Step by Step Guide to OVERSEEDING (Better looking lawn FAST)

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foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] so if you want a healthier thicker and overall better looking lawn you came to the right place so stay tuned so i can show you one of the most important things that you can do to make your lawn better looking when it comes to cool season lawns typically in the fall we're talking about over seeding and so over seeding what that is essentially taking grass seed and spreading it evenly across a large area such as my entire front yard here and there are a few steps that need to happen in order for this to be successful i want to take you through those [Music] step one before you overseed you want to mow a little bit lower than you usually do and get that grass out of here so whenever we overseed we want the grass seed to get down into the dirt and we want as much sunlight to be able to get on that grass seed because that's going to help it grow [Music] now that we have our grass cut down shorter ready to go we need some seed to soil contact [Music] so we are going to do that two main ways you don't have to do both you can choose one or the other if you have compacted soil i recommend core aeration and so core aeration essentially it takes these tines puts them into the ground and it pulls out little cores usually about two to three inches i am kind of an expert when it comes to three inches and i think three inches is very good so if you've ever been on a sports field football field usually in the fall and you see those little plugs little dirt turds lawn turds that is because the field has been aerated so what aeration does aeration is very good if you have never done it and you aerate even if you don't over seed which i do recommend overseeding even if you don't a few weeks later your lawn will look better almost automatically because what it does it loosens up the soil it allows water nutrients it allows your roots to just spread out and take off and so it's just a very good thing the second way is actually dethatching or power raking essentially what you're doing there you're running a machine with these tines over it it is ripping up a lot of junk and lawn debris getting it out of the ground and allowing your lawn to breathe and so if you have never defects your lawn or power range your lawn that is another good thing to do you may have to do both of these if you've never done anything you may be better off doing both of these but usually you're going to do one or the other also is going to rough up the top layer of the soil and allow this seed to have a place to germinate so once we have our lawn mowed we've got our seed to soil contact with either aeration or dethatching it is time to spread our seed so when it comes to picking a grass seed that you're going to put in your lawn it all depends on where you're at what you already have in your lawn all this stuff i can't tell you exactly what you should go with i can tell you i have tall fescue last year i overseeded with kentucky bluegrass and people who say that kentucky bluegrass overseeding is a waste of time and money you're wrong because you can see germination in five days with good kentucky bluegrass that being said tall fescue will probably germinate faster than kentucky bluegrass perennial rye grass even faster than that so you just kind of have to choose what grass seed you want but once you figure it out all you're going to do just like you're spreading fertilizer spread your grass seed evenly across the entire lawn don't worry about doing anything else you don't have to really rake it in you don't have to do anything else just let it sit with water that grass seed should work its way down to the soil once we get our grass seed down we need to feed it so we need to use something with the middle number that's phosphorus that's what's going to help drive the roots so you can go out you can get a granular fertilizer you can get a liquid fertilizer you can get something labeled a starter fertilizer those are designed for seeding time but the only thing special about those is it has a smaller number of nitrogen it has a higher number of phosphorus and so that is not going to cause your old grass to grow too fast and it is going to help drive your roots and so i'll put some options down below you can check it out both granular and liquid one thing to consider at this time i do recommend getting good quality grass seed that has zero weed seeds if you want to know what i'm using in my lawn i'll link that down below because i get questions all the time even though we are using seed with zero percent weed seeds anytime we're seeding aerating dethatching car anytime that we are seeding aerating dethatching anything like that even though we are using seed with zero percent weed seeds we're still at risk for bringing seeds up to the surface and having them germinate and so one thing that to consider that you could do is using something like mesotrione that is tenacity in the liquid form it's also scott's starter fertilizer with weed preventer has mesotrione in it and so again i'll link those down below something to think about that will help prevent a lot of weeds from coming in here it does a very good job i use it every time i seed because i think it works very very well so when it comes to watering the lawn for grass seed specifically you really want to keep the ground moist you don't want it to be sopping wet you don't want it to dry out so really in the fall time it's best i typically do three times a day each sprinkler is going to be different but i have figured out here on mine i pretty much water three times a day about seven minutes each time and so first watering um will be about eight that do will carry me through till the morning about eight o'clock i'll water about four hours later noon water again four hours later four o'clock water again and that will get me through the night time so moral of the watering story get it wet keep it wet but don't put it away wet [Music] all right so that is it for my process of overseeding one of the most important and most beneficial things that you can do for your lawn i actually have each of these steps in a full video i'll link those down below if you want to check those out if you have any questions please there goes trugreen design that green though but if you want to check those videos out i'll leave them linked down below so you can get more in depth about each of these steps if you have any questions please leave them down below thank you guys for watching please hit the subscribe button we'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: The Lawn Whisperer
Views: 1,546,546
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lawn, lawn care, lawn stripes, lawn whisperer, overseeding, grass seed, aerate, aeration, dethatch, power rake, fall, winter, summer, heat stress, ugly lawn, fix, lawn fix, how to, seed, tall fescue, lawn rescue, beginner, yard, stripes, thicker lawn, dark green, deep green, renovation, aerator, water, irrigation, soil, leveling, level lawn, bumpy lawn, sand, topsoil, how to fix. an ugly lawn, core, slit seed, grass, green, spreader, topdress, dirt, spread, aerate and overseed, overseed, grow
Id: lPXmIXL86Jk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 12sec (432 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 11 2020
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