How To Seed And Repair Bare Spots in the Lawn

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all right let's go finish this eating project all right so welcome back for another video today I'm going to be finishing fixing me spots what I'm going to do is just to take one spot as an example and then I'll show you how to do that and obviously I will be finishing the rest of them but I don't need to show you every single one we'll just replicate what I do on this one on all the other ones let me start with one final rake of this area just to make sure all the dirt is broken up pick up any of this dead grass that's still sitting in there you know that looks good now even though those spots look pretty good as far as dirt goes I grabbed a little bit of fresh topsoil in order to just put a nice fine layer on top of there so make sure we get some good seed soil contact against I don't need much of this topsoil I'm just going to add just a little fine layer on there okay so that's a pretty clean bed now we're going to put down the seed and I'll show you what I'm using this is the seed that I got from site ones also used to be called John Deere landscapes this isn't going to be an exact match to my other bluegrass here that's in the backyard but this is is a hundred percent bluegrass I just found something that was at least somewhat similar they update varieties and things like that so it's kind of hard to match exactly what was here I have four different types of bluegrass so this would be slightly different as are you going to notice a huge difference once this is all established probably not so I'm just going to take a little bit of this and we're going to sprinkle it on so bluegrass peat is very tiny so it can be fairly generous with it and I like to just kind of use a motion here to put it down fairly evenly and I'll come in for a close-up here in a second show you exactly what it looks like okay so now we have the seed down I'm going to take my rake I'm just going to very lightly rake this in a little bit that's kind of putting it down into the soil just a little bit not too far under the surface because you don't want to bury it okay now I'm going to put just a little bit more on top make sure we have a good amount and then I'm going to lightly Pat this down make sure we have good seed to soil contact but I don't want to compact it too much I just want to make sure it's touching the soil and then the next step is I'm going to be putting some peat moss on top of that just as a covering to make sure the birds don't come in and get a bunch of this and it doesn't get too washed away from a heavy rain or something like that okay so I have my peat moss here now in case you've never used this stuff it is quite messy just kind of dusty in so kind of pay attention to the way that the wind is going so you don't get it all over in your face but all I'm going to do is just come out here now and kind of just put a little bit over top of here we don't want to go too heavy we just want it covered enough that it's going to hold into moisture keep the birds away so it looks like a pretty good amount I'll show you the close-up all right so now I get to have the fun of fixing all these other spots in the exact same way I did this one and then at the end of this video I'll show you my watering setup that I'm going to use for this if you watch my videos last year you probably saw my above-ground system that I use but I'll show you that at the end of this video first I'm going to fix the rest of these spots [Music] [Applause] [Music] that is it for the seating one thing that I'm going to do next that I forgot to mention is I'm going to be put down some starter fertilizer you can use pretty much anything you'd like I've heard good things about the Scotch brand with the weed preventer in it I have not tried it yet I have some let's go grand stuff that I'm going to be using up so that works as well whatever you want to use it should work trying to just try to contain it a little bit to those spots that you're seating and I want to talk about this sprinkler real quick this is the setup that I use last year I'll link to that video so you can see how I made this so essentially this is just an underground sprinkler that I put a spike on so you can use it above ground and the reason that I will be using it with this seating project as well is that these heads put water out very slowly kind of evenly if you use something like an impact sensor when you're trying to water seed it can be a little bit too harsh so you want to look for something that's either one of those kind of Fanning rain type of sprinklers or something like this will work if you want to set up something like this so watch that video if you'd like otherwise you can use whatever you have it will work you just might have better results if you get a slow kind of rain on there so that's pretty much it for this video thank you very much for watching and we'll see you next time Oh [Music]
Channel: Ryan Knorr Lawn Care
Views: 1,178,902
Rating: 4.7337904 out of 5
Keywords: lawn care, how to fix bare spots in lawn, repair dead spots in lawn, seeding bare spots, lawn, grass seed, seeding lawn, how to seed grass lawn, lawn care tips, the lawn care nut, lawn seeding, peat moss, thatching rake, grass
Id: 6iIOn2v0J8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 12sec (432 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 19 2017
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