Reseeding Some Bare Spots. - DIY Lawn Guy

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[Music] drawings because let's just say god peace [Music] what's going on youtube and thanks for coming back for another video all right guys on this video i'm gonna go ahead and fill in these bare spots once again but don't worry because i'm gonna go ahead and cover that seat up unlike last time which i forgot and all these birds around here ended up eating my seed so i'm gonna make sure to cover it this time and uh hopefully i get a well establishment and the roots are nice and deep before summer time comes so let's go ahead and get started all right guys so um before i get started i just want to mention real quick normally you want to plant your grass seed especially for cool season grass you want to plant during the fall time that's that's normally the best time to you know seed your lawn but i'm just getting really tired of seeing all these bare spots now the grass itself looks really nice and dark as you can see in the video really nice and dark but then you got these little bare spots just throw it off so i'm going to go ahead and fill it in and hopefully it should get very well established before summertime hits all right guys so let's go ahead and get started all right guys so i went ahead and uh cut the grass down i probably took it down an extra notch than i usually do uh could probably be another two weeks before i try to mold i don't really want to mow the grass while this is being seeded you know so next step guys we're going to loosen that soil up with this tool and throw the seed right on top i'm going to cover that seed up with some cow manure so let's get let's get right into it [Music] peace [Music] all right guys so now we got the soil nice and loose next go ahead and throw the seed right on top you can go ahead and use a spreader if you like i'm gonna go ahead and throw it by hand [Music] all right guys now that we have this grassy in the soil i'm gonna go lightly over with this to kind of put it inside the soil kind of buried a little bit and then top it off with some common right on top [Music] all right guys now that it's kind of lightly buried next thing that i should have really done last time go ahead and cover the seat up i'm going to be using commodore myself but if you like you can use peat moss or i think some people use like a like a net just in case it rings but i think the cow manure i have should be fine let's go ahead and cover it up right now [Music] all right guys so here's the area nice and covered and i'm gonna go ahead and do the same process throughout the whole yard or the other little bare spots that i have and maybe in about uh hopefully in about 10 days to about two weeks i should have some germination going on and uh who knows i might even mow in two weeks from now but we'll see all right guys i'm going to finish up the rest and be done for today [Music] all right guys um and maybe in about two weeks i should hopefully get some good germination going on and uh who knows maybe in about three weeks i'll be mowing back here already the new grass uh well yeah i'll make another video in about two weeks or so keep you guys updated but that's gonna be it for today's video guys thanks for watching and i'll see you in the next video
Channel: DIY Lawn Guy
Views: 481,056
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: diylawnguy, reseeding, lawn care, how to fix bare spots in lawn, repair dead spots in lawn, seeding bare spots, lawn, grass seed, seeding lawn, how to seed grass lawn, lawn care tips, the lawn care nut, lawn seeding, peat moss, thatching rake, grass
Id: bg9bMD5ED9s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 44sec (404 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2021
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