Steam Deck OLED vs Steam Deck LCD - 7 Games Tested & Compared

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[Music] what's up guys welcome back to the channel for another steam deck video we're going to take a look at the steam deck OLED versus the steam deck LCD in some games here five benchmarks and a couple open world running around taking a look at performance I think we're all kind of used to since the launch of the OLED there's a little bit of performance gains here and there there's certainly battery gains temperature and all that which you'll be able to see in all these games here we are running on stable 3.5.7 for both steam decks and 4 GB V Ram in the Bios and just something to note if you see a color temperature difference between the two throughout the video that's because just at a box they run 6500k and 7500k you could mess with this a little bit but I wasn't worried about it for performance here so just wanted to note that for you that might notice but ultimately yeah the steam deck OLED outperforms the LCD in almost every game while not by a lot there's usually a few frames definitely better on temperatures better battery life and overall I've really enjoyed the steam deck OLED definitely one of my top top handhelds that I really enjoy using and this comparison is really fun while these are basically the same Hardware although we are shrunk down on our dice eyes when it comes to the steam deck OLED a redesign of the board faster RAM and all that technically it's still generation one so we're just getting these improvements out of those changes and it's definitely something I've noticed in all the games I jump into and out of all these comparisons so anyways guys jump in take a look at all these games see the difference between the two steam decks here I think this is a lot of fun this is the kind of information I really like to look at [Music] over [Music] [Music] the inhabitant of this is remind I [Music] [Music] you it SC word to the wise you don't want it's retreated well with all signs pointing to the astral Lounge most should pay a visit purely for exploratory purposes I can assure you this unprovoked attack on the United Colonies research facility you see that scientist out in front of Mast staring at trees sounds upset [Music]
Views: 10,170
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steam deck, steam deck gameplay, linux gaming, steam os, steam deck fsr, valve steam deck, steam deck review, steam deck gaming, steam deck games, steam deck oled, steam deck oled vs lcd, steam deck oled review, steam deck oled first
Id: 1HPBz3l3K44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 41sec (461 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 02 2024
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