How to install non steam games and repacks on steam deck the simple way !

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what's up YouTube JP here and in this video we're taking another look at the steam deck this time I'm going to show you how to install non-steam games so without further delay let's Dive In [Music] so in a previous steam deck video I showed you how to copy files across to the steam deck whether it's from a USB hard drive or thumbstick or over the network through a network share if you haven't seen that video yet click up here it's going to be detrimental to this video because we're going to be installing non-steam games so I got hold of this repack and now we're going to copy it across to the steam deck so for this video I use an external SSD and it's actually an m.2 enclosure that'll have an m.2 Drive in now of course if you checked out the last steam deck video you will see there's quite a few different ways that we can get files onto the steam deck so just to get you up to speed I used one of these to actually transfer the repack install and I'm going to use that on the steam deck so let's jump on over to the steam deck and see about getting this copied across and set up actually before we jump on the steam deck let's go on the PC and see how I got this set up for this external SSD now as you can see here I've got the repack on the drive itself already this is 72 gigabytes so it will take some time now if we have a look at the SSD file system it's actually X fat and that's absolutely fine for the steam deck it can read it FAT32 is no good here because some files will exceed that four gigabyte limit right now let's go over to the steam deck so we've turned the steam deck on and we're in game mode so you'll need to push the steam button go down to power and then switch to desktop so now we're in desktop mode and you can see I've just plugged in the SSD that external drive it says we've got the SSD and we've got a primary the primary is always the micro SD card so let's open that SSD and as you can see we've got the repack just here now the best thing to do is just drag and drop it onto the desktop because it'll install a lot quicker that way so let's fast forward until this is copied across so now we have that copied across and it's finished we can close the SSD we're not going to need that anymore so if you open up the repack that you've just copied to the desktop you'll find the setup.exe if you right click on it then click add to steam what this is going to do is going to add that setup exe to your steam Library so next we're going to open Steam it opened on another screen that's why you see me dragging it across now we're going to look for that setup.exe and that's exactly what it's going to be named as you can see here so once you click on it you're going to click on the Cog and then click properties once you see this screen go to compatibility and then Force compatibility now a lot of people will say experimental but that didn't work for me so I use 7.06 now this next step is optional if you want to install it onto the SD card which I do I don't want to take up all the space on the internal SSD so if you open up the file manager and go to primary I'm going to create a folder called games now of course again this is optional you can install it on the internal SSD but as I've got 512 Gig micro SD card I'm going to stick it on there so if you go into the games folder and then click on the top where it says games you can have the path now you want to copy this because we're going to paste it somewhere else [Music] so again we're going to go to the Cog and we're going to go to properties now where it says launch options we're going to add something here so what we're going to type in here is steam underscore compat underscore mounts equals and then we're going to put quotes and then paste that path in we copied and then end it with quotes and then you can put in a space percentage sign command percentage sign now of course don't worry I will also put this command in the description below so now you can click play but it's not play to play the game it's to start the setup now I had this funny little update thing I just waited for it to be finished closed it and then hit play again so once you hit play you might not get that update if you don't it's basically going to go through the install process as you can see here's the install process now it's actually asking you to push the up arrow on the keyboard you could do this with the on-screen keyboard but I actually have a wireless keyboard attached on my keyboard I had to push shift and then up now of course you can just click install you can click proceed here I know you can't read everything but there's actually no option so just click proceed and then at this point untick all three of these now you don't actually need any of these options because they're more to do with a Windows install not a steam deck Linux install and that's what we're doing here now of course we have mounted the SD card so we can install to it now that was that command we put in launch options so if you click on the three dots we're looking for the D or the e Drive now in my case it was the D drive we can see that games folder and then we can click ok so that's actually going to install it on the SD card here we have a bunch of options now of course I'm English speaking so I only want to install the English version obviously you would pick the language that you wanted I'm going to leave the 4K and Full HD videos and the extra content then I'm going to hit proceed so of course as you know this might take some time so let's Jump Ahead to when this install is done so as you can see it took just over 38 minutes and that's not too bad considering we install into an SD card you might get the duddy repack site pop up just close it down now we can get rid of the setup.exe because it's now installed so if you go back over to the Cog and then click on manage you should be able to remove non-steam game from your library excellent that's now gone so the next step is to open your primary micro SD card and go into the games folder and then you should see the installation folder for the repack you installed now we're looking for the exe that starts the game so we're going to go into pH work bin x86 and then we can see the exe to start the game and then just like before right click and then add to steam now just to note here your exe file might not be in that location depending on the game if you can't find it just do a search for DOT exe in that install folder so here we go we've found the actual game that we added and then again we're going to click on the Cog properties compatibility and then we're going to force compatibility and I'm going to change it back to 7.06 so once this is done you're actually ready to launch the game but before we go ahead and test it out I want to quickly show you how to get newer version of the proton compatibility layer so of course we are on desktop mode and we're going to go to the App Store now what you can type in at the top is proton up and what this is going to show you is an application called proton op QT so go ahead and install that once it's finished installing you can close out of the store click on the steam icon and then go down to utilities and you'll see it there proton up QT so go ahead and launch it now as long as it's selected steam at the top that should be fine that's the only option I actually had then click on ADD version and you want to select GE proton then for the version just go for the highest version there is and click install so once this is all installed you're going to want to restart stroke reboot the steam deck so let's go ahead and restart the steam deck obviously after it's finished installing foreign [Music] I love the startup of the steam deck now I have that custom boot animation so if we go to the Cog again click on properties compatibility we will see I've got that new option available to me so now we've got that sorted let's go ahead and start the game now just so you know I have sped up this footage eight times and that's not because it took a ridiculous amount of time to load it's just there's a lot of boring stuff to go through cut scenes setting up options and then reading this ulr agreement so I've put it to eight times speed and I'll slow it back down as soon as we get into gameplay but as you can see this game's working it's installed and everything seems to be fine so let's check out how it runs now I will admit it doesn't look great at first glance we're only getting around 40 FPS there's a few dips and stutters and obviously we've got really bad screen Terry but I haven't actually gone in and changed any settings yet we can of course dial things in to get a much better experience but for the purpose of this video I just wanted to show you how to actually get non-steam games especially repacks installed on the steam deck and of course it doesn't have to be this game I'm not saying it can be any game because I dare say not every game will work but you can check it out on certain sites to see if it will actually run obviously you can always search on YouTube put in the game that you're after steam deck after it and then if you see any videos then you're pretty much guaranteed that you're going to be able to get it installed so that wasn't too difficult and in summary there is a lot of different ways you can install non-steam games there's a few different applications you can use but I found that this is the nice simple easy way to get it set up now one thing I just wanted to let you guys know actually recording footage on the steam deck has become a bit of a pain for me I'm having to use dongles adapters it's getting to the point where I need a dock a proper dock for the steam deck now I did look at buying the official steam deck duck but that was 79 pounds in the UK and I had a look on Amazon and I found a really nice one that's Metal finish and it's only 30 pounds so that's a massive saving I will actually be doing a review of that third-party dock on the channel very soon so I'm going to end the video here if you enjoy my content please like subscribe and don't forget to hit that Bell icon so you don't miss any future uploads I'm JP you've been watching alien retro gaming and as always I'll catch you in the next one [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Alien Retro Gaming
Views: 110,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steam deck, JP, ARG, AlienGaming, alien retro gaming, JP from AlienGaming, Non steam game install guide, repacks, DODI repacks on steam deck, install DODI repacks on steam deck, installing games on steam deck, steamdeck, valve steam deck, copying games to steam deck, protonup-qt, upgrade proton on steam deck, installing games, installing games to sd card, steam deck fitgirl repacks, steam deck sd card install, pirate games on steam deck, install cracked games on steam deck
Id: 8EGTn-YfcTo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 50sec (770 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 06 2023
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