3D Gaussian Splatting In Unreal Engine 5

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hey guys so today we're going to quickly be running over how you can get your 3D Gan Splats into Unreal Engine 5 we're going to be covering and walking through a plugin which allows us to do that so let's get into it um as you can see here I have a gin Splat open this is in the official um ging ging splatting uh application from the GitHub which will be linked down below you don't have to use um this application to create the Gan Splats uh you can use polycam or Luma AI or depending on your Hardware situation um so anyway as you can see we've got a a bit of a blackr on here so the two things we need for this um workflow is you need a point cloud. ply file um so you should be able to download that directly from the web browser if you are using polycam and then you'll obviously know where it is and what it name is but for me here it's here and then the other thing you're going to need is this Unreal Engine 5 plugin uh which is the 3D gin plugin all of this will be will be linked Down Below in the um description or in article which follows with this video um so as you can see we need this plugin which is from 5.1 to 5.3 so we'll jump into the engine and we'll simply go to edit on plugins and then you'll see at the top here it says 3D Gans so we just want to enable that and let our engine restart to give that a second so as you can see our engine restarted and we can see at the top here that our new plugin is enabled so this plugin super easy to use it's literally a click and play sort of work through work through um so we're going to come to Windows we're going to go to import 3D Gans it's going to open a little window for us and we're simply just going to um click thatp y file which we uh created before with our um application so we click that click open it's going to give us some saving and importing flickers on the screen for a couple minutes so we let's do that and then we'll see what we get okay so it's just finished uh saving and importing the 3D gion blur into our engine so we can see down here in our content brows that we have 3D Gins and then within there then we have whatever the name of our um go splatter is so mine is rocko3 and then we have a load of files and a blueprint here so the way this plugin works is it takes the point cloud from our 3D gin splatters and as we bring that then into unreal it converts it into a niagar particle system and then all of that then is packaged and created into this um this blueprint we see here so to use this blueprint simply just click it drag and drop it into the scene and then although it might not look great right now that is our Gan splatter so just to start off we're going to rotate it out get somewhat flat with it and then you can see in the center there that's our Rock but it's a little bit of a messy um scan at the moment as you can see there's a lot of foilage around which we aren't really wanting we're just want to focus on this single Stone um so what we'll do is we'll come over to the um details panel here and if we just quickly have a look through you can see we've got enable blocks at the top so that's referring to these folders here this um Gan Splat which you've got in the engine now is actually created from 10 different box um that's just how the engine reads um the different uh niagro systems which create it um then underneath that we have this uh spherical uh Harmon onics har yeah harmonics degree which from my understanding is kind of like a quality uh Chooser for for the cing Splat so obviously zero is the lowest quality and then degree 3 is the highest but obviously that one's going to cost more to render usual ho sort of um things so we have an albo tin for later on if you want to try and match this uh scan to uh uh integrate better with one of our environments we can we have a slight amount of control there and then so down here uh we have our crop volume so if we click the add element icon there we get this box which although it takes away our um scan initially we're going to click the little wif frame diamond in the center uh I'm going to rotate it to get it straight and then we're able to drag this down then into our actual gon Splat like scan um and we can then adjust that so let me do that now um and I'll show you what I get okay so I've just finished cropping this down into a bit of a tighter box for us and it's not looking bad at all I mean from a mesh point of view it's captured a lot of the grass quite nicely and the the mesh of the rock itself is quite good but we can we can instantly tell that these colors just aren't right and that's because they're not so um as we import our Gan Splats and it gets changed into this blueprint uh um it creates the blueprint and the Niagara particle systems with an unlit material um so what we have to do is we just simply select the um blueprint in the level we come down in its details panel to advance and then we click lit and what that's going to do is going to change it from a unlit material to a lit material and we can instantly see that that's just so much better straight off the bat and now it's also Interactive so if I bring out a point light and bring it in front you can see it already affec in it and if I change it to Pink you can really see you know the the the effects and how how how um how the lighting can can affect it in real time so that that's great and that's it for the most part for the sort of overview of the plugin and how to get your fre gin splat in um so I hope this was useful to some of you I'm excited to see what you can do with it and um yeah stay tuned because we've got more 3D Gan Splat content coming hopefully in the next week or so and be sure to check out the article in the description um as that will have all the links which you need to get up and running with this so thank you guys and catch you soon
Channel: On-Set Facilities
Views: 5,171
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jjg4okgBTgA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 59sec (479 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2023
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