Step-by-Step Unreal Engine 5 Tutorial: 3D Gaussian Splatting for Beginners

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[Music] in this video we're going to work with Quan Splats in Unreal Engine 5 I'm going to show you a free way to render gajan Splats inside UI 5.3 this is going to be totally insane so if you like are using Gan Splats for the first time or if you want to try this out this video is perfect for you guys so Gan splatting is literally insane it's like the next step of photogrametry and like the next step in like the 3D pipeline literally so it doesn't use PBR it doesn't use polygons so as you can see it first generates a point cloud and then those Point clouds are like used to calculate and like spawn gions so we are getting photo realistic results in real time this is not even using my GPU it's running in the browser pretty crazy stuff just imagine that if this Tech gets integrated in games so Gan splatting is similar to nerves like neural Radiance field again if you want to know more about this uh technical stuff I'll leave links down in the description so it's pretty interesting I would suggest uh highly suggest you to like read about [Music] it okay so let's start by first downloading the plugin so we need to get this plugin right here links are down in the description so just go right here click right here on the release so version 1.0 is released so it's pretty stable so if you're using Unreal Engine 5.3 download the 5.3 plugin so I'm going to download that so you need to extract this ZIP file and after that you'll get this folder just go in this folder and you'll see the binaries folder content folder and all of this right so you need to copy this folder okay so just browse to where you have like installed Unreal Engine so go in the engine folder inside the engine folder we need to go in the plugins folder now and these are all the plugins and you need to paste that folder here so I have already pasted it right there so I'm just going to give you a surface overview of what I've have added in terms of lighting so I've added the directional light I've added the exponential height fog I've added the postprocess volume the sky atmosphere and the Skylight okay after that let's enable this plugin so to enable the plugin go to plugins so you need to enable this Gan splatting plugin and restart the engine okay so after restarting the editor now we need some Gan Splats to import right so go to poly Cam and this is a good place to like test out different uh Gan Splats so you can download these for free so this is a do ply file I've downloaded a couple of these so let's test them out I'm going to import this car Gan [Music] Splat so once you've imported this you'll see some folders being created so you'll have a blueprint you'll have a position texture so this texture contains the position information next you have the rotation texture so this has a rotation values and quion so next you have scale values and next you have the color texture so this contains the color information of the Gans so let's open up the blueprint because everything happens in the blueprint right all of these textures and this information is combined in the blueprint and there we go you can see that we have our Gan Splat now the orientation of this is a bit weird right it's rotated 90° on the y- AIS so let's import this in the level and there we go we have our Guan Splat thank God nothing crashed because I have had issues with this previously like it was crashing a lot now I'm going to rotate this 90° and bring it above the grid looks pretty good I mean this is totally incredible and the applications of this I mean this could be literally used in VR and in games it's totally crazy and this gets even crazier so right now it's not affected by the lights but if you enable this option this Goran Splat is going to be affected by the lighting in your level you can see how our scene is changing and adapting this also works with Point lights spot lights and area lights okay now let's import a large scale cion Splat and this is going to be totally insane we are going to follow a similar process we going to import this so we get four textures which contain the position rotation the scale and the color information and we get one blueprint so I'm going to open this blueprint and this is just massive as you can see so let's add this in our [Music] level and as you can see this is incredible you can see how this will change the industry the VFX industry and even like games like it's crazy okay now one thing that I wanted to show you is how to like crop your Gan Splats because if you have like like a large scale map you have like glitches and stuff like that right so let's learn how to like crop this so we're going to go ahead and we're going to add a location volume this is a empty Cube this is a empty Cube volume and the idea here is like whatever is in this empty cube is going to be rendered so it's like a culling mask right okay so I'm going to scale this up after that you need to go in the gion Splat you need to specify a reference to that so all the stuff that's inside the bounds of this volume is going to be rendered and as you can see this works so beautifully I mean we don't get any frame [Music] drops and I've added the ultra Dynamic sky and you can see how the lighting affects this huge map you could even substitute the ultra Dynamic sky with hdris right with the hdri backdrop and that's going to give you even more realistic lighting so yeah I mean I wanted to make a video on this as soon as possible because this is totally crazy let me know if you guys like this video and if you guys want more videos on this please please let me know if you guys like videos on like such um like latest um stuff right thank you so much for the support that you guys are giving me really I'm humbled and thank you so much for like the support on patreon as well so yeah that's it and I'm going to see you guys in the next video take care
Channel: pinkpocketTV
Views: 25,071
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaussian splatting, radiance field, neural radiance fields, nerf, 3d gaussian splatting, ue5, ue5.3, unreal engine 5 gaussian splatting tutorial, unreal engine gaussian splatting plugin, gaussian splatting ue5, what is gaussian splatting, gaussian splatting unreal engine, gaussian splatting unreal engine 5, gaussian splatting tutorial, 3d gaussian splatting in unreal engine 5 the future of 3d, gsplat, 3D Gaussian Splatting, gaussian splatting beginner tutorial, XVERSE 3D-GS UE Plugin
Id: xdDzChfFY_A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 23sec (503 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 04 2023
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