Stellaris 3.1 - The Cult of Pravus (Part 1)

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hey there my name is provis been a while since we last played stellaris on the channel huh well we're gonna change that today because i love this game and i think it's only getting better with age and i really miss it so i want to play it now it does so happen the game recently had a major update version 3.1 the lem update which rebalanced a few things as well as changing up traditions and adding in a new empire origin which looks really fun and potentially really powerful we're going to find out if i can use it effectively i've created a faction called the cult of provis which i think some of you guys are going to appreciate it does make use of the new clone army origin and the way this is going to work is we'll have a couple of ancient clone vats which will very rapidly build up my population in the early game slowly tapering off and then eventually capping out at 20 pops per vat and you can only ever have five vats across your entire empire so there's an upper limit to how many of these pops we can have which is kind of bad in the late game but really good in the early game because more early game pops means more early game economy which means more snowballing but on top of this the clones also have better admirals 25 percent extra ship fire rate and 10 reduced ship upkeep that's pretty good in and of its own right but believe it or not we can make this even more powerful with some events later on this is going to be a great militaristic sieve which is going to suit my playstyle just fine as far as government and ethics i thought about going for materialists so we could have robots supplement my population and also go for some more tech rushing but instead i'm gonna go for fanatic spiritualist for three different reasons one we're a cult it just makes sense two we cannot follow the synthetic ascension or the bioengineered ascension as a clone army which means the only ascension path left is psychic spiritual powers so why not just go ahead and use that and three by picking this up we can take the death cult civic which i think will be pretty powerful with a clone army also again suits the theme very nicely death priests are really good but then what we can do is sacrifice some of our mortal pops in order to gain empire wide bonuses and my thought is if the ancient clone vats kind of peter out and stop uh at the upper echelon of 20 pops per vat that's just wasted growth potential why not sacrifice some of those pops whenever we're getting close to the top and get the vats back to work and repopulate my planets but also just make everyone else better so the death cult might be great if this goes the way i think it will it may not we're going to find out on top of that though i am going to go from militarist for the no retreat war doctrine and also some extra ship fire rates this is going to give my dps ludicrous numbers and we're going to go for an oligarchic authority i wanted to go for imperialism but um faction influence game pretty helpful with the death cult because we're gonna be using up some early game influence getting a bit more could be nice as far as my last civic i was a bit on the fence of what to go with here i kind of thought about going for exalted priesthood for the extra theme or maybe distinguished admiralty for even more ship fire rate but i'm gonna go for functional architecture because i think we need it this got buffed in the last patch and now gives two building slots instead of one and with our population growing as fast as it is those extra building slots are going to help me direct my economy in the direction i want it to go so we can actually provide enough jobs and also maybe go for extra research labs or ally production you get the idea i think this is necessary for the clones then as far as traits for our species we are intelligent because science is still king that has not changed traditional because we're going to have the death priests we might as well enjoy extra unity so i can rush down the traditions tree and charismatic which might seem a bit weird because i don't really care that much about amenities but because we have a limited number of pops able to work jobs i want every one of those jobs to be impactful and every job i have to waste trying to produce amenities is just stupid and i hate it so extra amenities from jobs hopefully means that i can be a bit more efficient with my jobs with all my different pops beyond that sedentary because i'm never gonna resettle these pops or they'll die they can't be far from their clone vats and unruly because empire sprawl isn't really that big of a deal beyond that uh you know a fun little fact we're going to be going for a modded and glados voice because it's fun and also we are going to be going for a necroid style of uh character and ships you know just because i think they look kind of cool and i haven't played with a necrophage yet on the channel all right so let's go ahead and start up our game now i will be playing on a medium galaxy with 10 other empires a couple of advanced starts i'm not gonna mess with too many of the default settings except we're gonna be going for a cheaper tech tradition cost because i think this is standard for multiplayer and also we do want to be playing on grand admiral difficulty which is going to be a bit of a stretch for me i haven't done that yet but i think it is going to be a fun adventure okay here we are in our starting system let's take a look at the map um looks like we have a note show points up this direction maybe one here and here maybe another one over here okay two or three choke points all in one direction not bad uh three potentially habitable planets including one that is of my type only size 15 but still that is certainly something okay yeah we'll want to explore down here as soon as we can and find out what is going on by these choke points get a good lay of the land and decide where we are going to want to expand let's go ahead and choose our science uh i guess we're going to go for blue laser here probably some society research though the extra unity is nice and engineering research because we want to get our science up and rolling as fast as we can uh okay so beyond this what other things we want to do well let's go to our ship designer and we're going to take these corvettes and we are going to clear out the design and strip them for as many alloys as possible the reason we do this is because we're not going to need any of these ships in the early game we might as well harvest them for extra alloys which i can then sell to get extra minerals to get my economy up and running a little bit faster as far as some policies i'll go ahead and swap over to isolationist which gets me extra unity uh which will be helpful um beyond that first contact i guess we'll go for probably proactive so we can try to farm out some extra influence economic policy i'll move to militarize later but i don't need to do that right now um and i think that's kind of all we need to do this exact second we'll rearrange some of these later for edict we can see we already have some options as far as making sacrifices of our pops in order to gain some benefits for example sacrifice a pop get 10 extra unity and 5 growth speed or we can go for happiness and growth speed or we can go for minerals and energy credits and grow speed and the minimum you get is i think 5 in these effects but you can get up to 30 and the more of your percentage population you sacrifice every time you click this button the more likely you're gonna get a higher value so these can be phenomenally good with any luck at all so we'll want to do that but before we do that let's first go and work a couple things here in our capital for example we're going to turn off our enforcer get some crime going then we are going to make a negotiated deal with the crime lords which gets me more stability does take up a criminal job which i hate but i think the extra stability will end up making everyone just a little bit better than that we can bring things back down we also want to turn down these clerks in fact we may just turn those off entirely technicians are going to be a higher priority yeah we have enough amenities so why even have a single clerk is my question there's still a joke there's only one empire build that i know of that actually makes good use of those we're gonna want more research jobs here pretty soon and i think the best way to do that then is to start building up a research lab asap that's gonna take us i think 300 minerals so we can do is go to the market and do a few shenanigans over here first off we can sell some food and some consumer goods and some alloys we're gonna set up some monthly trade deals to sell off some of our excess food production and our excess consumer goods production and then we're going to be buying some extra minerals per month cycle and hopefully my energy can support this we'll rearrange this quite a few times i do believe all right is there anything else here that i feel like i really need to do before we unpause the game i don't think so so let's go ahead and unpause so we should be able to rebuild this uh alloy production pretty quick there we go and then we can go ahead and just disband this fleet because we do not need it so why bother paying the upkeep then we're gonna go to the market and we're gonna continue selling off some alloys and buy some of these uh minerals as quick as we can we're doing this deliberately or selling only a group per day because i want the prices to reset if you sell too much too fast you crash the prices of alloys which means we have some wasted energy but that's enough minerals for me to now go to my capital world and build up a research lab now that's going to take more consumer goods for me to operate in due time but i mean for now yeah we'll be all right we can work with this if i can get even more minerals together i'll happily go ahead and start building things in our capital world take advantage of some mining outposts but not much i can do with that right now let's go to our capital shipyard and build another science ship i'm going to want that and let's make sure we keep buying out some additional minerals wherever we can we got plenty of energy to go around with this and that's kind of all the alloys i'm going to get for the moment all right it's good enough for now let's go ahead and take this construction ship and let's say start getting some extra mining stations set up i want to have extra scientists going around and exploring as fast as we can i think i'm going to leave these guys alone for now because we will be getting an event for the um oh what's it called the uh habitable world survey so i feel like we're going to want to uh keep those around so we can just speed that up a little bit all these are kind of terrible i guess i'll go for experience gain but meh it's not the best setup i'm going to have you go let's say down this direction and let's go find out what's going on in this choke point in that away all righty fair enough oh we forgot to actually enact the edict let's do that so here's the thing about the eatings right um getting an extra five percent minimum energy and mineral production is nice but i also really like stability because the higher your stability is the more resources you get for all jobs right so high stability just means everyone including research is better so if we go to edict here and we want to sacrifice a pop we can do that and we got 30 extra happiness in our capital so this is about to go up to 94 which means we just made another 14 resources on all jobs including energy and minerals but yeah research and stuff i mean that's pretty darn good let's go ahead and turn off this mortal initiate job we're not gonna be able to sacrifice anybody for another five years or so and uh this guy i think only produces what is it a little bit of society research i'd rather have you go and work let's say more of the mineral jobs and stuff like that all right this is where i think that the cultists could end up being pretty good being able to sacrifice a pop who is going to regenerate very quickly by the way we're getting 14 pop assembly per month which is ludicrous seems pretty good it just makes everything that much better so yeah i don't know this this is the entire point of this build we'll see if it actually works found remnants of an alien civilization how exciting uh i don't care aliens are here to be purged all right that's that's all that they exist for at the end of the day we have our first round of society research with our traditions now tradition's got a bit of an overhaul here we have a couple of new ones i think adaptability is new we also have mercantile centrifuge unyielding etc um prosperity has been buffed and is now really good 20 extra mining station output at the beginning is pretty good when you're done with this you get even more stability which we've already learned is resources per jobs plus five percent research per jobs just flat that does include your specialists which is the most important pop-up type and then of course we get our ascension perk but down here we get another five percent specialist pop resource output and since i do want to go for a tech rush this is really good normally i go for discovery or expansion but i think prosperity is now a viable top tier pick at the beginning of the game so that's why we are going to be going for that my second pick could be supremacy if we find that we have a neighbor nearby and we want to go for an early aggression or we could go for discovery if we want to go for more science and i really do value the tech rushing in this game it is quite powerful uh if you can't pull that off true so i kind of want to do that i'd love to go for a cruiser rush if possible uh ideally what you do is have a build that can get you up to uh your cruiser rush by i think it's 22 30 i think um by the way actually let's not waste my minerals here right now because we need to buy some more minerals and try to build another district we've already finished with some of our stuff and let's keep in mind that my population will be growing rapidly so let's get ourselves a generator district so we can get even more money i think that will be useful to me just needed some minerals and we still have a few extras so sure all right go ahead and get that research station going get me some of that extra beautiful beautiful engineering research engineering by the way is arguably the most important research type in the game because it gets you some good weapons as well as those ship types and upgrades for your star bases and stuff everything's important but i favor in uh industry personally or engineering personally uh let's go for the buildings and districts cost reduction uh which will save me minerals and also increase their build speed in fact if we had timed this a little differently maybe we could have gone for a cheaper generator district but it's mostly done at this point let's just go ahead and finish that out as far as my construction ship where do we want to go uh we found another planet it is a pretty large ocean world actually maybe we should go for this first yeah i think we're gonna go ahead and build out a star base in this direction start saving up some influence try working our way down here colonizing this soon could be kind of helpful running out of food already all right hang on let's uh cancel this and stop selling our food at least for now we're gonna need more but i think that's because some of my jobs have probably rearranged a bit what's going on here yeah we don't have as many people working in the farming job more technicians which is okay uh i can probably pull back on maybe you know i'm okay on food at the moment we can we can sustain this for at least a few months before we have to rearrange everything we might as well just keep it as is get the extra energy and stuff right uh need a little bit more minerals and then we will be able to build another research lab which will take up more of my consumer goods but if we have more people working over here is pretty good uh i would like to do we need the enforcer i mean with everyone this happy i don't think that we do we might as well turn that off yeah we could also turn off bureaucrats because we don't need this much empire sprawl but all right do we just go ahead and buy some more of the minerals i think the answer is yes we can go ahead and just immediately start building out another research lab this is a little bit cheaper now save me 40 minerals and it'll build a little faster that's pretty helpful uh let's go ahead and get ourselves another bunch of generating districts or sorry mining stations whatever you get the point all right looking solid here so far uh everything is kind of going according to plan we could go for more housing which isn't bad normally because extra housing just means you can stack up more pops on a single planet but uh since we're only ever gonna have 40 pops on our capital unless we build up more clone vats i don't know how important that is rather i would go for the building upkeep and district upkeep reduction so we can improve our economy ever so slightly complete the survey is done good all right so this planet doesn't have any special modifiers on it tons of potential industrial districts on it wow ah that's kind of interesting uh encounter in two we have discovered some aliens what aliens what kind of aliens is another player uh no it is the tianke the space squids we like space squids let's go ahead and start researching them make first contact it's an important moment for all of us i'm gonna go ahead and build out another science ship i think we're gonna need three by the end of this and i'm gonna go ahead and move you in this direction though we won't be able to construct a new outpost over here for a little bit found um a anomaly we'll go ahead and start researching that i guess it's pretty easy so might as well um capital world is doing pretty good about to be done with the research lab let's go ahead and remove this enforcer i think we'll get a new pop here pretty soon though we can leave this as is for the moment he'll just go right to the research job i believe and we do need to get ourselves a new scientist who are we going to get nobody with anomaly abilities or excavation i really wanted an excavation guy so this is kind of unfortunate guess we'll go for the youngest one who's the most likely to live for a while uh it does so happen that clones have a pretty short lifespan so your leaders are not going to live for very long so that's an unfortunate reality uh monthly trade price is too high or too low i don't see how that's possible all right fine fair enough uh let's see so we have that extra research going i'm going to say that research is always going to be a top priority for people asteroid collision okay we find some extra mineral potential that's good um we're gonna need to get some more districts the question is do i want more energy do i want more mining probably more energy at the end of the day it's pretty efficient to use something just happened and i missed it i think it was a planetary anomaly planetary build speed or minerals probably planetary build speed believe it or not uh we're not going to go for robot bots like ever so i don't think i don't think we need to go for that mineral path uh hydroponics bays will fix a lot of my food problems and the reason that's really good is because uh we're gonna be you know hurting for jobs once we get up to our maximum population so being able to offload a lot of those jobs to produce food so we can work on other things is pretty darn good pretty darn good it turns out uh this construction ship can now build a starbase let's go ahead and work on that and then over here we could go ahead and build a colony ship though i need a little bit more food and some more of these consumer goods first off let's stop selling those for now which is going to hurt my energy production but oh well uh we could start automatically selling off at least a few of these mineral alloys which i'm okay with to sustain me for a bit longer it's a lot of energy out of that um yeah we need to buy we need to buy a few things on our capital world let's go ahead and build another generator district and let's get that specialist pop output so we get even more science and unity we're already up to 147 science and we're three years in the game that's not half bad at the end of the day uh this is a harder anomaly i think i will leave that alone for now we still haven't gotten the situation log for yeah we haven't gotten the situation log for um surveying planets yet that's unfortunate oh well we made us lose some potential over here i was hoping to get that event and maybe uh you know just get some extra what is it energy or something oh there it is habitable world survey perfect go ahead and do it now and we have at least three worlds we can survey hopefully some others we've kind of wasted that opportunity maybe we'll find more though blue laser is done um i think we're going to go for the extra science and we have learned about the tianki which means now we have frequency tuning as a research i do not care about the energy siphons so forget that that is pointless we need to buy some of these consumer goods i need a bit more uh let's go ahead and sell off some stuff buy more there and let's build up a colony ship and we'll go colonize this very large world we need to save up some minerals so we can build a couple more clone vats and we found an excavation site that's good okay uh this science ship is done over here so what have we learned um this is a choke point and this is a choke point and the rest of the space is basically contained so that's nice let's go ahead and continue surveying out in these different directions find out what's going on over here do i want to get myself another science ship tempting oh wow two more planets we have a lot of planets in this world or in this uh sector that's kind of crazy actually um i probably want to start working my way down this way to claim some choke points so let's go ahead and start moving in this direction of course we'll need to spend our influence on that but that is fine with me debated origin here's event we're looking for okay with our reason to rival into space the differing views on our origin are rapidly turning into a schism extremist groups are rapidly attracting more clones our strong unity is broken some view the creators as gods to be worshipped and obeyed and believe we were made in their image they would do nothing except maintain the status quo others curse our ancient masters for their actions labeling them as slavers and would see them repaid in full an excavation site has been established on our capital to verify the facts and put the debate to rest before we turn to space we should exhaust all immediate possibilities our nation is old many generations of clones lived and died here beneath the ancient structures of our homeworld some significant clues are bound to be waiting for us this is where we are going to need to have someone doing an excavation project and getting an excavation scientist would be huge well okay i mean at the end of the day i'll go for the research speed guy that's that's still pretty good um what do i want to swap it out for probably engineering if i'm being honest though this is nice wait you're already you're maniacal we have maniacal on all three of our scientists what the crud wow that's unexpected all right um yeah we're gonna go ahead and swap you out for a spark of genius which is slightly better but hey that's that's pretty good there's our excavation site i still really would love to find out that we're gonna get an excavation guy gosh dang it i could keep spending my energy fishing for one but i'm not sure i can afford that right now let's go ahead and build out a city district here because uh this will give me another building slot for even more research labs if we want it which would be good we are exploring some of these we found an anomaly we'll go ahead and survey that getting some more experience on my scientists so that's nice yeah an excavating guy would have been great um but it looks like we are not going to get lucky with that right now so at some point i'll need to turn one of my more experienced scientists over here to work on this excavation project in fact the sooner we do that probably the better let you finish out surveying the system oh what's this hello we found some stuff cool um once you're done with this go ahead and do excavation strategic research we found some exotic gases i like that the faster we can do this the better but it's going to take a little bit of luck so the colony ship is done let's go ahead and colonize this planet we will need to save up some minerals otherwise our population will rapidly die off and that's obviously terrible let's claim this more unity um this is terrible because all it does is give you clerks and i have no need for clerks so i guess we'll go for the housing but we will need to pick this up to just finish off the prosperity tree soon enough and go for that sweet sweet tech which i love tech a sentence is good once you're done surveying this go ahead and head back and work on these planets what do we get hydroponics thank you i'm gonna go for the monthly unity and on our starbase we are going to swap you around and make you into a hydroponics bay let's just go for that extra food speaking of food i think we can go ahead and start selling elise a little bit off we will need more sooner or later but for now this is okay so we'll start making a little bit of extra energy cool still buying out a handful of minerals i guess we could buy even more maybe sell a little less in the alloy department i do need a good stockpile of alloys at some point if we are gonna be going for an early aggression which i mean i want to do uh so let's see where is the available guy hi you yes you um you are going to head down here and survey these systems and find out what else is going on in these areas i want to know can you show me uh it's going to be a while before we have established a colony on this new world so we got some time to go ahead and build out at least a couple of these mining stations get some extra minerals six for example right here pretty good we'll go for three more right over there there you go that'll be nice that'll be fan flipping tastic so we have another building slot do we want to go for you guessed it more research we only have one job left so we need to be building stuff soon uh hello thank you first cultists colony we got some extra engineering nice a toad asteroid we find even more engineering great i like that let's sell some actually let's just go ahead and buy a bit of minerals and then on our capital world yeah we're going to build another research lab let's keep an eye on these consumer goods we're going to start running a deficit at some point we'll have to buy some but that's all right we have finished with our harmony edict which means we need to go back to the capital and we are going to allow for a mortal initiates who i are then going to murder for harmony and make people happy again 15 this time so not nearly as good but oh well and then turn this job back off rather than waste it let people go do other things we'll be able to reassemble that pop pretty quickly i think but uh yeah losing a bit of stability does mean we've lost a bit of my um a bit of my production we'll live with it though uh i don't think the crime is really gonna hurt me too much although we do have three criminal jobs here which is hurting my trade value i'd like to somehow rearrange this can we just uh prioritize stuff here yeah see by doing this we've managed to get one person to leave their crime job we got them to leave their life of crime i mean why that works i don't know but it does so i'll just take the extra energy engineering what do we want strike craft i mean maybe yeah i mean for early game defense it's pretty solid strikecraft are some of the best things in the game let's go ahead and get a research station i guess for a little bit of extra physics while we wait um we could go for another science ship i'm not sure we need that another construction ship isn't necessary yet at this stage we don't have enough influence production to go ahead and grow fast silicon life forms an abandoned amusement park hello free research i'll take it advancement that's always pretty good so we got this done um i guess five percent research is better so you should now be on your way right let's see no you're not quite done researching everything over here but you're getting really close i think one more thing and then you can move on to go for the excavation faster we can do that the better faster we can do that the better now we're starting to run lower on food because our population has grown let's go ahead and stop selling quite so much discovery more anomalies are still nice uh leave that one alone though that's a little too hard and we're gonna need the extra consumer goods now to achieve because it so happens we have an extra research lab which means we're now up to 190 science uh six years into the game that's better a little bit of extra unity all right we could go for some tile blockers or i guess we could go for pop growth speed i mean it's not great for a clone but we'll still we'll still take it it's all right let's sell off a little extra food here we don't need quite this much we have enough to produce another colony ship which is going to be fine uh once we explore this we'll probably go ahead and go over here i'm watching this planet with the intention of building up a clone vat as soon as we can we're finding quite a few nice things over here by the way getting exotic gases will be great at some point don't need it right now um you can afford to buy a little bit more here and we can finish up prosperity excellent all right that means we can go for our technological ascendancy which is always my choice as an ascension perk an extra 10 research speed is great if you're tech rushing and of course we have the extra stability and everything else which is just great i'm gonna go for an upgrade to our coil gun those are usually pretty good weapons and you're done over here so the question is where do we go next could go over here once we finish surveying it uh or we could go ahead and claim these choke points i haven't met another alien yet which concerns me i might go over here yeah let's go ahead and work toward this choke point for now that's probably fine pop growth done we're going pretty fast on some of these uh jobs all of a sudden i guess we'll go for the admin capacity so let's see just found a bit of extra energy down there kind of boring not a lot going on we're stockpiling at least a few mineral alloys which would be nice we could sell off extra to get more energy but so far we're doing fine easy research sure why not do we want another district uh probably we probably should actually allow our enforcer to get back to work this crime is gonna get annoying it's starting to affect my amenities but we're okay on that at the moment uh another industrial district could be a thing turn the minerals into consumer goods yeah actually we're gonna go ahead and do that we'll need these consumer goods at some point uh more energy credits from technicians just improves my economy overall much as i like getting the extra research from stations and such this will be better you go ahead and build out over here everything's looking pretty hunky dory um we should be making progress on this excavation at this point let's see yeah they are working on it uh unfortunately it kind of works like a siege in eu4 and you have to keep rolling to try and have a chance at actually breaking through it which can take time it depends on how lucky you are uh sonified science more science from an anomaly thank you ceramo metal armor is probably the better choice of the bunch because i'm not going to be really using any corvettes at this point in the game you go ahead and build out some more mining stations we're about to be done on this planet and we'll want to go for our ancient clone vat instantly in fact on this size of a planet we're probably gonna want to get two uh ancient clone vats are up over here they build pretty fast i think only 57 days for 390 minerals a little expensive and they do have a pretty hefty upkeep but it'll get me going for a good long while uh so let's see you finished everything over here we found more excavation sites well that's fun so let's see this guy's already going over here you're going up over here i think i'm actually going to send this guy to now go and assist research on my capital and just get me some extra science i'd like to get over 200 by the time we are done with this video which should be coming up in just a moment pops are declining but that's only because we don't have the ancient clone vat they literally will die off which is why we can never resettle these guys admin capacity is done extra food from farmers just means i have more stuff to sell speaking of which let's go and sell off some excess stuff there i know the surface we have a new industrial district so we'll be able to produce more alloys and a lot more consumer goods all of a sudden in fact we can stop buying these so that helps and still haven't met any neighbors i'm not sure how i feel about all that i mean kind of good it feels good not to have to worry about these guys right now but if we want to go for early aggression i kind of need to find people to you know conquer that's that's kind of a thing uh we're not gonna get a lot of mining and we're not gonna get a lot of generating off of this planet we may want to end up turning this into a forged world to be honest industrial districts and whatnot wouldn't be half bad um i think we'll start by building a generator district and maybe we do want to be getting things like alloy foundries and stuff over here i normally do it's not terrible could be a thing for me advancement achievement see what we got here energy credits done uh automatic surveying is pretty good i guess we'll take that so i can explore a little bit faster and not have to micromanage my science ships quite so much and i do think we need to be ending up this video pretty soon here we're gonna go over here to start uh grabbing this planet because obviously i'd like to be able to colonize a third world build up another clone vat if at all possible we need more minerals i'm gonna go ahead and buy some every couple of days here that should be enough and then yeah let's go ahead and build up an alloy foundry so we can start producing a lot more alloys uh we're doing okay on consumer goods comet cited happiness goes up hey for once comets actually worked to my advantage what do you know and how much longer until we can do another one of these um in two years we can go for another sacrifice to try and get even more happiness but this time it will apply to two different planets which is nice we may have found two choke points here actually depending on what this looks like let's go ahead and keep surveying some of these systems we should also probably do a research project when we get the opportunity you will then go up over here yeah i mean i feel pretty decent this is a good defensive start our economy is already looking like it's in a pretty decent spot we're making solid progress on our unit and we're working on their excavation for our um for our special events uh we'll see how lucky we get with this so far we have a 40 chance of breaking through it there it is lost history all right hang on essential dig site has managed to successfully date the installation of one of our clone vats by analyzing the soil beneath the structure and we've reached a reasonable estimate of when it was placed there the first of our kind were produced approximately 12 centuries ago many generations in history have been lost much as passes by and perhaps there is something to regret now we have to do it again but it's a very very high difficulty one which will probably take me some time if we're lucky we get this quick if not well that's going to suck but we will see all right thank you all very much for watching i do hope that you enjoyed this video i think we've got a good start to this series i don't know how long i'm going to go with stellars traditionally it doesn't perform great on the channel really depends on what you guys like to see but i'm hoping we can make this a fun and engaging series and at least get up to the mid game crisis or maybe kill some fallen empires before we call it quits up to you guys though so be sure to hit that like button leave a comment subscribe hit that notify bell and i will see you guys next time [Music] you
Channel: Pravus
Views: 250,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pravus, stellaris, 4X, strategy, gameplay, cult, spiritual, clone, part 1
Id: D7yymmrT6bk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 55sec (1975 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 11 2021
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