3D Gaussian Splatting EASIEST Method (Tutorial)

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so by now y'all already know that 3D godian Splats are becoming the most popular and photorealistic method to take a video of any object and turn it into 3D like [Music] this see I told you we've already done it with the stadium and the pyramids but there is one problem the reason 90% of you haven't already joined the G flat gang is because you need the beefy graphics card and the knowledge to use the command prompt well no more because paully just made it super easy with their own 3D goian Splat creator that runs on their website and for that we came all the way to an Arabian Desert to show you guys how easy is it to turn anything into TR East using plan [Music] yeah this method is free fast and you can export it and take it to any software like Unreal Engine 5 we're going to scan several objects including this camo this Falcon and this buggy in this video we're going to share with you how to capture a gosan and process it on poly cam give you all of our top tips to get the best results and even bring the gossans into Unreal Engine 5 to see if you can get some dope renders let's go your input for training gossans are images and you can upload up to 200 of them on polyam but if you think about it videos are essentially multiple images representing a frame so we can shoot a video and later export it as image sequences taking a video is much easier definitely faster and can be done by almost anybody but it does come at a cost of quality because videos have motion blur now taking photos on the other hand can be a lot more deliberate and Focus which can yield fantastic 3D results but it can take twice or three times longer than taking a video since we are in a desert under uncontrolled circumstances we are going to shoot videos only to save time and get more scans now how can we get the best g-s Splats well with over hundreds of scans with photogrammetry Nerfs and now gossans we recommend the following resolution the higher the better ours is at 4k camera Choice the beefier the better but your iPhone will work just fine plus it's always on you lens a wide lens like the 0.5 on the iPhone allows us to capture more detail in the shortest amount of time possible but you can also argue that a prime lens on a DSLR can give you sharper results so by all means go ahead and experiment lighting having an ample amount of light is always important for capturing however gsan have shown promising result even under low light conditions camera movement no panning no tilting and no zooming just move around your subject the simple rule here is that you need to move your body mostly your legs not your wrist now if you're scanning an object considering that you want the entire object in your gosan Splat you want to go ahead and go around it one time in Full Circle while keeping it in the center of the frame now if you're trying to scan an entire environment in 360° you want to go ahead and follow the exact same movement off an orbit but this time if you don't have an object in the middle of the scene pretend as if there was an object an orbit around it this way you'll capture the entire environment ISO aperture shutter speed low ISO low aperture High shutter speed higher shutter speed means less motion blur and therefore the subject will appear sharper low ISO equals less noise and lower aperture means higher depth of field which means everything in a shot will be in Focus now that we're done capturing it's time to process with polyam if you took photos you can skip this part but if you took videos like us then it's time to convert them into image sequences and you can do this with a range of different softwares like Premiere Da Vinci or image magic there are even online tools made specifically for this purpose but just be aware of image compression because sometimes you might lose quality during the conversion now with all these images go to poly. cam click on create capture then click on create gosan Splat upload your jpeg or PNG files and click upload and process after after that the processing will start and it can take somewhere from 20 to 40 minutes ours is done let's go and check it out we're behind the computer right now on polyam and we want to show you guys our best scans of the buggy of the Falcon and of the camel now far what are we going to start with let's start with the buggy let's start with the buggy okay the best one is the one that we took with an iPhone so this one was shot 4K 30 frames wide angle lens on an iPhone yeah and what you can see I did a bit different I did the full orbit and I did a little bit of closeup to make sure I get the whole seat area and inside the car as well and we haven't done that with the other ones so what we can do is we can go and compare to see if I do close up does it affect the final gusan scan or no okay so let's take a look at the gossan Splat that was generated from this and look at how fast it loads literally that fast that's a beauty of gossan Splats ladies and gentlemen and look at this look at this dude just imagine this a year two years ago if you told me you can just go around an object and just record with your iPhone and you'll be able to get this you see you you can exactly see how the sits look like dude that's super cool because you did the Orit and then you went on top let me let's check the other one yeah let me show you guys something really cool so if you go to another scan that we did and this one was shot by myself and unlike faat hod I didn't focus on the chairs yeah this is the end so so it restarts here here look at that so on the right side is the vertical and on the left side is the horizontal shot you see you get The Branding on the seat here and you got the belts too you got the belts The Branding wow and even the front side is a lot more clearer than the one on the right yeah so do close ups since csian Splats work really well with items that are closer to the camera rather than the ones that are extremely far away we totally recommend you guys try out horizontal shots as well like far did and then try to get close to your object if you can there were two big problems with the camel one was the lighting and the other one was the camel itself look at him kept moving the whole time only part about this video that is static is the camel's back I want to tell you guys that's the part that is going to look the best before we get into it so we did one full orbit as you can imagine but the camel was moving all the time so let's take a look at what it looks like boom do you see that do you see that at this specific angle we have the perfect camel because that's the part that it was staying static and the gossan Splats recognize that but the moment we move away look at what happens to the head but this is such an illusion right no move move a bit more move a bit more move a bit more look the one angle two angle and but the back looks stunning look at that we got all the details from the carpet that was on was it a carpet or a rock yeah on the camel and then look at the sand look at the sand look at how the feet are just sunk into the sand and you see all of that detail very clearly and as I move around the camel even on this side which was guys absolutely dark it was so freaking dark there was no light shot on the iPhone 4K 30 frames per second vertical and what's really cool is we only had how long less than 30 seconds all right yes I was pretty stable as you can see and F did a complete orbit around me I actually did move a little bit three two wow look at that this is so awesome this is amazing you know what's really cool look at the quality of my eyes do you see the eyes just the head in general of course it's not 100% perfect not yet at least oh dude for 30C video in a windy condition under a hot desert circumstance this is something you wouldn't be able to get without goian splats even my back is in there wow 3 two 1 whoa did you see that this is crazy and look at how cool this shot looks look at how I'm looking at the Falcon so what's really awesome is once you have a scan that you want to check out in a 3D software you can just go ahead to download and choose spot. p and then start downloading so if you guys want to try out the unreal plug-in we made a a video about that uh previously just before I'll link it here and what you're looking at is a specifically altered version of Unreal Engine 5 and the plugin that we're using is called metao shout out to jge it's basically a product visualization plugin which allows you to have all of these beautiful light setups and the background setup which you can actually easily change with these presets which looks absolutely amazing and all of these settings is something you can change now we're not here to talk about this plugin the reason we wanted to use it in this video is because we thought it'd be cool if you drag and drop the gosan Splat inside on your engine 5 and not have to do the lighting setup ourself put it somewhere that it's going to be the absolute best look so you so that you guys can experience it outside of the usual viewer so one more thing you guys need to know of is how we actually import these goian Splat so we actually went ahead and installed our gossan Splat plugin which is right here 3D goian this one's a paid plugin it's on the onal engine Marketplace so we're going to go up here this was the Falcon file that we just downloaded all I have to do is just click it because what it does is it takes a point Cloud switches it to Niagra particles that we can view in Onre Engine 5 and they just go straight into your content browser like this and drag and drop it here boom oh dude that is awesome okay let me move this back I think I'm a little bit too big I yeah but that kind of looks cool too yo this looks this looks really cool we should use that to crop all of these extra Splats in this space let's get rid of all of them all right so we're done with the cropping F what do you think dude it looks amazing wow look at the Falcon and the way you look at the Falcon dude the fact that you have a 3D me and a falcon in a studio in onreal engine 5 in 3D with great quality and plus I can actually increase the degrees here to three to have better colors look at me do you see that that's one of the features of the plugin it works on the the spherical harmonics degree this is actually one of the settings of goian flats itself so it's not unique to this plugin so you're able to go to degree 3 which has the best view dependent colors and right now I would say the only thing that will make this so much better is what we asked for in our previous video as well imagine instead of cropping you could gohe and paint out the Splats that are annoying you like the ones at the top cuz you can't really crop this if you crop this my head will be cropped okay so let's play with it a little bit let's change the background okay o yo go to the plain white one plain white yeah let this is crazy man you told me this reminds you of the beginning of James Bond movie like suicide squad James B yeah can you do an intro for the buggy and the Falcon oh so like an intro for this video cinematic intro all right let's do it in three 2 1 po no more excuses guys you can go and create your own 3D goian plat is free and easy wait you haven't subscribed yet F come back come on they haven't subscribed wait a minute you has subscribed yet haven't you she hasn't subscribed yet no wait wait she hasn't subscribed either what they freaking sub
Channel: Bad Decisions Studio
Views: 50,960
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: radiance field, gaussian splatting, neural radiance fields, Nerf, AI, 3d Scan, 3d
Id: U3ipg5pG39k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 06 2023
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