Stellaris Is Psionic Ascension Really The Weakest?

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use the force loop let go [Music] the psionic ascension is generally accepted to be the weakest of the three ascension paths in stellaris the other two being biological and synthetic ascension but is that a reasonable assessment are we perhaps overlooking some of the massively positive merits of psionic ascension that could bring our overlord ship to the entire galaxy let's dive in and find out what's going on the psionic ascension path is comprised of two ascension perks the first being mind over mata and the second transcendence when we take the mind over mata perk we will begin by activating the latent psionic potential in our pops we'll also get access to the cycle building and psionic armies can now be recruited what latent psionic will do will give us an extra five percent to research output and five percent energy credits that's quite a nice little bonus to get and some of our leaders will get access to the psychic trait for admiral specifically we're going to get 10 extra weapons damage and 15 evasion but as you can see not all of our leaders going to get that trait it is quite random and when we unlock transcendence we'll get some bonuses to our espionage the latent psionic trait in our pops will change to psionic that's an extra five percent research five percent energy credits and five percent more happiness additionally all of our pops will now get the psychic trait which is great for researchers and great for governors but why do i think cyanic is actually really really fantastic in order to show that off i'm actually going to use a build which is not about unity rushing at all this is quite a well-rounded build we've got masterful crafters and meritocracy that's going to help with our specialist output our building slots and our consumer goods prosperous unification for a great start aquatic because it is really quite a powerful trait intelligent for that extra research and rapid breeders for more pops i've mixed in xenophobe militarist and spiritualist here yes spiritualist is going to help us slightly with our psionic ascension but it is totally not necessary and if you're enjoying this video please bring balance to the like button and what is really powerful basically is how early you can complete this ascension path relative to the other two that's biological and technological so synthetic to unlock the first one mind over mata you must have an available ascension perk slot and you must have already picked an ascension perk that means you must have already completed two tradition trees in order to get enough unity for this you're not actually going to need to chase the unity just throwing down a couple of temples on each of your planets will provide a phenomenal overall amount of unity at the moment i'm producing 200 per month but now comes the tricky bit the other requirement is you must have completed the psionic theory technology this is a rare technology in the psionics specialty it is tier three so to complete this you must have researched six tier one technologies here you can see i've already got that and at least six tier two technologies i was unlucky i had to research seven before i rolled the psionic theory but once you do roll it and pick this one you'll be able to take mind over mata and then when you unlock your third ascension perk you'll be able to transcend if you have the maniacal trait on your leader or having a leader with the psionics expertise does increase your chance of rolling this technology technological ascendancy will also boost it because it is a rare technology and being either spiritualist or fanatic spiritualist will also increase the chance of it turning up but generally speaking psionic theory technology is rng based and that can make it somewhat difficult to complete the psionic ascension path but if you're lucky you can get psionic theory as early as 2220 or 22.30 and i just want to draw attention to the fact that i have not been rushing unity with this build yes i have got 200 unity per month per month at 22.30 but i've also got 450 signs and i've saved up 13 000 almost 14 000 alloys for ships which could actually be all the way up to cruisers so this is a very very well-rounded build and a well-rounded playstyle but i have got mind over mata which means i will hopefully have access to psychic admirals and everything that entails at 2230 compare that to engineered evolution or the flesh is weak both of which i would have to do a special project to reap any of the benefits from these two and those benefits would not be as good as the benefits i'm currently getting with this empire i was quite lucky i did get cyanic theory in 2226 and by 2236 i've managed to completely complete the ascension path that now means i'm about to breach the shroud some yes rng based bonuses but we'll get to that in a little bit so why do i think this is so fantastic well it's partly because you get access very early to the cycle building as soon as you complete the first part of this ascension path the mind over mata you get this fantastic building you can only build one per planet it gives you two telepath jobs and an extra five stability what those telepaths do they produce unity quite a fair amount of it and they also per telepath give you a five percent bonus to resources from jobs when you combine that with the extra stability from the happiness of your pops being psionic the extra stability from your governors being psionic the resource output bonus from your telepaths and the stability bonus from the cycle building overall that should provide about an extra 20 percent bonus resources to every planet that is almost on par with the synthetic ascension and we're going to be getting that 10 20 30 probably even 40 years before another player has managed to completely finish the synthetic ascension path so an empire that chooses cyanic does not get massive bonuses to their pop growth and they don't get any extra special assembly but you'll be setting yourself up for a very very very powerful position around 2230-2240 other empires won't have the fantastic bonuses you have and hopefully at that time the balance of power should shift enough for you to overpower them possibly vassalize them possibly take all their planets but what do you think about psionic ascension let me know down in the comments below but wait dish blah on top of that you got access to the shroud it costs a thousand energy to jump in every time and you don't know exactly what you get when you go in there but you will get access to something rather special and that is the possibility of having max evasion destroyers now these destroyers are at 86 percent of asian that's basically the same as a corvette i haven't managed to get these onto the maximum of 90 but simply by having the best thrusters available advanced afterburners and a psychic admiral with the gale speed trait that's going to add 20 evasion we're going to get very close to that 90. on top of that sometimes the shroud will give you boons one of those boons can be plus 30 to your evasion there are a whole host of other boons and issues those boons are on your screen now so as you can see they can affect a whole range of things within your empire yes it is random what you get but the effects wear off after five years and you can dive back into the shroud again every five years these high evasion destroyers with their neutral launchers are going to have a very very good time against artillery battleships because those artillery battleships are not going to be able to hit them they won't even be able to track the damn things additionally here i'm comparing a regular fleet with regular jump drives to my psionic fleet the psionic fleet has a much larger range psionic side jump drives have plus 50 jump range making these destroyers fantastic masters of hit and run warfare as you can see they can jump much much further than a regular ship equipped with jump drives giving you really good tactical flexibility but that's not all there are a few dark powers within the shroud these powers are definitely not called nurgle slaanesh zeach and corn but they do offer you some fantastic bonuses you can form covenants with these powers and they'll give you such great things as plus 15 ship fire rate and 30 army morale for a relatively small price a price for everything oh my god you might also get a leader with the chosen one trait now after a certain period of time you will be given an event and that event will give you some options you can either completely ignore that leader and keep them in their position or reform your empire into a divine monarchy when you reform your empire your chosen one will now be the god emperor your civics will change and this is quite important they will change to imperial cult aristocratic elite and philosopher king your ethics will change to authoritarian and fanatic spiritualist but these civics will change even if you have a locked civic like anglers or inward perfectionists that means it is possible to get rid of certain civics which are locked later on in the game and if you're enjoying this video and other videos on this channel you can help to support this channel by either becoming a channel member supporting this channel through patreon or purchasing something on the humble bundle store links to all of these are down in the description below until april the 12th you can get eu4 another paradox grand strategy game for as little as 1 euro or you can get the game along with all of the dlc for under 20 euros on the humble bundle store until april the 12th so whilst you might now get bonuses as big as the bonuses you might get with synthetic ascension plus 25 to resource output overall or biological ascension where you can customize each of your pops you're not going to have to complete all of these special projects to unlock all of the economic bonuses simply building the scicorp building and having your regular pops become psychic or psionic will provide all the bonuses you need and that can be done very very early in the game this could allow you to rush and take over an opponent midway through doing the synthetic ascension because they simply haven't had the same bonuses as you've had early on if you'd like to know more about ascension paths and ascension perks and which ones are fantastic and which one should really be left by the wayside click the video on screen now
Channel: Montu Plays
Views: 146,831
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stellaris, stellaris gameplay, montu plays, montu plays stellaris, stellaris psionics, stellaris psionic rush, stellaris ascension paths, stellaris ascension, stellaris psionic ascension, stellaris psychic ascension, stellaris psionic worth it, stellaris ascension paths guide, stellaris spiritualist build, stellaris 3.3, stellaris psychic trait, stellaris psychic tech, stellaris shroud, stelalris shroud mechanics, stellaris chosen one, stellaris chosen one event
Id: UfU-fmgP68k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 29 2022
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