Stellaris Nemesis - Cold War Recap

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edict from the voice bazzanac must be renamed the slime pit this video has been made possible by paradox interactive [Music] who are you so um i am the uh the hands of the divine empire um basically what i do is uh i i'm the infrastructure guy i got the ropes i got the hard hat you know we're working hard getting everything going we listen to the voice and we execute based on their directive humanity rose from the ashes of the wars of the 23rd century as a changed species far more fearful far more ready to put their fates in the hands of the new emperor a mythical figure who had finally ended the ravages of the century-long war as time went on humanity discovered the hyperlane network and expanded their borders rapidly there were other space-faring races but the empire soon brought them under control passing entire species to serve them as slaves soon the hell of the milky way had been conquered and the empire turned inward to continue its never-ending lust for power and control uh dear dear voice of the empire what is the name of our capital world right now it is sebastia but that may need to change yes indeed it is a very heretical name and we will need to have something else so at some point the voice is just like hey shall we name everything after after he-man and i'm just like all right well you're the voice i just do the building yeah that's that's what i do so it's all right well i guess everything's now called after he-man things i have no problem with this but you know a little bit weird i'm kind of digging eternia like should we do a bunch of he-man oh he-man references would be pretty badass yeah i do that would be red we could have like castle grayskull yes let's do it [Laughter] all right the voice has spoken our friend will be known as eternia [Laughter] meredith that'll need a uh a new name yeah that's that's no good okay i need to bring up uh like a website okay he-man locations or he-man wiki i guess is there a human oh yeah with the wiki grayskull that is a great name [Laughter] okay i need a name oh there's a place called snake mountain snake mountain i love it already uh okay there's also wait attorney has a legal system i'm learning a lot about he-man edict from the voice bazzanak must be renamed the slime pit oh yes yes okay lost amoeba lost amoeba yes we will we will take the lost amoeba oh yeah i i assume we're gonna name it bubbles wait no wait that should be battle cat [Laughter] all right new director from the voice that amoeba must be named battle cat battle cap okay martin this is martin this is mark asking for it okay guys i know everybody wants to be called bubbles it's currently it's called lost juvenile but we will rename the battle cat praise battle cats to define space amoeba it was gifted to us by the will of the emperor clearly and god willing we can get uh the sword no what's there's a sword you could unlock one of the relics is a is a sword yeah it's the um player of the huntress yeah yeah if i forget that we got to be by the power of grayskull yes absolutely by the power of grace ships cannot move 20 faster oh man i hope we get something that we can activate so i can just yell out i have the power i just find it funny we made first contact with them this early yeah can you tell us a bit about zuma yeah so at one point we find a ship in space it's been out there for like 2 000 years since the old empire and uh we got first contact with this new alien species called the zoomins they're disgusting they kind of look like you but they don't they give you a weird feeling and they have horns so clearly demonic regardless they're just chilling out of the south of the galaxy and we're just like all right cool that's a thing we'll just send our operatives over there see what's up with them and uh then they spar start spiraling out of control so that was great hello hello are we here yes hi are these humans is this the humans we are the divine imperium and yes we are humans but we are will soon be many oh okay um that sounds kind of cool uh it's going to be great for everyone you can work in our slave pits i mean fun pits for that's a good word the fun i mean fun pit sounds fun i don't know so much about the slave pit uh forget the whole slave pit entirely i don't know why i said that i assure you there's baskets though because we're like a hive do you like we do have gift baskets what is in the gift baskets um it so either dark or milk chocolate really depending on your preference and we also have some uh bath bombs and there was some fruit on the table no we took the fruits uh i'm working on it right now actually uh okay uh the term used to describe he-man and his fellow heroes was the heroic warriors so he could call ourselves that oh wait no no wait oh my god ace back i got it are you ready the masters of the universe by any chance you want to go for yes i got the name all right let's hear it masters of the universe yes i was i was literally about to say excellent the aetherian republic of beautification they consider themselves beautiful oh hey guys what's going on my name is birch i just took over from my dad he fell asleep he got a little tired somebody forgot to water him but he's fine don't worry about him he's just gonna he's actually that's actually a beautiful topic to talk about actually you know with the whole recycling compost and stuff like that because that's kind of what he is right now he's not looking too good but anyways recycling and all those sorts of stuff is not a bad thing to kind of happen i feel you know sometimes you gotta die you gotta you gotta get report oh wait this is it talking about like recycling plastics or organic materials because we're kind of plant paper i know words are disgusting but your voice is angelic oh thank you i got it from my daddy one of our whatever founder pops of human is is on the sale i forgot about the slave market you forgot oh my god oh my god look at all these pups our slave empire forgot there's so many so many slave pups oh my god i completely forgot about these oh my god i'mma buy all of the slaves all of them they're all coming back to me i forgot about the slave market too but i don't run a how to play stellar's youtube channel so i feel like this is i need more of them i need more we're gonna fill the slime pit there's so many i just literally bought the entire slate oh it's so good i i have to imagine like there is some there was some diplomatic conference and our ambassador was like yeah i just like i need more slaves i don't know where to get them and then some other guy was like why don't you just use the slave market the slave what what now oh no so that was an unliving invasion what did you do so i'm bidding gum right okay so i'm bidding are there we we got side jump drives apparently it attracts them don't know don't care regardless so we're just like okay so they have been in our on our doorstep they are attacking our worlds all right well first of all we're gonna need to put a beacon to lure them somewhere else so obviously we send them off to one of our allies makes perfect sense and then of course azumans who as i mentioned before spiraled out of control um decided to show up and and and bash their head in and we're just like okay so they're going to be a problem in the future we're going to need to become a galactic custodian in order to you know make sure nothing goes wrong oh no where is it where is it where is it it's right in the middle of us oh no no no no no no no no no no no no [Laughter] we are boned so we got a 100k worth of unbidden heading our way ah we could take it can we though yeah we can oh yeah the beacons the beacons are lit gondor gondor cosplay uh see if we can do uh the oh crisis beacon we need oh we don't have enough we don't have enough infiltration level for that who are you trying to get i'm looking at the uh the zoom ons we can do it in the beautification yes let's do it against the beautification that'll do it beautification perfect so yeah so for those of you who are not aware this is the new uh crisis beacon we can put up oh my god the target is is is weak it will cost us 8 000 energy let's do it we need to send the crisis let's hope this will um uh this will distract them man the espionage system seems really awesome i'm excited to try it out oh the zuma's killed him unbidden while i was not looking okay we've covered up the uh we've covered up the the fact that we were building uh a uh uh some sneaky stuff in their territory so uh during the upcoming council you're going to need to um um be very on the ball and try to convince people that it is important that we keep the slaves the imperial chocolate covenant heartily agrees with the emperor that the optics of the slave trade are definitely not incredible but we would like to with your permission emperor appeal to the zoom and over mines you say it's already a terrible existence in a flash prison correct yes so it is statistical fact that the flesh prisons of those we have called in this terminology slaves have a shorter life expectancy than those of others so therefore we could band together and help free them of their prisons more quickly by maintaining the slave trade in the current status quo appeal to the zumans and also the emperor to respect this option for our mandatory servants and with that i think we should maintain the slave market as it is thunderous applause [Music] oh yes the slime pip so this the slime bit was it was a weird little uh primitive empire we invaded of course you know the divine light need to be shown because that's very straightforward and we did that we did all that stuff and um yeah we turned it into the slime pit they revolted but of course showing the divine light and they were a problem the entire game to the point that it kind of it it kind of became our thing the slime pit it shoots it shines a divine light onto the slime pit that's what it does okay this has it looks like a pet carrier of doom that is super rad it's not exactly uh a box is it there it is it's the toblerone of hatred i love it stability is up to eighty percent eighty percent but crime is that a hundred percent yeah because because it's also it's also a penal colony no uh um i'm sorry i i'm getting some breaking news um so some breaking news has just reached me um a second major event of galactic importance has has apparently just happened uh turning to the the newly appointed as far as i understand it galactic emperor from the divine imperium unlimited power so there's there's a star here eating stars because that's what they do oh oh they're eat yeah unknown orders i can take a guess [Laughter] oh the pretty lights the pretty lights wow and leaves a black hole in its way destroys all the planets and oh my god there it goes well our planet cracker looks a lot yeah from the time it compared to that yeah well that there's a trail of black holes so what about this galactic menace yeah um so the zuma's as we talked about before already kind of started spiraling out of control even more and uh we're just like all right we're not going to be able to stop them they're over there eating frigging stars to get our dark matter for their aerophasic engine and god knows what that thing is going to do so in his divine genius the voice was just like look we're just going to go and start bubbling worlds we're going to put shields around them whatever that thing is doing we're going to isolate all the worlds that we can it ended up being two but we're gonna get as so many planets as we can and bubble them up to stop whatever these uh what this engine is doing and that was probably a good thing in the long run time to make marigold forever pretty we're also gonna shield all the primitives that we can find so we can passive so we can uh move our knowledge of the emperor to the next generation yeah it makes sense to me any past any any any plan that we can find we'll we will pacify all right here it is firing we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna save the galaxy by putting bubbles everywhere yeah all right we got we are it's forever beautiful it's forever beautiful i mean yeah yeah we'll agree for peace there we go mandate has been fulfilled we have lost a war what wait did we just you doing all right over there i uh i made a i made a mistake yeah oh yeah i surrendered oh my god i got baited so bad oh my god we're egalitarian xenophobia [Laughter] we're egalitarian xenophiles everybody welcome welcome well douglas did it all hail the new emperor douglas hill douglas first in his name oh my god that's amazing like i've there has been some zany zany things but i'm a democratic imperium somehow and oh my god we cannot become an empire again sorry paradox you broke the game roger hello weeds oh wait hello it is i douglas fur we meet again welcome emperor thank you for gracing us with your presence thank you it's good to be here i thought i'd just check in on my uh subjects yes oh we're doing great yeah it's for beauty we're making everything beauty beautiful over here it's going pretty awesome tell you what uh while you're doing your beautiful thing subjects you don't mind if you come back over to my system and take a look at this big purple swirl going on right now tell us about your final days the final days well we we have finished our our great lifeboat project the emperor had already gone over there on the way there uh the um the beautification committee uh the janitor managed to win their war against us apparently turns out if you hit the surrender button you're no longer an empire but a democratic republic with an emperor as as the bigger head but that's not that's not really what we're talking about here um we were still sitting around sniping all the other empires you know talking talking about what was going on we blew up a planet in the system for fireworks and then we just counted down to the end it was it was it was quite wholesome should we tell you what do i guys should we just uh you know kumbaya uh should we just sit around the the star with some marshmallows out and just ride out of the galaxy let's just do that because it's not gonna happen i'm gonna move my my fleet into position so i can sit around the star and just uh you know we've already taken our our suits off everybody try a little bit there you go yeah got casual with it well i'll smoke some cigars that's right talk about the good old days when we uh good old slime hit hooch all right it's a little bit of slime hooch exactly kennedy's weren't weren't coming through the uh the fabric of space and time it was really really great uh we just we just gave our entire population chemical bliss oh oh that is a genius idea we're gonna go out smiling kicking back no not smiling that's right you're gonna feel nothing trust us uh they all have transcendent awakening in mind for some reason oh chemical bliss chocolate exactly let's uh let's let's give them let's give them chemical bliss living standards there we go i'm at minus 855 alloys uh consumer goods oh god they all have utopian abundance no wonder i don't have any comedy oh it's these guys the fifisendia the plantoids that used to live on the slime pit they are now yeah they used to be our cattle they used to be cattle for a while the plants yeah we didn't see it we turned them into our cattle for forever well they're now in chemical bliss so they're going to ride out the end of the galaxy yeah what a long journey it's been for them [Music] hold my hands guys i'm scared [Music] everybody in chat everybody in chat hold each other's hands this is it this is it this is the end can we jump the douglas's chat let's jump to douglas's channel three i oh oh i didn't see it i good luck see you on the other side godspeed everybody oh come on stefan just press the button well there we go wow okay oh we're all out of sight oh my oh the entire galaxy is filled with black holes it's everywhere we're still alive wait what planets are you serious are you sure oh my god it worked it worked holy crap it worked we got uh it worked that is insanity we saved them oh we got gang wars on potato prime man oh we forgot the second full state
Channel: ASpec
Views: 73,948
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ASpec, A_Spec, Stellaris, Ad, Cold War, Recap, Nemesis, Gameplay, How To, Menance, Emperor, Divine Imperium, Templin Institute, Templin, Imperium, Potato Prime, The Slime Pit, The Voice, The Hands, Skeletor, He-Man, He Man, Galactic Custodian, Patch, Patch Review, 3.0., Philip K. Dick, Stellaris 3.0, Review, Expansion, Intel, Districs, Espionage, Spying, SpyMaster, How to, Overview, Paradox Interactive, Paradox Development Studio, DLC, Facecam, bad key, Amazing, Update, 3.0 Update, pops
Id: BjBn9Uwic5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 29sec (1349 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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