NEW SIMPLEST way to install your favorite game launchers on Steam Deck -, XBOX Game Pass

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installing non- steam game launchers just got a lot simpler and I'm going to show you how to do it like anything good we have to first start with desktop mode so we'll switch over there once in desktop mode go ahead and open Firefox and you're going to navigate to this website that I have on the screen right now and shout out to those over at GitHub because they have made our lives a lot easier and we really appreciate it all right once on the website go ahead and scroll down until you see the big button that says download we're just going to click that that's going to download our installer so we'll minimize this go down to our file browser go to downloads and open our installer this is going to run the program in the background to allow us to install all the launchers that we would want to have installed on Steam you can see there's a whole list of different launchers you can choose from epic games games Amazon games those are the two that I'm going to choose but you have EA Games even PlayStation Plus if you want now from here you can either click start fresh and that would reinstall any that you already have installed but I'm just going to click okay because I don't have or Amazon games yet then it's going to ask you if you want any kind of websites that you would like to access through game mode like Myspace for some reason that's there but no we're not going to do that it's going to go ahead and install uh proton so if you needed an updated version of proton it's going to just update it for you but we're really not going to use that anyway but it takes a while for this to install so I'm going to speed this up a little bit but go ahead and let that install and then once that's done you can see it starting to install your launchers again this is going to take quite a bit of time so all right is almost done and then once this finishes it's going to open up the next one which is going to be Amazon games and it's installing this one again this is going to take quite a bit of time and this I have this sped up so it does take quite a while and I'm only installing two all right so now both of those are done what we're going to do is we're going to close out of this and then go and open up steam all right let's go to our library from here we can see that what it did is it installed Amazon games and they're both there so any that you have installed will be there now we're going to do one more thing so I'm going to click on Amazon games we're going to go to properties and then I'm going to go and make sure the compatibility is forced and also update update the proton so click on compatibility make sure that's checked to force compatibility it installed the latest as of right now which is this proton ge8 but I'm going to go ahead and select proton experimental I'm going to do that for both Amazon games and because I know that these two work I'm just going to make sure that I have it set up this way so changing that to proton experimental and we are good to go on both of those launchers so we'll go ahead and run this now I'm going to run these in desktop mode because I want to make sure that I log in through desktop mode and not game mode one thing about is that you have to make sure that you check mark that keep me logged in after you or once you put in your credentials um that's just going to make sure that you don't have any problems in game mode so if you have make sure you do that so we CL log in here and then another thing about you know is that if you do want to install games like World of Warcraft or OverWatch or something like that even Call of Duty through here make sure that you install them on desktop mode that way you can just launch them directly from game mode all right so once you have all the games that you want installed we'll exit out of this and I'm going to do the same thing for Amazon games only I'm not going to install them here I'm going to install them in game mode but I do want to launch it so that I can log in and not have any issues whenever I switch over into game mode all right and I cut through all the loading so you didn't have to see any of that but Amazon games loads up just fine you can see that I've now just added 59 games to my library 59 free games that I've acquired over the years all right so now we're done once we log into all of our launchers that we have installed we're going to close out of steam and we're going to switch back over into game mode all right and we can see they're both there in game mode now we don't have art yet um but we'll be adding that soon so we'll go ahead and launch this and I'll just show you that it does work in gaming mode you can see it it opens the same way I still have all the games I can install them here if I want to and I am going to actually install one of them just to show you that it runs and I'm going to use Star Wars not to the Old Republic as an example and this one takes a while to load or install so I'm going to cut through that so I'll just click install real quick and open this up all right it's done there so we'll just click play now also keep in mind that if you are running these launchers the controls also need to be fixed for a lot of them but we can see that this is loading just fine like it normally would on any in any other PC but remember that you want to fix your controls so if the cursor doesn't work or something like that go and open up your control configuration make sure that you're selecting you know Gamepad with the trackpad or I use the keyboard WD with the trackpad but it's working just fine now if you want a really easy way to add really cool artwork to your non- Steam games and make it look like this go ahead and click this video right here and I'll see you there
Channel: QuietCavan
Views: 32,761
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steam deck, steam deck gameplay, steam deck games, steam deck gaming, how to install on steam deck, how to install epic games on steam deck, uplay on steam deck, how to install ubisoft connect on steam deck, amazon games on steam deck, how to install rockstar launcher on steam deck, how to install launchers on steam deck, steam deck, steam deck epic games, epic games on steam deck, ubisoft connect steam deck, valve steam deck
Id: sC3j1ChF0HE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 39sec (399 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2023
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