How to seed BARE SPOTS in your LAWN

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when it comes to lawn care sometimes you win some and you've got a nice lush beautifully green weed free lawn like this and then sometimes you lose and you've got to fix some bare spots so i'm going to show you step by step how you seed bare spots so that you have the best chance of success [Music] yuck the process of planting and growing grass seed here successfully in bare spots is actually very simple a lot of people will make it way more complicated than it needs to be and actually some people make it too simple and they'll come out here and they'll just throw grass seed down on top of the soil and expect it to grow and then they'll get upset and frustrated that it hasn't grown and so there are really three steps to this process that you must do to be successful so the first thing that we want to do here is actually get seed to soil contact so whenever we're over seeding we're doing large areas typically we do that with aeration or detaching with small bare spots like this this is way easier this right here is actually a cultivator this is a garden weasel you can pick this up at lowe's menards home depot probably your local little garden center but essentially what this does is you take it over the soil and you just kind of work it in and that loosens up the top layer of the soil so you can see taking the cultivator over the top layer of the soil just loosens up that top layer so that the seed has something to work down into kind of protect it help keep it moist and just give it something to root into the next step here once we have the top layer of the soil all loosened up you're just going to take your grass seed and you're just going to lightly coat it just like this give it the old hand job and you're just going to spread this out across the soil coverage wise you want to you don't want it too thick but you also don't want it too thin right so this right here is about the coverage that you want you want to just give it a good shake and i can't tell you how many grass seed per square foot or whatever but this right here is pretty much what you want once you have your grass seed all spread out just like that you can actually go back over it with the cultivator very lightly just to kind of work it back into the soil it'll disappear on you just like that down into the soil oh yeah so the next step here is to put a light layer of peat moss on it now if you're doing a big area i highly recommend the peat moss spreader it's going to save your back it's going to save you a ton of time it's just going to be way easier but if you're doing a small bare spot like this just use your hands put a light layer over it and this is going to help one protect your seed from things like birds that like to come and eat your seed it's also going to help keep your grass seed moist because we're going to talk about that at the end but you do you need to keep your grass seed moist and wet um so that it will actually grow so heat moss right here very important [Music] ah i'm used to using that peat moss spreader so i forgot how messy you actually get with peat moss so once we have this down the next thing we need to do is actually feed the grass so you need to feed your grass but what should you feed it now i'm gonna tell you look for a fertilizer with the middle number there's gonna be three numbers the middle number is what is responsible for root growth root development um and if you watch my channel you know i'm a big fan of this sanctuary right here it is an 11 21 21 so it's got that middle number for root development it's the only thing i've used on my lawn so far this year and it looks really really good i'm really really happy with the results so far this and so i'm going to use this on these bare spots i will also recommend a liquid is going to be way easier to get the proper coverage especially when doing bare spots so if you're going with a granular fertilizer i would go ahead and just do the entire section of lawn so that you're not trying to spread a granular fertilizer on these bare spots because you could put too much down and burn your lawn liquid is going to be way easier okay so one scoop of the sanctuary and one gallon of water and i'm just gonna spray these spots just like i normally would i'm not gonna soak them spray them move on on to the next step hoses caught okay all right so we oh that leaky hose here all right so the final thing and the most important thing is that you actually need to water your grass feed you have to keep your grass seed wet a lot of people will again like i said they'll throw grassy down and then they'll be mad that it never grows but they won't water it and so you have to keep your grass seed wet so what that means is you should come out here at least twice a day i recommend three times a day morning afternoon late afternoon or early evening and you're just gonna water your grass seed now you don't need to drown it or soak it all i like to do is whenever i'm seeding bare spots like this come out with my hose put it on shower something light and then you're just gonna do a quick once over on it just so the top layer of the soil and the grass seed is wet or moist and then you move on you don't need to puddle it up if you're puddling up water you're putting way too much on it all right so i recommend keeping it watered every day two to three times a day just like that for at least 14 days now if you can go longer that's great i recommend doing that until you get your first moe in on it and then after that you can go back to normal watering but at minimum two weeks so that your grass can germinate and sprout out of the ground and then once you see that keep watering it if you can you're going to be just fine all right so those are the steps to plant and grow grass seed in bare spots just like that and then hopefully we will have that looking just like this thank you guys for watching hit the subscribe button down below we'll see you next time got some babies sprouting here won't be long it'll all be full just like that
Channel: The Lawn Whisperer
Views: 1,706,280
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lawn, lawn care, seed, seeding, bare spots, spring, grow grass, overseeding, sanctuary, dab, midnight, lawn whisperer, dark green, yard, pre emergent, crabgrass, dandelion, clover, how to, kill weeds, weed killer, weed and feed, aeration, dethatch, reel mow, toro, ego, ryobi, stripes, edging, clean edges, mulch beds, cultivator, my4sons, backpack sprayer, fertilizer, humic acid, liquid iron, grass, grow, mower, battery, level, level lawn, leveling, sand, air8, air 8, liquid aeration, roots, sea kelp
Id: KqnfX9MuwX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 56sec (416 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 11 2021
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