Alan Wake 2 - Steam Deck FSR 3 Frame Generation Mod by LukeFZ - SteamOS

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and welcome back to another Allen WG 2 video this time on the Steam OS on Steam o this game is quite a different story and here you can just see some uh no frame duration based benchmarks uh just like I did with Windows and you know I'm going to go to different settings native this and that right uh we're not having vsync on but you can see un quality pretty decent experience overall just to get to the nitty grees compared to Windows 11 it is not a big like night and day difference however you might uh there's something that I have done and that I do want to mention this game usually requires you to have 16 gbt of physical memory but I found a way to run this game on you know by changing the vrm setting in the Steam OS to be 4 gigs and still being able to launch this game and it has given huge massive improvements over stutters like in every area of the game like when you're playing the game the loading stutters the huge spikes the spikes where the game literally just hangs for a bit so much of that has been improved by just that one setting and I'll get into it on how to actually do it just a quick little way of how to do it if you're running the game from epic games launcher okay so continue back with this um we just doing some frame rate uh benchmarks as usual you know during brightfalls during the nighttime uh scene which is right here so the bright Falls is the the best case scenario and the nighttime scene is the worst case scenario and in this one you're going to see why it is the worst case scenario uh if your game is playable or at least doable in this area nighttime when it's raining in the forest then you're pretty much set for the entire game right because the entire game this is as as as bad as it gets right uh and you're the rest of your game is going to be playable and you can see here it's completely like you know like 18 FPS like what's going on man that's um not the best I would say I mean hey you know I'm sure there's going to be some folks out there who can probably play this at 18 FPS and you know uh props to them for being ble to do that uh I used to be able to do that when I was young uh but you know you get spoiled over time so now um at performance you can get you can see 20 FPS and it's it's it's pretty pretty okay actually um in terms of playability and Ultra performance you know basically you might as well reduce the settings to like zero and make the game look garbage and Ultra performance is a blurry mess and mainly this game actually is a very blurry mess um on pretty much any FSR setting and it's it's to do with the TAA the game it's it's very blurry it it it requires in my opinion definitely requires a sharpening filter however um there's a way to kind of get around that as well at least on Steam OS uh without compromising your performance too much uh and I'll see if I can get into that as well uh later in the video okay so now we're finally at the fun part where everyone loves to skip to which is the frame generation benchmarks of course I'm guilty of that as well by the way um same old settings as before and we're running this at Native but with frame gen on and let's talk about the elephant in the room which is those frame times those horrendous hor horrendous frame times and also the ghosting that you probably probably saw very visible when Saga moves around so right up the bat the game is uh I mean it's relatively like playable uh that ghosting I've heard you can fix a lot of the ghosting issues by disabling the Distortion uh filter from The Game's ini I file and it's pretty much a simple setting from what I've heard um and I've seen into it as well which can fix a lot of the ghosting it's not going to fix everything but it can improve it a lot and overall the game does run relatively well uh with frame generation but the frame time graphs let's talk about it so usually the frame time graphs are reported as such uh due to frame generation because there's a lot of fake frames and a lot of the frame time graphs uh can be inaccurate however in this case um I'm going to be very honest with you like there's a lot of uh almost like micro stuttering and frame skips so you would pan your camera around and it would go like fast and slow and fast and slow and that is something that is just um not very fun you know uh especially if you focus on some object and I move my camera around that object you know you might not be able to see it unfortunately on the on the YouTube video I'll see if I can have some footage for it maybe in slow motion but it might not be the best quality unfortunately because of the high frames but that's one of the things that I do want to make sure that I would do want to want to talk about and it's horrendous it's horrible compared to Windows Windows is much better on the steamless for some reason it's there now I know that if you have frame limit on in the steam uh quick access menu uh the frame limit essentially forces vsync and FSR does not like vsync right if you have vsync on it's going to be bugs and delays and so on and so forth and basically if you get rid of that it can fix those micro stutters but then you have the other problem which is there is no vsync and the screen itself feels very like choppy you know because of the screen cutting so I guess pick your poison uh whichever you want to go for so it's it's something to keep in mind um but yeah and you can see here in the in the night area the frame times again like if it wasn't for the inconsistent frame pacing which which is like I said very very noticeable it's not just like you know a little bit very in my opinion you know you can turn off the overlay and that will help you psychologically to not look at those horrendous uh frame time spikes uh and be fine with it you know don't be like me don't be obsessive over the time of of the numbers numbers and everything right and but like you know it's but but you know in the end of the day um there's still going to be St because you're going to feel it it's not just do numbers it's actually you know you can feel that a lot in the movement however like I said you can turn you can disable the frame limit and the quick access menu and that's going to fix a lot of your little bugs and issues um for the most part and that's pretty much about it for the you know frame gen and for the other thing so this is now running on Windows 11 and this is after the the before and after the vram fix the 4 Gig of vram fix and you can see on the left side the before the frame time graph is very thick you know you don't want that and the right side it's very smooth and that's exactly what you want and it actually feels very smooth responsive it's still delayed but it's very consistent and you can see more of the windows 11 gameplay here and you can just take a look and decide for yourself what you like but in on Windows 11 especially with this fix that I mentioned this is amazing you're seeing those those spikes you know when new data is loading in I assume because of the data loading and because of like a lot of like new effects kind of happening because I haven't you know kind of done that but there are those stutters here and there you're not going to see them all the time but maybe like one time offs when a new effect comes in but overall like wow um however I would say there is one unfortunate thing which is that on the on the on Windows 11 it does seem to have stability issues and it has crashed for me multiple times uh in this area like basically you're running around and then suddenly the game is going to get stuck right and you're going to hear like audio repeating audio and Bam my steam de restarts I'm not sure if it's a Windows like if it's an issue from my installation of Windows or what because I've not had that even once on Steam OS uh it has not crashed I played from Bright Falls all the way to this night area to this fighting area you know and it's been smooth it's been good you know there's multiple scenes that loaded uh even the loading times on the the Steam OS are much better than Windows like you actually load the game it loads much faster you know overall it's much better um the loading screens are much shorter and when you open the case board that's one of the kind of the I would say worst case scenario for this game and opening the caseboard is almost instant you know it's it's pretty impressive uh so I would say that Steam OS is the best thing you know overall uh and I would recommend Steam OS but just because of those frame times I might have to say that Windows stands to be the better way to play this game especially if you want an experience where you want to save your eyes of all the stutters and everything so if you're sensitive to that definitely go with Windows 11 but if you don't mind that then hey go with the with Steam OS you can even disable the frame limit uh to give you less sort of um inconsistency but you will still have stuttering then it's not going to be like that kind of stuttering it's going to be like these the choppiness overall because of the lack of vsync so here are some of the quote unquote best settings that I personally have found uh this is very um subjective so uh you know pick and choose what you want here I'm I'm in full screen mode and I'm going to change the resolution down to 1152 by 720 and still on performance dlss you can actually switch this to balanced as well here uh and then in the quick access menu which is a little three dots on the right side um you know I'm using a game profile you don't have to do this but I I do this you know actually recommend doing this sorry and I lock the games the GP frequency on 1600 which gives you a bit of a more smoother experience and then turn FSR on you can see I just turned on that and now the game is going to actually look much sharper compared to what it originally looks like uh because of that FSR 1.0 scaling and you can sort of see a comparison here this is not the best comparison but you can maybe see um you know a difference here with without and with FSR um let's see if I can actually show that here yeah there you go just some some some not some differences on you know Alex Casey and on the floor as well I can't I'm zooming in too much but uh this is not the best video definitely but there is a difference especially you can see that when you're moving around there's a lot of blurriness in this game and uh this seems to take away a lot of that and um I would say this is one of the better settings so let me know what you think about it if you like this video consider liking and subscribing and supporting me on my patreon if you really want to go that extra mile it takes a lot of time and effort in making these kinds of videos so every bit of support is greatly appreciated that's about it from me take care and andam alayum
Channel: Muhammad Yaseen Tech
Views: 4,673
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alan Wake 2, FSR 3, Steam Deck, AMD, Frame Generation, GT, GTX, Radeon, RX, FSR 2, DLSS, Steam OS, SteamOS, Windows 11, Windows, FPS, Frametime, Playable, Performance, Improvement, Games, Frame Gen
Id: HC0tUwqi5PQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 1sec (721 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 31 2023
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