Starbase Weekly, Episode 80

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thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] oops hello everyone and welcome back to another episode of Starbase weekly this is episode 80. my name is Mauricio and I'll go ahead and pass this along to Indian store hi everybody I'm back I'm excited to be here we have amazing photos flyover photos ground photos Mauricio always outdoes himself each and every time I will go ahead and pass it over to Dave and hello everybody yes we have a huge amount of amazing photos this week SpaceX is definitely on a push to flight test number two and things are changing rapidly all over Starbase and I will pass it off to Jake um and it's joy to be back here again uh commenting on this week's photos um and yeah there's been quite a lot going on in Starbucks this week um and Marie show has got pretty amazing photos with all of this stuff so we hope you enjoy and with that I'll pass it on to Zach all right well hello everyone this is Zach golden uh welcome to Starbase weekly and Jake I don't know you do sound a little bit far away but I don't know if that was just on on my side um but uh yeah we have a an exciting show for you all um I think we're finally reaching the point where we can say that the launch Mount is like getting to that final stage of uh of repair work before they can uh start testing again so exciting times ahead as always um and lots of big news to talk about this week um so I think we are going to maybe start off with uh something that we don't normally talk about um and that is the actual FAA investigation or lawsuit I guess you can call it that's going on currently um so yeah we uh yesterday was the deadline for um the FAA to submit their comments or their reply back to the lawsuit right um and I guess in typical fashion um there there wasn't a lot of uh true answers in the actual reply so I don't know if I can maybe pull this up here a little bit um I actually have both spacex's response and the faa's response here um and you know I usually don't like to talk about three letter agencies but I think we should do this today because it is kind of pertinent I'm not going to go through line by line but uh kind of just we'll give you guys the gist of everything um but in the original in the original complaint document and I'm just uh I don't know how to open this up the right way let's see can I full screen this is yeah this is a fun fun document to read if you like reading the same thing again and again for God knows how many pages I don't know how to full screen this I think you have to download it and open it yeah that's exactly what I don't want to do okay yeah I was gonna say my comment was this is a very typical legal response uh we we accept we we Define what we accept as the facts and we deny everything else repeated about 24 pages long yeah exactly and you know a lot of a lot of what I saw in here um it seemed like for the actual you know lawsuit portion of it you know it it was pretty vague um and so because of that I think a lot of the responses were vague as well too like I guess we'll just use this one as an example uh the super heavy is the world's most powerful rocket it holds up to 3 700 metric tons of liquid methane for propulsion a outpotent greenhouse gas that will need to be vented into the atmosphere by SpaceX the launching of these Rockets results in intense heat noise and light that adversely affects surrounding habitat areas and communities which include designated critical habitat for federally protected species as well as Wildlife National refuge and state Parklands um and so for me like if I read that as whether I was the FAA or SpaceX I just don't even know how you respond to that um you can go to their response and read it it's actually that was a really good one to read Because I said yes it is three thousand pounds defendants admit that Starship super heavy super heavy holds up to 3 700 tons of liquid methane for propulsion um wait 3 700 tons of liquid methane that ain't right okay so defendants lack in in information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the remainder of the allegations in this paragraph and therefore deny those allegations um so these per these statements are repeated throughout this uh you know deny the allegations and defendants lack sufficient um information essentially so yeah I mean I I don't know when I first read this I kind of thought that uh this is like the beginning of a long drawn out process but I don't know Dave you were kind of saying that this kind of response yeah I've read lots of these from other lawsuits uh in the past this is super typical the really important thing is go to the last page and ask for what see what they want as their ask because this is this is the important part on the original document the prayer on the prayer this one right there no what do you had okay sorry the very last paragraph what does it say for the foregoing reasons defendants request that the court dismissed the complaint in its entirety render judgment for defendants against the plaintiffs and Grant defendants such other and further relief that the nature of the case and Justice requires yep and basically spacex's prayer is almost identical I mean you got to understand that in a legal pleading like this the whole structure of this document the verbiage everything they say this is all boilerplate they this is what every lawyer cuts and pays for every lawsuit so the three important part is down here uh the defense and the prayer is the basic two things actually the denial of the defense and the prayer the plaintiff's complaint is not specifically admitted denied or otherwise answered is denied they lack standing they fail to State a claim upon which relief could be granted and they fail to exhaust all the administrative remedies before filing the lawsuit therefore dismiss this whole thing thank you very much but you said that they haven't quite dismissed it yet right well remember this is just an answer now this goes to the judge he looks at it probably schedules a hearing I mean there's yes this is just a step in the legal process it's it's it's it's a it's a dance that every lawyer plays this is just part of the dance right yeah you know my I guess my question is how long the rest of this process will take because it's been just over two months for us to reach this point and this is like what basically the first step well it really doesn't matter because unless the plaintiffs ask for preliminary injunction status forward with operations and licensure and everything else as would be normal did they potato a little bit just a little bit um and I guess I have a question which will kind of get you to repeat that a little bit so um thank you what what would stop SpaceX from essentially being able to continue continue operations because I know a lot of lawsuits like this like you know typically um the defendant is able to like continue their actions until the lawsuit is settled a lot of times um and it doesn't doesn't just like stop their operations so what in this what would have to be unless unless the plaintiffs the people that are suing file for and get the court to issue an injunction stopping the defendants from doing whatever they're doing uh the court case continues on its own and has no effect on day-to-day operations whatsoever um well that will be interesting to uh see how this plays out and the problem is if you file for an injunction especially if you buy you know if you file for an immediate Junction in other words saying that the defendants are so egregious that they the risk is so high at what they're doing that we need to stop it immediately then to do that you have to show that you have the probability of succeeding in your lawsuit and that's of course a pretty high threshold to get over right okay well yeah I mean I wanted to just basically touch on this and I don't know if we need to get too deep into it because there's really not a whole lot that we can talk about from here until these next steps are or um take place but at least we have an idea of you know where they are in this process right now um but with that if we if anybody has questions on that from the uh from the chat later we will address those but I will go ahead and continue on to the Massey site which is where we normally start the show off and while you're saying that uh for everybody in YouTube and watching this remember that exclamation question is how you can post a question so our bot can find it we can see that you asked a question and with that let's go to Masseys cool um so we have some nice updates on Massey's it looks like they are moving pretty quickly with several different things here so I guess we'll start furthest up which is the booster staging pad or booster cryo station we've been kind of keeping an eye on this over the last few weeks to see where they are with that and it looks like they have run most of the pipe work over to that actual cryo station um and you can actually see the flex hoses up here and I don't know if I can get closer you can see the flex hoses up near the uh walking platform but it seems like they're just sitting on top of there right I don't think there's any actual QD here I'm pretty sure it'll be really large yeah I I had a bit of a look last night to see if I could find the the player itself and I can't see it anyway yet I'm sure it'll be hidden under some tent or something nearby yeah and this will be the first time we've seen um a plate like that that doesn't um that doesn't uh that's not on the actual launch Mount right because there's another cryo station but it doesn't have an actual QD so I am actually wondering on this one if they will truly have a QD or if they may just get up here and connect the hoses every time I'd like to think there'll be an actual play I mean they've got one there for the ship cryo station so yeah I'd find it odd if it wasn't a plate for the booster cryo station as well yeah very good point and and I mean I haven't actually searched for it yet but I feel like we would see it because it would be super shiny I mean that's one of those things that would probably come from well actually I'm not sure about that I was gonna say it would likely come from McGregor because um a lot of that GSE stuff in that regard like happens at McGregor um like in for specifically the qds for the Raptor engines so anytime they need to change anything out with those Cuties for the Raptor engines they send the engines back to McGregor it's been a very long time since they've done that um but yeah I would kind of expect it to be delivered here soon um but moving on and still related to that uh cryo station this is the uh I don't even know what we want to call this so this was originally two separate plates that were stacked on top of each other and there was um some void space in the middle it looked like there was mounting points for um 13 of the center engines for the booster and now they have filled all of that in with concrete so um that's really interesting it's kind of reminiscent of the inside of the um can crusher yeah I was just thinking that's quite similar to how they did that yeah so the base inside of the can crusher is a um concrete pad I think they had a bunch of embeds in the actual concrete as well too so they could attach the um the hydraulic pistons and so I think this is kind of similar to that and on that note we do have some hydraulic Pistons waiting up here hold on those four five six seven eight nine um those are the can crusher Pistons they were removed yeah but if you look down by scroll down a little bit somewhere I thought we had the Pistons laying on the ground up Palace uh Jack's pointed among you there they are by the um I see that's the other side that's the ones by the cage there's a new set of Pistons by the cage there yeah those will be for the actual cage the the other Pistons are up in the top right of masses I am missing something I don't see them they're right behind the stand but laying behind the puck Trucking stand there are pallets of Pistons yeah those looked a little different they're kind of dirty so I didn't notice them okay so I mean these these look different than the other ones though I think these are for these came off of the um nose cone no so Jax had a theory about this they're gonna actually connect these these new Pistons to the 12 eyelets on the stand for the cage and then they're going to use those Pistons to pull down on the payload B uh test article when that's mounted on this stand okay we will talk about when we get to high Bay because it's got work done on it highly in the last day or two yeah time to shatter a few theories I guess um we'll get to that one when it comes um but on that note you know we have as you guys can tell they're currently um altering the nose cone jail and putting it back in its original configuration um maybe not original configuration but original height I guess nope if you look there they just add here like 10 foot high extensions uh to the top of that look so this is the old lower section of the cage which has now got the top of the cage mounted on 10 foot extensions on top of it so we're making a nose cone list JL for a payload section only as best as we can tell um so this more than likely won't be connected to the to do with it we're we're we're uh Tinker Towing Parts together to make yet another test fixture I will say SpaceX is a our professional isn't doing that um so we're gonna I guess we'll touch on this again in a bit because we're going to uh discuss that test article once we reach the build site as uh Dave mentioned um but moving on I guess over here to the can crusher um so having those Pistons pulled off I wonder if they're putting this in into another new configuration it's tough to tell what's going on here I haven't actually prepared it was interesting though because it's nine of the outer 20 Pistons that they've taken out and what is in this exactly something that's happened yeah oh it's a tarp okay that's what I was curious I wasn't sure if it was a mound of rock or something well and the other thing that's in the center is it's got the ship mounting ring ring sitting on hang on to their mounts there so it's it's in a weird state yeah and that ring was added after 26.1 was taken off the gun Crusher so they're preparing for the next test article I'm very curious to know what the flat thing is at the top of that tarp but I guess we'll know when we know yeah yeah tough to tell um I kind of missed the days where Mauricio was able to get over here with the Drone um although I will say the the uh the pictures tend to be higher quality from 10 000 feet with his Sony camera but um still kind of nice to be able to get that closer view sometimes 10 500 feet yeah thank you for the correction he keeps us safe right so that he can continue to do what he does without fear of anything um so moving on I think it looks like we have uh this is actually interesting to me and I guess it should have been a no-brainer but uh it almost looked like these tanks were already set up before um or that they were going to be set up on the back side but I mean all of the connections are on this side so it looks like it'll actually be on this side so these aren't actually active yet um but they do appear to be in the process of um preparing to actually set up this part of the tank farm um there's a lot of the piping for them laying there on the ground next to the trailer that's gonna get put multiples of Threes of things look very suspicious there yeah and it I mean it'll probably look identical to what we see over here um oh wow you know I never noticed that they had Prima blinds in here yeah they've been uh whoa yeah I never I sometimes I don't look that close into some of the stuff happening on masses there's too much going on everywhere else um but other than that the site is getting uh I would say a little bit more cleared up from what we've seen it in the last few weeks a lot of the prefab area over here is kind of cleaned out they as you all know finish the road down here a few weeks ago and then they've got the completed pad back here so now I have a full full driveway getting all the way back to the booster crowd station um and again I think it'll probably be just a few weeks before we see booster 10 roll down to Massey's um I don't know if that's dependent on the road construction I'm actually not sure if the road construction has passed this point yet or not so by this one I mean the uh the uh actual Road leading up to Massey's I don't know if they've passed this point yet yeah I just want to point out as well it looks like they've been uh hooking up those Tesla Mega pucks too at the front oh the mega packs there's a big two megawatt generator sitting there just waiting for temporary power are they getting hooked in or is something else going on there no they are because there's the um uh it's not a Transformer what's the um that's a Transformer are you sure I thought there was oh sorry I'm thinking of the um for the solar system what's in between the battery and the uh yeah and uh usually three or four Mega packs on it and then you just repeat uh for those people that are following uh Giga Texas they are in the midst of installing 64 megapacks yeah I saw the photo of that it was a quite mind-blowing to see also part of this whole Shenanigans if you will um this is a I think either one or two megawatt generator right here so um it almost looks like they're using the generator to charge the batteries my guess is the generators there till we get power down the road from Magic Valley but in the meantime they could use this generator to power the mega packs and start running real power on the whole site and get rid of all the portable generators yeah so we got two more Portables over here and then I think they're still using the ones near yeah they still have uh generators over here in the center of the tank farm I think there was additional ones too yeah there's one up by the water plant I think there's I think I might be one by the uh cryo stations too oh yeah one over here yeah well I think they're going to be those spools of wire around here so I think they have not got everything wired up but I think they're in parallel running wire through masses and getting ready to uh get permanent power in yeah and they'll have that big generator ready until such time as they can run their um substation power out to the road well that is very good progress down here at Massey's um uh I think we've kind of covered everything in this area so I want to make sure that we touch on some questions in over here because I know we always have questions at Massey's um so Andy or Mauricio let y'all take care of that do you want to start off with donations yeah let's do it all right so we gotta we have a donation from JK video who was kind enough to donate ten dollars and says start the train and hit that like button so if you do enjoy what you're hearing please be sure to hit that like button we want that algorithm to send us out into the universe to people who've never heard us before so we can bring Starbase to them we also want to thank Michelle Nichols for her two dollar contribution she says happy birthday to Owen and gents today is Forge Gamer's brother Owen's birthday he is 13 today happy birthday Owen gents if you want to wish him that'd be great too yeah happy birthday yeah happy birthday and Sharpie donated ten dollars and says as usual thank you RGV people and that's it for the donations Mauricio do you want me to do the questions or would you like to do them well Indie you go ahead and do the questions thanks Mauricio I will uh first question is from uh from Justin iamo I think I got that right this time he's asking can they be trying to build underlying components for test stations because they're because they're iterating so many variations English um I get I'm can you repeat that question it's a little confusing can they be trying to build underlying components for test stations because they're iterating so many variations so do you think that they're making underlying components because they're doing a bunch of testing on different things I wonder if it means underlying like in the literal sense like this lays lies underneath like a transport sand or something like that oh wow I feel like a kit of testing Parts like the cage that's now on its like fifth iteration and the puck Checker which is on like its fourth so I think they're trying to build um systems of testing equipment that can perform a wide variety of tests as they need them for various test articles um sure seems that way cool um I just noticed a question in the chat from uh Rainman who would ask this question is there any indication of an upcoming crane at Massey's for lifting boosters and ships and no we have not really seen that yet um I mean we got this thing here but that is just basically helping out with the uh um cryostation construction for that QD but nope we have not seen any cranes actually make their way to Masseys yet yeah we were sort of discussing this last night a 1650 or another 11 000 or something would be a likely candidate for here uh as somebody pointed out last night Buckner has something like 200 um LR 11 000s in their inventory right now so we don't have a crane on hand that we could use we'd have to get another crane well mostly cranes on hand are in have dedicated functions so why not get another one because they're expensive because you've got to get people to use them and I don't think train operators I don't know if they're that many crane operators I understood it to be a niche Niche well like I said Buckner has 200 of them I think he can provide an operator if you need one I mean it's just like spmts how many spmps do you think they you know we're up to what 10 or 12 spmps now that seemed to never not be in use I can drive an spmt I don't know that I can manage a crane right away I bet you could do it thanks yeah I think the just the thing is you know any of these cranes that are out here the large cranes um as Dave was saying they're they're tied to some function so they're more than likely not going to leave those functions because then it slows down the process in other areas um so with that we're definitely going to have to have a dedicated crane for masses yeah with forced testations in masses I can't see them not assigning a crane to it so I have another question for you from F1 f14d Jared C could the Massey's Mega packs be at risk of being soaked by cryofluids that come out of the tank failure or or leak well um they haven't done a prior test of failure in a while and last time they did it was on this pad so I suppose if it happened here then that could be an issue but um I feel like anytime they do failure tests from here on um in order to protect the rest of the infrastructure they'll probably do it in this area yeah I also think that remember the mega packs are designed to be outdoors where weather and potential flooding and other things happen so regular flooding not cryo flooding though yeah but I still suspect they're they're designed um to be fairly uh weather tight up to the roof level fair enough we also want to thank Steve Coates for his dollar 99 donation he says choo choo and we want to welcome JC Davis and Diamond paint with diamond Dave who just became members RGV members welcome to the team gents and ladies or everybody [Laughter] 's questions no sir cool well with that let's go ahead and swap over to the Sanchez site all right well starting at the end there's an obvious change yeah definitely so our ground fabrication building is coming along um last week we saw them laying or finishing up the conduit work down here um you can actually see some of the conduits sticking out the ground right here and it looks like they have the uh um is this called a vapor barrier what's the actual yes Paper Mario yeah so the vapor barrier for the foundation of the structure so there's formwork up here on the side and it looks like um I guess on top of this they'll be laying all of the uh rebar and then we'll pour that base zoom in that's all rebar okay rebar sitting on little little posts it's it's ready for concrete or real close to it maybe some embeds yeah I guess I kind of thought that was the pattern of the vapor barrier yeah it does look like that I did last night until we zoomed in on it during the show until yeah the only thing we don't see is the embeds for the legs of the building and Philly kid pointed out that on a lot of these buildings they don't put in beds in they just pour a thick Edge slab if you look here the perimeter of the slab is thicker than the middle and then they just drill holes and put construction acres into the concrete slab they don't even have to put it in what's with the red um bordered areas that are all over the place but no Rhyme or reasons yeah yeah it's red tape just to tape the red the yellow vinyl together to make it all watertight interesting Flex Seal which which means if you notice there that they pieced and parted some of the pieces together yeah towards the bottom right hand corner of this thing so it's literally like patchwork to patchwork as long as it does its job it'll be fine yeah can we change the color though I'm not a big fan of bright yellow as far as quilts are concerned I would have to agree with that um a nice gray I assume so it's all good so we know that this is the main part of that of that building um we we still don't know which direction this is going to be facing though because of this being a square um so as I was saying they'll probably extend um the base out in this direction next and it looks like they have some conduit going in this direction so I don't know if there's a further extension after this or if this is just tying it in to um the rest of the Electoral Grid at Sanchez yeah I thought is if that is going to be another building on the side there then I guess the ground fabrication building will either be facing towards Highway 4 or facing towards the back of Sanchez though I think towards Highway Falls more likely and when you say facing or the way that it's going to face you're talking about the front door yes thank you cool and um also in this area we have I'm going to move to another image that tries to show this from the side um okay I'm just trying to activate these thumbnails but that uh didn't work oh here we go and of course you guys can't see that but um got these thumbnails up here so maybe this image will help out it's a side view but oh here we go this is the one I want I lied all right there's got to be a ground picture of this so stand by I'm gonna get a ground picture and uh I actually just finished downloading the rest of the ground images so this is gonna take me a little bit just to open these up yeah apologize in advance a little to everybody um because Mauricio did air and ground yesterday um the image processing wasn't completed till this morning so he was uploading uh the final launch pad pictures while we were starting the stream so it's gonna be a little bit of an exploration trip for everybody yeah do you know the name of this um I don't know if it has a name but I I guess I would call this the pancake uh transport stand that's exactly what it's called that's what uh it was called on Twitter by uh the fellow who takes care of what is the place that we stay at when we go there rocket Ranch thank you Anthony yes Anthony thank you so we that I think that was that the first time that we've heard it referred to as a pancake uh was it on the um so during uh before they moved all of this stuff to the launch site last night I think there was an announcement at the pad and they basically were letting employees know that they needed to move their vehicles out of the way because it was uh in the way of the transporting the pancake pancakes that's right yeah that's like about the fifth name that we've heard from it at this point um upside down shower head I think they've called it the Starship bidet um yeah that's my favorite one to me well you haven't seen an operation yet agreed but I think I think the pancake may only be the centerpiece of it and then we've got the manifolds around the outside and everything that we've been staring at for weeks that may be part of another name like the upside down shower head or the Starship been a system I thought the upstairs PBS oh boy I thought wow I don't come up with the names I just use the the uh noodle has uh the fandom is uh appointed okay I thought the upside down shower heads had to do with the plate itself and the the nozzles that are keeping it the stream or the mist from going straight into the Raptors no um well I think that the uh I don't think this will touch the Raptors like just the angle that it's going to be right um yeah um I don't know I mean I I guess there's a lot of different names for kind of getting into uh semantics a little bit um but I guess we should show what we're talking about here as well too um so yesterday they actually moved out the um the pancake and this the edge of this doorway was actually not the doorway the whole siding of the building was removed um probably about two days ago so we have up to this up to that point I mean this was like right here is the most we have ever seen of this structure until that door came off so that allowed us to get a nice view of everything that's on the inside of there and see this massive plate um and uh last night this was transported to the launch site I had never seen anybody bore holes in the side of that such a large thick piece of metal either that was crazy watching those fellows all right so yeah cat that was just the hole was already bought they were just putting the threads in it that was is that all that okay that was a tap and die situation yeah that was just a big very big tap with a very long handle on it with two very large guides hanging off the handle to get it so funny had a really good video of it you can we can also see it right here um so uh and actually I don't know if we can see the actual uh die from the side but actually you can kind of send it right there behind the ladder yeah hey Zach Have you can you hear me yeah if you pull up that video that I recorded they're doing the exact same thing the next day well when I went out there nice but I don't know I don't know if you downloaded it I have not yet because I was downloading the other uh ground images um let me see if I can pull that up so while you're doing that those circles on the left there those are just placeholders if you will to keep those are plugs plugs okay those are threaded plugs the holes they've already uh tapped oh okay okay but they don't look like oh I guess they do look like they're threaded the last one on the end looks threaded yeah yeah it's quite the uh operation they have there uh I'm not sure uh if industrial safety is approving this double handle extension system they have there you know what Dave sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do as long as you're not getting hurt and we're all right right all right here we go I got this oh let me uh get rid of the audio on this really quick because it'll be loud oh oh okay so yeah you guys can see in this in this footage right here uh where's the black light coming from I'm seeing uh yeah sorry I'm distracted by this black light on the side of it but yes this is the uh tap that they're using right here you can see them connecting the extension on here and uh yeah I've seen I've seen a few different ways of them doing this I think uh my the my favorite one was when the guy actually jumps off of the top of this um then sometimes it's just kind of a little bit more boring like this where they're jumping up to pull it down oh there's three three of them hanging off of it though yeah these are the small guys uh in starship gazers video they had all the big weight lifter dudes out there um and uh they were like taking turns you could it was kind of funny watching them stand there because it's like they had that look to them where it's like yeah this is what I'm here for to you need the big guy to do this work um oh but this is cool footage as well too so right now we're looking at them okay cleaning out the inside of this I'm guessing they're removing all of the um the Burrs from the uh they're metal shavings oh wow and white cloth too apparently sure Dave do you see the eye hole right there that's what I was referring to when we were talking the I think earlier yeah the other day yeah there's four of them there actually two yeah horizontals I'm wondering if that may actually also be what they're going to use to help tie this into the legs or something it makes sense I mean this is quite the structure um uh it was quite the uh interesting video last night that um Starship Gates or an NSF had watching this thing get driven out of the tent on the SPM teams um and make the turns yeah I'm looking forward to seeing them try to install this thing underneath the oil lamp that's gonna be quite the challenge and what we don't see here because it happened after they welded large eye beams onto the top of this to make a lifting frame so that the cranes could pick it up and put it on the pancake adapter yeah we um you know I'm going to show this video probably should ask Ryan if I do this but I'm just going to show it so uh have a good video um from the episode that I released last night um Ryan Hansen space made a nice render showing us what it would look like um trying to actually maneuver this thing into position because it's going to be pretty large so this is kind of going against uh what I normally do but I will go ahead and show it here if I can find it Well then I have a question for you as well and I asked rocket profit earlier we were kind of going kind of contemplating what the answer might be the question is do you think that they will put the plate in place before laying out the concrete on underneath the olm or do you think that they will do the concrete verse and wait till it cures and then put the plate um I think that they'll have to pour the concrete first because um they're gonna have to roll the spmts in there so you're not going to roll the spmts on top of rebar so don't they haven't actually lift that for that purpose yeah so you um if seeing this video you'll kind of see how um this will have to be done because you you can't just you can't you like you would need two cranes and that wouldn't work because you'd have to bring one of the one of the hooks in from like the center of the table to grab it from one side and they'll just never do that so um this thing is also way too wide to go in through the top so it has to be lifted and or transported into the side which is the whole purpose of that little frame uh the frame that we looked at earlier so they they didn't use the frame for actually transporting it it's only constructed for this moment right here um and so yeah basically driving it into the center of the launch Mount um where Marvin will lift it from above more than likely still don't know if this will be able to be done in a sync with a single Crane or if they'll need to Tandem lift it um but because of the emotions that it has to do in order to get into position it's a little difficult so you can kind of see that like when they bring it in they have to get it in the middle first and kind of maneuver it into uh in between these two legs in order to sit it down and this actually technically is an incorrect animation so that's why I'm willing to share it here because it's wrong so this there are uh right now this looks like there's like three I guess you call them like flower petals on here but there's actually four of them so you know we were kind of guessing based on what we were able to see in the uh from the ground images and one of the reasons why you know Ryan actually initially had uh he did have the fourth one modeled on here um because it's missing so we figured that it had to be there but then as we're trying to actually as he was trying to like fit this into position um it just wouldn't fit with that there so we're like well it's probably not there since we can't fit it um so he just removed it but uh that ended up being wrong so yeah yeah it's going to be quite the tetris operation fitting this thing in there yeah this is and this is a beautiful animation by the way I was really glad that he was able to pull this off so quickly so um you know I was talking to Jake about this earlier and I was like how are they able to figure out the shape and Jake is like I don't know I don't know how they do it but they're pretty good at it or something like that but yeah yeah Ryan's really talented yeah we I I was and he put it together so quickly I mean uh I was like in the I was actually in the middle recording that episode and um somebody was like hey they're taking the wall of that tent down and I like almost threw my mouse because I just knew what that meant I was like I was really really hoping they wouldn't do that before the episode came out because I knew it was going to force me enough to change some stuff um but you know it was like trying to actually look at those images and I'll go back to them as well too um like it's it's really hard to tell just looking at it from the ground what's going on here so um like as far as what's happening on the back side let me uh oh that's not what I want let's see I just hope they don't accidentally Jam this plate when they go and try and lower it into place it's gonna be very slow my thumbnails are broken all right so I'm gonna have to okay yeah when you're looking under this thing it's really hard to tell the shape other than the front frontal edge of it so um yeah it was a bit of guesswork and kind of just took a chance and hoping it was right before they actually moved it um but yeah what was actually that's the lifting frame yeah so they had to lift this frame on here or sorry weld this Frame onto here specifically for that purpose of lifting it um that's a pretty hefty frame for that so I mean this is so the good thing about this is you know we were originally expecting it to be brought in in pieces um and there's a lot of welding that's happening here so you can see one of the this is a plate that goes in the middle of two of the sections so you can see how large that vertical piece is I think it's about uh two I think Ryan said two and a half inches thick they actually wrote they wrote a lot of the dimensions on here um I don't think this one has the dimension but I believe this is two and a half inches right here so you know getting all of these welds and then having to shave all this stuff down um at the launch site would have taken forever so it was kind of good that they did all of this the way they did because it's it's drastically reduced the amount of time that it will take to install this and on that note uh I think it also would have been physically impossible to weld this at the launch site and that was one of the things that I've been saying for like weeks we've been arguing about like how are they gonna actually weld This Together from under the launch Mount unless you're able to get underneath it somehow um and so it makes it made sense to construct all of this outside of the launch Mount and I guess in the future launch mounts um you know launch Mount number three and four this will probably be one of the first things that this will probably be lifted into place before they put the deck of the launch mount on so it's um it is worth mentioning that the one open side on this did have chamfered edges on the top and bottom um you could yeah you won't see uh it's on the back side um but yeah it looks like a hard chamfered edges for being able to welded to something else there's three edges of circular holes and three edges with open rectangular holes um yeah I'm going to try to find the uh the image from the air really quick hey grid fins booster 12 probably oh look at that yeah that was a great shot inside of this tent Mauricio is this one of the ones you enhance per chance um probably not um there's probably a different image in that Gallery but yeah this was really difficult because of the angle I had some issues if you look at the flight plan of when we're flying around I did like two or three passes trying to get this shot just trying to get that shot well the other thing when you look at all the ground shots you realize that this was very interesting because this is like the last 10 or 15 percent of the building the entire rest of the building is filled with racks of storage inventory I was just thinking that the uh the inventory tank crew were probably glad to have this massive steel player over there now foreign I would agree with that you know this this was actually one of the first times where we've been able to see that um and yeah they got some inventory that's for sure I feel like they need another inventory tent and uh sorry if you guys can hear Chicago being Chicago in the background um yeah well you know I I happen to know where there's a couple of tents that are going to be available in a couple of months they could move over here that is very true yeah I mean I'm actually surprised that they didn't um just put this on a larger foundation so they could make it bigger because they in my opinion clearly need a larger inventory tent um but yeah let's uh I guess let's check out some more Aerials for that as well too um concrete why did they move the experience um well that's a good question um I I think it could have just been just wanting to get it out of here um and get it to the launch site because you're gonna just gonna have to do it at some point I don't know I mean I guess I can't really think of a good reason to move it ahead of um ahead of the that actual concrete job being completed well so I suspect that it's because that concrete might get poured over the next four days and they want it there without interfering with the July 4th weekend road closing yeah but it still has to cure doesn't it once they pour it um I think it has to cure but not as long as you would think because they're just putting they're just dropping this on if they're not putting any extra um load on it Beyond this yeah that was a that was a bit of a debate that happened um on Twitter because I slipped up when I posted this tweet and said that you know once it cures in a few few days that they'll be able to start lifting these in place what I should have said was once it hardens in a few days um because curing will take a long time but uh you're not really waiting for it to cure like you're really just waiting for it to harden and this is an example of that booster 11s um a staging pad so booster 11 was here like three or four days after they finish the pad so you know they definitely did not wait for it to cure mainly just waiting waited for it to harden and the difference between this and the launch Mount is that um while this is a thinner pad it's not as thin as people think it is it's like at least five feet deep I want to say um at least some of the past ones have been that deep so I'm assuming this is about that deep as well but this is actually the design load for this pad essentially that's not to say it's not strong enough to take something even larger but that's what this pad is designed for this is its full design load like Max load right here um but the launch Mount that Foundation is designed for 33 after engines um and not 33 Raptor 2 engines it's 33 like Raptor 8 engines so putting that little that plate on there I say little but in the when you compare that to the stagnation pressure of those Raptor engines uh it's nowhere near the the same amount so um I I feel like within days after getting that concrete board they they should be able to get that in place yeah and I feel like with the uh with the steel plates they spread the loads quite evenly as well really don't they there's no sort of real pressure points pushing down in the concrete with that yeah exactly and uh speaking of spreading loads um sorry I didn't think that went through so uh on on these plates that you can see right here um they're mostly complete it looks like they've gotten uh most of their their tents out of the way a lot of this was covered up for a while so we weren't able to see it but you can see these new frames that have been attached on here and we believe these are also temporary frames so initially we thought these may be for um pipe racks but as you can tell it's more like a counterweight so because when you if you try to lift this um part of it has to go underneath the launch mount so you can't like find the you can't lift it from the true center of gravity and I don't even know where that it would be um but wherever you're going to lift it from it's going to want to tilt forward so this is on here I don't know if this is enough weight to stop it from tilting backwards or if they have to put additional weight on top of this I think this yeah I may be perfectly waited for what they needed to do because you can see that there's there's four um cross beams on this and on this one there's three like I don't know if that is a sign of um you know additional weight being added onto it by adding an additional Cross Beam I think I suspect those are size to match the these PMT counterweights that they have floating around yeah I think there's going to be actual weights applied onto these yeah that would make sense um so yeah I mean these are these are being prepared to move uh rather soon I mean I would expect these probably also move to the launch site within the next few days um maybe not before the holiday but um I don't think there's going to be need to be a road closure for these now yeah they look pretty much ready to go now yeah if we take a look at the third one uh it has a little bit of a different lifting setup going on across the top of it and I don't think they have any it doesn't look like they're preparing for counterweights on this one there is something going on underneath our tent so there may be something on the pipe that they used into wow they're pipe picking out so far to the side changes the whole balance of this one so it's going to be a much different thing to pick up because you have to pick up the plate probably with one Crane and have a a line out near the end of that pipe to keep it from rocking or a whole nother crane lifting from here I think that's a possibly lifting eye right there yeah it is a charcoal yeah so it's gonna be this one this is another unique what a surprise uh lift yeah it's gonna be fun watching them fit all that stuff in place but I do think all of these could travel on one spmt load well that would be interesting um I don't know I mean I I suppose if you make them long enough you probably could do that well yeah because they're only about like you could at least do two of them I don't know if you can move all three but that would be interesting umt uh yo like we do for a booster move we'd put all of them right so I had a I have a question Dave um I don't know if you've given any thoughts of this piece over here but we also have some ground images of it so I think this is related to the water system somehow possibly um or it could be something completely different but the fact that they're working on it here now kind of tells me that it's related to that um so if you any thoughts on what this is and I'm gonna try and find a ground shot of it um Jake I think you were you think about this last night uh yeah I'm not 100 sure but what I do know is there's another tank so similar to this sitting at the launch site near the uh the Water Supply system yeah it hasn't got as many outlets on it but it's yeah pretty similar shape and size so both of these should be vertical tanks so it's on its side right now for construction work this is not how it's going to end up because you can see the uh anchor holes on the right hand end of it here um so could be a pressure tank um it could also be a repurpose tape if they're only using some of the ports on it and the rest are just sealed because they were there for the last use and it is worth mentioning not they did install new pylons in the ground right behind the high pressure gas cylinder stacks so maybe that's where these tanks are going to go yeah like I say uh uh flight to see where this goes yeah here yeah I am I really have no idea on this um but I do think it's part of that system I've been trying to see the the bottom interface like if there's anything um in a different location that looks similar to uh the size of this but yeah so what I would expect here um is the bottom is a mounting flange um it's not part of the tank and there's a manhole where your cursor is and then above the manhole is so to the right of the manhole is the actual bottom of the tank like down here oh wait is this the right here yeah like right there right like right there is a bottom Dome of the tank so the manhole so you can get to plumbing coming out of the bottom of the tank and then there's a either a manhole or a filling hole there on the side where that scaffold is interesting um we have a bunch of other pipe we're going on over here as well too I'm gonna see if I can get another angle of that I guess it's not as much as I thought it was just a few random pipe sections which we're not sure if are related to the system I mean they I mean clearly look like they are but we don't know if this is like excess or if they'll be moving this to the launch site sometime soon as well um remember those shapes and we'll talk about them when we get to the launch site yeah because we've seen something similar to these over there that are in larger assemblies so um we'll touch on those again once we get over there uh what else do we have going on at Sanchez wow yeah so one thing I saw was the inventory building now has painted parking spaces for their forklifts nope nope to the right to the right go up up up up up up right there eight perky spaces yeah and uh how long are they gonna get used for well you don't know that they don't they're they are fenced off on the street side there's a barricade there so these are definitely not vehicle per road vehicle parking spaces then for this one well the three on the three on the left side like our our pull in spaces from the road I think I think that truck is parked with that for that orange forklift is supposed to be where that truck is I would agree because that's a big forklift it's just interesting noting that they're they they continue to paint off areas and Reserve organize their exterior uh more and more um as we see stuff happening here they're fans of Maria Condit conduit the lady who likes to put everything in place everything has a place and there's a place for everything I have never heard of that is she like a hoarder no she's an organizer she actually does the opposite of hoarding she will go through and organize your life by your closet yeah we went through this at work there's a I can't remember it's a Japanese thing but yeah literally paint you know putting down tape lines on the floor where every piece of equipment's supposed to get stored they do that in everywhere with the cleaning supplies and everything inside the buildings as well yeah so it's always looking at this area here they've been they've been working their way towards it so I got a bit of a random question do you reckon they'll put a proper roller shut the door on the end of the inventory tent now or just completely seal it up again um I mean I would say that uh the forklifts are large enough to get through the other doorways so they may this may be the last time they need to open this up yeah all their inventory went through truck in through truck and forklift doors so I don't know that they would need to have any oversized stuff at this point sure but if it was me I would put a roll up door there just because yeah I mean it's always good to have it just in case I guess well and you just like talking about having more plates and needing more tents so it does make sense to keep it accessible like that with the door right um I'm gonna grab this other image right here so moving towards the uh I'm gonna try and get us out of Sanchez site here soon because we got a lot else to cover um so moving over to the air separation plant slash Raptor install and uh Rocket Garden um so they started to excavate the piles that are down here um so it looks like they're preparing for a pad to be here in the near future and there is some speculation on whether that'll be an additional staging Pad but I don't know sure looks like it's the right size it does and I'm hesitant to say that it won't be one because the last time I said that it happened so we'll just leave it as a maybe it's I mean yeah while you're looking there we have the base of sn2 X tank now totally extinct because the tank is gone and almost left sn2 still lucky to uh still be around forever over oops didn't mean to switch pictures like that sorry it's just out of this image I guess I can't see that one from this image um yeah so I you know I I mean it does make sense to um put another pad here in one Regard in my opinion so um you know I was kind of confused on the original placement of this one mostly because of the fact that uh it looks like they're going to expand this so right now they're they deleted um bn2 and that makes sense because I believe if you're gonna ex if you're gonna add 10 of these in line over here then you're gonna need um room for at least five on each side right so I was confused why they put this here in the first place and I don't know I think it could be possible that they move this over to this position yeah I'm I'm still thinking obviously these engine installation stands will be inside the Bays eventually where they can just use the bridge Cruise yeah I would agree with that for sure um the other big item that we have not seen yet since last week is the updated Rocket Garden so that uh is pretty crazy I I think this is just something that you'll never see anywhere else uh which is in a fleet of rockets sitting outside yet well especially one this large once it could actually get launched I mean certainly you can go to the Rocket Garden at KSC or uh someplace like that and see all the old Rockets resting in the Sun yeah this is an amazing view like I said I feel like taking a trip down there just to get a picture in front of it but I'll wait till the next launch and you already have a couple of pictures in front of the older rocket Gardens that's a cool progression photo yeah you know I for a while I had um pictures every time they changed it but I've missed like the last three configurations of the the uh Rocky Garden so giving up on that dream of getting every single pictures in front of every single configuration of this Rocky Garden but um yeah still cool either way um more news on this side would be on the back side of the mega Bay that they have um deleted the Airstream Park well that actually got moved um months ago but they've uh they they had the actual Turf down here for a while um and I think it was even last week I don't know if I said this last week that I believe they'll probably remove that soon and put something back here and um just a week later it looks like they've gotten they ripped out half it and then put a concrete pad down here so I think we're thinking this may end up being additional parking um so you really need that but at the end of the day this isn't this really is not that large of a parking lot it's not going to get everything off the street but um still good to see them actually increasing the amount of employee parking so they can get some of those cars off the street and if you like look down or sorry towards the build site and let me uh get a different image I'm just gonna say uh as County Crows The Big Yellow Taxi they pave paradise and put up a parking lot yeah you might you might be able to get all of these cars off the street but all of these and off the side of here is something that is very rare um for them to have this many cars off off the side I don't know if we talked about this yet but the abandonment process for the remedios Avenue um there's already a sign that wasn't there last week um just giving an update on I guess what the progression is on that so ground images yes and the ground images and then they also put one two and the for that construction sign over at uh where is it what is the opposite side what is that name of that road um San Martin I believe um star Factory yeah so they have one over there as well the same signage just saying that they did basically just explaining the abandonment process and some um County documents so there's an image of that we can yeah I'm trying to find them I'm scrolling through the uh going through these and that's different from the sign that tells everybody to go back home for the restrooms right yeah that's totally different that's something the one you're referring to is just a sign that by the gate um just kind of giving general information to the public from what it seems like it's a public sign for that SpaceX put up for the public and then so we're talking about the Rocket Garden right about taking photos in front of it so I'm not sure if that's gonna be a thing when just depends how much of remedios Avenue they're gonna they're gonna abandon you know for that maybe Dave knows more about this particular document that we're talking about I do not it's news to me and we're gonna have to look at those pictures and search the Cameron County uh I have seen yeah I've seen the documents um the other day uh it looks like it's a section pretty much right in front of where the building Mega B2 and a bit of grown next to Mega B2 where the stage in all the hardware I think it's the section of remedios in front of that that's been abandoned sorry I'm struggling here to find the pictures I'm looking for uh I just posted it on live comps you can just put it up thank you you may not be that legible but you might be able to tell what it says it's very legible uh so nothing important on this uh let's see petition for Road abandonment so owners of property together with undersigned eight landown I hate reading through legal jargon uh landovers living in precinct number one camera County Texas to respectfully request that the Cameron County Commissioners Court enter in order to pursue it to vtca Transportation code not going to read that to abandon a section of the road presently known as remedios located at the Spanish dagger subdivision section two what is that subdivision is Starbase I'm reading is that his code name yeah that's that's that goes back to the 60s where they platted this out that was the name of the subdivision interesting what were you saying Andy I was reading something just now that says that they tabled the decision they tabled four items pertaining to the Boca Chica site that include consideration and Adoption of an order to abandon a portion of remedios Avenue Johanna Street and net Street and lucera Court all located near the SpaceX Boca Chica site and that was from the 25th yeah looking at the parts they colored in on the drawing it will not affect access to the Rocket Garden um so this is the part they're talking about yeah the yellow section oh I thought they already been abandoned that part man come on yeah I mean they've always had the they've always had the No No Trespassing prior property signs at that point so so what does that mean it wasn't private property before you know yeah I was going to say that SpaceX not playing ball there but no I think the oh the green was the already abandoned so that's that was the last one they did and now it's the yellow as well that's the proposed abandonment oh and they might keep up what if they start creeping up more towards Highway four well they had to file another abandonment eating just like this one I will petition against it well so apparently so did all the public it says several members of the public addressed this issue during public comment of Tuesday's meeting with many requesting the county not to abandon the roads and further discussion with the public this is the public discussion we don't like it now do we want to take questions before we move on to the build tape yeah let's go ahead and do that all right so give me a second first question from Cranfield man this is going back to the water cool steel plates um any idea why the holes were made in the pancake then threaded and plugged uh um yes and no we're still working on that theory I I I don't have a thought on it yet though um I mean they they are going to be adding additional plates on there so it's a little confusing um we initially expected some sort of um something to like reduce the volume that's flowing through there so that you don't have too high of a flow coming out the other side of the plates um but that's not what it looks like so far so we will have to see I mean it's it's going to be tough because we're never going to get another view showing that as well um but yeah I don't know you guys have any thoughts I'm just as baffled about those plugged holes um because yeah because I know there's going to be plates to go in on those faces as well but I don't quite understand why those faces aren't totally open the only thing I can think of the only thing I can think of see see what both of you think it is the plates that they're putting in but see now they put the back covers on them so it makes it harder for this Theory to work I was thinking you could go reach through the plate with a long um shaft and drive a threaded fitting between the extension and this and tighten them down together how you would get to these threaded areas um to put any torque on them once the next plate is in place I don't know well that is the um the thing with the the manifold assemblies the ends of those plates are actually still completely open um but I was thinking about the opposite end so you could reach through the plate with a long wrench extension basically and put it like a cap plug through the extension and then into this threaded hole and and make a make a connect a watertight connection between the two somebody in the chat just put that the plugs are to prevent bending twisting while lifting could that be a possibility well I think the plugs are but we're we're really talking about why did they make the hole threaded in the very first place and yeah and why he wasn't that so he just left completely open to chain onto the other plates here but when they when we pull up a picture from last night and somebody has one from one of the streams the other three sides of the sandwich are big rectangular holes that are just open into the interior yeah I have some images I can pull up here so we've got two very different instructions we've got wide open full access side so we've got these threaded hole sites that match up with the holes in the manifold plates um let me see here do I have an image of it uh this is like a really really tiny screenshot that I sent to Ryan last night so this will have to do for now um and then here's a quick question while we wait um NASA space flight live stream that's perfect that's perfect yeah so you can see the open end on this side go ahead mercio yeah the next question here was um have all the shower head plates been accounted for question from Peter uh at this point yes um there's something oh no there no um we're still missing three three sections um so I kind of talked about this in the episode I released last night there's three sections on the end um the end of the plates that will need to be added so uh I think we found those over at the launch site during show until last night we'll talk about them when we get over there yeah cool and then the next question is here's from Dougie how do you think they're going to be able to remove the i-beams from the pancake after they place it under the launching Mount they are pretty welded top Them Up Lift them off the the typical SpaceX answer you weld them on and you angle grind them off they do it every day all over the site all right the next question is from Route 66 gold Hound what are the white pieces with oblong hose next to the third plate um is referring to the the steel plate that's by itself every time I turn away from this I end up having to go back to it so let me uh which one which is the single water cool steel plate on the top of the image um that one and and the questions referring to those items next to next to it no idea to the right eyes I think those are legs similar to what we saw on the uh olit um so we get tipped up on end and those uh open areas are access to get inside them we might guess basically like big pipe stands thank you yeah I thought about this one before the show and I was not able to figure out a purpose for him they look familiar but um I as far as I can recall I don't remember seeing anything like this before so and then we have the next question from 55 Chevy guy could this strange mystery tanks be hydraulic accumulator or expansion tanks that tank right there hello um I think expansion tank makes sense um I just don't know where it would be needed I mean there's a good chance this has nothing to do with that water system at all um but yeah I mean I I feel like with this one we may have to just wait for it to be lifted into place I mean there could even be like a bladder in there honestly that um that would work for that that expansion tank that he's talking about or sorry for an accumulator but that would be a really big accumulator and um the ones that they have the largest accumulators on site are probably the ones for the uh chopsticks and they're nowhere near that large so um I don't think it's I I don't think that's what's related to all right and the last question is from crane man those long frames could be needed to attach one of the cranes because the manifold is straight under the launch table uh yeah he's rare I believe crane man's referring to those yeah very well could be um I mean uh it's possible I think so right now they have four lifting points right actually it's tough to tell on this one for sure there's four um this one it's a little difficult to tell because these look like holes and they well they are holes so if we get a different angle on them you can see straight through them so uh there's holes in these plates which is very interesting um and this could possibly just be so that they can reach down through there and weld weld the plates down but I'm not certain and that's it for all the questions on my end um and then sir do you have donations yep I got lots of donations I'm going to start off with PayPal donations we have a hundred dollar donation from budget bookkeeping who says for you for all y'all are doing I'm with you every week loving the details and love y'all's dedication thank you budget bookkeeping we also have a donation from crane man who says thank you again for the awesome pictures and the latest outgoing CSI Starbase episode part one thank you thank you crane man and he continues to say my donation for the next flight crane man then also a donation of 20.64 cents from Vincent s who says thank you to the whole team for keeping the world aware of its Amazing Project woohoo then we have donations also in the chat we have a 10 donation from cranky old man65 who says on board the train everyone hit the thumbs up yazada donated 10 and says he's in Paul Harvey donated five pounds thanks for all your effort 55 Chevy guy Steve donated ten dollars and wants to ask Mauricio a question he wanted you Mauricio to confirm that you took the picture of the pancake in the inventory intent from the plane flying two miles above Starbase it's a 10 500 feet above star base I wish and then uh we also wanted that threw me for a second I'm sorry what hold on hold on wait we're talking about this picture right um I thought it was the one in the tent yeah that one he's just asking the altitude he wanted Mauricio to confirm that he did it when he was flying the plane two miles above Starbase not possible that's yeah that's that's 10 500 feet right two miles oh oh okay just under a few miles but yeah what I heard was two thousand feet so I was like yeah I wish I wish I was at 2 000 but oh but if it's two miles it's not about right you know a lot of people don't know how many feet are in a mile but if you live in Denver then you definitely know so people that I would be a lot of people then all right yeah cool so wait there's a few more donations real fast oh I'm so sorry uh Kenneth donated fifty dollars and said absolutely wonderful work y'all John dobker five dollars and has a question about the volume of water being used he wants to know do we get do we know yet the volume of water that'll be used and we also want to welcome Kenneth as being a new member welcome to the RGV team go ahead Zach you can answer that question from John tominger well uh I I would say it's hard to say for sure I mean we know about the volume that's in those tanks so um we the problem is we don't know how much of that they will use we don't know if it's like use the entire thing or if you only use half of it so it's really tough to tell I feel like we're going to be waiting to see um the first actual test of that in order to really be able to no I mean and honestly even even once we see it it'll be really hard to tell what volume is coming out so um yeah I have to say on that one if I ever get a chance I'll ask Elon during a Twitter space or in person I don't know if you've done this yet Zach but uh have we done the break for the hit the like button and and all that stuff yet before we move on to the build site no we have not I uh I was thinking that it was going pretty well we have 613 likes right now and there's about uh what 1300 of you watching so yeah if those of you who haven't done that so far could go ahead and hit that like button help us out we would greatly appreciate that so thank you to everybody who's already done that so far shout out to the 1300 people listening and watching yeah agreed that usually happens once we get to the launch side so right um yeah definitely appreciate all of you being here with us on a Saturday um and this is like the fifth time I've changed back to um the build site image so are we okay to talk about something yeah I think we need to move on so uh yeah we got we got a lot to cover in the down here and I feel like I'm running we're running behind a little bit um because there's a lot to talk about still so uh the mega Bay yeah they got this other Corner section stacked this morning so that's the third level so third level is semi-complete they still have to do um the cross beams on that which they're probably doing as we're speaking um but yeah then so is that that was the section right here on the ground um and what we didn't mention at Sanchez was the um number of them that they have waiting oops okay that's not the image I want so they had uh three of them in progress at the time of this and then two empty stands plus the oh wow hold on so there's three empty stands at the build site or yeah they will they'll be three oh four okay so there's seven seven in total now hmm yeah not cone says yeah two stanza I don't know as soon as there's no section on that one anymore yeah that seems like Overkill a little bit if you ask me but they're moving super quick um I mean they're able to cycle through these like endlessly they're definitely I would say this is going much faster than the first one did so far um and as you all can see they uh I'm gonna have to move to the other side of here um where are we can see the stairs are well underway with construction so they have four sets of stairs under construction right here um and these are a little bit smaller than well just just slightly smaller than the ones that they had previously so or sorry in mega Bay one uh the ones in the first mega Bay the vertical members actually are in the corners instead of um at the top and bottom of the stair flights so the actual Landing platforms are kind of can't wavered off the side um but yeah go ahead yeah there is a a new elevator that was delivered recently as well I'm not sure whereabouts that is exactly though it was a few days ago I think that was delivered yeah that was before this was taken uh these are elevator rails right there so hold on let me get another image from that side that's probably not what I want but I think those are the elevator rails I don't see wait is that it no no that's not gonna be yeah yeah top down so we did see the elevator cap arrive on a truck with the rails so it's got to be around somewhere we're gonna find it um let me know if y'all see it because my vision's been failing lately nah I do not see it um let's look at a top-down image in here maybe it's inside of one of these holes nope so this is the this is the hole for that elevator yeah there's two of them technically there's one over there yeah currently swimming pools agreed yeah [Laughter] uh well I do not see it but I will oh wait oh not certain that's it yep it's set up why um probably probably so they have access to where the um for the crews to get up and not be in the way of the crane right so they have the um scaffolding platforms on top of the uh that's actually kind of cool when you think about it so there's the let me see if I can find a better side image of this now let me know what we're looking for so yeah the elevator will be on the outside going and they've I guess in the high Bay was on the outside as well too uh Mega Bay won it was not they did have similar scaffolding setup on um uh the first megabyte when they did this um but as you can tell the elevator will come right up here to this Edge or and then they'll be able to access this um it doesn't I thought the scaffolding also went across here how are they gonna get to the other side I'm guessing they just walk across this beam that's fun originally they did it with um the lifting cages um because the scaffoldings put on before they're lifted so the obviously the middle section they can't put in because it doesn't exist when it's being lifted right and you're saying the lifting cage which that could actually be this yellow thing down here yep yeah that's it the uh I want to call it a man basket but people are gonna yell at me for calling that so I called them the lifting cage yep um cool so yeah there's a like I said quick progress going on this last week uh actually scroll back down to the ground they're getting a lot of sheathing on the bottom oh yeah finally doing that first layer well they did this bottom corner was done before so it's like they're finally filling that in on the bottom layer yeah they're even fill in the center section in um I'm probably gonna be heading up shortly yeah they do seem to have gone quite an impressive speed with this newbie yeah I agree um I kind of want to your guys opinions on this somebody uh mentioned last week we talked about these cross beams um whether or not they would stay or remove so the and I what I said was that the ones on this side get removed uh well actually I'm from my understanding I I wasn't I couldn't remember whether or not they removed these but I'm pretty sure that on the back side they do but on the front side um I believe the stairs can actually fit through those so um yeah yeah some somebody messaged me to let me know that I was wrong about that but I I don't think that was the case I think that these are permanent and I believe these ones possibly are removed and I don't know if the uh they did remove them in the um mega Bay but uh I'm I'd have to go back and look again because I know they removed them on the levels where they put the um platforms at but I don't know if actually all of them are removed if you look if you look where the elevator pit is it's in line with the edge of that section which means the Elevator Shaft will go right up through those diagonal beams so they would have to remove yeah on the back side yep yep on both so we've got two elevator pits both back sides will have to have the diagonals removed they're required for lifting but once it's lifted then they can get removed would be my call yeah so you can probably compare it to the front uh say that one more time Jake I've said you've got the um the circus sections just in review up to the top of the photo that you can compare it to the Gap between the walls and the diagonal beams at the front of the mega beta yeah it's tough to do this without like a top-down shot but um yeah every member ACL can do a barrel roll over the top of the mega Bay next time he's down there with his poor Cessna he stood he's got amazing top-down shot of the olit all he's got to do is uh get his Pilot to go over you exactly that right spot for this one he is the pilot um well yes and no not when he's taking images but yeah he is he flies until he gets there so um I think we should talk about the uh unexpected or not unexpected um I guess this is kind of like one of those theories that's been floating around for a while on what this was actually used for and uh I don't know if one of you all are able to send me a ground image of this piece because I don't remember um when that first when we got what week we had ground images for this but um last week there was the Dome outside it's similar to oh okay where is it I thought they had two of them and there was one down here the other one yeah that was scrubbed the other one oh really okay cool yeah well yeah so there was there was a ring section that had um 20 ports go ahead Dave like I say it's the 24-hole Dome sex video that was outside last week and there was a payload section with a pest dispenser and it also outside mid Bay last week and now they're both right under your cursor and now it's all one big thing yeah everyone was or not everyone but uh there were some ideas out there that it could be that that section would be used for um part of the hot staging situation so like a dome on top of the forward Dome that um would Shield all the electronics and stuff on the booster forward Dome um but now we know that is not the case so this is actually a testing interface um and so with all of those holes on the side of it uh and again I really need a side picture of this let me see if Jax can send me one I know he has it on him I posted an enhanced image um on light comms but I don't have a ground shot right there made from last week okay let me uh Swap this over um Zach yeah if you look in a patreon lounge from last night Jax posted two photos that are appropriate to this discussion oh all right let me uh do you mind posting those in live comms um and then right really quick I'm going to switch over to this image so this is like the more enhanced version of it that you can see so uh testing interface on top of a payload section here so this is kind of what we were talking about what the heck okay uh what were you talking about at the beginning of the stream as far as what will eventually go on top of the um nose cone jail so this is that same uh jig from above and you can kind of see the outline of the um right here and uh is showing you his way um hydraulic Pistons would connect from the cage to the four connection points on the ring that's welded to the top of that ring with the um 24 holes in it so they can pull the top of this section sideways in different directions yeah and if we get a side shot of it that'll um we can show those holes so basically what we're thinking here is that in the actual that's not what I want if in on the actual nose comb jail so this will be the next item that goes up here it'll be on top of the platform behind here um and it should perfectly fit inside of this cage and then there are pistons on top of the cage that'll be able to pull it in I guess four different directions and then we believe they will possibly use um the the ports on the side of the um this is really hard to describe without showing it on the side of the Ring section they should be able to strap um sorry give me a second because I really want to get this picture foreign while you do that we want to give a very warm happy birthday to a wheelchair wolf it's his birthday today as well so happy birthday wheelchair life comes good enough for you Zach um is it good enough for you Zach not really because we need to be able to see it from the ground um Jack said he's finding it for me so while he's doing that um I will continue on but uh yeah so essentially this is not what a lot of people were initially thinking it was as far as um being part of that hot staging situation so um yeah that kind of answers at least one of those questions so we don't it could still be just a single ring section that it takes in order to do that interface that they're gonna need but we're gonna have to wait and see right now down here in this image you can also see the um payload bay door which was not installed on this section nor is it on 28 I don't know if they removed on 29 but they did take a payload bay door in and out of uh High Bay this morning but I don't think it stayed there yeah that must be this one right here so um one second let me see if Jack sent that over really quick which is the one that had the payload bay door welded onto it like the whole thing was welded shut I think it had 426 27. oh no no no 24 and 25. okay yeah and then 26 just never had a dough and 27 is fine not still good operational though thank you and then 20 was a 28 headed store removed right yeah um I think Jax's either about to tell us he found it or that he's not gonna be able to find it and it is Canada Day for Jax he's probably celebrating so if he's able to grab this for us then that'll be awesome if not definitely understandable it's a holiday so um but yeah I guess while I'm waiting for that uh what else do we have so okay that'll work thank you so this will this will do it for us um so on the side here you can see that um there are all of these ports on it and we initially thought that you know something would be coming out of this but actually it looks like there are shaped like this for straps to go around them so this can be pulled down um similar to what they do on the uh can crusher so that's kind of what this looks like it's going to be used for um so that that makes sense that uh you know we were kind of wondering on especially on the steel on the side of this like that doesn't look like a flight article so it answers a lot of questions for us it's worth mentioning that's the one that's been scrapped um there's a different one stacked on top of the parallel Bay that's all stainless oh yeah good point this was the Prototype of the Prototype pretty much yeah um so moving on what else do we have here in the ring yard that we haven't talked about we have boosters being assembled uh we haven't had the full stack on booster 12 yet um have you talked about the the label the hot stage loader or something so one thing Jax pointed out last night right in the center of this picture we have a e dome for a booster that is new um sitting there uh three inch from the left to Second down in the ring yard area um just a bear Dome no ring section or anything around it purchase okay the you don't just to the left of your yep that one no the upper one the shiny one is the one they polished a long time ago the one with the bigger hole is the actual booster common Dome that just appeared let me grab this ground image really quick so this is uh one of the new booster um forward domes I guess what but now we can see a um sign on the bottom of this one which uh do we have a clear label on this let me see if I can find out that's about as clear as it is I think that's actually pretty legible um yeah so it says hot hot stage load um note head load head yeah that's not legible [Laughter] development point of contacts so yeah what you find with this this probably was originally signed to booster 11 because you'll see next where it says b11 forward it says retain um and then yeah they're probably going to use it for hot stage test article now yeah I wonder what uh that means like is it just a test article to fit the interface or if they're gonna like you know Start a Fire Ship on top of it I guess I just highly doubt that would happen but I would like to see it yeah my guess it's just a ground test article for your interface right yeah it's probably going to be a case of this forward Dome section stacked on a booster after section and then on top of this you'll have the actual hot staging ring or rings however at all it's going to be and then you'll have a ship skirt on top of that and then that'll probably go in the can crusher it's gonna be another Franken thing pretty much yeah all right so uh what else we have going on in the ring yard or should I move over to the star Factory um not a vast amount maybe I've talked about booster 12 still in two halves um and of course booster Nine's still just sitting in the back right corner because it can't really do anything else right now it's waiting for an oll yeah yeah do we have any uh ring out questions or am I cool too start talking about the star Factory yeah we can move on I'll ask the questions at the end nothing related to the ring yard okay well on that note um this uh section of the star Factory is proceeding pretty quickly kind of I would say The megabase Happening a lot faster but uh well as far as like the actual um steel erection goes um so they have got about half this roof on here there's another section right here laying on the ground and uh I'm not sure how far they'll move past this point before they get this other uh before they get this machine down here so I'm yeah it's gonna say interestingly they still haven't completely covered the library with concrete but I got sucked into the conduit well yeah they finally ripped those I was saying that they would maybe rip those uh those vaults out here looks like they finally did that yeah looking into amount of Steel on the slab I don't think they're gonna wait I think you're gonna see last week there were three columns or three sections of this roof and frame assembly complete I think we're up to eight now I think even with the holiday by the within a week this section will be mostly framed yeah I mean one of the things that they could do is get all this framework up here um but hold off on well no they're because then they need a bigger crane to actually lift the roof sections if they did that um yeah well I guess we'll have to see I just don't know how they would lift whatever is going to go in here um if they have the roof on already so that'll be interesting to see um but um moving on from there we have a ton of progress on the actual foundation so you all can see that they have two rows of um uh wow the term is slipping my mind right now Jesus um so they have two rows of the footings right here um and those are nearing completion so they I think about have half of them or just under half the others are at least formed out and then moving down here they're laying all this conduit down for the other section so got a little crisscross action going on there which is weird and all the way yeah commented on that crisscross last night I think that's just an artifact of their construction process it sort of looks to me like they've they're working on the Conduit above the ground and they're going to drop it down in the trench that's already there shortly that's sort of what I I commented a little strange and then somebody sort of said well what about like oh maybe yeah that would make sense because there's the trench right here it does it almost looks like there's a trench here too but um yeah I suppose that would make sense yeah there's something going on there anyway yeah they are making rapid progress on the subgrade um improvements for this part of the next phase of construction uh which I was we used to call phase three and phase four but I think this may all happen at once all of that yeah it's interesting that they've started all the way down here as well too um and obviously this is where the building will be a little bit taller for nose cone work um and so the footings are a little bit different I'm not sure this second uh these holes in the cider for though I I was looking back yeah I think they may just be other facilities maybe a um something that's going in that corner of the building um unrelated to the footing yeah I need to go back and look at some of the Robert's road flyovers to kind of get an idea of how they formed out that side because it's been a while since I've seen those but yeah tons of work still nothing or they they won't be able to expand in this direction yet um as far as just with this little plot right here but it seems like they're at least working on everything up to that um a bit of an odd addition going on here because it looks like they're pouring almost like a sidewalk it looks like uh and we haven't seen any like conduit in this path and also this is like right at where the next row of footings should be so yeah I'm wondering if that's gonna be a load-bearing wall that they're putting in there um maybe even a firewall between the two sections one of the things you can see with the rebar there is there is Conduit up and down um like four pieces of white conduit there crossing underneath the rebar right from here and here and here no no actually look look like right at the white rebar in the in the trench see the white line it's going up and down yeah right so I think there's there's they've already they're provisioning to to get underneath whatever this structure is going to be with cables of some sort cables or pipes or something they're putting in uh access uh areas right yeah I'm a little confused on this as well though I mean I'm the the thing is that you know one thing I guess to consider is that these all of these rows will have Bridge cranes in these rows so like it could maybe not require those same type of footing if they're not going to be a bridge Crane in this area I will I will uh debate you on that if you look at the uh piece they've got framed out there's no sign of bridge crane on the section closest to the road what do you mean if you go back to the section they've got the roof on there's a very obvious Bridge crane beams on the top section the middle section has none and the bottom section doesn't even have any place to put brackets for beams in the columns yeah you can see it there from the side if we look down I was going to grab a ground image so let me see if I can find one it's supposedly a little bit because yeah the the area heading towards the Press bit has a very definite Bridge crane uh there's some stub arms hanging out the middle one and then the bottom one has nothing so uh isn't this well hold on let's hear right here isn't this the tab for mounting one of those yep the lake the lake closest does is not have one wow well I suppose I can't really see that yeah or you mean on this side of it yeah well not either um everything I've seen the link on the link this wall face does not have any Bridge crane mounts on it actually if you look at the this is the same confusion if you look at the next bit go over two columns to the right there's nothing on it to hang a bridge crane on even on this even on the two Center even on the center Lake well I suppose it's not unreasonable to think there's parts of the building that wouldn't need yeah yeah it was really weird because it looked like some of these Lakes had them on one side and not on the other but they didn't match up going down the buildings I can sort of watch you for that but it looks like this Bay closest to us does not have much provision for uh Bridge Crane in it whereas obviously they really want to bridge crane in the far one because it's already got a rail up there yeah I just want to keep our eyes on that maybe they'll add those pieces on later because it's not exactly difficult to do I suppose um cool let me go back into that aerial view [Music] um so uh anything else in the star Factory you guys want to mention um I mean you can mention that the footings are pretty much right up to Highway 40 now but that's about it oh yeah obviously yeah you have covered up yeah so I think next week we will see almost all the footings having been dug um for these holes this whole South sanction well at least these two rows I think even where all the conduit is they'll be they'll be getting footings and interspersed in there in one week yep think what think what this was last week about here are we allowed to do that but think where they were last week they were still taking concrete from the ground Fab building out of this area last week this is true the ground Fab pizza oven door and the bridge crane are still sitting there by the parking lot there are I guess I just been stored all the way there for the same being because it's not like there's a foundation ready for the building here yeah but next week there will be oh yeah yeah all right well let's move over and quickly go through um The Village area there's not a whole lot to talk about here but we do have a new Road in place or at least the uh road base for this road so yeah there looks like I'm guessing we'll probably see them actually lay down the asphalt within the next week or two I think we're going to see two roads in place there if you we've got erosion fence there for that one and we've got the diagonal Road running off the side of the fire of it all look like they're getting ready to get Road based yeah they're uh making some good progress back there um I feel like there isn't a ton else to mention about the uh oh well you know what I missed something completely altogether which was the actual electrical work that they have going on so I'm gonna just backtrack a little bit and we'll just cover it from this distance angle so you can see that they've obviously finished this trench all the way through this area all of the roads are back open and I'm gonna have to go back to the ring yard really quick to show that again foreign so they've also gone all the way through here and all of that is completed you can see all the new roads and at the Sanchez site um I'm gonna need these images so they've got the trench coming all the way down to here where the two Baltar and then um uh the where they went underground right here so they actually had the horizontal drilling rig um I don't know if that's the right term for that kind of drilling rig even though it is going horizontally horizontal drilling because the official um but yeah so they went under the road right here and looks like all that's completed they've cleared up everything that was over there so you can see where they we're initially doing that work at um but uh yeah so I just wanted to make sure we touch on that because I did not mention earlier but let's go ahead and move on back to the Village so yeah I don't think there's much else happening on this side unless you guys had something you want to mention Ed yeah oh yeah cool uh well in that case if we Let's uh make sure we don't have any other questions before we move over to the launch site yeah so we have Let's see we have one question for you Zach wouldn't it make sense to make a mini hot stage Pringle article before stacking a full version instead um yeah I guess they usually prototype everything that way I mean they even um like when they first uh created the inner stage for the ship and booster they actually used a test article to um stacking that on top of the um booster forward Dome um and I mean they they do make test articles for pretty much everything so I guess that is something we should expect to see but as far as like what they'll do with it um that's the that's the question so you know it could just be as simple as stacking it make sure it fits or they could theoretically actually static fire a ship on top or a ship on top of one of those which would be awesome to see all right the next question is are they going to add a two-story structure to the back of the new Mega Bay like the current megabay has a question from Naughty Rock rocket um I would say so so if we look at the back of it uh it has space for it um they're you would they wouldn't want to do it like right away because they need to be able to get back here with the cranes and whatnot um but yeah there is enough space for that for them to put one back here the only problem with that is there's no there isn't space for a driveway so part of what they do in this one is they drive up here deliver Raptors into that building um and store them in here but we I right as of right now there would not really be a way for them to drive back here as long as it well if it's a smaller footprint then it's possible but if it's the same footprint then probably not so uh I guess we'll just have to keep our eyes on that and once it's actually complete we'll probably be able to get a better idea next question all right the last question is what do you think is a timeline for rolling out the three steel plates I believe you answered it earlier um can you say repeat that one more time so basically wanna when do you think they'll be rolling out the water cool steel plates the ones that the ones that are located at Sanchez um yeah I said a bit earlier in the show probably within the next week or two tough to really predict a time but yeah and that's it I don't know if you want to move on to the next section or yeah all right I'll do them quickly we want to thank um let's thank Michael e d uh for his 9.99 contribution and he says on board choo choo and then we have Peter S who donated 4.99 and says thanks and that's it back to you oh we got uh we had one more donation from PayPal um from monk um 20 donation thank you so much Mom for the for the twenty dollars and back to you Zach oh um so now we are at the launch site specifically the suborbital side um where there is really not much happening we had a static fire of ship 25 this week so that was really awesome matter of fact we should show that um how long was the static fire well five seconds at the most I think or maybe a bit less I don't know but SpaceX has amazing videos yeah I'm trying to find that I don't know what just went on with my internet browser there we go I'm gonna have to actually search for this one right now because oh well if you want to go on I can find The Tweak from SpaceX and get it for you I'm sure it'll be like right on their page let's search through SpaceX yeah just go back three or four launches you know that's yeah these guys are way too active um so let me turn that volume down so it's not coming through my mic but yeah this was a really cool footage um from ship 25 and you know initially I wasn't looking at it from the ground in my opinion it was hard to tell that there was six engines but I don't know everybody else said that they could see it pretty easily but from here you can definitely see once they uh swap over to the rvx and I don't know if they actually did them in two separate groups like shipping or sorry Center engines and then swap to our vax or if or if they just uh added the arvax on top of the center engines it to me it kind of looks like two separate things yeah so the um avoc plumes just drowning out the sea level plumes thing obviously being on the outside they're more prominent it was real it's pretty interesting to look at this because you get the triangle upward facing from the or downward facing from the um sea level Raptors and then it flips uh swaps directions as soon as the artifacts kick in yeah that's pretty incredible and I would play the sound but it's a little aggressive here but I would say this Sonic fire sounded a lot more aggressive than normal it was it's I mean it's kind of hard to explain like the difference but I don't know I felt like it sounded different than normal which technically I mean these are the upgraded Raptors right so oh wait no sorry um these are just the TVC Raptors these aren't the ones that have the upgraded thrust capability right yeah those shouldn't be on 25 yet um but yeah let me go back to the suborbital side it looks like the pad held up pretty well yeah uh the only comment is they have removed all the shielding from the engines as you can see by the sea level Raptor shield on the Raptor truck and stacked around on the ground here and over by the berm Above This are all the other rings of protection yeah you might want to get a different angle of this because there's a big pile right behind 25 also ripped down yeah see to me that looks like they're actually getting rid of that shield in the way they've just titled it in one big pile there um yeah it's a weird one yeah I'm not sure what to think about that I mean it I wonder if they're swapping it like if they changed the there's two pilots for Rafters as well the two black things I'm pretty sure those are the pilots so we may actually be seeing Raptors coming off [Music] true maybe if you zoom in though you I think you can see attachment points on top of those little black squares so yeah they just haven't got the uh those two buckles attached here yeah this kind of looks like a trash pile almost yeah that's what I was thinking it didn't look particularly clever yeah it's interesting the way they kind of just so the way the way it's all just sitting down here but I don't know hopefully uh hopefully it's not bad news for 25 but um more than likely I'm guessing they may just want to get up there and do some checks on all the engines um which probably not easy to do with all the shielding on there or impossible or they got the static fire done and now they've got the next generation of shielding Riri to not go hidden away in a tent somewhere they're going to bring over it's a possibility yeah um yeah so moving on from that we uh what else we got so I guess I'll continue talking about that electrical work really quick so they I'm a little confused on this because over this last week it seems like they added a third trench down here but I'm not sure if that's what really happened um but they do have these vaults in here uh that they ran the conduit to I think they've got wire coming into this one still haven't ran the rest to these two uh vaults but then they split into three sorry split back into or merge back into a single path and go all the way to the orbital tank farm which I'm going to show really quick no they go all the way to row Rover to camera we'll pass her over two so we're over two there's a set of vaults yeah true so let me go there so there's a set of alts right here um which is interesting because I almost suggest that they're going to go across the street here but I I can't really think of why they would throw volts here if they weren't going to go across the street um like how well they protected Rover two there yeah they got nice little barriers around it allegedly Dave allegedly hey it's got signs on it that's a uh laptop and vix that'd be actually be cool if we could read her name from here but um yeah so continuing back over to that other side uh where was that image this one so um they are they've run it all the way to the corner over here and have actually done some more directional drilling under the highway and I'm gonna need a better angle for that oh maybe this will do it no this one so you can see that there's a right here is where they did the where the drilling rig was set up and they went under the ground under the highway right here and now there's a bunch of conduit down there um and so this will connect to um wait Werther used to be two Transformers right here and there used to be a generator there as well a big generator well the generator used to sit right here but I thought there was Transformers down here um so these are the vaults the I think there's three vaults down here what um wait okay one two three so um the these will be turning into those vaults right here and then the question is if they need to bring in additional Transformers or if these ones were ever being used in the first place so um you know they will have to step down the voltage um before it enters the bunker or the comms yeah comms bunker so yeah they're they're getting close to actually finishing all that that but they'll still have to run all the wire in these sections um but yeah making a ton of progress but into the end of the line right here uh going back to the suborbital farm what else did we have down here um we have a methane delivery yeah got some meth um uh what else we got down here persuading yeah there's actually four of these so there's two by the Deluge area yeah which is very curious not really sure why these are here but we'll touch on that again when we get back to that side uh the other side of the launch Mount or wow launch site but let's go ahead and talk about the orbital tank farm really quick because there is a little bit more uh groundwork that has been completed for the future um storage tanks so they've well not really that much of last year last week they only had it I think excavated right to about here um you can see they've almost made their way all the way down to the end over there they still haven't started on on this side yet um but there was another tank delivered and I didn't realize this until this morning but it is smaller than the other ones which it's annoying to me for some reason I don't know why I just like it just bothers me that there's three separate sizes of tanks in here but that is almost a sign of uh it's not even level with the French to the other time sorry look no yeah well and it's also OCD for plumbing let's look at it from this side if you look at it from the back side you can get the 90 degrees to this where you're looking at the end of the tank the olm into the tank yeah those are the uh the vent lights and everything are in very different orientations on this old tanks of the new tank yeah I'm guessing there's just no more of these available so they got a similarly similarly sized one from a different vendor or something like that um but it is slightly shorter really odd that they didn't line that up at least on one side yeah I mean it wouldn't look so sure if we lined it up properly down that end yeah agreed um but again so you know the foundation of this was nowhere near as um as like crazy as this right here so they didn't do any real groundwork there they just poured a pedestal um so still very curious why they've done this in this look in these locations for the remaining tanks that we're expecting to see here um so once again we're gonna have to keep our eyes out on that they have started digging a French down here so they cut out the concrete um it almost looks like they poured some concrete as well too or maybe they have some sort of playing I don't care what's going on here they may have actually recorded there's a concrete saw right there I think that might be a a shoulder or something along the side of it well this looks like they had it broke it all out and then laid conduit and already covered it again yeah but there's already there's a bit those are two concrete saws that are sitting there on top of that line right here those those two things are both kinds yeah those are diamonds I can see this one this one doesn't look like one but yeah it's a big one in a smaller one interesting yeah not too sure uh what that is but yeah but more likely I'm guessing there's probably conduit down there right now unless they're still cutting it so kind of weird well and then the other thing is uh you can see they're starting to lay the rebar out to get ready to make a rebar mat around all these uh pile cap or pile tops and yeah they don't they have not cut the concrete off the last couple of piles so they're working on that uh as they're unburrying them yeah they don't seem to be doing much for the other trains just yet though they seem to seems to be sitting there waiting with the same guys off the piles over there and start the second row yeah moving on to um the other side of the tank farm we mentioned last week that they had diverted this vent and it looks like it I always keep getting my hopes up that they'll actually use them waste nitrogen for something but um no Dave wins again so it looks like they've just got a new vent that it essentially was over here and they relocated it here so I don't know if it was just about getting more support around it or if um well it looks like they added all that valving so it looks like they may want to be able to change it before it was just a direct event now it looks like it's more like the methane Kettle boilers where they may want to close it in and keep some pressure on the um collection tank nitrogen side maybe to raise the temperature a little bit right yeah that's kind of what I was it does seem to be some new paperwork coming out of that concrete vault as well on the right there where uh go to the left of that white van just coming out the ground yes yeah I see it uh I don't know to the left a bit more the new silver pipe work coming out the ground though are you talking about yeah I'm guessing that's probably always been there isn't it yeah this has always been here there's there's also another valve actuator laying on the ground by the um okay yeah so they're they're definitely adding more control um to that vent line um there's like four valves there added to it um so yeah we also want the front of the tank farm they're still doing some work with um these pipes on here no idea what they're doing um but yeah I'm still hoping that we get that fourth methane tank in here soon um there's not tank sorry pump down here but moving over to the front side let me try and get a different image if they put in that fourth one or one they put in that fourth one will that be the like will we finally see all of them filled then because we haven't seen it all done ever I don't think yeah guessing they would also need to add the kettle boilers when they do that um but yeah I mean three is the most we've seen them use so far I mean yeah plus this could all actually change quite a lot when they're going to put more tanks in they might increase the capacity quite a bit sure they may well I don't know how possible that is to actually odd space for another pump yeah they're kind of blocked in well only until they get rid of the vertical tanks and they got lots of rooms yeah that's what I was thinking they got all our room over there at some point they weren't getting rid of the vertical tanks well they are but not yet short-term no long-term probably yeah yeah it's a long project changing everything over and keeping the site working exactly just scrolling through here to make sure I didn't miss anything um we need to talk about the uh launch Mount so let's do that you're teasing us because we can see glimpses of it as you went by do you want to do the launch bound or do you want to do Deluge first yeah sure let's do that so down on this side um I actually want to see the front side of this because that'll be so we can see that they've made some more progress getting the um high pressure gas manifold setup so they've now run that to these two tanks over here and um they have space to add additional pipe work for the third tank whenever that arrives um but what else we got um so Dave I was kind of wondering on these I can't tell if this is I think they're just t-vents like we have everywhere else I know what this is there's two events in between the valves as well it's sort of like halfway along the pipe work so yeah honestly same with the other ones as well because you've got so much high pressure tankage um being able to vent this thing down post launch uh is going to be a real uh exciting moment when all these valves open and all this yeah high pressure gas goes away and the reason for the t-vet is just to not have a jetted gas come out but to disrupt the flow that makes sense yeah yeah there's tea vets all over the place they did replace the manifold coming off the high pressure tanks under the blue canopy there that was removed and it was replaced this week because it was laying sort of a skew last week's picture yeah and it still doesn't look connected we look very carefully you can just see the flanges sticking out the sides well if you see where the guys are standing uh to the left of the tent you can see the two flanges are about a foot apart that need to get sucked together where the guy is standing there oh yeah I see it but I think they redid that um pipe for whatever reason uh because it was removed at one point last week yeah one thing they also did down here they poured a few CFA piles down here it's really tough to see them I think there's one two there's probably more in here that we're not able to see let me get this image I think maybe this is a third one down here really tough to see them um but yeah they came and drilled some some more piles down here so that's gonna be curious what they end up using that for so hoping we'd be able to see it a little bit more but there's not uh it's really tough with the the dirt that they have down here to actually tell where those are at they're still you know all those new gas cylinders they've still got to go somewhere the big piles of them are there and then we have these types yeah I want to show that from a different angle there's two pipes like that there's well we haven't got it yet there's another one over there yeah there's one by the olm but very different it's similar but different yeah so this one has another T coming off it on two of these this is really weird yeah I'm trying to figure out are those Outlets or are they going to connect to other pipe work you're you're bed is as good as mine and I have no clue yeah this is part of the reason why my episode from yesterday I've only like have barely touched the surface on a lot of this stuff because it's very clear that there's a lot more going on here that's still not completed yet so um yeah so so if we slide over to the right a little bit um to the rear pipes they got their uh security blocks on the tank farm end and so those are getting closer yeah those pipes aren't going to be moving anyway and they got their um vents at the siphon brakes at the top both installed um and there's a little bit more of that small piping going down on the trench than there was last week and you can see there's a another piece of small pipe sitting on some pipe stands there being worked on on the pad and here's our other two Frac tanks waiting for water there's um they've started cutting the ports into the bottoms of the two big tanks as well but you need yeah ground photo to see that and we've got the two saddles for the remaining tank that's missing any ideas what the frag tanks might be for the only thing I can think of is water storage before they fill the tanks yeah I've heard speculation it might use them to try and reclaim a lot of water from the testing of that system but I'm not sure here's the other three-pronged pipe laying on a trailer um and sitting right above it in the vault are the new flanged tees that are off the ends of the pipes coming over from the Weir pipes they have flanges on the top that look an awful lot like the flange on these weird three-prong pipes but we are not positive that yeah because I mean they uh I guess it would make sense with having two of these you would need two of these but uh like um a guy I was gonna say overflow prevention I meant um pressure relief like once they turn the system off but I mean your pressure would just the remaining pressure would just come out of the plate so that's kind of weird um yeah my take on it is there were just some kind of inspection hatches it's something as simple as that so at this point the next thing we're waiting for is everything to the right of this Vault to get dug out and for our why and the various other big pieces of pipe to get put in the ground yeah and moving on to the launch Mount y'all can see that uh well it's actually tough to see because they do have tarps over everything but they did pour the entire first level so you can I guess the only concrete you can actually see is this sliver right here and I'm not even 100 sure if that's what we're seeing um looks like a little bridge to me or something or a little platform uh could be yeah I mean it it looks like the tarps folds back right here so I think that maybe exposed concrete but tough to tell but the reason why they have this covered is um kind of due to just the temperature out here right Dave so like they want to um yeah you want to keep the you want to keep the concrete moist and you don't want the water all to evaporate in the 100 degree temperatures they're currently experiencing yeah do they do you think they're actually spraying these down like spraying the spraying the surface down I don't know if I'm tarped it's hard to say um but uh if you look uh to the to the behind the booster QD Hood uh there's some steel plates laying on the ground that we were sort of talking about earlier the not the ones that the ones that we talked about earlier are over by the Boom yeah so there's a couple different places we have plates hanging around and there's the other set right there all right by the blue canopy yep let me see if I got it yeah there's a more direct uh straight down shot and they do look pretty similar sizes there's all three of them this kind of looks just like a solid plate uh it's a sandwich we do know that there was good now this photo is already out of date I believe um thanks to some CSI agents last night I suspect this rebar we're seeing in the slab here um is no longer visible can cement trucks delivered to this area uh between about 2 A.M and 4 a.m this morning yeah I imagine um when they bring those the the plates in there may need to get the crane right here so that's a good to get this down here first because there's really no way for the unless I I don't know if there's concrete under this yet they're I think it actually may be concrete already um because yeah yeah there was a pumper truck and uh yeah there was a pumper truck and 10 loads of concrete delivered uh early early early this morning yeah I'm looking at this side here's another thing that uh we weren't able to see until these the flyovers so uh when Ryan was trying to put together this um the layout of the embed plates we weren't 100 confident on how it would be arranged and we actually got it completely backwards so the uh the ones on the other side don't have this beam or this uh plate going across the center right there so this actually makes way more sense than what we originally were thinking because the plates that don't have manifolds attached to them um you'll actually be able to weld the front side of it but the other ones you wouldn't really even be able to weld in that position because the manifold is in the way so this makes a lot more sense um but we also kind of predicted how much concrete would be uh required for the remaining pour but also backtracking on those predictions because they have increased the size of this area so now that they've laid all the rebar down here I have a feeling that well I just don't think they're going to stop right here because you can see the boundary layer for the actual Foundation I think they may actually do all of this at once yeah there's like three different uh structures here as you work your way from the inside to the outside with different rebar uh methods yeah this is the massive amount of concrete because like they this used to be a flat or like right here is just a flat pad right here but in this area it's actually sloping down um so it's definitely really thick as it as it's and it kind of tapers off as you get further out um I just noticed the Foams in the ground there as well there's two big silver colored foams you come back a little bit yeah that's it yeah there's there's some right here and then there's another layer of it right here um and then we and then we have the plywood in um rebar cap over the trench yeah so they they did pour the bottom layer of this which is at the same height as what's over here um so I feel like you can actually see the concrete on the bottom down here um and so they're actually pouring the cap over this instead of putting the um pre-formed Lids on top of these uh culverts blade right there by your cursor from the old installation uh oh right here yeah yep yeah and they've also they've redone a lot of the pipe work down here which is interesting so I'm actually just seeing this for the first time the uh they have two additional pipes coming up from the back side over here which I believe her yeah these were yeah because the water there was a water pipe that ran along here I think they're still missing one um so these are actually outside yeah what I'm not what I'm not seeing is um any engine chill collection paper coming out I'm going over to where the pit where the pit is something yeah the thing about that I would say is um they haven't finished this area right here so like even though they're about to cover this up this will still open so they could still be adding that on yeah or hopefully it's gone so that would be nice to see um you know my original thought was that they would maybe send it back to the tank farm um but again I'm gonna have to go back and look through these images to see exactly how many of these pipes were previously down here because I thought there was only one but there may actually be two um and like I said missing water pipes pretty sure there were yeah I'm pretty sure there were two when they were installed in two separate operations um a month or more apart for I can't remember what they were but they what ran one out along the fence line and then they came back and running that ran another one later yeah there was two of them two of them down here and but again one of them was water and neither of them were stainless steel pipes so that's kind of or sorry the water ones were not stainless they were just like black steel pipes but painted gray or painted green um so I'm gonna have to do some investigation on that from a different angle and see if I can figure that out um well looking for these connect I think one of them might be the water pipe I think and they have just changed from the green pipe to whatever they're using here um um sorry I lost my train of thought there because I was just like sitting there trying to imagine what this used to look like um yeah I don't know I don't have any opinions on that I'm gonna have to go back and look instead of sit here and guess but um yeah well I guess we can probably revisit that again next week once we know for sure um but yeah Jake you're right I don't see that Raptor show line down here but yeah that could be a last minute Edition or hopefully it's gone they haven't actually removed anything down here yet uh I was kind of expecting that they would do that I mean I guess there's no reason to actually remove it uh you just stop using it it's like an abandoned underground pipe um but yeah so this will actually be more than just one more pour so like we're we do have the entire Central pad one layer out here another one over here and then they're definitely going to do something on the back side over here so they'll be um another final one later so we got a lot more to go um I think elon's estimate of what he said six weeks about a week ago sounds more reasonable now um I guess yeah how fast the next process is going it's all coming together pretty nicely now it's so and we I think we touched on this last week but I think we have most of the boosts or clamps installed on the clamp arms now with protective hoods on them yeah definitely got the clamps on there um I don't see any codes on them but the last week it looked like they were black protection over them right yeah something I noticed as well if you look at the plates on top of the lawn string it looks like it might be cleaning them out or un you know getting rid of the welds and the holes so the protective plates on top yeah see those those have become more prominent recently I think it's possible that they were cleaning these because they need to replace two of these so I think yeah maybe a shadow right here but they're definitely going to cut this one out here soon um because we see a replacement for that down here so there's at least one replacement plate right there um so they could be just cleaning it so that they could later cut it but uh I'm not sure these are we we believe these are actually plug welds so I don't know how they could remove them um I don't think you can really remove it you could probably paint over it or something like that but you couldn't actually remove it if you drill them out what was up too much of a task really uh yeah but I mean I guess if you're so part of the reason these are here we believe is because they needed to get underneath it to actually weld it down to the um well it's actually confusing because we don't believe I personally don't believe there's vertical supports on this so um but with the actual the water cooled steel plates that's kind of the reason why they did that because there's vertical Sports going across that needed to actually get down there to weld it down to the bottom um I'm sorry attach it to that vertical member um but yeah I don't know kind of kind of difficult to say for sure on this the only reason I could think of pulling them out as if they were converting this to a the actual like a water cooled system for the top of the launch Mount like Elon suggested they may do in the future but I don't know I feel like we're a ways away from that and they probably would have already started that by now if that was part of the plan yeah this does seem to be the the temporary thing just burn plates on top until they can get that jacket installed yeah in other news we gotta also mention that they have uh removed some of this QD so while more than just removed um the two I don't know what you want to call them um Work Platforms yeah the Work Platforms were actually removed so I think they were they're attached to one of them right here in this image so it took them a while to get this off actually I don't did they remove the farm one I think they removed the clothes yeah they've removed one the other one is still there but uh there's a lot of stuff happening up there because they just lifted the ship QD and there today yeah I was gonna grab some ground images really quick so we can show this a little better so first uh they installed these um this additional ladder up here I'm assuming this is what the actual QD is resting on now yeah I think so yeah so they've as of this morning they lifted up the replacement umbilical for the ship up to here and uh it's I'm guessing the QD will probably be like right in this area as it's in its stowing position um but yeah after they got this platform up there uh I'm assuming that was enough to allow them to remove this because they don't I mean it's kind of weird because this is much further away sorry this is much closer to the ship than what this platform gets you to so yeah I mean the way they removed this there was a lot of cutting involved to actually get all this off here it's not like they could just remove bolts and uh and pull it off so they actually had to cut this free um it took them quite a while to get that down but I'm guessing this week we'll probably see them remove this one um so yeah this is nowhere near as cool as it used to be when when the cloud was on but we've kind of wanted to do something with this like because they don't have any way of automatically retracting or extending it um but now they just don't have it at all well maybe they'll come up with a better one and make it so it actually can be motorized instead of having somebody with a come along it'll be nice yeah would be cool to see a replacement for this um uh I mean we haven't really seen any framework for that so I feel like they wouldn't really be able to surprise us with it we'd probably see something already but you know we'll probably I guess we'll keep our eyes out for it but the reason they're doing this uh has to do with that whole hot staging thing so because the ship the ship will be sitting on top of an adapter essentially it's going to be raised up at least one to two ring sections higher than what it was so this is basically their um retrofit to this system in order to allow it to interface with where the new QD is going to be out on the ship or not the new QD but the new height of the QD um let's see we have some more ground images that we can go through really tough to see much on here right now though uh because of all of the uh stuff in the way well we got one more thing to talk about we have new stairwells on the back side of the olit oh yeah of course let's go ahead and mention that uh give me one second try and find a image on the front side that's it yeah that'll show it pretty well so actually let me get around it a little more super odd so yeah they installed this new staircase a few weeks ago and now they have a zigzagging walkway that gets into the building right here yeah it looks kind of funky but I guess it works okay and then they also have the uh stairway on this side of the Tower and then they've got four more sections sitting over by the berm ready to go up do you think they'll go all the way to the top um right now but my guess is their goal I don't know about the top but I certainly think they want to get up to the ship QD level so you gotta waste I should imagine eventually they will have a coin all the way to the top this is a you know second wave egressing from the tower so when the elevator counterweight fails the next time they have a way to do it without a uh windmill lift a funny day yeah okay we learned from our mistakes we're SpaceX so hopefully they won't have it again that's why the stairwell's going in well you know one way to prevent what happened in my opinion uh well beyond just regular maintenance would be to install the rest of the cladding on the tower because that would reduce the amount of corrosive air that is reaching the uh mechanisms of that that lift so with all of the um you know salt water in the air um things get rusted out here pretty quickly so definitely a good idea in my opinion just for that reason alone to put the cladding on the power but again it'd probably get pretty hot in there if they did that so um there are some limitations with being able to do that but we have about 10 minutes left in the show so I want to make sure that we touch on some questions because I know there's got to be some um so indeed I'll let you take it away I'll start with the donations if that's okay and then I'll hand it over to Mauricio I'll take your silos to Bean yes first we want to thank Perpetual nerd who donated ten dollars and says happy early Independence Day happy Fourth of July to everybody it's coming up here on Tuesday very excited I wish we had Monday off though but anyways I'm not complaining John dobker donated ten dollars and says love the views of the olm repairs Victoria and I are currently upgrading our launch site in a similar fashion thanks again rocket profit donated ten dollars and says for Victoria's launch site upgrade woohoo method methane man donated 19.99 and says first time watching really enjoying so glad you could join us so glad you're enjoying Drew narr donated 10 Canadian dollars and says thanks for the great picks and then he has a question he or she sorry and I will ask that question in just a second uh Jacqueline came in with 11 Euros and she apologizes for being late and chuckling no apologies were needed we're just glad you could join us and glad you could make it uh John dobker again donated five memberships to five lucky people in the chat who each uh I guess received a one month free membership to RGV aerial so they will have access to all of the ground photos and aerial photos that Mauricio takes each week so four weeks of greatness and then you can join us in Discord for the show and tell us the day that Mauricio takes the photographs he actually goes through them with all of us who are subscribers paid subscribers and we can go through the photos together and everybody's allowed to talk we just want to keep it orderly and we discuss everything we see and have wild conversations it's a lot of fun rocket profit also donated five memberships so another five people lucky recipients um Brent Dean donated 20 Canadian dollars and he apologizes for this the stinky smoke from Canada that thing is still happening huh and then last but not least we have um uh James L donating ten dollars and says happy Fourth of July everyone and I think that's it for all of the donations for right now all right thank you so much everybody for the donations and the support we got the questions coming up here the first one's from Peter why is there an underground tank by the Deluge system so this is a CO2 tank um and uh it's kind of in the way of things but uh yeah we we're we're not 100 sure yet on what that CO2 system is we haven't really taken the time to figure that out but um it basically supplies CO2 to somewhere in the tower and also um in the launch Mount if I had to guess what I would use CO2 for in here would be um well there's a control room in in underneath this level so there's like a a concrete floor that's right here and then it's an L-shaped room essentially underneath that so there's more than likely a bunch of computers and whatnot that all their control systems for both the tower and potentially the launch Mount as well inside of the tower um so with having a big huge server room in here um you also have the problem where your the uh you know occasionally dumping a lot of methane out of the um out of the booster so with a methane Rich environment um I think it would be a good idea to urge that control room with CO2 or nitrogen but in this case there's a CO2 tank there so I'm if I had to guess that's what I would use it for the other place where you might need that is actually inside of the launch Mount itself and I don't know if we're we haven't we did actually see that it there was like CO2 related pipe work on the side of the launch Mount but we didn't confirm whether or not the pipe work actually went there but yeah that's the only only possibility that I can think of at the moment for why this is here all right the next question is from Walter Brown are the extra T valves for sequential tank and theme empty one tank first then another Etc oh no um so right now they don't have valves on the top of these um to control which tanks they're going in so it looks like it's always going in all four tanks at the same time um and on the bottom of the tanks there is also no valves um connecting it to the manifold so um yeah they'll be coming out of all four at the same time and both of these tanks or three of them whenever the next one arrives all right the next questions from flawed perspective why multi-layer poor over at the pattern uh because it's four meters deep so this first layer is 1.85 meters deep um and the second one is 2.2 meters deep roughly so um it would be kind of difficult to do both of them at the same time unless they already had the formwork in place on the for the second level um which it appears they do now but they didn't have it before so even with that formwork there it still probably wouldn't have been a good idea to um or both levels because then your pressure from up here could push it out from down below theoretically um so yeah it had to be broken into two different two different jobs something else to think about is especially on the side that's tarped here in this picture because we're going to have all of the piping coming in and the manifolds and the plate valves and all that stuff put plate Parts um they had to pour the base layer that the pipes are going to sit on as a slab so that the the they could form the bottom of the tunnel that the pipes are going to be in basically then they can put the forms on top of that the rebar and build up for the structure that the pipes are going to need to be supported on this side otherwise you would have had to have all the pipes in place and pour the concrete around them all right the next question is from Naughty rocket do you expect them to place work stands under the Olam and lower the sandwich onto those then they can wet the weld the remaining parts on top and the bottom and lower the whole sandwich in one piece um well we showed at the beginning of the show kind of what that's going to look like um I closed out of that video but if you watch my latest episode we kind of showed a idea of what that will look like so after this ends if you guys haven't seen it already I would check out the latest CSI Starbucks video I'm going to kind of have a good render or animation from Ryan that kind of shows how they'll lower that in there but the work platform will more than likely not be involved in that because it'll be in the way of the crane so um yeah it'll there'll be a crane lifting it through the center of the table all right so the next question is from Ian Tibbetts with the new height of the sqd which ships will be scrapped and which will likely be the first to have the hot stage um well the hot staging is a booster related thing so it's a adapter that goes onto the booster and we believe that the first booster with that will be booster nine since they're already making these changes now um so no ships will be scrapped and no boosters will be scrapped all right and I think that's all for the questions there is another question but in the install do you want to take over that question or that we got a new don't a couple new donations that you might want to go over sure I got the one earlier from uh something else John L but I also will read this one kamado donated 9.99 and asks do you think they will replace the vertical tanks in the OTF with a spherical lox tank after they install the hot dog tanks on the former landing pad no um yeah I don't I don't think so I think if if there is an additional tank added like a large single tank then it will probably go back here which is where the um we believe there could be an additional a pad for a large possibly locks tank in the future so um you want to try and protect them as well as you can so like using the tower for protection in this case um if you put it right here so yeah I I don't I don't think I mean it's possible but uh it'll be interesting to see what they end up using that tank farm space for if they actually remove these cool and it was actually James L who donated just before kamado and he donated ten dollars and says happy Fourth of July everyone I want to add on to this a little bit so I feel like it may be more expensive to remove these than it's worth and they may just stop using them but leave them there because um they're gonna have to suck out all of the perlite the expanded perlite from the inside of those tanks and that's a lot so I have a feeling that instead of vacuuming out the inside of the tanks they're probably maybe just leave them there not use them are there not two tanks without perlite though that are just the cover yeah the two water tanks and then the one with the holes and then the one with the hole in it that we saw smoke puffing out of that one time there oh that was this tank and they repaired it that's the one with the Staples on it looks like it had surgery um this one the water tank was the one that had surgery oh okay I was thinking because the perlite and the one that was smoking that would pretty much be gone wouldn't it more or less null uh that's a lot of perlite and it was pretty high up on the tank I don't think that very much leaked out of there if any okay cool did we have any more questions that we haven't touched on or was that the last one that was the last question um we can maybe wrap it up we're already at the top of the hour so I want to go first well I guess I will uh go ahead and sign myself off in that case thank you everybody for joining us this week um I uh glad I didn't have a huge headache this time so felt like a better show at least on my side um well that sounded weird uh better for me but um yeah thank you all and I guess I will see you all next week and pass this off to uh Dave or Jake I'll take it I'll take it and I would like to thank everybody for another exciting RGV weekly review um this has been a very busy week and I think the next week or two are going to continue in the same trend and with that I will pass it to Jake oh thanks again thanks once again everyone it's uh it's been fun taking part on this and it's also been pretty fun discussing only support those along with all of you in the audience and I hope to see you all again for the next live stream and with that I'll pass it off to India mauritia are you gonna do the last line then uh thanks everybody for joining us we really appreciate it be sure to join us next week hit that like button if you enjoyed what you hear and the bell icon so that you get notified whenever we release something The Gents are actually working really really hard and putting out uh videos as well that come shortly after these sessions these live streams so I encourage you all to take a look we do shorts as well there's a lot to see there's a lot to talk about so join us Mauricio well thanks so much for joining us today thank you so much for the donations the likes share this video with somebody else um we've got quite a few viewership um more than usual 1500 Top Shot tap that out about 1500 and yes stay tuned for our short version video coming out right after this episode it's just a quick quick recap no but the 20 minute um deep analysis is going to be coming out either Monday or Tuesday so but other than that I mean that's pretty much it for me um thank you so much I don't know the ending I got you the I got you you got it I got you main engine cut off stage separation confirmed love you bye [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: RGV Aerial Photography
Views: 27,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fv-dJdIdAnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 186min 24sec (11184 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2023
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