Step Into Your Life Purpose | Lisa Nichols

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Wow I'm really excited about the conversation we get to have today I'm excited about the conversation I'm having in the world right about now I'm excited about the things that I'm asked to do I'm on this whole journey of abundant life what does it take to create an abundant life first off and Kristi really talked about what are the things that block you from abundance so she talked about all the things in your past now may I talk about some things to do and create for you because I'm a coach so I'm an action step I'm an action step person because the the antidote to despair is action the prescription for radical success is action the difference between you and the person living their dreams that you're watching is simply the amount of action it's not the hook up it's not the family they were born into it's not the gender it's not the cultures those are all great stories that we give it but it really is the things they did and how much they were willing to do it so I want to talk about that because when you look at my life my life is someone who did not ask for permission my life is someone who gave notice so I just came to find those three of you who are willing to give notice and stop asking for permission are you here yes yes so I know my tribe they're all like yes yes tell them about that yes yes Lisa okay we forget that there are people who are just meeting me how many guys would just meet me for the first time yeah Oh yummy put on your seatbelt right so just so those you've just meeting me last year there was two of me this year there's less of me to love so so you're like that's not the lady I was on YouTube right yes I am it's the sexier version so so so when we talk about um feeling it in your soul I want to start with your yes and I won't do the yes because it's a cliche thing I don't do it because I need you to do something Rara I'm not a motivational speaker I'm a transformational coach let's be very clear when I show up I show up for your breakthrough I show up with the willingness to disrupt everything you know so that you're willing to go find something new I'm willing no matter how big you're playing in the world there's something that where you can serve bigger love bigger receive bigger wherever that is for you and I come and when I'm in your space promise you the divine God mother father whatever you choose to call it have placed me in your space for some kind of new level of something that's just my assignment I know what my breath is for and so that's what I'm here for so when I say when we talk about yes yes it's not just a rah-rah it literally is to move something in you to say yes bigger bolder and with knees knocking some time and teeth chattering some time still say yes and then figure out the house so when I'm with my girls and I say something they like they say you go girl but we not with all girls when I'm at church and I say something that they love they say Amen and sometimes some of y'all just go ahead and do that but we're not in church when I say something that resonates with you I want you to say yes and then I want the second yes to be louder than the first yes I want that second yes to make you have to sit up a little bit I want that second yes to cost you something for yourself I want it to be just a bit disruptive let's try it on the count of three one two three only at awesomeness fest do they ever hit it on the first time man you should see when I'm over at Wells Fargo I'm a Red Rock well I'm at 18 I like yes yes I'm like oh no no that won't do it that won't do it right they say yes just I said no no we don't get it right I'm like mom try loosen the tie a little bit so you can feel your throat so when I say something that you like that resonates with your soul I want you to say when you hear your truth I want you to say when it feels good to you I want you to say and even when it stings but it's still your truth I want you to say even if your neighbors not saying it I want you to say when you leave here and you're at lunch and something feels good to your soul I want you to say when you leave Costa Rica you leave the conference and something feels good to your soul I want you to say without anyone at home agreeing with you I still want you to say when your friend asked you out to lunch I want you to say now they will think you're weird because you left when you left home you only said one yes and you came home now you're saying two yeses so I want them to immediately know something changed yes yes without me without asking my permission without waiting for me to pause without waiting for a politically correct interruption I still want you to say without anyone else in the room having to say it with you be the Long Ranger be that right right now the first yes is to you the reason why the second yes has to be louder is because the second yes is not to you the second yes to the gods assignment on your life which is why it has to be louder because it's going to cost you more it's going to test your level of conviction that second yes has to be the yes that moves you when you don't want to move that will have you say the things you don't want to say and do the things you don't want to do so you can be the man the woman you've always known yourself to be so the second yes got to kind of shake the lights they've got to kind of shake the lights you know what I mean that second yes has to make anyone in earshot say you know they gonna do that cuz you know the way you could convert people who don't believe in you is you just have enough confidence in you I had a gentleman I was in an investor meeting and I'm telling my dream and it's like 15 years ago and I'm like I'm transform lives I'm gonna start with teens enough and he's just sitting there and I said I need to raise capital I need $50,000 so I can work amen and and he said I was telling the supplies I'll come by and he said listen he said my wife and I don't have children and we decided not to have children won't even know if we like children right you're doing good I was your first test you passed he said but when I look at you and I listen to you you're so convicted you're so on fire he said I believe I don't know how you gonna do all that but I believe you gonna do it because of your passion he said so I'm gonna invest $25,000 in your company he said but I don't know even know if I should call it investment because you saw on fire I don't even need to see it back I was like can I get that right yes yes right yes right so so it's about you being so on fire for you so I want to continue the conversation of what abundant and creating an abundant life looks like because submissions point and thank him so much for acknowledging my company you know 15 years ago 17 years ago you know I sat on my couch looking for a way to move past being both bolt broke and broken and it was easier to be broke come on you guys I'm gonna hear you yes yeah I heard some of that yes yes Connie you can't whisper it be ok with your truth we're gonna make the truth very very sexy and acceptable for the next hour that I'm all safe we're gonna make the shoe something that we all want to wear and when I wear my truth and you wear your truth we get to choose if we love each other inside that truth when my job is to wear my truth your job is the truth yes yes so here I was sitting on the couch in Inglewood California and I was broke because the only from the hood when they go Inglewood in the house always up to no good right amen it'll never be out of me no matter where I go I'm sitting in my on my couch and I'm I'm broke but more than anything I'm broken and I'm at a place and some of you have been there or you there I'm not sure but I was at a place where I said wait I'm too brilliant for this I ain't quite seen that's how I said it yes all my brilliant yet but I know I'm too brilliant for this this reality doesn't fit my DNA so the first thing to know is when you're out of congruence with who you're designed to be that's the first thing then there's nothing wrong with that don't hide it don't shy from it just step into that truth that truth is sexy cuz it'll make you do something you never thought you would do it'll make you get radical I sat there with my son not having food eating beanies and we need six days a week right and like he could the beanies were cut so smart the weenies were cut so small he was like mommy I can't see the meat I said baby it's there let me just put some extra sugar in it I was so broke and broken his father had just gone to prison and all of a sudden my worst nightmare had come true I made a commitment being born and raised in South Central LA raised between the hollow crip 30s in the rollin 60s those are not cheerleading squad rah that I wouldn't engage on any level I wasn't available on any level for any gang activity for anything criminal because I would never be connected with jail it's just not my thing I knew early on that's not my destiny so when my girlfriends and my best friend started dating the neighborhood the thugs I pass I'm going to the library I'm not participating I don't know where I'll end up but I know I won't stay here and so I planned all this I got out I I was an athlete I was all-american athlete I held the record for the 330 low hurdles for eighteen years after I graduated my head was down I was MVP all three years in high school I was focused I got out I got out then all of a sudden the man that I meet at 27 beautiful so brilliant so she still had that hustle in him and I'm not mad about a little hustle but it came manager integrity and for him it just got the best of him and I got the call I said hello he said Lisa I say yes he said I'm in jail and my heart dropped I'm 28 I just given birth to his child and now I'm linked to the very thing I try to avoid for so long I'm sharing with you my story so you can validate and level-set your story because I look up and I say wow I'm working on my seven bestseller I've had great conversations with Oprah and Larry King and the today's showing and I built a multi-million dollar business and my company's gone public and it doesn't change my story and yet I realized that I use my story as my fuel not my fortress like my story wasn't mine I get to be successful in spite of my story was my because of it's because of and so I remember sitting on my couch going oh my god my very thing I tried to work my nightmare is my truth and for years eight years I never mentioned where my son's father was I denied that he even existed I wouldn't talk about him you couldn't talk about Margaret when I said his name she thought my my son's father was an exchange student from Africa when I first said his name she's like that's somebody we're gonna donate to or what and I said no that's my son's father I just don't talk about him because I haven't I haven't accepted it yet and so III I walked around with this baggage on me this story that if I spoke too loudly though and let my light shine too brightly then the lights gonna shine on him too and everybody's gonna know my connection come on you guys I just want you to yours is gonna be different but we got this chatter and and picking up where Christie left off this was just my chatter I would be remiss if I didn't share my chatter with you before I share with you how to get to an abundant life I got it you got to know the depth that I come from and so on for years I dodged that conversation of my son's father because I was embarrassed of my choices when in fact I chose an amazing beautiful brilliant man who simply made a poor decision and as I told my son he's on a long-term timeout 21 years later he's still there that's his journey that's his journey he's also an author of seven books published before me so he chose to make the best of his story as well he's a better writer stronger writer than I am it's just amazing he's still brilliant and so I look at that journey and I go how did I get from there broken and broke to this story that's breathtaking I travel 315 days out the year I prayed to God seventeen years ago lord I want to run mom I want to travel the world run my mouth and autograph anything I am NOT gonna tell you where I have put a marker nowhere on the backs back and so I I wanted to just stop by and I say stop by because I'm I'm in four different countries and twelve different cities in 33 days so I'm just stopping by but I stop and I stay here as long as I can because I love this space but I stopped by to stir your soul to do nothing other than stir your soul and for some of you you're going to choose to continue to play we're going to find ways to learn together we'll find ways to serve together we're going to find ways to help you grow together to help you create an abundant life together and we'll keep going for others this is moment in time and this was the very message you were supposed to hear and your job is to pull out of it what you supposed to pull out of it and then take action so I stopped by I stopped by to push some things in your space so you can choose to adopt it I stopped by to give you several points and you may want to write these down I stopped by to also get to get you to do some things before I leave the stage I'm going to play with you a lot and move around a lot I'm going to teach you just a few points from the book that comes out in January this is that yes this is the Scott abundance now and in abundance now I redefine abundance because we know abundance to be about wealth right and it's time for us to disrupt the definition of abundance right are you guys down with me are you down with me we need to disrupt so that our children by the time they're able to really think about abundance they only know it to be a holistic experience that abundance includes relationships abundance includes your spirituality abundance includes your health abundance is not just about the bottom line at the bank account can y'all help me with that can we agree if there's anybody on the planet that can change the definition of abundance it would be us yes yes so I'm watching on I want you to be a part of it but I'm you're gonna see me going mad crazy everywhere going wait before I talk about abundance let's redefine it for what it really is because I have a lot of very wealthy friends millionaires and billionaires who hang very close to me and they're not hanging close to me to learn how to make money they can teach me that they're hanging close to me because they love how I have fun they love how my son still hangs out with me interview saw me last night back in the corner on the phone yet but I was booed up talking to my honey I was talking to my 21 year old son who say hey mom I just want to hang out with you for a bit can you can you just hang out with me I was like absolutely that food can get cold right abundance is about having that holistic rim of success yes yes so I'm going to teach you today from some really great points here that I'm super excited on fire about and then for some of you just a handful and when invited to a whole eight-week live course the first time I've taught an eight-week live course in five years just around abundance and understanding an abundant life and designing an abundant life real time not just listening to a video but real time with me live and so I want to start with that so point number one I want to make it you want to write this down point number one and some of this you already know but repetition is the mother father sister brother aren't uncle and cousin of learning yes yes is your super achievers I'm a super achiever then one thing we have to constantly remind ourselves is to create micro wins to get to our macro wins that we go after the macro win but we only look at the macro win I want you to look at the micro wins and get 5 micro wins under your belt so you can create your macro in that way you celebrate yourself a lot more often yes yes that way you can have an indicator that you're on the right track more often that way your fuel is being acknowledged more often that way you know you're on the right track let's get to micro wins micro wins micro wins can lead to a macro win can we agree that that's in a button and I'm showing you how abundant thinkers think so if you want up to meet you model successful people when I was on The Oprah Winfrey Show honor one of the commercial breaks she said so Lisa how many coaches do you have she didn't ask me if I had a coach she said how many coaches do you have I said two on the next commercial break what you think I did I asked her how many coaches do you have she said four when I left the show what do you think I did right I hired to work offices so success leaves Clues I'm gonna give you some of the clues and people who are living in abundant life now you guys just allow this to be a salvo of confirmation and then for everyone else is moving in that direction and more so in that direction these are the things that abundant thinking people do all day every day one we create micro winds so we can get to macro winds and we celebrate the micro winds far more celebrations in life number two we fail but we always fell forward see people are going to fail abundant thinkers right car we fail forward we fail and we ask the question what lesson did I learn and what will I do differently the next time bring it on bring it on I'm okay some of my greatest lessons came wrapped in sandpaper they came wrapped in expensive lessons they came wrapped with a hot credit card that I have to pay it off with they came wrapped with a lawyer I had to hire they came wrapped with tears on my pillow when I got the lesson you better know I didn't have to get it again yes yes some are you're using your lesson as luggage use your lesson as shackles and your lesson is your fuel to do it differently the next time so abundant thinkers we fail we just fail forward every single time abundant thinkers we're not only responsible write this down number three we're not only responsible for our actions we're not only responsible for our thoughts abundant thinkers go the step further and we're responsible for our reaction ooh that's juicy yes yes someone gonna chew on that on the plane on the way home like reactions right abundant thinkers not only hold ourselves responsible for our thoughts we hold ourselves response from our actions we hold ourselves responsible for our reactions before we ever do it it doesn't mean we react and apologize it means we never do those things we have to apologize for yes yes we don't blame it on that's how I've always been that's oh grow up your genius your brilliant a so oh eight abundant thinkers I'm just giving you some some Nuggets there's a ton of other things I'll share with you the other time but I'm telling you these are practices of abundant thinkers Christie talked about affirmations abundant thinkers understand the power of I am anything after the word I am is true to your unconscious mind Michael anything anything after I am anything anything after I am even if you just you know it's not true your conscious mind will believe it anything after I am so the use of affirmations is very intentional and very consistent I was diagnosed as clinically depressed and 2001 to 1998 I'm sorry I was diagnosed as clinically depressed me didn't make sense I have been in a relationship I was engaged to get married and my fiancee who I did not know at the time was bipolar and he stopped taking his medicines and under the belief system that love can cure anything and so I ended up being picked up and thrown three feet across the room and I end up being choked until I passed out and once I got out of that relationship I just was different it was different so my mom insisted that I go to the doctor I went to the doctor and I sat on the table and she checked me and talked to me and came back in with a prescription and she said ELISA you're clinically depressed and I felt like I heard Charlie Brown's parents talking like want want want want want clinically depressed at least don't that make sense in that same sentence and she'd get handed me a prescription and I read the description and had my name on it and it said Prozac I thought that make sense Lisa Nichols bro that don't make sense and I said do you mean I'm sad she said very very sad I said can I try something and I'm not I'm not recommending you guys if you're a medication you stop taking meds please don't do that I asked my doctor she agreed I said do you mind if I try something before I take this she goes yes but I need to see you back in 30 days if you're in the same condition I need us to try this medicine I said okay I could do that so I went home and every day I got in the mirror and I drilled I am every day because I realized I have forgotten who I was I just forgot I just and it was okay to forget I just forgot so every day every day for 25 minutes I just went over the IMS every day I am I am I am and I love that what I forgive you for then i parallel that what I commit to you Lisa every single day I went back in 30 days and I'm talking to her and I'm on fire she's just looking at me I'm just talking talking twisted her head again and I'm just talking talking she says wait I gotta stop you I said what she goes what are you taking and can I have some I was like I'm taking some of me and so the power of I am the power of I and can pull you through the darkest moment the power of I am and so I want you to really begin it's not hokey-pokey it's not mushy it's real and it's the truth abundant thinkers what else do abundant liquors do abundant thinkers continue to stay in cognitive dissonance they continue to put themselves in cognitive dissonance let me explain to you what that is cognitive business as the form of discomfort that you put yourself in when you think of yourself in such a way that doesn't match your current behavior mmm as if somebody came that's worth the price of admission just to do then that juicy I must say it again some of y'all like okay I don't even know to write down cognitive dissonance so just cognitive dissonance your creative speller whatever way you want cognitive dissonance is the form of mental disruption where you literally disrupt your own mind by thinking of yourself in a way that doesn't match your current behavior it's beyond your current behavior your mind will be uncomfortable because it doesn't match so your mind will begin to call you to do the thing to make your mental conversation match your behavior whoo whoo that's some good stuff that right there that's a game change of somebody yes yes yes yes y'all so cute I still see some of your faces like hmm scooby-doo retro just study it just study it when the book comes out study it I give you exercises to do don't worry about it so abundant thinkers are constantly placing ourselves in cognitive dissonance constantly constantly placing ourselves in and and and cognitive dissonance I have an infomercial that's coming out next year it's the first personal development infomercial to come out since Tony Robbins what can you say cognitive dissonance at its highest level because that comes with a really big deal but if I don't if I if I got it I got a scare somebody we might as well make ourselves nervous reaching for the best version of ourselves yes so how will you I'm gonna start challenging you how will you be the man the woman you've always known yourself to be I'm gonna come back to the points but now I want to touch your soul because this is great thinking this is great notes that's a cute notebook but there's a calling on your life that you don't get to shake and it's only yours no one else has the same calling as you so comparing yourself to me doesn't do any good comparison is and will always be the thief of all joy someone might want to write that down comparison is and will always be the thief of all joy you will never do me when people say oh my god you're like the next Oprah I said and I've told Oprah's producers this they called me as recently as on the on the plane as I'm sitting on the plane coming here to a fest they call it again and then we just Lisa we just love you we just wanted to work with you and I said as long as you are not trying to make me the next Oprah because I will 100% fail you every time if you want Oprah but if you're ever interested I do a damn good Lisa Nichols I got her got her own luck I know Lisa and so when you begin to look at people look at someone as a model of who you can be by taking a piece of who they are adding it to the uniqueness of who you are and then understand it what's the divine assignment on your life what do you need to do more of who do you need to be more of what do you need to evict from your behavior see where infopreneur is we love information but what do you need to let go of this not serving you anymore see when I look at the things that that I used to be I look at procrastination I look at scared I look at being worried I look at doubtfulness I look at my edging is I've always been a rebel always will be a rebel I thought they learn how to use my powers for good yes yes that wasn't always the case there was a point where you might be there so let me know if you there's a point there where everything that you've been and every person every every characteristic that you've been that doesn't serve you you need to confront it and you need to say thank you for getting me to this point but in order for me to get there I have to leave you here you won't fit doubt you won't fit worry you won't fit up being afraid of being seen you won't fit come on somebody's y'all don't forgot how to say yes yes or we got selective amnesia real fast like all those things that fear of outgrowing your try anybody there see that was mine see cuz I wore badge of honor I love where I'm from I don't apologize where I'm from and they're loud on pause like I don't need to wear it and get through a door with it but I don't want to hide it either but something happened when I became wildly successful I became almost ashamed of my success cuz it seemed to make me so different it was so different from Inglewood it was so different from my cousin's it was so different from other women of color it was so different from anyone of any color in the struggle and that for a long time that was my my connection I hadn't built another connection yet anyone know what I'm talking about and all of a sudden I begin to silently sabotage myself now it's not an obvious sabotage I'm still running I'm just kind of moonwalking I look like I'm in motion I'm just not as in much motion as I used to be I remember the year when I made nine hundred and seventy five thousand dollars in October and I threatened to pass a million dollars in one year I took the rest of the year off I said I'm tired you know we have sexy excuses and then the next year I hit nine hundred eighty-five thousand in August and I was confronted you gonna take the rest of the year off sick again and I had to realize that I was afraid of leaving someone behind come on you guys I'm just I just want to speak the truth and I see the tissue I see the tears I just I just came I stopped by to serve you up your truth and someone has to love us enough to give us the truth even if it's mildly to moderately to significantly uncomfortable I remember and she's in the room someone said to me the other night when I did the in sweet cuz I do this little n sweet thing where I coach and we had a great time coaching I'll do it again tonight and she said don't you feel like you're leet don't you feel guilty that you're leaving your community and I said not at all because I can't do them any good struggling with them but if I go away and I become someone the woman I've always known myself to be then I got something to go back and offer can you help me down off the stage I learned I love being a lady I know I can I know I can do it myself but why all right thank you all you ladies that don't know about that you get that when you get to your 40s so I want to be closer to you I'm gonna push you a bit who are you willing to become at the risk of being seen what are you willing to do at the risk of being wildly successful what are you willing to say at the risk of being heard by everybody what are you willing to motto at the risk that people will follow you what are you willing to let go at the risk of getting something greater see it's not in all the information you gain it's into what you're willing to do with the little bitty nuggets if you just did half of what you've learned just have if you were willing to stand half as tall as who you know yourself to be if you're willing if you're willing whose life would you change because when you get when you get that your journey has less to do with you then it has to do with everyone who will be blessed enough to cross your path then you're willing to do the thing you don't want to do say the thing you don't want to say so you can hurry up and be the person you've always known yourself to be when you know to operate with a sense of importance matter of fact a little bit of urgency to say wait a minute somebody's gonna cross my path today and when I let my light shine my life lumen eights their dark corner and for a brief moment Anthony they see a little more of themselves for a brief moment they can see that wing and they go was that my wing oh is that his wing and when you leave and they can still see it they realize it was theirs because you let your light shine you were generous enough to get out of your freaking way you were willing enough to surrender to kill your ego to kill your shego that's our you know we got our own right you were willing I'm gonna go back guys right so you might have to twist a little bit but I'm ago when you look at someone and I'm not saying I've I've arrived anywhere but I love the place in the journey that I am right now when you look at someone you've chose to admire ask me what I did in the dark of the night ask me what was I willing to let go of so that I in this form can be born ask me ask me what jacket what cost a victimhood what cloth of fear I was willing to take off ask me what was I willing to go study that lived and breathed abundance until I wore it so much it became not in my head not in my heart but it got in my DNA come on guys when I bleed it comes out that's what you want to know and then how can i reinvent myself so radical that it might disrupt my entire community see some of you are more committed to keeping the company you're keeping there you are to be the person you've been designed to be I'm just saying uh somebody might say ouch on that right I see you're out she's like oh I'm not I'm not even gonna walk over there right now i'ma stay right here I know I gotta hit you with that one see we get so committed to our tribe that we forget that it's seasonal it's seasonal and some people were brought in our lives to show us who we could become and then our relationship will forever shift and because we're trying to make everybody life time we keep holding back and we look like we almost jumping into a game of double dutch I'm almost there I'm almost there hold on hold on let the kids graduate from high school but the kids are too high hold on let me just get my money together hold on let me lose this extra weight do you know if I waited I lost the extra weight before I stood you Lisa Nichols would be the freaking secret y'all get that yes yes how about we do it while we get better at it how about we do it how about your 80% is 159 percent of what I need right now how about I need you're wrong in my life how about that how about your perfection is more about you than it's ever been about me how about that how about I need you to fall in front of me because I'm not watching you when you fail I'm watching you and how you get up clap I need somebody to model to me how to get up how about it's not your perfection that I was ever looking for it was watching you stand and shine and be inside of such a obvious imperfection that's my inspiration huh I when I see you perfect we're not a match we're not a match when I see you perfect I the night before I went on over I'm freaking out because I know I can't even I can't go anywhere I'll tell him to real story so she had you know she had mile dresses all these experts and I was like well i'ma tell my mess I don't know about them but you know cuz cuz the 56 million people watching her they not secret teachers and so they need to hear about a woman they need to hear about somebody who has doubt i'ma tell them that so I'm freaked out cuz already Norma tell the truth like that and I don't know what that means and I've never told my mess in front of 56 million people before you know I can do five six hundred five six thousand but fifty six million flying damn right and so I'm nervous and I'm I'm packing for the trip the night before and I'm listening to Kurt Franklin a gospel artist him and cuz he talks about being you know imperfect I'm matching I'm China and I'm just freaking out in and at 4:00 a.m. I call a friend of mine and I'm just crying I said I'm scared I got the biggest opportunity of a lifetime tomorrow and I'm scared I'm scared that they gonna know that I'm scared I'm scared they gonna know that I messed up so many times I'm scared that they gonna know just all my imperfections I'm just scared he said let me pray for you I said okay and he's just what he said next changed everything he says God thank you for using your most imperfect child to help your most imperfect children oh oh oh I'm perfect for the job and I promise you had just shifted and I've been standing on that since 2007 now so I just stopped by to stir your soul I stopped by to disrupt any form of complacency you might have in mediocracy I stopped by to not let you off the hook of your greatness I stopped by to remind you that your 70 percent might look like a hundred and fifty nine percent to somebody else but it's still your 70 percent I stopped by to say it's in your imperfection that you're perfect I stopped by to say that your gifts were never about you and for you I stopped by to remind you and every time I see you I'm gonna remind you that I need you more than you need you that when you cross my path and I watch you keep working at it and I watch you keep coming back you put oxygen in my chest so I need you to keep showing up it looks like for you but it's just for me and a million other people coming behind me watching you I stopped by to ask you are you willing to live an abundant life at the risk of having it all abundant are you willing are you willing are you willing to make abundant living your automatic stop non-negotiable in anything anything that's incongruent with it has to be evicted that you're willing to disrupt your norm for it you're willing to walk alone forth see some of you want company so much and you got to realize that before you can be good company to me you got to learn how to be good company to you so if you walk alone for a while and you will and you will share your vision with someone and they won't get it they just won't get it they won't get it they will not get it and they won't get it for a reason and someone came here just to hear this message they won't get your vision because God didn't give your vision to them your vision was given to you and it's your job to nurture it to feed it to be good to it to bring it out so we can then see it but until you bring it out we can't see it so please don't ask me how beautiful it is I can't see what's in you that's like me being pretty say my baby pretty huh I don't know could be ugly I don't know so I just stopped by to ask you just a few questions what tons of content I can give you but you're getting a lot of content I want to make sure that it's landing on tilled soil I want to make sure that you stirred up a bit I want to make you uncomfortable is it working I want to do that because it's not always in your comfortable raw raw let's all be although see I was sitting on that couch 1995 and I didn't say I want to be awesome that didn't come out first what came out was this is not who I am I am more than this and I want my dad to freaking dance while I'm here and I don't want to get to the end of my days instead I kept some in I don't want to get to there my days and said I was standing at the line waiting for the right time so sometimes your greatest leap comes from being fed up with something your greatest leap comes with being done with something your greatest leap comes in a combination complete and I'm ready I'm complete with that and I'm ready for that see when I was ready for an abundant life numbers didn't scare me money didn't scare me going to conferences by myself didn't scare me working all night didn't scare me being alone didn't scare me nothing scared me because I was ready I said yes to it and everything that came with it are you willing to say yes to that to what I willing because the reality is someone's watching you someone's watching you he's been waiting for me Thank You fading thank you someone's watching you and when you win they win when you win they win some 14 year old girls some 20 year old guys some some ten year old boy they're watching you and when you win they win a three year old child when you win they win a stranger a neighbor when you win they when I get that my wind doesn't just belong to me when I win she wins when I win he wins so on the days when you don't want to do it for you do it for us
Channel: Mindvalley
Views: 1,697,475
Rating: 4.8758321 out of 5
Keywords: believe in yourself, trust yourself, Self compassion, know yourself, how to trust yourself, how to believe in yourself, how to change a belief, never doubt yourself, the impossible dream, power of positive thinking, change your thoughts, never give up, never give up motivation, tower of power willing to learn, Self love meditation, How to love yourself, Lisa nichols, Self Improvement, Growth mindset, Deep learning, Spirit of life, Trust Yourself - Terence Mckenna
Id: 40LXbK94lxY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 34sec (2614 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 15 2016
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