How to OVERSEED Your Lawn in FALL - Easy Way

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in today's video I'm going to help you improve your lawn in a way you may have never seen before it's a process prose use and it's called over seeding overseeding is a method that adds new grass blades to your existing lawn it's going to fill in dead areas bare patches and that's going to make your entire lawn look more full the great news is this isn't going to take you weeks you can do this entire job in just one day if you use my method the first step is the easy so you just need to mow your lawn but this time you're going to cut it a lot shorter than usual I recommend mowing your lawn at about two and a half inches that might seem really short but this is critical for the next step now once you've got your mower adjusted you want to make sure that you're bagging the clip-ins this is definitely not the time to mulch you don't want to add any material to the top of the lawn with your mowing done you're ready for the next step and that's to rent What's called the lawn aerator now these are essentially going to punch holes in your lawn now that might sound pretty destructive but it's actually one of the best things you can do if you've got an in-ground sprinkler system you're going to want to Mark the heads nothing simple to do just turn it on you can get yourself some Landscaping Flags like these these things are dirt cheap and you can even reuse them and now you won't accidentally hit your sprinkler heads now we're ready to use our aerator now all kinds of places rent these Home Depot local rental shops and they generally cost less than eighty dollars a day and you're only going to need it for just a single day now no matter which area you rent they all work pretty much the same way they've got these things called tines they're going to rotate and punch holes in your lawn now aerating your lawn is going to do a couple of things first it's going to allow those holes to get water air nutrients right down to the roots of the grass it's also going to help loosen up the dirt many of us have rock hard soil here and I want to loosen it up to make it a little bit easier for your Grassroots to grow now aeration is healthy for any lawn but when it comes to overseeding those holes are going to be perfect you're going to be putting grass seed down as the next step and those holes are going to be like little Planters and some of the seeds are going to fall right in many people are nervous about birds eating up their brand new grass seed now in an overseeding job birds are not going to be able to see the seed as easily because it's kind of mixed in with the grass but the ones that go in the aeration holes are going to be out of reach from the birds their beaks are not going to be able to reach the bottom and this is different than mowing the lawn you don't have to be completely even in fact some cases you don't want to be if you've got really bare areas of problem spots you might want to go over them several times you really can't over aerate your lawn even if you tear it up a bit it's not going to matter because that new grassy will go into the dirt and begin growing you want to run it around as much area as you can and if you get tired at the end you can't finish it it is not the end of the world every hole that you make is going to be receptacle for new grass seed and that will benefit your lawn and now we're ready to put down our seed and that really is the easiest part of the process and unfortunately the grass seed Market has kind of become a little bit scammy they've all got their own Blends and different brands and most of it is kind of BS I recommend sticking with a brand that's been around a long time that's why I continue to use this Jonathan green black beauty Ultra the stuff has been around forever they've got a good reputation now in terms of how much grass seed to put down you want to follow the directions on the bag for overseeding your lawn you can see here that they give me the exact settings I need from my spreader but here's the other tip you don't have to follow this at all not everybody has a ton of money right now so buy as much grass seed as you can afford remember any new grass that grows in your lawn will be beneficial but there's one huge mistake that many people make and they don't think about it until it's too late anytime you get near a bed like this you need to be super careful grassy loves to grow and that's usually a good thing unless those seeds end up in your beds now if you've got a side guard like this that's fine you can engage that and that'll kind of block the seed but when you get close just spread it by hand drop it in the hole spread it around but do not let any of it get into the beds and then switch to using your spreader for the open portions of your lawn now the seeds will land in the holes those things are going to be like super germination factories you'll even see little Tufts of grass growing right out of them but the seeds between those holes won't be wasted either you've Disturbed The Ground by doing the aeration and that soil will cover some of them and they'll also germinate no method could germinate all the seeds but this is the easiest way to get a great result with the least amount of effort and grass seeds expensive so don't waste any of it anything you get in your patios driveways or walk you want to use your blower and blow that stuff right onto to the lawn now this next step is optional but I highly recommend it unless you fertilize your lawn within the past six weeks you're going to want to fertilize your lawn but it's a special fertilizer that'll help those new grass seeds grow this one is made by The Andersons it's called new lawn starter and I've used this stuff for years with great results and starter fertilizers are different than regular lawn fertilizers the key difference is the phosphorus and that middle number that you see in the bag that's going to be helpful for root development and that's exactly what you want with new grass seed and with that starter fertilizer down you've only got one step left but it's the easiest you've just got to water in your new grass seed now if you've got built-in sprinklers the job is easy just turn them on and you're going to want to run each Zone if you've got manual sprinklers you've got to make sure that you hook them up and water the area thoroughly you just don't want it to dry out now some people panic and they won't even seed their lawn because they're afraid it's going to dry out while they're at work but that really isn't an issue generally in the fall which is the best time to seed you're going to want to water your lawn once in the morning and once when you get home and if temperatures in nuts and it's 90 100 degrees in the middle of the day you're definitely going to want to water once more at lunch time if you can you'll see your new grass seedlings start to grow in as little as 7 to 10 days but you're going to want to keep that watering up for about two weeks just to make sure that they get a good healthy start and you don't want to mow your lawn for at least three to five weeks after you've put down your seed now that sounds like a really long time so stay off it as much as possible and you definitely don't want to mow it could suck up that grass seed right away or worse you could damage it when they're really small and they're not able to handle regular Moines now that's also the huge benefit of cutting the lawn a two to two and a half inches right up front because you're going to gain about a week to two weeks of mowing but when you finally cut it after waiting your lawn is going to look excellent and you should already see your new grass growing in and as you can see by my old house the same technique worked perfectly and it made my lawn look the way it did at the end overseeding is a real game changer when it comes to renovating your lawn it's kind of like calling in the reinforcements when you need help it's easy to do and you can get the entire job done in just a single day and if you like this video please give me a thumbs Up And subscribe to my channel if you're not already for more videos coming up
Channel: Silver Cymbal
Views: 239,581
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lawn, lawncare, how to overseed, overseeding your lawn, does overseeding wqork, klaewn, green lawn, renovating lawn, diy, ugly lawn
Id: lMC1uhnuLGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 4sec (364 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 11 2022
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