still on my way somewhere   else right I haven't arrived anywhere is this a  journey but on my way to this spot there are so   many times that I had to walk alone because no  one else carried my vision so hear me when I say   if no one else gets your vision at time some days  they do some days they don't some days my team is   on point with me like we've got you other days  is life wrong wrong wrong like I'm scooby-doo   wrong wrong like they don't hear that I feel like  I'm talking like Charlie Charlie Brown's parents   wrong won't won't won't long and I go okay way out  on two dancer day I got to hold my vision if no   one else gets your vision at times hear me when I  say it's because your vision was only given to you   and that is your job to birth it it's your job to  feed it it's your job to come to places like every   coach fine tribes like this and give your dream  what it needs so that you could become the mid   husband the midwife to your dream and then we get  to see it but that's your responsibility and your   opportunity so put your hand over your heart and  just hold yourself for a moment repeat after me   I woke up this morning whole and complete I am  enough I've always been enough I will always be   enough I am a divine contribution to this planet  even even and all of my imperfections every every   everything in my life is fuel take a deep breath  repeat after me I am ready I am ready I woke up   this morning ready I will stay ready I will remain  ready when opportunity is here I will show that   I'm ready I'm ready for good love I'm ready for  abundance I'm ready for prosperity I can handle   it now now I can handle it I'm ready take a deep  breath and exhale repeat after me today is the   first day of the rest of my life today is the  first day of the best part of my life I choose   to no longer ask permission get ready because  from this day forward I'm giving notice take   a deep breath just sit this family holding on to  those words those are not my words those are your   words they say the power of the word when it falls  off the tongue into the universe it becomes so it   becomes so it's no longer a thought it's so you'll  have to work harder to make it not be so because   the universe heard you and it listens to you you  made a command and it said yes take a deep breath put your hands down to your  side turn your palms up repeat after me on the days when  I get in my way I choose to have   grace and compassion for myself I choose  to forgive myself the same way I forgive   others to extend compassion to myself  the same way that I do other I choose   to show the world how to treat me by the  way I treat myself take a deep breath open your eyes you're holding the space for people  to have breakthroughs you've chosen to do that   the best gift that you can give us them and that  you give yourself the greatest breakthrough ever   so the degree of your breakthrough will be to  the degree that you manage and direct someone   else's when you're willing to be unrecognizable  then you've opened the doorway to make someone   else's life unrecognizable you can never take  another person further than you're willing to   take yourself so I'm saying don't play in the  stars play way past stars because then everyone   that you touch will benefit from the fact that  you were willing to risk it all to plan to gain   at all it's my honor to serve you it's my honor  to stand beside you as your sister friend in the   journey it's my honor to come here and touch  you to love you to inspire you to encourage   you but most of all to really really see you  oh there's more than enough space for us all   to have abundance and then there's still a lot  left over still a lot so every time I see you   at mine value or elsewhere I'm going to say  welcome home I love you my unicorn bye-bye
Channel: Evercoach by Mindvalley
Views: 564,660
Rating: 4.8709126 out of 5
Keywords: evercoach, lisa nichols, purpose, coaching, Mindvalley, personal growth, personal development, step into your purpose, what is purpose of life, how to find life purpose, meaning, abundance, motivation, inspiration, life purpose, evercoach summit, motivational, living your purpose, discovering your purpose, life vision, consciousness, self improvement, self-help, goal-setting, Step Into Your Purpose For Coaches & Educators
Id: YQnpM0Nx7O0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 32sec (3572 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 17 2018
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