Steam Deck FSR 3 Frame Generation Mod by LukeFZ - Alan Wake 2 - Windows 11

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greetings and welcome today we're going to take a look at Allen wake 2 one of the most graphically intensive games running on the steam deck using the new frame generation technology we are going to take a look at various render resolutions and upscaling them to the native resolution of the steam deck as well as using the frame generation technology to see if it really is usable or if it maybe makes the game somewhat playable on the steam deck as well as roughly taking a look at the quality of the image and the latency itself to see whether or not the game is really playable and of course the frame pacing to see if you're going to be actually enjoying the game or just having to deal with some nasty stutters so let's get right into it shall we for this video our main point of focus is going to be running the game on Windows 11 and we're going to focus on three main areas through Saga story which is brightfalls the forest at Sunset and the forest at night especially when it's raining and this game already is very intensive on the steam deck and can barely maintain 20 FPS or maybe mid 20s if you're lucky in especially in the gameplay areas uh so we'll see how this really goes it's going to be an interesting video for sure and let's see if we can actually make it playable and at the end of the video we will also take a look at some settings you know to see if we can really make it truly optimized or quote unquote playable or somewhat playable on the steam deck so let's take a look at the settings uh we are in brightfalls now and I'm running the game at Native 800p uh with pretty much the low lowest settings possible but I do have Global Reflections on as well as SSR or um screen space Reflections and it should be an interesting uh deal to see and right off the B as you can see it's not very playable I mean maybe you know I mean me back in my day I would definitely be able to play a game on 20 FPS because I had like a GD 630 which was a definitely a card of all times definitely well you know I thought it was gaming okay but it's an interesting experiment um if you want to you know a game that I mean if you want to look at it it it runs you know especially in Windows 11 it doesn't have the bugs that you usually see on Steam OS uh with this game which I've noticed uh missing textures and things feeling to load and the game kind of looking just odd in particular um it doesn't really have them here but yeah so moving on we're going to be going to the you know turning the resolution down a bit using some FSR and we're using FSR in quality and right off the bat it already the game is much more kind of responsive at least the touch but you can still see there's a lot of stutters and the game's kind of all over the place and you will see this trend going forward so I'm just going to basically explain this here and just show you a few clips of what's really going on so you can uh decide for yourself um and honestly me personally you know being able to run this game on the steam deck I think it's a big achievement uh and if it was as possible I would use uh steam deck at 48 htz mode and just lock the fps to 24 and I think the game would actually be playable uh you know because it's it's not a very high uh sort of high paced game you know like it does require some uh you know reflexes especially in the combat moments but overall it's mostly just like jogging around and looking for Clues and this and that you know a pretty interesting game personally I really enjoyed this so here you go and you know going back further down and you know you just see this trend you know even if you go down to Performance I think this is where it actually starts becoming more playable and Ultra performance is just somewhere where it just truly um you know becomes a mess uh so to speak and it becomes like just a pixelated mess uh which you'll see in just a second and basically that's about it and hey you know I'll let you be the judge of that this is basically it for uh running the game without FSR and Ultra performance you can see every time I I move my camera you will see the image breaking up so much just turning into a bunch of boxes it's it's ridiculous it's it's crazy and it's honestly I mean I guess you can play like this if you really want to what I recommend playing like this uh not quite and now in the forest Sunset area this area has got to be a very intensive area like pretty much the most intensive area is the forest and this is kind of where you start seeing that yeah the steam de cannot keep up whatsoever uh and you'll be like yeah this is not worth it I mean Native is just out of the question whatsoever um so just to give you a little look here it's not it's not fun right and then we can move on to something like quality and quality is well you know it makes it surprisingly at at least on the playability side like when you're action the steam like the video doesn't do it jce it actually feels much better um and that's kind of the whole aspect of it right now right latency wise the game does not feel that bad even at 24 FPS this is just my personal opinion of course but don't expect a gaming PC like performance out of the steam deck uh especially for this game this game is far too intensive and the rdna 2 graphics that are in the steam deck just cannot keep up uh with this game in particular so moving forward you know performance you know those settings they start they started making some sense um you know but but all in all you might want to just go to um you know Ultra performance at the end and you'll see that the game is still kind of uh not playable really that this is where it becomes like okay yeah I can maybe play this to some extent and now we are in the forest at nighttime and this is the most intensive area um you know it's at nighttime it's raining uh I still have the reflections on because especially without the global Reflections on it does really destroy the visuals you can see this is completely not playable uh wow 11 FPS I mean it's an experience right but this is a native you know let's be real here no one's going to playing be playing this at Native unfortunately we heavily rely on upill now and now this is back in the quality mode and the quality mode is um well it's already like a 40 50% Improvement and then going to Performance mode it is not that b big of improvement over quality surprisingly um believe it or not so you know but in terms of the stuttering you can see the frame time graph and there's a lot of stutters I mean I don't you're not going to be playing at 15 FPS anyway but the stutters yeah I feel like the game really pushes uh the SSD as well uh this is running off the SSD by the way it really pushes the SSD and it really pushes uh data being loaded and and unloaded and it really does push the ram as well because I have seen it take uh more than 16 gigs of RAM we're talking vram and RAM combined you know uh even though you can see the readings up there uh but still as far as I've heard the the 16 gigs in the steam really does hold it Mac uh if especially comparing it to something like RG but here you go that's basically what you are going to see and then moving forward uh it's just not the best of experience no matter how much you essentially lower the graphics so um yeah at nighttime during when it's raining it's it's a study mess and it's just yeah can you play it if you really want to man I don't know if you have absolutely no other way to play this game then there you go this kind of works and here we are with the FG implementation um and uh we're running at a native resolution here it says d uh daa and and dlss but this is using FSR upscaling same settings all around um I did notice that I actually have uh vsync on and like last time but I i' I've noticed Ving helps a little bit with the stuttering on the steam deck in general otherwise there's some some horizontal screen cutting which is very distracting so I tend to keep that on um so already with the native um this is the native resolution with the native resolution with frame generation surprisingly we're running at 30fps like that is now I know these 30 FPS are not the same as the quote unquote raw 30 FPS oh that's a lot of ss by the way wow every time you walk around and there's something that's loading in and you were already GPU Limited it stutters so much um and you know these are not like the same as as real FPS really because you can tell the difference between them and the other ones and wow going to Quality this by the way actually feels very playable you know and this is not the same latency as 40 FPS on the actual game but for this game especially playing on a controller very very usable you can actually play this game uh you will have to bear with the setters unfortunately but yeah and it does feel really nice it adds a lot of fluidity to the game like don't expect better latency or better this and that but yeah and moving to Performance same story actually better story like in this area in brightfalls amazing like wow when I got this got my hands on this and I tried on the steam deck like I was the day before I was testing this game and I was like oh man I really wish I could just get it to play at even like 24 FPS even 20 FPS cuz it was dropping below 20 in so many areas but like something that's more consistent because I think frame pacing is very important and a performance you know the the story continues on like after balance at least in this area uh performance and Balan uh in brightfalls does not give you a major Improvement I think this will give you some improvement over stutters though and I'm just quickly going over the settings as you can see I'm just like impatient I guess uh I was recording a lot of videos and it take took a while took a long time and Ultra performance pretty pretty much you know similar settings similar performance but uh you'll notice the stutters get better but there's still a lot and I assume these are loading stutters because there's a lot of data that needs to be loaded into the vram into the RAM and it also needs to be uh like loaded off and out of it uh so you're going to have to bear with the Setters unfortunately um at the end of the video I do talk about on how to make it a bit better not a perfect solution but it does make it somehow more consistent um and it gets rid of a lot of the micro stuttering uh to some extent like I said but yeah and you know there you have it that's basically the main thing with frame generation it's a cool technology and I think it might actually help us uh kind of revive the old Tech um and uh well I guess we're moving on to the next area already and this is the forest of Sunset and you know right on the mat we're running at the same native resolution you know frame generation enabled same settings y y you get the idea and it's not that good if I'm being honest you you can see the movement with my finger and the actual screen time it is it's so delayed it's like half a second delay so at least in Native it's not it's not good uh but but going to Quality it's already a huge Improvement like in terms of latency like already uh there's still a lot of latency I'm not sure if you can really see that on the video but this is to the point where you can like yeah I can move around I can play you know it's a good scenery and uh I can actually I'm not sure if I can really shoot with this because maybe if you really go to um you know if you have Auto aiming and you maybe play want might want to play this game on easy difficulty and balanced again the story continues you actually get much better performance and the performance Trends actually especially in these areas which is very heavily GP limited anyway uh these resolutions actually give us a lot of benefit uh and they also help with the stuttering quite a bit and with the frame pacing quite a bit to as you go lower and lower and quickly just going over all the settings performance uh we're getting 40 FPS as soon as you get 40 FPS by the way the input lag the input latency and stuff is is is like miles better in my opinion uh below 40 it's doable like you'll have to get used to it a bit I'd say between 30 and 40 it is uh between 35 and 40 it's like good uh below 35 it gets a bit bad but even at 30 if you really have to play it in those really intensive areas 30 is doable like you can actually play like that I personally prefer unbalanced I think the game looks very nice and balanced and it actually runs somewhat okay too uh again you will have to deal with the stutters that is just the unfortunate reality this is a steam deck not a gaming PC so yeah so now we are in the forest at night and you know same settings you get the idea I don't know how many times I'm going to show this but yeah so this is where it really starts falling apart as you saw last time we were getting 11 FPS right here at the native resolution now we're getting 19 but you can [Music] see the delay is just wow it's like a second delay with my finger movement and the game and so I instantly switched to Quality I was like no I don't even would want to like experience this right and with the quality it's already it's already the delay I'm talking is so much better there's still a lot of stuttering and a lot of frame pacing issues FSR 3 seems to have that quite a bit compared to uh dss3 as or so I've heard uh but personally experiencing this as well uh there are definitely frame pacing issues but this game also STS a lot so I'm not really sure if you can just blame it on FSR 3 uh because this game has a lot of stuttering and frame pacing issues on the steam deck particularly but you can see here this isn't balanced still it's not like w not a big Improvement the rain area is just so much intensive especially the part I'm looking at right now that direction I'm looking at is got to be the most intensive Direction in this whole forest for some reason and even on performance like you know the trend goes down and down like you are going to have a hard time playing this particular area Forest during the rain at a decent FPS but this is actually somewhat playable I would say apart from the horrendous uh frame times don't just don't look at that all right just ignore that just close your eyes you know it can't hurt you hopefully maybe but um yeah I just hope no one gets nightmares and they seeing like the frame time graphs in their sleep and they're like what's going on man why this why is it all over the place um so Ultra performance is you know if you want to go blind no but like jokes aside the ultra performance if you really like need somewhat of okay experience uh maybe in terms of fluidity I guess ult performance could work uh in this area in particular uh I might even say hey yeah go for Ultra performance at least go perform for performance in this area if you really want a playable experience or well close to playable because you still go below 30 and as soon as you go below 30 it's it's kind of a horrendous experience it's not really the best but as I said so for those who really want to play this they have absolutely no other way to play this and here I also do some settings uh here I'm using steam deck tools and I set the GPU to 1600 MHz uh so I lock into that and right off the bat you might notice the frame time graph gets much better um like much better like it's not going to make mitigate all the stuttering it's not going to fix that it's not going to fix all the problems that you're having but right off the bat it's just locking it to 1600 is so much so much better like trust me I'm talking about the actual feel uh of of of like like playing this and I'm I already like went to Performance I I I I did not want to look at Ultra performance for a second more and this is great this is actually like wow I can play like this this was my ultimate setting by the way just this one setting if you just switch it h you lock it to 1600 MHz you're going to have a time of your life and you can also mess with the refresh rate I was actually playing it at 40 or 45 Hertz and in some areas it makes a big difference in the fluidity of the game and how it feels um but it's it's not going to be always the best but yeah so there you go that is the pretty much the ending of the video um you have WID frame generation and without frame generation and it is a big difference uh frame generation does not give you their quotequote real frames uh and they do not feel like native 30 FPS or native 40 FPS but it does make a huge difference I would say in just the playability of the game and just how it feels like the the the I'm talking about the fluidity of it basically how smooth it feels but again it's not going to improve your latency it's not going to be like okay I want a competitive 120 her experience for example you're not going to get that I'm talking in general so frame generation is not like a magic button but it is kind of like you know it's kind of amazing how like it can transform this game from in my opinion completely unplayable to hey I can sort of deal with this and maybe even play this game and I would actually like to uh by the way this game has other issues as well like for me it has crashed on the steam quite a bit um running at Windows 11 like it just H hung up like you know and the sound got stuck and so on and so forth so you're going to have experience issues but it's a very decent experience and I hope you guys really enjoy this video thank you for sticking around uh and let me know your thoughts in the comments below like what do you think of frame generation in general and about this video and if you want me to test more games like this and uh hey if you have some game Keys you know you can uh let me know hey no that's not me man anyways have a good one and peace out
Channel: Muhammad Yaseen Tech
Views: 5,249
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alan Wake 2, FSR 3, Steam Deck, AMD, Frame Generation, GT, GTX, Radeon, RX, FSR 2, DLSS, Steam OS, SteamOS, Windows 11, Windows, FPS, Frametime, Playable, Performance, Improvement, Games, Frame Gen
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 25sec (1225 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 26 2023
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