Non Steam Launcher + Decky Loader Steam Deck | EASY Way to Install ALL Your Non-Steam Launchers |

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hey what's up guys today I'm going to show you how to get non steam launcher apps so the epic games you also Ubisoft play or even EA play you know that stuff I'll show you how to get get the apps and how to get it up and running first you're going to want to do is go to desktop mode all right once you get into desktop mode you want to open your favorite browser mine in my case Google Chrome Chrome from Google chome I will have the link below you're going to go to the GitHub non steam launcher on Steam deck and once you go click that link on the the information below you're going to click releases for releases you're going to want to go down to sources SI you want to click that it'll start downloading I am using a mouse it's easier to use a mouse when you're doing stuff like this and a keyboard but preferably a mouse a keyboard you can just do the steam plus x button and your keyboard would open so we have it downloaded it'll be under your download file from there you're going to want to execute it I normally take it to my documents move here from your documents you're going to want to right click and extract archive here once you do that you can delete the the zip file you want to double click non the non steam launcher from there you're going to want to click the non steam launcher desktop from there you want to click execute continue and from here you can choose the launchers you want to use it has a bunch of different options you can do the Epic which I'm going to want you can do Gog Ubisoft Origins which I don't believe is even up anymore if you have any Diablo games or before you were able you would have to do this to play any Diablo games or even OverWatch but now it's steam verified but I have some games bought on battl net so we're going to do that you can do Amazon games we're going to do I'm going to do the EA app and as well as oh you can even do Game Pass as well if you have Game Pass I've tried it it works great but there you got to be next to your Wi-Fi router you can also do Netflix who U Disney plus Amazon Prime video YouTube twitch you got a list of options like Rockstar launcher but for now I'm only going to get what I need which is the EA app and Epic from there you're going to click okay leave this blank you want to click okay again so it is going to take some time to download depending on how many launchers you have download it in queue in my case it's like a less than four minutes but as you can see everything is setting up there's not much tinkering you have to do other than a couple compatibility things you need to get into I'll show you later so once it's down downloading It'll ask you to log in to whatever launcher you have but won't wait to do that so we're just going to click exit and steam will restart itself so if you see the steam store randomly open it's okay it's just letting you know that everything was successfully downloaded let me show you right here it's going to be under your uncategorized so as you can see we have battle donet right here we also have EA app right here you see there's no cover art but that's okay we can fix that but before we do that you're going to want to go to the click the Cog wheel from the Cog wheel go to properties and under properties you're going to want to switch it to proton experimental you're going to want to do that to every single launcher the EA the battle and the Epic whatever you download once you do that you want to go back into the cogwell and then from the Cog whe you want to go under manage for manage you want to go to controller layout and under controller layout you want to make sure that it's under game pad with mouse trackpad so that's going to give you options to freely move this right trackpad and able to click it so once you have it under that you want to go to edit layout from edit layout you want to go to the trackpads and the trackpads you want to make sure that the right trackpad is under left Mouse click so whenever you want to pick something it'll adjust it with the click but another quick easy way to do that is if you just if you don't want to do all of this you can just hold the steam button and then from the steam button you can just move it around so say if you open your Epic Launcher and you didn't do this again you get you can hold the steam button and you're able to freely move and click that's only if you don't want to go through the settings of touching your controller layout all right once you got everything downloaded you're probably wondering it has no cover art how do I get my cover art well right now I'm going to show you real quick how to get Dey loader installed so I'm going have a link below on the GitHub page so you want to click that link for Dey loader once you're there you want to click this download download link very quick and easy it'll download once it's downloaded you want to go to your folders under downloads you'll see right there de installer desktop you can move it to your desktop it just depends on where you want it I normally like keeping things on my documents if I don't want to see it okay so only folders can be add okay we're just going to execute it let's run into desktop move here from desktop you are going to want to open it execute continue so you're going to need to enter a Pudu password but I'm going to show you how to create one you want to go to systems from systems you go to user and from user you I already have a password so you will enter your password right there once you enter your password into your steam deck user you close that you go back to Dey loader which is be enter your studo password once you enter the password you want to go to update to the latest release which it'll keep it updated so we're done here so now we can go back to gaming mode all right once you have Dey loader installed you're you're going to want to click three buttons and from there you want to go to the little plug and click the little Hut as you can see I already had stuff downloaded but these are the different options of things you can download like animation changer it'll change your boot up and sus span animation it says right there what it'll do audio loader will let you put UI sounds and as well as background music for your home settings there's a list of options that tells you right there what they do I suggest you take a look at each one of them but for now we're going to go straight to steam grid DB we're going to click install so from there it'll show up right away right here these are the different ones I have these are the ones I normally use especially CSS loader this will allow you to change your themes of backgrounds since we have deck loader installed you want to click the start button or the three lines you should see change artwork from change artwork you would click that and you can you can make the capsule the wide capsule the hero the logo the icon let's just make it quick let's do black with the wide capsule of Blizzard hero swords the logo let's keep it battle. net and that's what we're running icon simple so it'll ask me to restart once we do that but not this time so we're going to go back as you can see we have it up and uh same thing with the Epic and the EA change artwork let's go with the gold wi capsule black and gold hero simple as you can see it's not very hard to do so once you got that that going you want to open either whatever launcher you want to start once you open it it's going to ask you for your login you enter your login and from there you're set to go the game is taking a while to load up it's because it's installing everything configuring it for you see just got to be patient all right from here it will ask for your login you enter your [Music] login and then from the same thing goes for the EA app the epic app like this one the go whatever app it is you sign in from there if you already have Library set if you already have a library it'll show up right here with any game launcher you use as you can see I have all these right here and the best part about the Epic store which I personally love all let's adjust this real quick cuz sometimes that would happen is that it does give you free games every month he just recently gave the outer worlds which I am currently playing I'll be making a video about it soon I love the game it I played more than 60 hours on my switch which is I'm glad to be trying it now so from there let me just show you an example of how to download so we're going to do okay let's just do Fallout 3 you want auto update you don't want to create a shortcut so what you want to do is go to your browser you're going to want to go to this icon from there you want to go to run you want to click media and then for media your SSD name will be here mine is MMC BLK which I know you want to click that and then from here you can create a folder you got to do Stu the desktop mode but you can you can actually have it here you don't need a folder so you want to click open and as you can see It'll download directly into my SSD and then you click install I have red accept installed failed okay so I don't have enough memory but as you can see that's how you install into your SSD and that's pretty much how to get Epic and the EA launcher are going if you guys have any other questions let me know I'll do my best to answer anything you guys have remember to like subscribe comment and you know the rest peace
Channel: MauFul
Views: 35,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steamdeck, nonsteamlauncher, valve, deckyloader, epic, EA, xbox, steamos
Id: B31fScTF89U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 27 2023
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