Bury the Elevator Pitch With This Powerful SNAAP Technique | Lisa Nichols

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[Music] well i'm super excited um i'm super excited to be back with you guys um i have been on a ch like eight country tour and uh jamaica is the last country before i go home and i act like i have some sense and rest um after i do a few other things in california but i wanted to teach you a technique my very first time teaching this technique here and i'm super excited because as you guys are meeting each other you want to make the most out of your connections my entire career has been um shaped by the connections i've made you know i you know 18 years ago i had a dream i wanted to travel the world run my mouth and autograph anything i wanted to inspire people i wanted to change lives and literally i knew i had a gift but i needed skill set and talent to couple with the gift i needed contacts i needed connections and i learned this technique years ago and i have been using it ever since and it literally this technique alone has helped me to raise over 4.8 million dollars in investor dollars anybody want to know the technique the technique has helped me to add valuable people to my team it's helped me to really build my business and my business helped me to transform lives so i want to give you this technique um mindvalley asked me can you give us a connecting technique now this technique is going to toss the elevator pitch out the window how about we do that it's old it's outdated and it's so 08. so we're going to toss it out so um before i start i have to just acknowledge my team i'm excited my team is here and my niece my adopted niece is here i've been telling her for years that she needs to come to a-fest and she's here so y'all make sure y'all treat her right charlie would you stand up give her some love you guys it's my niece it's my adopted niece you know how when you have a dream sometimes you're the only one that can see your vision and years ago and you have to find someone who can hold the vision with you and that's what mind valley is about years ago i started a friendship probably 16 years ago when she was little with her mom and her mom and her dad you know you know struggled had challenges for years like any other entrepreneur and and then they hit it big you know you turn that corner and life is drastically different for them i only met them when life was drastically different i was still struggling when i met her and i would go to ann's house from her house her mom's house and i would go to her house and i would touch remember i told some of you guys yesterday about the touching you guys are in my suite well this is her daughter and i would touch all of her furniture and i touch everything and she said why are you doing that i said because i believe that god said where there's zero distance between you and it it's for you and i didn't necessarily want the material things she had i wanted the abundance and the prosperity that she had created for herself so i wanted to know it was for me and so for years i would walk through their house and i would i would rub their spiral staircase i would rub their gym i rub everything and 16 18 years later um ann and i when we get together she looks at my life and she goes it worked and so last night i had an end suite i let people come in my room we had a great time those you guys were there yes we had a great time and i just let them ask me any question we just did open coaching about life about business about growth about balance about harmony about children about how to get it all and um and i invited them if if you feel inspired touch the room it's an amazing space and so everyone was rubbing things and i was like just where there's zero distance between you and it's supposed to be for you like you're not supposed to be an onlooker of someone else's life and i don't just mean money i mean abundance 360 abundance yes yes and so um i want to teach you a technique to make every contact you have more valuable every time you open your mouth people hear what you're about and what you're up to and so this technique is called snap right so it's going to require you guys to really open your mind and then the moment you guys are going to practice it you guys are going to be snapping all around the room and the elevator pitch is forever buried can we just agree with that like it never worked in the first dagger on place right so first i want you guys to focus and then do this with me now for those of you guys have a hard time being on beat just focus focus focus don't try to talk and snap just snap at first there we go there we go come on snap snap snap ties to be clear concise powerful and quick would be wise snap snap snap ties to be clear concise powerful and quick would be wise these are the guidelines snap come on y'all snap snappitize to be clear concise powerful and quick would be wise come on y'all your turn snap snap snap ties to be yep that's right excited and everything snap snap snap ties to be clear concise powerful and quick would be wise come on you guys snap snap to be powerful and quick would be wise okay stop why would i have you do that because later you're going to be networking and you're like what did she say you're going to remember it so snap is a technique you can use to really elevate the path of connection and to increase the value of the contacts that you get so when you look at the power of snap snap has a technique that nothing else has super networking at an accelerated pace so we'll replace the elevator pitch with snap now from this point on i want you to always do a snap so the benefits of snap it's a faster connection you obtain more valuable contacts and i'll show you this in a minute right now i'm just telling you you replace the boring elevator pitch you talk about your results in the first 60 to 120 seconds i really want you to do it in 60. newbie and then once you have advanced you'll do it in about 45 seconds watch i'll show you how you can do that you speak more to the wins or the results say results the results that you create in the world versus the process most people want to talk about what they do whenever you hear someone tell you about what they're up to they're going to tell you what they do if you want to increase your usp your unique serving proposition don't tell me what you do tell me the results of what you do people's listening will naturally shift and i'll show you how that occurs in a moment don't make your client guess when i say your client everyone you talk to is a prospective client prospective partner prospective investor perspective whatever it is you're looking for next don't make them guess what results you produce in the world this here can change the game of how many clients you get when i teach my students how to do a snap matter of fact um my camera guy was just um at an event with us three days ago four days ago whenever we left cal us at atlanta and i was teaching snap this very same thing and i have a text in my phone where he said i was on the plane lisa i snapped the guy sitting next to me and i got a gig he said it works holy sh i was like yes it works tell them how tell them what you create don't tell them how you do it tell them what you create immediate immediately let the person listening know what's the w-i-i-f-m for them what's in it for me people don't want to know what you're up to they want to know what does it do for their lives and so i'm real fast i'm teaching a very different keynote this time and this is really not a keynote it's just a technique so i've been asked to help your networking increase so that's what we're about to do and you want to always end with a question now that's a natural disrupter you go to any other networking mixer you're going to be the only one ending with this kind of question guaranteed and i'm going to show you how to do it in a moment and so now the idea of a snap you want to write this down the snap speaks to the result not the process the snap tells me as a result of what you do how is the world a better place how is the world a better place so i wanna i'm gonna have some people come up and i'm going to have you practice your snap and i'm going to have each one of you practice now but i want to kind of get you in that mindset first so who wants to practice their snap with me who wants to practice come on up sweetie so is that a second mic great give her some love while she's coming up you guys wake up y'all [Applause] wonderful we spent yesterday together didn't we alina right yes alina so so now remember the guidelines the guidelines 60 seconds okay speak to the result not the process that's going to be kind of challenging for some of you might nail it everyone wants to talk about process and end with the question so i'm going to let you kind of take the first stab and by the way everyone else you guys got to thank her later because she took the first shot you guys will all do better than than possibly she because you'll have my coaching that i'll give to her so they all owe you so owe you free free dinner for you tonight take her out to dinner all right so all you do is practice your snap think about what do you do what's the result that you create in the world it's about your work so assume these are prospective customers so a lot of times the distance between you and everything you need is language professional and personal you upgrade your language say upgrade my language say upgrade my language wake the hell up upgrade my language and everything else follow if you upgrade your language everything else follows everything else follows when people come to me my students come in and say i can't get enough business i say what's your language and i look at their verbal language or their written language i look at the video language i look at their language on stage and the moment we upgrade all of that all of a sudden their biggest challenge is managing the influx of clients so let's work on your language okay don't worry well wherever we start is fine it's great we'll it'll get amazing 60 seconds so i'd like 60 seconds can you put 60 seconds on the clock for me jason i like 60 seconds you'll see it right here wait don't start yet do 60 you don't freak her out if you start what do you know at the end um so it's like yeah just asking questions well the question who do you know who wants xyz go back into the promise once you give me something to work with i'll rephrase it and then you'll see what i'm talking about i can basically ask them anything i want just as long as i end with a question you want to ask them a question that makes them lean into you you want to ask the question that makes your presumed client raise their hand okay so you ready yeah all right you guys give a round of applause one two three thank you um so i'm an event planner i run my own event agency and we do really top of the tier parties and we don't just do it in order to spend your money in a beautiful way we create memories we create amazing pages in your biography which otherwise could have not existed a lot of us in this room um from a certain period in our life just take our birthdays for example as just something that happens every year but just remember the last time that you actually celebrated your birthday bringing all of your friends together and how awesome and amazing that was and how you got all those phone calls the next day and people were saying yay thank you so much for getting us together and yeah you will have to actually invest some money into it but the result that you get out of it is a lot a lot more you can't do it alone usually especially if you want it to be like really well some of the people in this room know what it's like to to throw a party but um we can help you create the most amazing memories that will turn your life upside down so um would you let me throw you a party give her some love you guys all right so that was about 65 seconds so you started with process and i want you guys to think about how you talk about your business okay because we all do this the first thing you did is says we throw amazing parties we all do that i want to challenge you to drop that drop that and just start with the result of throwing amazing parties what happens okay so i'm going to give you a little sample can we start the clock at 60 seconds again as a result of the birthday parties anniversary parties event parties that we throw people have mind-blowing experiences they have memories that literally the others are talking about for years and years to come as a result of what we do we put you on the map as the best party thrower on the planet i'm looking for individuals who are looking to have the next best party and be remembered by everyone who comes who do you know 31 seconds 31 seconds so what happens is if you if most of the time we're telling people what we do and then right here at the end we talk about the result i'm challenging you to cut to the result move it to the front of the line start with the result and then ask who wants that result and resell the result again and we'll do it again and again again give her a round of applause again you guys thank you who else wants to practice who else sir right here yep yep come on up run run run run run now in a moment we're going to get in pause and you guys are going to practice yourself because when you do this literally all of your contacts become more valuable because notice i said who wants to throw a great party whatever i said at the end you naturally who do you know that and by saying who do you know i'm not pointing it right at you do you want to throw a party then there's that awkward no i don't want to throw a party but i don't know what to say so i say give me your card right you say who do you know that and they get to say it's me or they say i know someone or they say i'm not sure but it's an easier end so it's a 45 degree angle ask hi what's your name ken okay give ken a round of applause you guys all right so 60 seconds it's gonna start right there one so i want you to look down at that clock while you're talking okay okay here that'll make you feel better i got it all right so i want you to look down that clock periodically while you're talking so that you get as close to 60 60 seconds as possible okay perfect all right begin tell me the result that you produce tell me the w-i-i-f-m for me and then ask me a question who do you know try it again and after this it's going to be all of your turn as a result um african clothing company provides uh provides awakens um as a result african start the clock again so let me tell you what you're stuttering on you're saying as a result and your company name african clothing company african clothing company provides the reason why you're struggling because you're going from result to process again everyone's going to do it if i did each one of you you go to process because we've been trained to talk about what do we do we haven't been trained to speak to the results instantly it actually sounds really bold it actually sounds a little like wow like whoa that's kind of intense yeah but if you want your usp to rise to the top amongst anyone else you should know before you start the result you produce in the world and if you don't know what result you produce in the world then we need to sit together so we can figure out the result you produce in the world so every time you open your mouth you open your mouth to that result now that's a bold statement but that's a game changer too it automatically elevates your usp your unique serving proposition so you would the reason why you stumbled is because you started with result then you went to process do you see that yeah all right so i want you to push past process what does your clothing company do think about this what do i do so you can get that out the way then as a result of what i do how is my client's life better how is the world better how is my student better whoever it is you're serving what happens to their life because you did it now that's where you want to start i promise you guys this is a game changer right here so let's go again 60 seconds as a result african clothing company awakens africans youth and um uh africans authenticity and power with every t-shirt we sell we give back to the youth and help them discover independent thought in africa that's our vision and we drive to help africa's youth to change africa to step into its power and authenticity who would like to buy a t-shirt come on that sounds great long way from where he started long way in guys this is a process this is a pro it's not something you just learn and then you do it is a process it's a muscle that has to be developed so i'm gonna can i can i try it yes please all right he's like yeah of course all right so you and and sometimes i have to ask questions to get clear so you sell t-shirts and inside the t-shirts it it exhibits african pride and the focus of the t-shirt is to empower africa's youth so that they understand their worth okay you guys get how i'm going all the way to the end so as a result of the t-shirts we sell young adults and adults can wear a shirt that exhibits the pride of africa the result of a selling t-shirt so that youth feel empowered they feel inspired they feel determined and educated on the power of their heritage and their culture i'm looking for individuals who are interested in buying a t-shirt that exhibits strength perseverance and resiliency while supporting africa's youth who do you know hey hey hey give me some love you guys so now i want you to know your snap and you gotta practice it's gonna fall out funky it's going to fall out clumsy and if you're up to good in the world and it's all it's it's non-profit still there's a snap if you're discovering and giving back to the society in a way that's not connected to a career there still is a snap it's your value it's your worth it's your purpose whatever it is it needs to be able to be said in a snap you have to assume that the person you came to meet is on the other side of the room and you need to talk to everybody to get to them so you need to be clear concise powerful and quick right and they need to know that you are the answer to their solution i did my snap over and over and over and over again and i was the only i was one of four women at a conference of 800 men i was the only person of color and i was the youngest person by 22 years and i was so scared but i was more hungry to change my life in my son's life i was a single mom on government's assistance and i didn't want i didn't want my future to look like my now did and so i practiced my snap in the hotel room night after night after night to be clear and concise because i would get so caught up in the emotion and i couldn't quite get the words out clearly and then people would just i've missed the moment how many of you know by show of hands that something interrupted you in your language and you were in front of people but you missed the moment because of how you said it one hand up two hands up let me see great then let's get that language clear let's at least clear it up now and it won't be the perfect version but it'll be better than the version you had this morning so i want you to find a group of three that you don't know and to help you hurry up i'm gonna count from 10 to one and you should be with your group by the time i get to one ten nine eight five four three one two get with a group stand up i want you standing i want you standing let's act like we're at a party since you're gonna be at a lot of parties before we leave all right all right shh hands up okay so let's practice your snap what do you do in the world think about this what results do you create here's a cheat line everyone in this room until you've done the snap enough everyone in this room starts your snap with as a result of what i do because that'll kind of help you get to the end so you don't get stuck in the process even though some of you will still go back to the process when you start like that because we've been trained that way as a result of what i do okay i'm gonna time you so don't worry about timing speak to the benefit okay at the end here's a little sneaky thing that you see me do and i want you to do this little sneaky thing too when you say who do you know at the end i'm what you say i'm looking for i'm looking for individuals who speak to benefit benefit benefit benefit benefit and then say who do you know for example i'm the ceo of motivating the masses we teach entrepreneurs how to put a sustainable business model under their dream as a result of our work entrepreneurs grow their businesses anywhere from 75 to 250 percent over the course of 12 to 18 months i'm looking for entrepreneurs who are ready to take their business to the next level who do you know did you notice that i'm looking for drops in another plug for what the result is you create it's that one last plug right before you say who do you know so as a result if you fit you'll go uh me right now your client is self-selecting and if they're not self-selecting and they say it's me they go my sister needs you because you spoke to the result not the process does that make sense you guys yes or yes all right so now it's your turn i want to see everybody around here snapping right so i'm going to give you because i'm feeling really generous i'm going to give each of you 120 seconds for your first one all right so if your back is closest to me if your back is closest to me or if that person seems like they're back as close as me just point at them and tell them they go in first so you're going first great thank you for volunteering so the person who's back is closest to me i want you to go first i'm going to give you 120 seconds just to kind of get it out work on it it's new still got to get the cobwebs out right and then we're going to shift to the next person then we're going to shift to the next person okay ready and go was that good stuff all right i want to hear two people just give me two pieces of feedback on what was valuable about that exercise for you to do i need to hear from two people what was valuable about that exercise for you to just think about super networking at accelerated pace be clear concise powerful and quick have it between 60 and 120 seconds speak to the wwi fm what's in it for me stick to the results not the process and close with the question so everything right one right here if you would stand up and share and i need a gentleman uh to share as well i'm a gentleman to share the value for you as well is that sort of like a hand up gentlemen right all the way in the back if you would come over to the center for me please yes what was the value for you these lovely ladies gave me advice that i need to give some examples because i'm quite broad in the founders that i can help it seems a bit ambiguous so to think about going for example this for example that so that it's not left out so giving evidence yes see when you give evidence and you don't make me have to uh think about it myself i get to my yes faster because you helped me get there so that was great feedback give her some love you guys clarity gentlemen here what was the value for you hi uh the value for me was i i've been practicing my pitch now for a couple years and i'd never seen where uh where i was missing and trying to trying to pitch what i do and what results i get i've done that before but what i was missing is the imagery yeah so thanks to my team uh they told me you know a person who doesn't understand uh the financial the startup world the entrepreneur world might miss it if you don't give them those images so that one sentence like changed it for me you you up leveled your energy oh yeah well let's see come up here okay come on up come on hurry up come on honey run run run run run he's like get me on video hold on it's like i'm not missing this moment lisa all right all right not like a spring kind of gazellish no no that was good no that was good that was okay energy so if you're the networking mixer and you had can we put 60 seconds on the clock and you're moving around and your primary contact is all the way in the back but you need to talk to everyone here and you need to give them the same amount of energy ready and go as a result of my my workings people have been able to open their store to the masses people have been seeing their products in europe in asia people have seen their ideas that one time was just a dream on a piece of paper on a napkin that we talked about at a bar three years ago now they're making 500 000 units so what do i do i put you in touch with the right people if you're introverted i am the face of your organization i make sure that you get funded i make sure that your branding is fantastic i make sure that you're on the market and you'll see that so who do you know give him some love you guys all right so i'm gonna ask i'm gonna ask a couple of clarifying questions before i redo your snap okay so first question which i shouldn't ask this question shouldn't have to ask this question what do you do oh i do laundry um it's no starch no i uh i do business strategy and business coaching okay great so when you have a business that's not quite so obvious by what your client gets you have to give us that don't make us guess remember that was one of my guidelines don't make us guess okay and then at the end you just said who do you know you missed the opportunity to resell me so i'm gonna take a stab at it okay i have creative rights i'm an artist which means i can make up stuff right but you shape it and modify it based on you so as a result of my services as a business strategist notice how now you don't have to guess what i do as a result of my services as a business strategist i take my clients ideas from napkin to completion from concept to store from idea to the bank i help you get it done from the creative design to the product development to all the contacts you need i'm looking for individuals who have a great idea and you need someone to help you bring it to market who do you know thank you thank you thank you you can give him the mic all right is that good for you guys [Applause] so a snap is a technique and i why do you need to snap you need to snap because the world needs to hear your voice they need to have what you have in the world and so many times entrepreneurs we we we hit so many different walls the financial wall the creation wall yes anybody the doing it by ourselves wall the family don't understand why we're doing this wall right we me we hit so many walls and one wall is the language wall i know what i do i guess just can't quite articulate it clear enough for my customer to run to me you must learn how to articulate it i help people with their language day in and day out that's what i do but it's important that you have your language because the world needs your service the world needs you to do you the world needs your gift the world needs your talent the world needs your light there's so many people out there waiting to be served by you and many times the only distance between you and them is that they don't know that you're the solution to their problem they don't know that you're the answer to their desire they don't know that yet and we build and we hope and we pray and we wait and we wonder when in fact it's our job to create such a clear powerful impactful piece of language that they know exactly that we're the solution for them and so um my commitment besides helping people with systems and infrastructure and personal development my my highest end commitment is to help you with your language because when you learn your story your valley your dip and where you came from and why you do what you do and why or why that makes you cry when you understand at a cellular level at a cellular level why you're up to it when you can articulate the benefits you bring when you can help a client articulate the value they got when you can learn those three components your biggest challenge is simply enlarging your territory to hold all your blessings and so in closing um and i always say that i the the the snap and the valley the snap and the dip go hand in hand i don't have time to teach you the dip i've taught some of you that at a previous mind valley on the bonus day but the snap is how you produce results in the world and the dip in some cases a valley is where did you have to come from to get to where you're standing right now to make it and it's in your valley or your dip that i'm going to choose you because when i know you've come through something people look at my life and you hear my bio 51 million people or something like that and seven best sellers people might might not know that i gotta fail the last time i took english and my english teacher said i was a weakest writer that she met in her entire life and the last time i took a speech class my speech teacher gave me a d minus and said quote unquote ms nichols i recommend you get a desk job and never speak in public and that in 1994 i was broke and broken and that i survived on women infant and children wic free cheese free butter and free pasta for me and my baby the only reason why this stage feels amazing and delicious and i'm grateful for it is because i know what that stage felt like and so when you understand your story and you can share your story in full transparency and own your brilliance and your breakdown on your wholeness and the moments when you were in cracks and crevices and own your own your confidence and your insecurities and then you can snap your prospective client they have two very strong reasons to choose you and so the distance between you and everything you want is in fact your language i'll be here for the rest of the week um helping people fine-tune their language and their businesses i love you i love you i love you i love you on every level and once i figured out what i needed to do and it was just my language i began to be a crafter of language and a crafter of conversation and i began to be a diver of intimacy and a diver of transparency and a deliverer of possibility and a deliverer of light no matter what i touched or what i talked about and once you have that as your foundation everything say everything say everything everything you touch will feel like it turns to go and so as i'm here i'm excited to serve you excited to be your sister friend in the journey tomorrow night after i speak in the breakout room i'll take a few wonderful people up to my suite and we'll just do the same kind of coaching that i did last night so if you feel like that's you we can continue to work on your language if you feel like you want that kind of support or something else in closing i'll share this with you my grandmother and i always share my grandmother's stories y'all know my grandmother turns 90 years old next month and she says that baby when you get my age you're supposed to sit in your favorite rocking chair and tell the story of your life but when you're your age you're supposed to do everything you can to make sure that the story is going to be real good to tell so for the next several days let's make some good stories y'all i love you you
Channel: Mindvalley
Views: 495,265
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Self love meditation, How to love yourself, Self compassion, Ted talks creativity, Spirit of life, meditation for anxiety, guided meditation for positive energy, overcoming depression, power of positivity, What is fear, Lisa nichols, know yourself, Self Improvement, Growth mindset, Self improvement motivation how to change a belief, The power of positive thinking, How craving attention makes you less creative | Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Id: qKlWq1ikoVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 44sec (2084 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 01 2018
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