Stellaris - Mechanic Ascension Mechanics (The Perfection of the Digital)

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ever had that idea in your mind where it's like you know what this meatbag body is just not gonna do I need to upgrade myself towards a perfect inmortal in unfeeling machine oh you've come to the right place because today we're going to be talking about the synthetic ascension which is one of the three extensions available within stellaris now of course there is a bunch of things that you can do here you can start off with any Empire you like and go ahead and move yourself towards the right path however if you want to get a bit of a shortcut you can pick off start off even with a mechanist as one of your starting perks within your species you need a little bit of materialist within your ethics but you will start with robot tech and on top of that you will get four robot power pops within your empire and they will be replacing those disgusting flesh you meet back pops that you know the other four and you'll also get a bonus to reduce robot maintenance which is five percent which doesn't sound like a lot than once you get rolling you start using more robot pop so that your empire it does start to impact things quite significantly so I have a look at the mechanics review well as you can see they started off with that a robot tech which also means that you don't - Gambel for it's randomly popping up on a later on a later moment where you're picking your technology so it's an easier gateway to the follow up robots now for the traditions that I picked in this particular scenario our expansion and discovery you're going to need a lot of engineering research for this ascension perk now I'm not talking about just a lot I mean a gargantuan amount if you don't build your empire properly of course that is discovery and expansion well you need more territory to get more engineering hot spots and that's kind of important and of course you get the two additional core worlds there which means you can min/max four planets a little bit more effectively so which is kind of important anyway as soon as you have an ascension perk available and you have the droids technology you can go for the flesh is a week which is the first stage and changing your discussing chemical sack into a perfect immortal machine in the pleasures week is a fairly expensive event and a custom number of engineering research based on your population now the mass kind of works like this there's a base cost of 1,000 and on top of that who will pay an additional 100 for every piece of population that you have now as of one points one point five point one as I'm recording this this total population counter also include robot pops I'm pretty sure this is a bug and it's going to be fixed I'll reach out towards the developers to see whether or not this is the case because it doesn't really make sense to cybernetically upgrade your robot population considering they're already cybernetic anyway this basically means that you want to keep your population relatively small but fairly large amount of robots at least if my hunch is correct in this particular case so you can offset the cost of this particular project again this is where the mechanist starter option shines bright and it's pretty damn awesome especially with the 5% robot maintenance modifier an important note what you you will not be able to do any engineering research while this project is running so once again keep your population low as unlike with for instance gene tailoring you will not be able to gradually uh play upgrade your population it's nothing or everything there is no middle ground there once you've done this you will trigger the cybernetic revolution event where all your pups are automatically upgraded your rural lifespan will automatically boost it by 40 years your pops will get this cybernetic trait which increases their habitability bonus by 20 percent mineral output by 5 although you don't really want to use them for mineral output because that's where the droids come in because they're better at mining anyway you've got a ton of them by this point anyway and Army's made from these pops will generate 10 percent more damage cyber governors generate 5 percent more minerals and energy on a planetary or sector level their lifespan will be increased by 40 years scientists will get a 5% tech bonus and also last 40 years one Amaral's will get a absolutely insane 15% bonus to fire rate in an additional 40 years amongst the Stars and Generals will generate an additional 10% army damage although for since 1.5 I reserved it bad in my personal opinion but you know you can put the comments about that you know about that one please be aware that at this point there will if there's any key piece of knowledge fallen empires around that they will not like you and there's a good chance that they will try to stop you going down the AI path overall it's pretty good times but whilst we may have goal gone full Adam Jensen and unlike him we totally asked for this it's time to elevate our disgusting carbon bodies to the perfection of the digital it's time for synthetic evolution and it's only available as our four for sentient perk and only if you research the relevant synthetic worker and leader text so basically you need since and synthetic rule it would rulership so this opens up the synthetic evolution event obviously this is the essential perk we just talked about and in your situation log and once you again you will need to upgrade your population to that Oh perfect unfeeling metal machines this time it is the following based cost of one thousand plus two hundred times your total population so it's basically double the cost of the flesh is weak again you won't be able to research anything in the engineering section during this event run time finally once the project is complete we will yeah we will enter the synthetic age and every single species within the galaxy will receive a message from us proclaiming that we have become in fact perfect you will not be able to see that it message yourself you can run it through an event I can put that in the comments if you really want to see it but it's not particularly interesting you will only really see it as a AI species enters the event or you're in multiplayer which is relatively unlikely considering the amount of resources that you need to put into it ah let's take a look here on that top of that you get to rename your species something along the line of perfect feeling immortal machine will do here your populations will be Ching your entire pop will change the since you will have a 20% bonus to energy minerals and science and a twenty five production for 25% reduction in consumer goods cost or your farms should change into energy buildings I have looked a little bit at this I played around for a little bit doesn't always happen but generally all your farms turn into energy buildings of the same tier governor's boost all science output by five percent per planet or sector your scientists get a 10% research bonus in the 25% research survey bonus although by this stage you probably have already surveyed the entire galaxy though this is slightly useless possibly Admirals will get a 5% fire rate bonus which is a downgrade from the cybernetic bonus I'm sure this is a mistake at some point and generals will get a 10% to army damage as well as a morale because of course they are perfect unfeeling machines once all of this is done there is a good chance that a spiritualist Empire or fallen Empire will contact you and tell you that you are a bunch of idiots and that you have basically given away your perfect carbon soles but obviously we haven't because now we're perfect machines now I would actually seen any analysis in relationships towards that so far I'm sure that's going to change sometime in the future I've also done some testing with the AI uprising crisis vent but I could not find anything that allows you to work together nicely to purge all the meat bags if you have any questions put them down in the comments I hope that this was entertaining for you and if you feel that I did something wrong feel free to put that in the comments as well this is a discussion forum not a place of vitriol although some people would disagree with me on that one until next time I hope this was useful to you and take good care of yourselves and of course each other you
Channel: ASpec
Views: 257,564
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stellaris, Paradox Interactive, Grand Strategy, 4x, ASpec, Genetic Engineering, Europa Universalis, Tutorial, how to, Advanced Government, AI, Uprising, Dangerous, Technology, Synth, Unbidden, Crisis, Syth, Synthetics, Droid, Robot, a.i., Prethoryn Scourge, Prethoryn, Scourge, Invasion, mechanics, tutorial, Terraforming, AI Uprising, Psionic, Acencsion, Utopia
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 47sec (527 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 16 2017
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