Surviving 25 Years of Growing my Zoo in Planet Zoo

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could I build and manage my own Zoo all from the ground up in a number of visitors and profits being out the weirdest endangered animals and having to deal with all of its downfalls like plenty of them and finally seeing if my Zoo can survive something called the neglect anyways I'll be spending my first 25 years building a zoo and find a zoo but like anyone else we first have to start with the paths and rather rainy start towards who we made and laid down the first foundations of our Park totally not following like a best spot to do layout guide or anything anyways after messing with the lengths and width of the road I ended up with the square which is perfect enough for us to fit the necessary facilities to house our staffs and also keeping them far enough to not negatively impact our guests to which we can see using this heat lamp in this game all our staff work under these things called the work zones which basically covers all their access to each facility or habitat so we quickly made one with the name zoo I know original hired our first few steps and assigned them to the work Zone oh I'm going to overwork them so much and with that the basic needs of our Zoo has been basically built and we can start browsing for our first animal ah and in this game there's also a zoo pedia that gives you all the necessary land what are other requirements for each animal even the biomen group size they're comfortable with so it's pretty easy and after browsing quite a few options I landed with denial monitors I figured they're the best to start with because you know they're cheap and have a habitat setup that isn't too complicated to follow so I went shopping with the little money I have and got myself a super healthy Assad and himself a female friend atika so I started building it was kind of confusing at first but I did get a layout I was happy with and introduced the first senior Enos residents to their new home look how excited everyone is with them inside the habitat I could then look at their welfare and overall levels of happiness alongside the necessary conditions to keep them living their best life so I started terraining going for the grassy mud Land look added a few smooth dirt humps and placed a body of water across it then headed off planting and trying out trees and plants to match the aesthetic apparently now monitors can get a bit picky about their vegetation and so after some natural sprinkles of rocks I had to paint on different types of terrains like soil and stone to further accommodate our animals to their natural habitat and with a few more final touches that have it at size water bottle bodies and soil the grass ratio and with an elevated viewing Trail along the back of the enclosure for a little spice and used Windows to display the habitat to our earliest visitors using one of our vets there's also an option to undergo vet researches on each of our animals so using research centers you can unlock things like enrichment items and bonuses but before opening Mazu don't forget that I'm money hungry so added a few donation bins right on the hot spots and put education boards to draw people in even more on top of that I place an information center Balloon Shop and a snack shop right on the entrance to boost education and sales the kids are going to love that so it won't hurt to um and then we are open before long a crowd is already gathered around our lizards and look at all the money we are getting so now we have to keep our visitors in check and staying too in this game they give us a full overview on what our guests are thinking so it'll be easier for us to know what is missing in our Zoo right now weirdly enough it seemed their only concerns are million drinks and the lack of umbrellas around fortunately these are quite easy fixes so I made a little park and offered our guests a source of Slurpees and right after it quickly started laying down the barriers for our next habitat and look through the zoo pedia for our next animal attraction it has to be something sexy Majestic truly unbelievable bongos so yeah um they have these like super basic deers or I don't know what the whole family they fall into but they're like super cheap so like they'll have to do we've got a new parent to their habitat and quickly added them to the work zones and figured out fencing the front would allow better guest viewing and began experimenting with the water and terrain accordingly these bottles they like shorter Grass more soil and very few trees so I've painted a few Trails of dirt behind some Greener patches and placed a little Hut for them to make love and pump out babies putting habitat weddings like this will then solidify any structure in the habitat as their place to rest after polishing the rest of the habitat with a dash of Savannah and more trees I called it that ah in here a food tray for food with two habitats it seemed our zoo is off to a decent start and we got more money completing a challenge and half getting 300 visitors and more sale profits left but little did I know my zoo is about to experience the biggest disaster imaginable no not the gulpy vending machine breaking but a kid has lost his balloon one cross child under my supervision and I will not let this happen again but first let me tell you my goals for the zoo and let me explain the upcoming neglect later on in the video firstly I want to pass a thousand visitors on my zoo with at least half a million dollars in my pockets also some honorable animals I need in my Zoo are the red pandas because let's face it who does not want a red panda and also the gums block which I admit is a bit of a guilty pleasure of mine and I don't really know why of course also creating some beautiful habitats along the way some that I'll be proud of and another one is having produced at least one albino or lucistic offspring which is basically white pigmented variants of the animals we can get during breeding at the end of it all we will see if the zoo survives the neglect which will be basically just me increasing the speed of the game threefold which is the mechanic you can use to go through the seasons quickly but I'll use it for evil and leaving it to run for over 15 minutes real time so yeah let's get to work just in time in year three our first inspection report came through and it seemed the ratings are just okay except for Education obviously so I figured going for the apex predators next will teach fear into these children's but to help satisfy our visitors more I offered a big Bernie's bake shop and some more drinks to go alongside it oh and our Bongo and monitor research has also been completing a bunch of levels so I invested on some better enrichment items for each of my animals just to make them a bit happier look at them playing in the rain and oh I lost track of time I did a little bit of decorating went out of nowhere my Nile monitors hatched out a swarm of baby like a lot of them even the Bongos himself had bread and they made a mini tiny little limb I added a toilet some lights to brighten up my Zoo a little bit seats and bins to reduce the trash levels before being disturbed by our new baby Bongo escaping and making a run I had to pay a cash fee to bring this little rascal back and block whatever Escape Route it had look at it not even a hint of guilt and afterwards I started researching diseases instead of my animals because I'm paranoid before deciding to start building a place over my staff facilities because I wanted pretty [Music] thank you look at it now we also finished up a few of our next challenges and made some cash oh and yeah I made this like Lagoon extension for my Nile monitors to give them more swimming space look at it so smexy but um yeah back to apex predators I looked through a few options but wanted to keep The Greener Aesthetics so I went with the formation black bears I put a pair of very fine looking bears and thought it would be cool if I go on a different route and create an inward KV glass viewing section for the guests and I build its foundation this is when I realized that barriers aren't so easy so in the rain up until the morning I ended up with this and with the black bears in we can start rocking the place up [Music] [Music] I thought having a waterfall would be an excellent addition to the habitat so I started shaping away any water Folly structures I could make and pushing in different types of rocks to add a natural field and more rocks and some terrain Painting and More rocks after getting a look I'm satisfied with there are these water special effects you could add to simulate splotches of water rushing and you pair a few of that down to a body of water and boom you got yourself a waterfall ah do this excellent view of my creation how gorgeous I want to satisfied with the trees and the bear habitat so I scratched it all off put on a few types of terrain bumps beforehand and increase the habitat size even more Patrice that stuck with me in the end were a mix of these tall eucalyptus trees smaller birch trees and fine that I scattered throughout the cage we added quite some rocks around the path broken logs and did this little Nifty trick putting trees down into the ground to simulate folio then the nature part of it was pretty much done these bears are quite the climbers too so I made a little parkour course and a KV nest for them to sleep [Music] thank you [Music] let me start year seven with an inspection report that basically spat on our education levels but hey look at all our habitats getting five stars to fix that problem I place a few education speakers on my habitats to get some teaching done I also had a bit of power and stuff from issue around so I decided to expand our staff into the far left corner of the zoo I had a bit of free time so I got the decorating the entrance a little bit I got this little lion statue spot for a guest to admire and some lemurs like heading towards the toilet I don't know I'm trying my best here either made a second work Zone specifically for people who deal with animals and their habitats to organize our staffs a bit more calling it the habitat folks and not too long after we finish all our Nile monitors research and we spotted our bears trying to sniff each other out with love so what better way to celebrate than moving on to our next animal introducing the exhibits it took a while for me to figure out a place to put these exhibits but um basically exhibits our small habitat cubes I could buy to Showcase smaller animals like insects or amphibians doing so boost our education without the hassle of creating our own habitat as it creates One automatically I laid down a new Transformer to expand the electricity range on our zoo and quickly started looking for our new Critters after finding a perfect spot okay okay first I got the Glorious dark frogs to ever exist in the world and the other one is um uh the gila monsters Gila actually means crazy in my language which is perfect I guess and with the animals settled inside it will instantly set it to look like the animal's environment my job is to only change humidity and temperatures to their liking and control populations look at this little guy all cozied up and same goes for our monsters you're so ugly and by finally setting up the exhibits education boards to their respective animals it will totally help with dedication before moving on I took another quick look at our guest overview of our zoo and there's what seemed to be a trash problem so we got a Gopi counter to help with the thirst and hired another caretaker to sweep all the dirtway before releasing a few now monitors because they're reproducing like crazy and I want her to get a few conservation points the game's block their type of oryx that just looks cool it's like they have a mask on and look at their horns they're just anyways this envelope is on my bucket list like I literally named my car after them though I wanted to make a cooler habitat I dug out a landscape that goes inwards and smoothing it out in this habitat I wanted to experiment with null barriers which are invisible barriers you could use to dictate a habitat without an actual wall this allows me to use natural barriers like you will see later on and bring out my creative juices in short no more ugly wooden walls I curved the viewing spot a little bit so it isn't too blocky and with my habitat in the work Zone I spent no time releasing our guns box because I want to see them in their Glory well it's a bit dark oh yeah and I bought like three of them because I want more gum smoke babies in the world Sumi being South African we sanded the whole enclosure to match the desert and scrub lands of their original environment and began blocking off the null barriers with the different desert rocks it took a while but I got a rock formation I was okay with and the trees to match it it went pretty much like this The Habit that looks so good even visitors started asking me to increase ticket prices but yeah we'll place the final touches and the guns block are finally official residence of our Zoo foreign well while I was too busy building a new habitat one of our amphibian friends has been at work making babies that is most of my poison frogs had low welfare and it was because it had been reproducing so much that they had little space for each other I mean a good owner would probably expand them into new exhibits but um I thought storing them and quick selling them is probably more efficient in fact our Bongos and bears are also experiencing some stress and figured out that noise in space will become a growing problem as a number of visitors increases with some of the extra money I made for six figures already by the way I placed a few conservation education boards around to help pump up education a bit more and out of nowhere we had something interesting happen to Oregon's box and just like that a new baby balk born in the rain and it was just in time finishing our researches so I could put more enrichment items for them in fact it was then when my dummy brain discovered all this time there was a mechanic research so I quickly put our mechanics on Power and staff facility and for our Bongos I thought it would be better if I put them on birth control with the option here to prevent overpopulating because they're quite stressed or I could just release them really but on better news on our year 11 inspection report our education is no longer red [Music] I wanted to work on a bigger habitat like as big as this crater I made pretty cool right as a challenge I want to animate the entire thing out of null barriers going for the open atmosphere and started with a few healthy African wild dogs splitting the habitat to both Sandy Savannah and a lively grassland for surprise surprise we added rocks to make the barrier again this might be the longest time I spent on a habitat [Music] foreign [Music] first I thought they have that seem perfect for a pack of African wild dogs but while building I realized these dogs didn't seem like an upgrade from our previous animals so I wanted to find a cooler pack of scavengers so I replaced them with a pack of spotted hyenas much cooler huh I sold more frogs release more Nile monitors and put our friends in their homes and now we continue [Music] thank you and here we are our hyena Oasis it was a bunch of looking for the right trees and looking for Escape Routes but in the end it was pretty much done I was pretty proud of it on the other side there was a lot of our previous animals stressing because the lack of hard shelters so we built a few for our Bongos and Kim's block and we expanded our Water and Electric sources to reach newer habitats that didn't really work that well because some protesters aren't too happy with our Bongos well-being so I tried compensating by adding a few decorations and lights even made this cozy mysterious path on the side ooh foreshadow on a new habitat all the visitors are enjoying a view of a pooping hyena in the Dawn and one of our Keepers had to take one of the hyenas out because of some Alpha fight thing that has been going on but all in all our Zoo shaping are pretty good so I went straight to finding more animals and even did my own research on some I mean before getting distracted and doing a bunch of decorations and Zoo maintenance I swear this game is slowly making me love the true meaning of zookeeping after looking through a few animal options that were okay of course I could have just picked the red pandas finally as with no time shaping up the barriers and creating whatever mountainitch back rub I could put to the side I didn't bought our Fuzzy Friends and God why are you so damn cute I began blocking a few Escape Routes here and there and got their terrain distributions to their liking I wanted to manually make a sort of climbing space for these pandas so I first mapped out where I wanted my trees to build around with my mixed bag of different colored trees I added a few logs that would become the base point to my soon to be structured look at my pandas were shipping it already but later on I leaned on setting up four wood foundations myself and building around that I added the floors put over planks until I had a wall I liked and copied them over more walls and a few more polishing up for putting a roof over the whole thing and a wood decking that supports it houses are confusing man with a cozy little home set for our pandas I went and create a Sparling wooden Trail upward sword tree attaching the whole thing to a nesting spot at the top and gruelingly placed every single wooden sticks as its foundation why not I'll also use a Pana Zoo blueprint to add a climbing spot to spice things up I spent another 30 minutes scattering bushes around the habitat and decorating the top railing of the viewing section to the guests like this little squirrels Romancing and apparently it flew over my head that these guys live in colder climates so with the help of a temperature map a few coolers help regulating the temperature way down just like that goes my little pandas to the new habitat oh my little wall glitcher it's beautiful there's nothing here at all that could go wrong what uh I didn't see that but I'm glad our habit that's nice enough it decided to jump back so more rocks more trees I figured I had more time before the neglect and ooh we've been making so much money so what's stopping me from buying my next animal thank you [Music] Redford lemurs red pandas they're pretty much the same except one looks like um but building their habitat was pretty much similar and we got both habitats looking really nice next to each other they even have the same escaping rituals I now have a little Forest Corner in my zoo and I can't be happier I spent the rest of my years keeping up with Zoo maintenance and expanding my staff facilities that are not too efficient yet and wait what was that so I was too focused making the homes of my furry friends that I didn't realize the birth of an albino gum spot I don't believe it I mean it could be leucistic which is a white pigmentation like albinos but instead of red eyes they maintain their normal eye color but at the end of the day it's white and has another goal scratched off The Bucket List look at it yelping and running around I will raise you my child I did as much fixing I can do to keep the best conditions for my animals before the neglect and even release a few daddy books to keep my little special gun Spock health no favoritism here guys I swear oh and I named him Oddball don't question that okay I love it but that really did nothing by the way because out of all my good spot my Oddball only him was contracted with a life-threatening disease of someone else's Planet zoo is really out here testing me so I boxed them and my trusty vets quickly rushed him into the veterinary and all I could do was pray however in our lemur side things took a more happier turn because they're already having babies one oh um no two no all these babies and all the Lemurs seem pretty happy to me now we're coming up on neglecting our zoo I know right before neglect I fixed up any facilities I could and hire a bunch of new staff to go around also food and drink shouldn't be that much of a problem now and without much notice year 25 had already cropped up on us uh that's not a message you want to see before the neglect during this period around two years we'll pass without any of my interference and we'll see if my zoo is strong enough to maintain balance and yeah it's pretty possible for a good zoo to not even have any issues so I set the speed to Max and let the timer roll down [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] so not much happened after all my animals are healthy my zoo is looking more gorgeous than ever and I've checked out every single thing on my list for the first 25 years of my zoo I wouldn't see it anything else other than a success well except let me get it [Music] oh one last time I'll let time fly by on my zoo and walked away from my keyboard thanks for watching bye
Channel: Keenling
Views: 832,061
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Planet Zoo, Zoo, I played, Game, Surviving 25 Years of Growing my Zoo in Planet Zoo, Planet Zoo Habitat, Timelapse, Red Panda, Planet Zoo Money
Id: qjxsAH73Jkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 59sec (1139 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 23 2023
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